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The Use of Virtual Tabletop for Revising Electron Counting in Inorganic Chemistry

Electron counting of metal complexes is an important skill for chemistry undergraduate students learning inorganic chemistry. As part of game-based learning, we have developed a card game termed “CountQuest” for students to revise electron counting after learning this concept from conventional lectures. In this proceeding, we describe the use of a free web-based virtual tabletop


The Role of Arts in Preserving/Transforming National Identity in Times of Change: Filipino Context

The identity of nation is dynamic and continuously undergoes transformation. Given the constantly changing political, social, cultural and even economic environment the crucial question is how can a nation’s identity be preserved and transformed in the midst of all these changes. While national identity has some core elements it cannot remain static amidst external influences.


Re-fragmentation of the Coral Echinopora Lamellosa (Esper 1795) for Mariculture

Repeated fragmentation of corals can increase the source material to re-stock a coral nursery and reduce dependence on wild stocks. However, the efficacy of this approach to generate coral cover remains limited. Live tissue growth and dead area of Echinopora lamellosa fragments and re-fragments were measured at an in situ nursery over one year. Overall,


Assessment of Students’ Experiences and Viewpoints in Using Chatbots for Education Practice: A University Case of a Developing Country

Artificial Intelligence (AI) based chatbots have transformed education globally with several different chatbots becoming popular. However, adoption has been met with differing perceptions, particularly in developing countries’ education. AI can assist these countries as higher education institutions in these areas suffer from a high rate of lecturer turn-over and brain drain. Few studies have recorded


Profiles of Health-Feeding-Care of Older Adults in Argentina, With Emphasis on the Modalities of Aging Typical in Córdoba

To construct profiles of health-feeding-care of older adults (OA) in Argentina, identifying the quality of life according to provincial aggregation level (period 2019-2022) and to analyze the predominant aging patterns in the province of Cordoba. Methods: An epidemiological-ecological and cross-sectional study was developed. Profiles of health-feeding-care were constructed based on cluster analysis with a provincial


The Washback Effect of National Exam’s New Policy towards Mathematics Learning Process in Indonesia

Since the beginning of 2015, national exams in Indonesia are no longer used as graduation standard. This policy was made because of negative effects of this standardised test toward educational system in Indonesia. One of the effects is the teaching method used by teacher that rely on memorisation and drill practice. The aim of this


Management Education for Global Sustainability

Challenges to corporate business success requires the development of a new type of manager/leader who can integrate business expertise with knowledge of science and technology. The Professional Science Masters (PSM) Degree in Sustainability Science is an example of this new model of graduate education. While the PSM degree has grown significantly in U.S. graduate education,


Rethinking the Principle of National Self-Determination: Toward a New Approach for the Question of Palestine

Several ideas have been proposed to solve the question of Palestine, but none have succeeded. Representative examples include the two-state solution for the separation and independence of Israel and Palestine and the one-state solution for the coexistence of two ethnic groups within one country. This study examined methodological problems common to these two central ideas


Won Kee: A Historico-Biographical Study of Creativity, Inter-Cultural Intervention, and Discrimination in a Nineteenth-Century Goldmining Setting in Aotearoa New Zealand

During the latter part of the nineteenth-century gold-mining era in Central Otago, New Zealand, Won Key was a well-known Chinese merchant living in Cromwell. His activities centred on offering a base for supplying Chinese miners, yet at the same time he provided a link between the disparate cultures that made up this migrant setting. While


Leveraging Online Professional Learning Communities to Address the Challenges in Japanese Language Education: The Case of the Boston x New York Study Group

Japanese language education in the United States is currently confronted with an existential challenge: a severe shortage of teachers, as evidenced by the increasing average age of Japanese language educators and the retirement of experienced professionals (Hoogenboom, 2022). In light of this situation, it becomes crucial to explore how we can leverage online professional learning


Myriorama: Obsolete Technologies for a Contemporary Scenographic Practice and Thought

This article reflects on some of the conceptual, spatial, and narrative possibilities of the use of the Myriorama game, and its pre-cinematic technology, in contemporary artistic and scenographic practices. To this end, it takes under consideration the language of visual essays, which has been increasingly explored by artists, photographers, and filmmakers who seem to share


Aerial Waste: the Rhetoric and Politics of Drone Environmental Photography

The purpose of this paper is to examine aerial photography of bicycle waste and bicycle graveyards constructed during the bicycle sharing fever in Contemporary China in order to understand the complex environmental issues in China. The essay argues that the environmental aerial photography of No Place to Place (2018) is important because it embodies reflective


Decolonizing the Contemporary African University: Towards an Inevitable Alternative

Studies show that many universities in developing countries imitate the Western university model (Chan, Li, & Yang, 2017). In the same line of thought, other researchers contend that African universities are also appendages of the Western University model (Mamdani, 2008). This essay proposes the decolonization of the temporary African University. The paper first depicts that


Developing Students’ Academic Writing Identity through Alternative Genres

Two recent assignments in East Asian Studies courses at a large public university suggest the benefits of introducing students to academic writing through alternative genres rather than essays. Particular to Western education, the essay form is often intimidating, and many multilingual students in this department find it difficult to develop critical ideas, use evidence effectively,


The Comparison of Two Different Text Processing Skills to Enhance EFL Reading Comprehension: Summarizing vs Listing the Main Points

As a global skill, reading is a cognitive activity including both surface and deep processing on its core, and developing reading comprehension is an important aspect of EFL as it requires the use of macro-level processing based on schema activation. The present study investigated the efficiency of two different text processing skills of reading comprehension;


Flipping with a mooc: A Case Study of an English Academic Writing

Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have been growing in popularity with educational researchers and learners in online environments. Courses in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in higher education setting often bring together students from different academic backgrounds. However, MOOCs platforms haven’t provided many choices for EAP courses. For this reason, such courses tend to demonstrate


Pragmatics and Family Discourse in Contemporary TV Series

The present study investigates the impoliteness strategies presented in season 1 of the American TV series The Ranch (2016). The qualitative analysis this essay will provide focuses on selected excerpts; more specifically, on the utterances spoken by the main male characters of the show: Beau, Jameson and Colt. The hypothesis underpinning this paper is that


Color-Coded Marking: Using Vibrant Feedback to Enhance ELL Engagement

Social science research suggests that using a red pen for essay marking evokes a negative student response. Beyond the choice of marking color, ELL students are often overwhelmed by the assorted scribbles, circles and slashes that teachers apply to the written essay in an effort to illuminate and correct syntactic and semantic errors. The use


Indigenous Spirituality of Chinese Oil Painters in Europe in the Early 20th Century

The Chinese painters who studied in France in the early 20th century produced many oil painters with an indigenous style, such as Changyu and Zao Wou-ki. This thesis will theorise the issue of indigeneity at the level of critical debate and shed light on the indigenous spiritual beliefs and worldview behind the work of this


Personal Identity and Wholeness: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Reflection on Mission

The aim of this essay is to argue the way the fundamental aspects of von Balthasar’s distinctive theological aesthetic and dramatic model of human personal identity and wholeness fit together around his key perception of ‘mission’. Based on the perspective of von Balthasar’s theological thought, a human being becomes a ‘unique person’ when encountering God


Designing and Researching an Intertextual Reading-Into-Writing Summary Task

This paper reports on the design and evaluation of an innovative intertextual reading-into- writing task for use in academic admissions. Existing tests of English used for university admission avoid intertextual reading (Weir and Chan, 2019) and do not ask test takers to synthesize information from multiple texts into a single piece of writing. Therefore, there


Diffractive Art Practice: An Approach to Contemporary Art Practice

This essay is an introduction to diffractive art practice, an approach based on practice and combining art practice, art history, and cultural studies. This paper discusses and outlines how the embodied approach I have adopted in my art practice – a method of using bodily sensations to collect and analyze data – has yielded new


Queer Taiwan: A Critical Overview of Discourses on Queer in Taiwan From 2006 To 2016

Queer studies in Taiwan has its own developing trajectory for over two decades. Scholars from different disciplines have been engaging themselves with queer theories, politics, activism, and performing arts, all of which have, in turn, redefined the relationship between gender and identity. However, through a critical reading of Taiwanese queer discourses from 2006 to 2016,


