Category: Difference/Identity/Ethnicity


Japanese Pop Culture’s Influence on the Process of Transnational Children’s Identity Identification in “Monstrous” Graphic Novel

Monstrous is an autobiographical comic created by Sarah Myer, narrating her experiences as a South Korean descendant adopted by a German family who was living in America. The struggle of value differences between oneself, family, and school environment is a dilemma faced by transnational individuals. While struggling to identify her identity, Sarah was referencing Japanese


The Art of Overcoming: Kwasi Akonnor’s Self-Portrait as a Cervical Dystonia Survivor

This research article investigates Kwasi Akonnor’s self-portrait as a cervical dystonia survivor and its potential as a visual representation of resilience and empowerment. Cervical dystonia is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary muscle contractions in the neck, leading to abnormal head movements and postures. Akonnor’s self-portrait, accompanied by a narrative, portrays his personal journey through


Exploring Indonesian Cultural Symbols for Food Packaging Design–A Comparative Study: Indonesian and Thai Consumers

Globally, the fad of consciously eating healthier and paying more attention to overall health and wellness appears to be driving a cultural shift towards more traditional foods. These are now replacing processed food because of a nutritious and sustainable food supply. In Southeast Asia, Indonesia currently consumes the highest proportion of plant-based foods, besides significant


Performing Priyanka Chopra Jonas, the Global Indian: Analysis of How the Celebrity Memoir ‘Fits In’

Memoirs are narratives presenting the lives, emotions, and experiences of authors from their own perspective. Celebrity memoirs, while promising disclosure of the authentic self, are often carefully constructed stories mediated by ghost-writers and publicists (Lyons, 2014). Inevitably, they apply rhetorical strategies to produce exaggerated life stories, justify choices and re-frame controversies; thereby becoming a performance


Exploring the Projected Identities of Officers in the New Zealand “New Cops” Police Recruitment Campaign

Over the years, research into the New Zealand (NZ) police force has uncovered that there is an underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities, and the job is seen as unattractive because of inequitable pay and work conditions. Accordingly, NZ has consistently seen shortages in frontline police staff for much of the 21st Century, which led


In the Shadow of White Christian Privilege: Exploring the Internment of Japanese Nationals From Hawai’i During WWII

During WWII, Camp Livingston in central Louisiana was a site of internment of civilian Japanese men, the majority of whom were from Hawaii. These men were Buddhist priests, newspaper editors, Japanese language schoolteachers, consular agents, among other occupations. Arrested beginning on December 7th and taken from their families, these men were placed in U.S. Army


Telling Our Own Stories: A Phenomenological Study of Sub-Saharan African Immigrants

Many immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa consider emigration towards the West as an opportunity for educational and economic self-fulfillment. Their needs and interests, along with their skills and talents remain poorly understood and underutilized with most countries not recognizing their presence and doing little to facilitate their integration. We undertook this phenomenological project in order to