Syntactic Variety and Writing Quality: An Investigation on EFL Students’ Argumentative Writing

The variety of syntactic structure of sentences has regarded as an important indicator of sentence fluency and writing proficiency. However, previous research on the relationship between syntactic variety and text quality has failed to reveal consistent patterns. Therefore, this study aims to examine the relationship of a single measure of syntactic variety with the quality


On the Teaching of Literature, in Constant Reference to Michael Riffaterre and Dionysius of Halicarnassus

This essay aims to establish a dialogical framework between Michael Riffaterre´s The Poem as Representation: A Reading of Hugo, and Dionysius of Halicarnassus´s De Compositione Verborum. Both Riffaterre and Dionysius agree that the criterion of correspondence with reality is not the best possible touchstone for evaluating a text. The difference is that Riffaterre arrives at


Improvement of Environment for Tourists in Japan from the World Complying with ISO Standards on Translation and Interpreting Services

The purpose of this paper is to make an appropriate suggestion of environment improvement that visitors to Japan from the world can tour around Japan without feeling stressed in public transportation, accommodation facilities, historical cultural sights, restaurants and retail stores. This paper sets the following research question: How do service providers realize good communication services


Consumer Market for Functional Foods in Thailand

Functional food is any healthy food claimed to have a health-promoting property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients. The awareness in developing functional foods is thriving, driven largely by the market potential for foods that can improve the health and well-being of consumers. However, consumer attraction of functional food is starting in Thailand. The


A Study on the Energy Certified and Consuming of the Supermarkets in Taiwan

The European Union issued the “EPBD (Energy Performance of Building Directive)” in 2009, as a building energy consumption labeling standards. Taiwan’s government to conform to the international trends, try to establish building energy certification especially for the retail store. The growth in the supermarket of Taiwan is very rapid, the number of the country more


Relationship Between Gender, Culture Adaptation and Employment Equity – the Case of Foreigners in Japan

This paper explores two issues: the relation between gender and adaptation and gender and job equity of international students in Japan. The continued increase in the number of international students has caused a corresponding increase in a variety of problems and challenges regarding overseas study (Gebhard, 2012; Li et al., 2014). The problem of adjustment,

ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

BAMC2021 Online from Barcelona, Spain
December 8-10, 2021
ISSN: 2435-9475


Relations Between Gentrification, Hospitality and Tourism: Illustrating Change in Amsterdam

Working class areas close to city centres can transform into middle and higher class areas, referring gentrification. Wealthier residents move into these areas since there is a new interest in urban living and because these neighbourhoods offer cheaper accommodations. Residents interested in settling within these cheaper neighbourhoods can still benefit from urban facilities, services, and


Study on Service Quality of Select Indian Banks: Usage of Data From Online Review Sites

Measuring Service Quality has bas been an area of interest for researchers since 1980s. As the retail banking institutions become more customer centric, the focus on customer service quality is increasing across the world. Pre-existing service quality frameworks such as SERVPERF and SERVQUAL have been applied to evaluate the quality levels in banking. However, these


An Empirical Study of Cloud Maturity across Industries

The cloud adoption can be regarded as a paragon shift of business transaction, which will accompany with business process reengineering. How do cloud systems be implemented to enhance the business processes across industries? By conducting a empirical survey, this study focuses on the comparison of the cloud adoption across industries in Taiwan. This research project


Usage of Attention-Getters for Attentive Viewing in English Academic Presentations

When English as a foreign language (EFL) learners conduct an English for academic purposes (EAP) presentation they often encounter various issues. Many researchers state that one such issue is the possibility that the presentation might result in the audience becoming bored and it could be challenging for presenters to gain more attentive viewing. For example,


Bringing Wellness into the Elementary Classroom

As many educators have discovered, mental health and wellness are areas of needs that continue to grow. Increasing the focus of wellness by embedding activities and materials into various classroom settings is one way that educators can help support their students. Literacy and math blocks as well as physical education classrooms can bring in books


An Interactive Example for Game-Based Programming Environment

Many researchers suggest that programming is beneficial to career and the development of problem solving skills. However, traditional teaching methods and learning environments for programming accentuate the difficulties of programming since they merely emphasize the syntax or features of programming language and they offer few support in acquiring programming strategies. With advance of computer games


Pecha Kucha: How to Improve Students’ Presentation Skills

Giving a presentation can often be one of the more challenging tasks asked of our students and even the most confident of speakers can sometimes give a presentation which lacks clarity and focus. Add to this the additional challenge of presenting in a language other than their mother tongue and some students may well begin


3D Animation for Energy Reduction Campaign

Recently, every country has been using technology for manufacturing and agricultural development, including creating various convenient facilities to satisfy human needs. Existing energy has been very much been used, for example; electricity, oil, etc. and soon run out. The careless use of energy, lack of knowledge of energy, overusing energy can have devastating effects on


Teaching Burmese as a Foreign Language: A Case Study

The development of Myanmar as a country has led to an increased interest from foreign NGOs, businesses, labourers and professionals alike. One significant barrier that has arisen is their ability to learn the Myanmar language. The Myanmar language is comprised of a speaking format and a writing format. The current study explored the writing ability


Impact of Cultural Intermediates Importing Foreign Popular Culture to Hong Kong

There were lots of media and agents involved in the Japanese ‘Hari’ culture in Hong Kong during the 80’s. Those media channels included print medias such as music magazines, movies, comic books, music concerts, live performance and music production. The agents, especially the owner and the workers of the ‘media’ often served as a mediator,


Development of Tools to Support the Creation of Programming Test Questions

The purpose of this research is to support the creation of programming test questions. Source code, class diagrams, specification tables and execution results are often used in programming test questions. In this case, these are related. Therefore, when these are created, the contents must match. However, when correcting a part, it is easy to make


Archive Notebooks: Olaio from the Perspective of Photographer Mário de Oliveira

This proposal results from an ongoing project being developed at the Center for Technology, Restoration and Arts Enhancement (TECH & ART), a Research and Development Unit which is part of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), in Portugal. This research project aims at recovering, analyzing and promoting a specific fraction of the photographic archive of


Perspectives of Users and Experts on Designs for Converting Existing New Zealand Houses to Make Them Suitable for Ageing in Place

The limited available choices for older people as well as personal factors have led to a demand for ageing in place. Given the slow rate of adding new houses to the existing stock in New Zealand (Statistics New Zealand, 2013), it is essential to find effective design solutions for redeveloping the latter to achieve a


Incorporating Museum Specimens Into the Educational Activities and Training of Environmental Health Students

Medical museums’ history and participation in educational activities date back to antiquity. Medical museums combine medical, artistic, ethical, social, and educational characteristics. For instance, pathological specimens from previous decades, which display diseases no longer present in developed countries but still present in the developing world, are related not only to scientific advances but also to


Participation in Early Childhood Education Toward Global Targets of Sustainable Development

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ensure that all girls and boys have access to early childhood development, care, and quality pre-primary education by 2030, enabling them to be prepared for primary education. The Indonesian government has implemented policies to attain these targets in line with these objectives. However, the national Gross and Net Enrolment


Conceptual Reality: National Identity as Part of Ethical History

This paper explores the concept of national identity as ‘acceptable reality’ from three different perspectives: the individual, the society as a whole, and the international community. The national identity and the process of its formation have been a hot topic in various areas of social sciences for many years. However, most of academic research on


Perceived Barriers to, and Benefits of Physical Activity Among Injured or Sick British Military Veterans: A Behaviour Change Wheel Perspective

Background Physical activity (PA) has been shown to have many positive benefits for wounded, injured, and/or sick (WIS) British military veterans. Before PA is promoted in this population, however, it is important to understand the perceived barriers to, and benefits involved. Yet, to date, research has not explored this topic; despite many WIS veteran PA


Modeling Choice Behavior of Delivery Provider of Online Auctioneer

Digital technology has provided a new paradigm of our society and changed our life’s interaction with the Internet. As an efficient and flexible sales channel, companies can use auction sites to liquidate unwanted inventory, as well as to assist in pricing new products, acquiring new markets for low-margin items, and reaching markets that would be


The Debt of Roy Anderson’s Dark Humor to Samuel Beckett and the New Objectivity

One of the main characteristics of Roy Anderson’s movies is the dark humor and tragicomedy. Various art sources influence his dark humor, such as Samuel Beckett’s oeuvres and New Objectivity paintings. Beckett’s approach towards tragicomedy can be discerned in Andersson’s world and his comic figures. Andersson emphasizes on human being’s dark side to create comic


Online Cinema Ticketing Industry: Impacts and Opportunities for Transformation in the Chinese Film Industry

In recent years, China’s film market has been growing rapidly. The magnet effect brought about by growing box-office sales has captured the attention of new electronic businesses and internet industries. These entities possess large capital and powerful information processing capabilities, creating major change in the structures and systems within the Chinese film industry.As electronic business


Developing a National Identity in Young Children of Different Ethnic Backgrounds: Values and Practices of Kindergarten Educators in Hong Kong

Developing a national identity is one of the essential political tasks of nations, but the ability to develop this sentiment is not unproblematic. Indeed, Hong Kong people’s declining sense of the Chinese national identity has long been viewed as an alarming problem. Recently, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has vowed to reform


Design and Evaluation of an Educational Board Game for Learning ESG Sustainability Challenges

Towards the Paris Agreement underlines the need for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, it has become more and more important for companies to transform and create an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) sustainable development ecosystem. Moreover, there is a growing emphasis on educating and training employees in the concept of ESG. In addition to traditional


I’m Finally Going to Do What I Want to Do: The Re-engagement Experiences of ‘Older’ Mature Learners in Further Education

Undertaking a formal learning programme can be significant for any learner, irrespective of age. For mature learners, challenges and successes can however be more acute, as they bring with them a range of experiences and aspirations. Acknowledging this inherent complexity, there are continued calls to ensure that the learning experience for such learners in Ireland


The Association Between Parental Anxiety and Early Parenting Behaviour at Six Weeks Postpartum

The present study investigated the influence of parents’ anxiety on their parenting behaviour towards their newborn infants. Five types of parenting behaviour were examined, namely, discipline, parent-led routine, apprehension, nurturance, and involvement. A total of 635 participants (350 mothers, 285 fathers) were recruited at six weeks postpartum from a regional hospital in Singapore. According to


Strategies for Improving Education Quality

Many factors influence the quality of education, but teachers are the most dominant factor. The problem in education development in Indonesia is that teachers’ competencies have not reached the expected competency standards. This has an impact on the low quality of education in Indonesia as seen from the low achievements of Indonesian children at the


A Research on the Relationships among Role Pressure, Personality Traits, and Job Satisfaction-Personnel Employees at National Universities in Taiwan

The national universities in Taiwan are rather distinctive from the aspects of characteristics, for example, the staff including academic and administrative categories which fit with various compliance systems. Furthermore, Taiwan Governments have been attempting to reform the administrative policies on military and public servants, and to revise the labor-related policies. All the changes have casted


Developing ESP Multimedia Courseware for Taiwan East Rift Valley National Scenic Area

The Taiwan government has carried out various policies to promote the tourism industry. To meet the needs of the industry, several related programs, departments and colleges in higher technical education have been established in Taiwan to cultivate high quality manpower by increasing English communication skills and related professional knowledge. With the rapid development of information


Developing a National Identity in Kindergarteners of Different Ethnic Backgrounds: Values and Practices of Parents in Hong Kong

Nation-building is important in national politics, but establishing a national identity can be challenging. It has long been perceived as an alarming issue that Hong Kong people’s sense of Chinese national identity is waning. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government has vowed to reform education “from the bottom” to cultivate an understanding of


Designing an Alternate Reality Educational Game That Integrates Virtual Reality and Storyline to Learn About the History and Culture of a Local Town

Local cities in Taiwan actively emphasize the preservation of town cultural assets and the creation of distinctive cultural attractions. In this study, we designed an alternate reality educational game, taking the love story of the town of Puzi in Taiwan 70 years ago as the theme, and connecting several representative cultural attractions. The learning objective


The Impact of Interaction via Social Media on Youth Mental Health Through Social Media Content and Communication Style of Indonesian Students

During the COVID-19 pandemic most of students globally suffered of mental health. Bisedes virus wudespread, communication and interaction pattern on social media also play important role on their mental disorder including anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. It needs to confirm which content and interactions influence students and youth behavior. Methods: A total of 604 valid


Passively Active Investing – The Case of the University Endowment

There is a long-standing debate in investment circles about whether active management can outperform passive management. The debate is usually considered on the manager-level, comparing the active management return against an index. This paper looks at the topic on a portfolio level. Using the average asset allocation of a university endowment, this paper replaces managers


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OER): An Overview of Non-Degree, Low Cost Lifelong Education Opportunities

This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services


Management of Sustainability Activities in Projects: The Perspective of Project Managers

Managing project sustainability is becoming important in the last two decades. An increasing number of projects have built in sustainability considerations into project design and implementation. For instance, the “Equator Principles” as adopted by the Equator Principles Financial Institutions since 2003 have urged projects seeking project financing to meet the requirements of determining, assessing and


Personality Factors Assessing Emotional Intelligence and Creative-Potential as Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Managers in Karachi, Pakistan

Exploring emotional intelligence and creativity have become an absolute in today’s organizations and personality dispositions for its study is a rare endeavor. The present study’s aim was to find out whether emotional intelligence and creative potential are predictors of job satisfaction in managers working at the multinational corporations in Karachi, Pakistan. The purposive sampling technique


From Text to Context: Analyzing Idiomatic Expressions in Psychological Thrillers Through Corpus-Based Study Among Law Students in Uzbekistan Higher Education

Teaching English for Specific Purposes is a less explored branch in Uzbekistan and it has been a crucial part of discussion. Considering the process of student-centered learning with flipped classroom using corpus tools, focusing on cognition of idiomatic units in modern literature can be the most perspective part of the involvement. ESP teachers in Uzbekistan


A Study in Information Usage Behavior of Students in Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

The study has following objectives as: (1) to study information usage behavior of students in Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, (2) to study about problems in information usage and (3) study about requirements of the students in information usage. Sample comprised of 300 students. Data were collected by questionnaires analyzed by percentage, mean and SD. The results


Geography of German Daycare Centers and its Association with the Preschoolers’ Sociolinguistic Characteristics

Purpose: Language acquisition is associated with or influenced by a number of factors which can be called sociolinguistic, social/sociological or demographic. Among other things, children cannot avoid being influenced linguistically by their peers and other contact persons from their neighborhood. Also, neighborhood might be a correlate of several factors influencing language acquisition. This study aimed


De-colonizing Canadian Post-Secondary Education

In Canada, the recent Truth and Reconciliation Committee of Canada Report (2015) revealed the devastating impact of over a century of forced assimilation on Indigenous peoples. In the educational context, assimilation manifested itself in the residential school system, a system which existed from the late 19th century until 1996 and whose mandate was to “Kill


Web-Based Science Learning as Innovative Instruction

There are so many mediums of technology, which is radically redefined in order to obtain communication and change the view of teaching and learning. The widespread use of the World Wide Web (www) extended the capacity of the different educational institutions involved in training to extend the possibilities of e-learning. There are a lot of


A Case Study: Promoting Vietnamese Staff’s English Language Ability and Their Change of Conceptions of English Language Learning

In this study, a four-month English language training course was designed for the Vietnamese staff members of a manufacturing company in Vietnam. The English language course materials were designed according to the results of the need analysis of the Vietnamese staff and administration manager. The course focused on daily life English, English specifically related to


Human Resource Management Outsourcing in Chinese Large and Medium-sized Enterprises: Its Effect on Organisational Performance

Globally, many enterprises practice human resource management (HRM) outsourcing activities to achieve operational efficiency and growth. Research in the Chinese context is limited and insights on the latest HRM outsourcing trends that are significant to understand the HRM outsourcing phenomenon in China are insufficient. The objective of this paper aims to examine the effect of



This paper presents two learner corpora built to investigate anaphora: the Brazilian Learners of Anaphora in English (BRANEN) and the Aprendices Brasileños de Anáfora en Español (BRANES). Texts were written by language undergraduate students during an online course on anaphora, offered at a Brazilian University in 2020. The corpora provides insights for the analysis of


Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Understanding ADHD in the Indian Workforce

The conventional workplace which centres around neurotypical employees can be exclusionary to its neurodiverse employees, making the workplace harder for them to manoeuvre. The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of neurodiverse employees with ADHD in the Indian workplace, with particular reference to the nature of the problems faced and how the


Lifelong Learning: Leveraging Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Continuously Learn with Minimal Financial Investment

This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services


New Media/New Films: Smartphones and Evocative Documentary Practices

Smartphones are part of a convergence culture which is reconfiguring our relationship with media and arguably shifting our understanding of documentary practices. Smartphones may now be understood as powerful enablers that provide users with the tools and resources necessary to capture and share mediated traces of personal experience and the people and places that form


The Use of AI-Based Augmented Reality in the Work of Journalists

Over the years, with the development of smartphones, new technologies such as social media and user-generated content have been used in news content. The press and the media are accustomed to using cutting-edge technology to improve news accuracy, help news gathering and increase the efficiency of news production. With the rise of AI technology, more


Design and Evaluation of an Online Interactive Story Game for Learning the Theory of Love Attachment Style

Love is one of the most important issues in life, and everyone may have different attachment styles of love, including their behaviors and attitudes in relationships. Learning to identify one’s attachment style of love can help us understand our needs and build good relationships with others. This study proposes a multi-path contextual interactive story game


The Role of Ethical Principles in New Media: A Case of Pouring New Wine into Old Wine Skin?

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the issues of right and wrong actions. Beyond the issue of right or wrong actions, ethics deals with the skills human persons may need to acquire in order to tackle different dilemmas in everyday life. One area knowledge of skills to handle dilemmas is very important


Educators’ Perceptions of the Support Needed for New Teachers

One of the principals’ instructional leadership roles is to ensure that new teachers become successful veteran teachers. Unfortunately, for the last several decades, new teachers have been exiting the teaching profession by increasing numbers. Research indicates that nearly one third of new teachers leave by the end of their third year, and nearly half by


Between West and East: Japanese Mangas as World Literature

The following essay proposes intertextuality in Japanese mangas as a bridge between Europe and Asia, it proposes the relationship betwixt texts as an overpass between dichotomies and socio-political space borders. In this sense and in virtue of focusing on interculturality and displaying a state of the matter as broad as possible, the following work seeks


Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis of Modal Auxiliary Verb Usage by Japanese Learners of English in Argumentative Essays

This research concludes that Japanese non-native English speakers (JNNSs) use modal auxiliary verbs in a way that differs from what native speakers (NSs) use from two perspectives: frequency of occurrence and verb phrase structures (VPSs) where modals occur. To lead this conclusion, JNNSs’ usage of nine central modals (‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘might’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘will’,


Self-Betrayal and Moral Repair: A Philosophical Counselor’s Case Study

This paper begins with a case study recounted from my philosophical counseling practice. The case of “Eddy” serves to open questions that are elaborated in this essay: the philosophical and clinical meanings of moral injury, and whether self-betrayal is a significant harm that falls under the sorts of psychological and normative suffering implied by the


Musicians’ Enigma in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Nocturnes

Global citizens in the highly competitive material world in the twenty-first century immerse themselves in an enigma, an enigma where they inevitably struggle in their career for fame and fortune as success but they insensibly alienate from their family in daily life. Kazuo Ishiguro, a newly-rising Anglo-Japanese novelist, explores musicians’ enigma of how they can


Challenges and Benefits Those New Technologies Bring to Teaching Mathematics

Technology is not a new concept to mathematics. As technology continues to advance, computer-assisted or computer based instruction is becoming an integral part of higher education. In online education, technology replaces some or all of the face-to-face interactions, with self-paced content that is delivered through an online system. This new situation requires new approaches and


ISSN: 2186-4705 – The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2014 – Official Conference Proceedings

ACTC 2014, Osaka, Japan
Conference Theme 2014: “Individual, Community, Society: Connecting, Learning and Growing”
Rihga Royal Hotel, Osaka, Japan
Thursday, April 17, 2014 to Sunday, April 20, 2014
ISSN: 2186-4705


Afrofuturism 2.0 – A New Cultural Enabler for the Digital Age

Afrofuturism as a concept is about 25 years old, with Mark Dery’s interview essay Black to the Future (1993) giving the movement its name and paving the way for further interventions. Afrofuturistic works typically include novels, paintings, photography, music such as Sun Ra’s and the Marvel Comics superhero Black Panther. Over the last decade or


The Use of Application Builder & COMSOL Multiphysics as a Tool to Build and Deploy Simulation Apps for Heat Transfer

For teaching Heat transfer, we currently apply COMSOL Multiphysics software and its new application builder features. Main goals are to maximizing the efficiency of the learning process, expanding the investigation techniques while keeping students engaged. In Engineering based courses as Heat Transfer, simulation apps are helping to strike such a balance by introducing students to


A New Way to D.I.E.: Intercultural Communication Strategies

This workshop provides a brief overview of pertinent research and major theories related to communicating with people of different cultural backgrounds, as well as fun and useful techniques and strategies to use when counseling individuals, couples, and families; teaching in international or multinational classrooms; working or consulting in international or multinational school offices, companies, and


The Dichotomy Between Final Year Undergraduate New Zealand Nursing Students’ Reports of Learning and Their Practice Intentions in Aged Residential Care: Challenges and Surprises

The aged healthcare sector internationally is facing a crisis in attracting and retaining a nurse workforce. Alongside the global rise in longevity, the sector is experiencing an increasing demand on their services. Yet undergraduate nursing students are often reluctant to consider aged residential care (ARC) with perceptions that a lack of opportunities, compared to hospital


Digital Media and Sustainable Development Goals Breathe New Life Into the Artworks From the Soares Dos Reis National Museum

This paper describes a pedagogical exercise involving students from two Universities and the Soares dos Reis National Museum, all based in Porto, Portugal. The students – from Design, Multimedia, Video Games, and Visual Art fields – were challenged to recreate and animate, through digital technologies, artworks from the museum’s collection. Besides exploring animation techniques, students


Textual Analysis of the Most Popular South Korean Films: Value Practice of National Subjectivity Through Diverse Heroes From Humanistic Perspectives

South Korean dramas have seen a strong rise in popularity on OTT platforms in recent years. However, in contrast to the resurgence of the Indian and Japanese film markets post-COVID-19 pandemic, South Korean cinema has faced a box office downturn. This indicates significant shifts in the factors influencing the popularity of South Korean films, prompting


Digital Humanities from the Ground Up: The Tamil Digital Heritage Project at the National Library, Singapore

To commemorate Singapore’s 50th year of independence in 2015, a community-led group sought to present a gift to the nation in the form of a digital collection of 50 years of Tamil literary writing in Singapore. The National Library, Singapore as the national repository of Singapore’s published heritage was approached to be a key partner


Vietnam’s National Foreign Language 2020 Project after 9 Years: A Difficult Stage

Vietnam has been witnessing many changes in learning language, and the National Foreign Language 2020 project is the latest breakthrough that delves into brand-new advances to improve effectively the quality of English language learning and teaching across all school levels in Vietnam. After nine years, this innovation has attracted considerable public attention and feedback from


Students’ Perception on Using Movies in Medical Education

Background: Using movies can be an effective way to stimulate rich discussion about professional and personal development. Reflection on the actions of a character in a movie can assist students to understand behaviors, motivations and life choices far beyond their own view and develop empathetic awareness of the experiences and different realities of others. The


An Analysis of the Possibility to Achieve the Specified Indonesian Renewable Energy Development Target

Is it possible to achieve the specified Indonesian renewable energy development target? An analysis of constraints and recommendations for accelerating the development of renewable energy in Indonesia Indonesia has ratified a number of international agreements, for instance on Global Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals, and has also announced its long-term National Energy Policy (through


The Impact of National Preschool-Grade 12 Educational Reforms on the Preparation of the Future Educator Workforce in the USA

The USA has been facing several new reform initiatives in education that directly impact the instruction and assessment of elementary and secondary students (P-12). There have not been so many changes at once in recent history. Some are calling this the “perfect storm” in education or an “educational tsunami.” Emerging from the recent “Race to


Technology and Struggling Readers: The Ticket to a Brave New Future

Technology is changing the way reading is taught and is adding new possibilities to existing pedagogical practices. The challenge for educators is to effectively incorporate new technologies in the reading classroom to effectively introduce students to the experience and benefits of multi modal texts. As Larson (2009) notes, multimodal text experiences are common for learners


Exploring the Projected Identities of Officers in the New Zealand “New Cops” Police Recruitment Campaign

Over the years, research into the New Zealand (NZ) police force has uncovered that there is an underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities, and the job is seen as unattractive because of inequitable pay and work conditions. Accordingly, NZ has consistently seen shortages in frontline police staff for much of the 21st Century, which led


The Power Dynamics of New Social Movements in Post Industrial Society: A Theoritical Analysis.

Since 2011 we have been witnessing different kinds of New Social Movements. The Jasmine Revolution and Arab Spring in the Arab world, the Occupy movement in the developed world and India Against Corruption in my country, India. These and before them like the Civil Rights Movements in Germany, anti-globalisation movement in US, antiwar protests in


Heritage’s Meaning in New Towns of Modern Era

With the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes – known all over the world as the main unresolved Italian heritage – and the construction of the New Towns during the 1930’s, the Fascist Party achieves its most significant territorial project. This project becomes the first Regime’s propagandistic instrument concluding, in less than ten years, the reclamation


Digitalization, New Media & OTT: Case Study of Ushering New Perspectives for Gender Issues

Technological and digital innovations are of huge significance in contemporary scenarios. From the digitalization of business models and governance to its impact on the everyday lives of common people, digital is also the driver of the fourth industrial revolution The rise of virtual realities, Web3, and artificial intelligence has led to new challenges and opportunities.


Social Media and Online Activism in Kazakhstan: A New Challenge for Authoritarianism?

The internet provides new channels for citizen voices, expression of minority viewpoints, and political mobilisation. In Egypt, Russia, Syria and China, blogs, online forums, Facebook and Twitter already provide citizens with a new form of public sphere and alternative source of news and information, which are seen as a new platform for exchanging news. This


The Differences of Sugar-sweetened Beverages Consumption Averages according to Some Factors among Students of SMAN 48 East Jakarta 2016

Sugar-sweetened beverages are certain types of calorie drinks which are ready to drink when it purchased. This research aims to get information about the differences of averages sugar-sweetened beverages consumption among students of SMAN 48 East Jakarta according to sex, mass media exposure, accessibility, availability, family influence, peer influence, nutritional knowledge, attitude, physical activity, the


Feasibility Analysis of Investment Projects on Housing Development in Thailand with Valuation Technique Based on Economy Factor

This research concerns feasibility analysis of investment project in housing development in Thailand with valuation technique based on economy factor. The researchers brought conversion factor, which World Bank developed in 1997 to apply with financial return calculation of the project. The results showed that the project was highly possible to invest. By considering financial ratio,


Weaving the Traditions for the Future: Building a Sustainable Support Framework for Iranian Traditional Hand-Woven Textile Arts

Iran has been notably applauded for its luxurious hand-woven textile art of the Persian carpets which has been a tremendous part of Iranian art, heritage and export. However, little attention has been paid to other kinds of Iranian hand-woven textile traditions such as Kaarbafi, Daraibafi and Shaarbafi to name a few both domestically and internationally,


The Development of Salaya through Agricultural Livelihood Transformations

A number of recent studies similarly indicated dramatic change in the traditional rural society: subsistence farming was not the main way of life in Thailand rural anymore. Agricultural production is aimed to produce for sales at market rather than for subsistence. Salaya was one of those rural areas transformed over recent decades as the consequence


Towards a Poetics of Empathy: Literary Fiction As a Transformative Experience

Shortly after the U.S. election in November 2016, sales of George Orwell’s classic “1984” peaked, leading to a crystallizing moment that author Chinua Achebe identified as literature’s purpose: “People are expecting from literature serious comment on their lives [and want] a second handle on reality so that when it becomes necessary to do so, we


The Thinking of Animation: Conflict of 3D and 2D

The computer game and cinematic movie are quite common recreational activities in recent people’s lives, and computer technology in games and the cinema are becoming more and more advanced, especially 3D technology is the main instrument which is used in games and cinemas. For the procedure of “Pixar”, 3D animation is created by the development


Estimating Effectiveness and Efficiency of Solar Energy Policy for Indonesia: A Hybrid Agent-Based Model Analysis

We estimate the impacts of four renewable energy policy interventions to photovoltaic (PV) market size, government expenditure, economic growth, and environment. For this reason, we develop an agent-based model dedicated to capturing the specific economic and institutional features of developing economies focusing on Indonesia. We undertake an integrated approach to ABM by combining input-output analysis,


Awareness of Cooperatıve Insurance in Turkey

Cooperative insurance is a model in which partners come together to form a company. Aiming to help each other, this model is funded by stakeholder contributions and managed by the company. The individual who wants to insure his/her commodity becomes the policy customer as well as the partner of the cooperative. Unlike conventional insurance companies,


Designing Outside of the Classroom: Branding Design for Thai Traditional Pottery

This research aims to develop branding for pottery products in Maha Sarakham, Thailand and to generate the collaboration between the local community and university. Ban Mo village, which is the community dedicated to pottery making, is used as the case study. This local wisdom has been inherited from ancestors for over 200 years, yet there


Residential Preference Toward Logo of Thai Property Developer

A logo is considered as one of the simplest tools that serves an organization in distinguishing itself from others. In competitive markets, attractive logo is capable of adding value to goods and services particularly for the industry that image and trustworthiness are the main concern such as real estate business. This research aimed to investigate


Benefits for Bystanders? Effects of the Japan-South Korea and the US-China Trade Dispute for Japan (2018-2020)

The China-US and the Japan-South Korea trade dispute since 2018 and 2019 involve Japan’s three top trading partners. This paper provides a comparative analysis of economic spillovers for Japan from both disputes between 2018 and 2020. The author argues that the China-US dispute entailed positive and negative spillovers for Japan as a bystander. As a


Dynamics of Digital Transformation as a Competitive Strategy in the Media Industry’s Digitalization Era: A Case Study of Metro TV-Indonesia

Technological developments have changed many things, including how people consume media. Technological developments disrupt conventional media, and digital transformation responds to changing conditions. Conventional media newsroom management is changing the organizational structure of coverage and production (news gathering; news production) to meet the challenges of the digital era. Many theories and business models are no


How the Arts and Culture Industry in Singapore is Taking on Big Data

Data is a big buzzword today and the arts and cultural industry is not immune to the hype. My paper looks at the way data science is impacting arts programming and policies. The arts groups and institutions in Singapore generally divide their data into two categories. One is institutional collections, which could include both physical


Applying Logistic Regression Analysis to Determine the Service Quality Factors Affecting on Consumer Satisfaction Toward Low Cost Airlines in Thailand

In recent years, Thai low cost airline market has been significantly growing. Because of the rebound of Thai economy and economic policy of government to stimulate people consumption and tourism increasing more holidays, the amount of sales in Thai low cost airlines were increased dramatically. Thailand has 3 major low cost airline providers, namely Thai


Professional Growth Through Professional Employment Program

In the second semester of school year 2012-2013, JRU pioneered a special training program for graduating students in partnership with LiveIt, a subsidiary of the Ayala Group of Companies. An initial group of 81 highly-motivated graduating students from the College of Business Administration were chosen as the first group for the Professional Employment Program (PEP).

ISSN: 2435-5240 The Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2020: Official Conference Proceedings

SEACE2020, MAX Atria at Singapore EXPO, Singapore
Friday, February 7– Sunday, February 9, 2020
ISSN: 2435-5240


Intercultural Communication through an Anthropology Approach

This paper probes some key elements of cross-cultural issues in international business communication and provides a framework for creating competitive advantage for firms engaged in international business. Culture affects many aspects of international business communication. It impacts free trade policies, localization and standardization strategy decisions, advertising, brand effectiveness, business relationships, international business management, international marketing,


To Investigate Students’ Learning Experience by Re-designing a University Science Laboratory Subject Using Alternative Assessment and Digital Technology

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes in education, including the shift to online or hybrid formats for science laboratory sessions. This study utilized Learning Analytics (LA) from 2021/2 to 2023/4 academic year to examine how science students’ learning patterns were affected during and after COVID isolation. The findings indicated that a selected laboratory subject,


Research Supervision During COVID-19: A Comparison Between Supervisors’ and Supervisees’ Experiences

The COVID-19 pandemic shaped teaching, learning, and research activities and imposed an urgent online transition. Technology was extensively used to facilitate research and mentoring purposes, including research supervision. The importance of this research project stems from the need to explore the experiences of research students and research supervisors during the pandemic to assess the way


Transdisciplinary Development of a Framework for Co-Creation With People Living With Dementia

When aiming for built environments and systems that foster resiliency and resources, one of the most crucial aspects of design is to properly address the users’ needs. While comprehensive research and an empathetic mindset are important prerequisites of this process, the inclusion of all relevant stakeholders cannot be compensated by any methodology. With regards to


Precious Murals in the Religious Building of Pothimala, District Firozpur, Punjab, India

This paper discusses the precious murals in the religious building of Pothimala. Pothimala Building is situated in the village Guru Har Sahai in Firozpur District of Punjab India. The study and interpretation endorse the philosophy of shared religious traditions followed and respected by the people of Punjab. The foundation of this building was laid by


Resilience in Media Ecologies: Mapping the Converging Histories of Magic Lanterns, Omocha-e (Toy Prints) and Kamishibai (Paper Theater)

Histories of kamishibai (paper theater) typically trace its roots to early magic lantern shows, but Iwamoto Kenji questions this development: “At a time when many different audiovisual technologies were tied in some way to modern scientific instruments, kamishibai was made of just pictures and narrative and seemed to be a throwback to Edo-period spectacles” (2002).


Enhancing ESD-Based English Instruction: A Case Study in a Japanese High School

The purpose of this research is to develop and implement a class that emphasizes active learning elements such as group discussions and presentations from the perspective of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), as emphasized in the current curriculum in Japan. The outcome of the class is to propose solutions to challenges. The study involved 73


Tablet Reading Bridging the University and Children in Remote Areas

Faced with limited resources and human support, children in remote areas encounter many difficulties in learning and reading with the use of modern technological devices. To help these children experience mobile reading activities with innovative technology, donation of tablets from the industry was initiated. Follow-up services to learning sites were provided by the university library.


Project Inclusive Education: People with Intellectual Disabilities work as University Lecturers

The German project Inclusive Education tackles, worldwide unique, the social isolation of people with intellectual disabilities via qualifying them in full-time over three years to be fully paid lecturers at universities. Participants have been diagnosed with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities (ICD-10-CM, Code F70 and F 71). The group of currently 31 participants is diverse


Using an Ontology to Develop the Learning Outcomes in Library

Recently, Learning Outcomes(LO) are relevance feedback information from learning activities in the university. Library is a centre of the resource services to support these activities. However, stakeholders are student, teacher, department, faculty and university which have different activities and goals. In this study, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Library is used as case study, it provides


College Students’ Part-time Jobs: Associated Factors and Implications for Policy

This study aims to investigate the factors shaping the part-time job aspirations of undergraduate Vietnamese students, shedding light on their attainability. Employing a cross-sectional descriptive correlational survey design, data collection spanned from October 2022 to December 2022. The survey questionnaire was disseminated through a network of lecturers, reaching 461 undergraduates across diverse Vietnamese universities. However,


The Role and Practice of Leaders in Professional Development in China: University Lecturers’ Perspective

Leaders in the higher education sector provide university lecturers with many professional development (PD) opportunities. However, these opportunities have yet to be taken seriously; how leaders can effectively promote university lecturers’ active participation in PD has become an issue worthy of investigation. This study investigates how leadership in higher education can effectively enhance university lecturers’


Comparing Online Learning Experiences Between University Students With and Without Special Educational Needs During COVID-19

The aim of this study is to examine the online learning experiences of university students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), and how their experiences might differ from their typically developing peers. Fifty typically developing students (mean age = 22; 29 females) and 31 students with SEN (mean age = 22; 15 females) from a local


Digital Diagnostics and Individualized Support for Reading at the Primary Level With Formative Assessment

A lot of students have reading difficulties and need reading support (Mullis et al., 2023). To address this need, the DaF-L project developed a digital screening for students’ reading abilities as well as aligned digital reading support with diagnostics to foster the individual student’s reading comprehension. The reading packages were developed for three reading ability


Learning from Eliciting Questions in Exploring Global Knowledge

Twenty first century learning is characterized as a technology-supported, student-centered, collaborative, context-based, and globalized learning. Higher education emphasizing various practices for incorporating learning experiences serves a means to prepare students for professional development. Advances in information and communication technology are influencing instructional formats and delivery modes in library and information science professionals. Integrating ICT (Information


Future Development in Community Murals and Future Investment in Teaching Artists

Prof. Kong Ho, a teaching artist for more than 25 years and a muralist for 18 years of them, considers himself to be a good source of “archived” experiences that he can share with others who might find them beneficial. This paper explores his inclusive and expansive study into community murals and the role of


Learning Cat Tools Using E-Learning Tools: A Case Study

The Post-Graduation Program in Translation at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, a private university in Portugal, is in its fifteenth edition. The program has undergone various changes, including from face-to-face to b-learning and e-learning formats. Though initially only Moodle was used, in recent years, different Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) were introduced, the first being WizIQ©. In


Promoting Alternative Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A General Survey

Alternative higher education has become a major subject in learning and teaching, reflective of current trends in educational provisions worldwide. Its promotion in sub-Saharan Africa has had some roots in the attempt to address the problems of inadequate educational provisions and respond to developments in educational technology. The promotion platforms have included universities, the industry,


Comparing a Skills-Focused English Test Against a Lexico-Fluency English Test for International Students in Higher Education

International students need to establish that they have sufficient language skills to commence their university degree in countries like Australia, USA, New Zealand, etc. Two formats of English test, the skills-focused IELTS and the lexico-fluency test C-test, will be introduced and their differences explained. The talk will then ask the question of which test is


Digital Drivers of Russian Advertising Market: Problems of Management

The purpose of this study is to analyse the one of the most rapidly growing segments of the media-industry: the digital market and the drivers of its growth, as well as to identify the best ways of its management. The authors use the example of Russia: the country with the dynamically growing advertising market. The


Trends & Futures of International Higher Education Partnerships & Collaboration: Comparative Potential Pathways for African & Asian Centres of Excellence

In a world characterized by the potential and promise of dynamic change and increasing complexity, it is paradoxical that amidst notable and significant levels of economic development, creation and growth of wealth, and lowering of global poverty, there yet remains the scourge of wide-spread inequality, exclusion and escalating levels of violence. These changes impact many


Conservation Practices and Their Impact on Hawaiian Well-being Among Youth

Research with Kupu alumni included the examination of the relationship between land, culture, health and Native Hawaiian well-being. In this process, using qualitative measures (NVIVO) to analyze youth speeches and journals, we sought to measure the level of impact that Kupu had on youth in terms of health and wellness, however at the conclusion of


Influence of Artefact, Activity and Design Value-Based Statements on Solution Outcomes

A design brief is usually set by the client which includes various types of information such as the needs or requirements, target audience, technology aspects etc. A designer who receives this design brief brings one’s own interpretation of what needs to be designed – a product, service, process or as a combination. Need or Design


Computer-Mediated Lessons for the Development of Knowledge of Rehabilitation for Patient Undergone Laminectomy for Nursing Students in Thailand

The purposes of this study were to develop and test computer-mediated lesson efficiency in relation to laminectomy knowledge for nursing students. The investigator developed the computer-mediated lessons utilizing 7 steps: (1) preparation; (2) instruction design, based on the concept of the interaction between the learner and the lesson; (3) development of a flowchart lesson; 4)


How to be a Chinese Woman? Reflections from Chinese Self-help Literature

A number of prominent studies have been conducted regarding the proliferation of self-help literature in American society since the 1960s.  These studies, usually from a feminist perspective, ascribe the genre’s widespread popularity to the growing financial and social independence of women who, as a result, seek to gain greater control over various aspects of their


Breaking the Shackles: Toward a Taxonomy of Interactive Cinema

Drawing on Eric Zimmerman’s four types of interactivity, this paper proposes a taxonomy of interactive cinema by defining four modes of interactive movies: the cognitive mode; physical mode; collective mode; and selective mode. The above cinematic modes are not distinct or mutually exclusive, and their emergence follows a generally chronological order. More importantly, the rise


YouTube Shorts as the Inner Dynamic of Strategically Changes to Channel Owners

This study explores Shorts as a dynamic of propelling changes within the inner ecosystem of YouTube and interprets relations by analyzing the discourse surrounding the launch of YouTube Shorts from the collected YouTuber episodes in Taiwan. Institutionally, native video content producers on YouTube have continuously adapted to regulatory conditions from platforms before Shorts and concerning


Quiz Creation Add-in Tool for MS Word Supporting Hybrid Classes

At this conference, we will present a quiz creation add-in tool we are developing for MSWord. Our goal is to make it possible to create both paper tests for face-to-face classes and Google Form tests for online courses using our quiz creation menu within MSWord. Currently, the paper test quizzes support commonly used test formats


Effects of Four-Axis Joystick Device Interactive Technology on Children With Special Needs

In recent studies, employing self-made assistive technology as a resource in special education stands out as a crucial intervention for children with special needs. This study suggests creating an interactive tool intended to serve as an educational interface for children with diverse disabilities. The participants in this study were three children with cerebral palsy, multiple


Betr Selektr: A University Program Recommender System Utilising Personality Type and Academic Results

The goal of this system is to empower first-year students to make well-informed decisions about their university programs by providing tailored recommendations based on their individual profiles. Selecting the right university program can be a daunting task for first-year students. In response to this challenge, we have developed Betr Selektr, an all-encompassing program recommender system.


Investigating Students’ Problems in Understanding Their Personal Qualities and Skills for Cover Letters: A Self-Assessment Approach

This paper explores students’ problems in presenting their personal qualities in cover letters for job application and examines the effectiveness of self-assessment approach in countering these problems. This study adopts the action research approach, and the research methods used are content analysis, individual interview and self-assessment feedback. The research procedure consists of a three-stage approach.


Improvement of Elementary School Students’ Creativity Mindset Through Game-based Learning

This study aimed to use Game-based Learning System for Creativity Mindset (GLS-CM) to investigate whether the learning system would effectively improve pupils’ growth mindset of creativity. The participants were composed of 132 pupils. The GLS-CM was employed to improve pupils’ creativity growth mindset. The learning systems consist of eight games for enhancing dispositions and skills


Sports News on Commercial Music Radio: Reinforcing National Identity?

News is an important area where the nation turns to looking for an understanding of national and world events and to place it in a historical context. Arguably, the quality of this information can only be obtained when there is a diversity and plurality in media offerings. Modern commercial music radio is now in a


The Strategies of Improving Instruction Qualities in Taiwan Senior High Schools from the Perspective of TQM

The purpose of this study was to find out the strategies of improving instruction qualities in senior high schools from the perspective of TQM. The subject of the study included principals of the core schools in the School Actualization Program, chair people of the board of private high schools, principals of the senior high schools,


Modern Forms of University Students’ Extremist Behavior Depending on Cultural and Environmental Factors

Transformations in economic, political, social and cultural life of the modern society are causing an increase in extremist tendencies among the youth worldwide. Based on the anthropological approach, the study was aimed at identifying root causes (axiological, motivational, personal and socio-psychological) and a role of socio-cultural and environmental factors in the genesis of Russian university


The Status Quo and Future of the Off-Campus Internship Programs for Students in the Departments of Electronic Engineering and Information

Off campus internship has been regarded as an important facet of the industry-university collaboration for the education of the students. Its major purpose is to promote students’ competitiveness and know-how in the future job market. Currently, among all the colleges and universities, the highest number of professional talents is trained in the department of electronic


Social Media Censorship Policy and Law: Balancing Good Governance and National Security

This research aims to help Thai government balancing good governance and national security at the same time, this analysis examines four policy alternatives: (1) the status quo policy, (2) cooperation with trusted Non-Government Organization (NGOs), (3) amendment computer crime act, and (4) government participates in social media. All of four alternatives are assessed in terms


Motivation in Learning English as a Second Language Among the Grade 10 Students at Imus National High School

Learning a language is most likely to occur when second language students “want to learn.” Gardner and Lambert (1959) proposed two orientations of motivation in second language learning: (1) “integrative motivation” or the motivation to learn a second language to integrate into the target language community; and (2) “instrumental motivation” or learning a second language


Toho’s Uncanny Monster: Re-imaging Japanese Postwar National Identity Through the Godzilla Franchise Films

Whereas Godzilla (1954) made by Toho, one of the biggest Japanese studios, is most discussed by academic researchers who see this film as a significant sci-fi monster genre film in the post-war cinema, the twenty-eight Godzilla franchise films made in the past sixty years still have been remained under-researched by academic film scholars in relation


Influence of Teachers’ Salaries on the Promotion of Sustainable National Development in Lagos State Basic Schools, Nigeria

In Nigeria and some other developing countries, teachers who are supposed to be the important resource that links the survival of the present and the future generation are not satisfied with their salaries and this has affected the quality of the educational system. Thus, the need to determine the relationship between teachers’ salaries and sustainable


Psychological Well-Being among Gifted Students at the National Gifted Center in Malaysia

Psychological well-being refers to how people evaluate their lives. According to Diener (1997), these evaluations may be in the form of cognitions or in the form of effect. The cognitive part is an information based appraisal of one’s life that is when a person gives conscious evaluative judgments about one’s satisfaction with life as a


The Analysis of Japanese Youth and Their Perspectives on National Identity on Twitter: # #I Want to Be Korean

This study will explore the identity and national sentiment of Japanese youth after the official debut of a Korean girl group, TWICE, through social media platforms. Japan is known as one of the nations where nationalism has been the core of the society; previous post-war generations of Japanese may not condone the younger generation’s tweet


Financial Autonomy of Schools in Kazakhstan: International Comparison and a National Perspective

This paper has relevance for any nation seeking to reform its model of funding through decentralization and a neoliberal agenda that permits marketization of public services such as education. It adopts a case-study approach to locate and discuss where Kazakhstan, a country undergoing considerable educational reform, is currently positioned regarding one specific aspect of school

ISSN: 2186-5914 – The Asian Business & Management Conference 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings

ABMC 2013, Osaka, Japan
Conference Theme 2013: Corporate Governance and Business Sustainability
Osaka, Japan
November 21-24, 2013


Internationalization in a National Education System: Initiatives in Japan to Introduce International Baccalaureate Programmes

Our rapidly changing world means that education in any part of the globe must now serve an increasingly complex set of needs and purposes. The Japanese government recognizes the need for changes in the traditional national educational system, the need to internationalize. As one of many initiatives to address this MEXT is working to introduce


Maternal Affect, Work and Family Conflicts, and Infant Negative Affectivity: A Longitudinal Study of Working Mothers in Singapore

Infant negative affectivity (NA) refers to an infant temperament characterized by a predisposition toward anger, frustration, fear, and sadness. There is growing recognition of the influence of maternal factors on infant NA which could affect an infant’s long term development. This paper documented the preliminary findings of a longitudinal study that aimed to explore maternal


Language Learning Strategies of Grade VIII Students in Tabuk City National High School, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Teacher’s knowledge about his students is crucial in his effort of making learning meaningful. Moreover, knowing how students learn the English language could help English teachers plan activities suited them. This study generally determined the English language learning strategies of the grade VIII students in Tabuk City National High School, 2015-2016. It specifically found out


The Effect of IBSE Integration to the K-12 Grade 9 Curriculum at Passi National High School, Passi City, Iloilo

This documentary educational research was conducted to perceived the effect of IBSE integration in the K-12 Grade 9-Curriculum at Passi National High School, S.Y.2017-2018. The subjects of the study were 48 students of one section junior students’. They were taught following the K-12 instructional material utilizing hands-on modified activities. Inquiry-based teaching and learning, the 5E’s


A Study on the Aesthetics of Illustrations in Third and Fourth Graders’ Chinese Textbooks

Textbooks are one of the most important tools for learning. Illustrations in a textbook can have critical influence on students’ understanding of the text and their interest in learning. However, studies on illustrations in a textbook in Taiwan are scarce. On this account, this study developed a list of aesthetic principles to examine illustrations. It


Implementing Mindful Learning Intervention to Enhance Creativity

This study aimed at employing technology-based interventions in daily life to investigate the relationship between mindful learning and creativity. One hundred and forty-nine college students participated in the experimental instruction and they were randomly assigned to a control group or the experimental groups. All participate took the pretest and the posttest within a week. The


Examining Community Development and Environmental Strategies in Yunlin County With Biotope Area Factor (BAF)

Amidst the global drive towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (2030 SDGs) and the ambitious target of Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050, sustainability has taken center stage in societal development. This study, using Yunlin County as a focal point, delves into the impact of community planning and design on the quality of the ecological


Design and Evaluation of a Contextualized Mobile Educational Game for Learning Emergency Medical Care

The emergency medical service is a complex and variable situation and the critical thinking ability of the medical staff is challenged. Compared with traditional education, the contextual simulation of mobile learning can improve the learners’ critical thinking ability. This study《119 Dispatch Center》LINE@ and Google Form were combined to design a digital contextual role-playing mobile educational


Research Skill Level of Grade 12 Students of Penablanca National High School and Their Learning Needs in Practical Research 2: Basis for an Intervention Plan

This study primarily aimed to assess the research skill level of the Grade 12 students of Penablanca National High School. It further identified the respondents’ learning needs and formulated an intervention plan for their least mastered competency in Practical Research 2. Descriptive evaluation design was utilized in this study. This study included 200 respondents who


Effects of Two Implementations of Cross-Age Repeated Reading Treatments

Learning sight words enables learners to decode unfamiliar words by sight, thus learners can read words in text more efficiently. Penner-Wilger (2008) asserted that when achieving oral reading fluency (ORF) learners would have no problem identifying letters, syllables, and high frequency words. Preliminary finding showed integration of ABRACADABRA (ABRA) online activities into EFL classroom beneficial


Reversed Realities: National Pride and Visual Coding

What is national cultural identity? How does such identity affect other plausible kinds of identities i.e., gender? Is there authentic Thai identity? These questions are what interest me and are part of my thesis entitled “Transcultural Identity of Thai Femininity (1960s-present)”. By using critical theory perspective, I set out to examine Siam/Thailand diachronically from the


The Impact of Mindfulness Traits of Elementary School Students on Resilience in Covid-19 Era

In an era of severe epidemic, the trait’s of mindfulness is vital to the performance of students’ resilience. The general social depression of students under the epidemic can enhance the inherent protective factors of their resilience through the display of mindfulness characteristics, which in turn affects their daily life, learning performance and the development of


Making Creative Thinking Visible: An Approach to Enhance Preservice Teachers’ Professional Knowledge in Creativity Instruction

Creative thinking has been greatly emphasized in secondary school education; it is therefore important to cultivate preservice teachers’ professional knowledge in creative thinking instruction. Visible thinking is one type of thinking approach that acquires learners to start with objectively and carefully observing and documenting their surroundings or a given object. Then, learners document their thinking


Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in Nigeria: The Way Forward to National Security

Essentially, women have been subjected to social control been dominated by men. This is as a result of persisting cultural stereotype, misuse of religious and traditional practises in which educational, political and social power are dominated by men, and women have always been followers of men in the society and the men predominantly see themselves


Developing a Modern Pharaonic Identity Through the Implementation of Creative Geometrical Grid Systems

Most of the remains from ancient Egypt came from tombs and temples, as the Egyptians believed in afterlife eternity. That was the main influence for the development of art in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptian artist covered the walls with hieroglyphic texts and illustrations that serve their eternity believes, but his organization of the elements


Working in the Pacific, Working in Asia: The Challenges of Sustaining International Partnerships in a Pandemic

In early 2020, members of the international, nursing and research teams at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand, met with a number of education and practice providers in China, to explore an education and research collaboration. These discussions facilitated the establishment of the Sino-New Zealand Aged Healthcare Association (SNZAH) which currently has 15 inaugural


Charlie King, Chinese Music, and Media Representation in a New Zealand Gold Mining Setting

Charlie King (Li Kee Hing), as he was known, spent most of his life in the southern New Zealand gold-mining settlement of Waikaia. Arriving there in the mid 1870s, he was one of many Chinese miners in New Zealand, and he worked closely with other miners from his village in China who had also travelled


Through Hamlet’s Subversive Character

Over the centuries when people are faced with the deaths of their beloved ones in the family and suffer from grief over them, William Shakespeare in Hamlet offers his ideas of how a son faces his father’s death and his mother’s remarriage, ideas of whether the purgatory exists and ideas of which eschatology is correct


Promoting Pre-service Teachers’ Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Through Developing Virtual Reality Applications With the Assure Instructional Design Model

The promotion of teachers’ TPACK, namely the integration of content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge for teaching has become a major concern among researchers and educational practitioners. Moreover, cultivating teachers’ augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR) capabilities has become an important issue of government policy. Drawing on Kohloer and Mishra’s Learning by Design principle and the


Sejong Puzzle: An AR Based Fun Geometric Math Teachware

We are developing a teachware app implemented by Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Recent interests on AR technology have promoted a number of AR-based teachwares for children. However, most of them simply show users 3D images to intrigue them when users attach cards or books onto camera. Sejong Puzzle is designed not only to give funs


Traditional Art, Interactive Technology, Gamifying Cloud: Cross-Cultural Hybrid Puppetry New Experience

Puppetry is the key project intangible cultural heritage in Taiwan, which has developed into the most drama performances featuring arts and culture, modern life has become an integral part of the entertainment . In the past few years , with the significantly improved computing capabilities , emerging digital tools ( such as tablets , smart


Challenging the Cultural Amnesia of Historical Video Art

With an increased presence of exhibitions focusing on video art’s history since the turn of the century there is a need to develop curatorial strategies that challenge the amnesic effects that time has had on this past which have been accelerated by the obsolescence of technology. For the curator of video art histories this presents


News Media Quality Rating in Thailand: A Pilot Study

Changes in the media environment, have posed a challenge to news workers and journalists regarding the quality of news reporting. This media quality rating research aimed to develop the criteria for measuring the quality of Thai news programs. The study consisted of three stages and included both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The first stage


Museum as Meditative Environment

The article considers a special term “meditative space” regarding modern museums’ environment. The term is considered in the context of modern venues in Museum Education that are concentrated on interactive communication with visitors. In accordance with a brief description of the modern museum philosophy, the author emphasizes the importance of keeping some elements of traditional


Developing Psychosomatic Medicine Workshop Module for Medical Doctor

Psychosomatic medicine (PM) is a field that explores the interplay between the mind and the body and how psychological factors can influence physical health. The author started psychosomatic medicine workshop for medical doctor in 2017 for medical doctors. Since 2017 the author already held 6 workshops in different regions in Indonesia. The module aims to


Instructional Strategies for Teaching Computational Thinking in Secondary Computer Science Introductory Courses

The field of computer science (CS) faces a crisis in the U.S. because of the shortage of CS teachers and the low level of interest in majoring in CS. Students mention programming as a challenging topic in CS. Scientists suggested teaching computational thinking (CT) to improve programming outcomes. This study focused on four CT practices