Category: Ethics; Religion; Philosophy
The Innovative Arrest Warrant Tracking System
There currently remain 152,148 warrants in the database of the Royal Thai Police (data as of 28 March, 2013, Royal Thai Police, 2013). This staggering amount of remaining warrants reflects the high number of wrongdoers on the loose. The prominence of the aforementioned problem has led to the study on escape behavior of warranted suspects. …
Religion and Respeto: The Role and Value of Respect in Social Relations in Rural Oaxaca
This paper discusses the different ways that the notion of ‘respect’ (respeto) is used in common discourse in rural Oaxaca, Southern Mexico. My particular focus is on the relationship between religious affiliation and the meanings attributed to the term. In the ethnographic example of indigenous Zapotec villages, where I have done fieldwork since the late …
To Mend the World: Trauma, Containment and Mourning
In his 1989 work, To Mend the World, Emil Fackenheim systematically confronts the questions he believes are posed to philosophy, and Jewish philosophy in particular, in a post-Holocaust era. These questions, to his mind, threaten the very possibility of philosophy and may be its cause of collapse. The gap that Auschwitz opened in history was …
Love, Suffering and Conflict: Some Lessons from Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents
In Civilization and its Discontents, Freud suggests that interpersonal relations constitute one of the three main sources of human suffering, the other two sources being the superior powers of nature and the pains arising from our own bodies. Taken together, these three sources undermine the possibility that human beings can achieve happiness: ‘Life, as we …
NonStandard Ethics
Contemporary Ethics is, mathematically speaking, a field biweldered by its natural commutativity axiom, wherein any nonzero element is invertible. Not only disempowerment, segregation, aggresion, torture, death murder, terrorism, Nature depletion, but even genocide have, for any occasion, one integer to its inverse value (x≠x-1) meaning with this that there is at least one n-tuple conscience …
A Call for Positive Metaphysical Agnosticism: Creating a Synergistic Relationship between the Individual and the Community in the Religious Studies Classroom
The religious studies classroom has become an increasingly dynamic “place” over the last several decades, and this trend will continue with rapidly developing technology and the proliferation of online college studies and globalization. It is no longer uncommon for a class studying religion to be composed of students from all around the world and a …
System of World Coordinates on the Basis of Extreme Dynamic Equilibrium – Link between Natural and Artificial
Artificial formations are often created in arbitrary manner, but in complexity world it is very dangerous. All artificial formations must be organized like natural formation, their rhythms, principles, patterns. All these formations must be connected with system of world coordinates on the basis of extreme dynamic equilibrium. Any interaction a natural and artificial formation with …
Role of Noobiogeocoenosis in Interaction of Artificial and Natural
The contradictions between artificial and natural reality lead to the ecological crisis. The biosphere is the object of natural planetary reality. The techniquesphere, and sociosphere is object for artificial one. The interaction between these realities is considered on basis noobiogeosphere’s concept that was suggested by author. Noobiogeosphere is the composite human-dimensional complex of the biosphere, …
Industry’s Needs on Oral Communication Skills among Tourism Students in a Polytechnic
As a growing industry, tourism provides tremendous opportunity for students who enjoy working with people. It is important that the tourism graduates develop strong oral communication skills needed by the industry. The aims of this study are to determine the industry’s needs on oral communication skills among tourism students in a polytechnic, to investigate the …
Existential Communication: Beyond Conflict
Some, if not all, of our most deeply held positions are not at all the result of reasoned enquiry but belong to the realm of habituation and affect. It is my contention that this is the arena in which we must look for the causes and cures for conflict. In this paper I would like …
A Synthesis of Researches Conducted by Personal of Sirindhorn College of Public Health Chonburi during 2009-2011
The purpose of this study was to analyze the situation of research conducted by personnel of Sirindhorn College of Public Health Chonburi Thailand and to summarize the knowledge extracted from the research. This was done by examining the quality of all twenty four research reports completed during 2009-2011. Data were collected through both information …
Design from Fiction to Reality: An Exploration into the Process of Design in Cosplay
Enthusiasts dressing up as anime characters and posing for photography have become a common sight in anime activities around Taiwan. In cosplay (formed from the words of costume and play), comic fans dress and pose as the characters in certain movies, manga or anime, and believe that the ultimate goal for a cosplayer is to …
Ethical Transformation of Individual Managers through Spirituality: A Sufi Perspective
Business ethics literature appears to focus more on philosophy and seems to have overlooked spirituality. Though spirituality has started to be taken into consideration in the field of Management, the Islamic perspective is still neglected. In this paper we aim to address this knowledge gap in the field of business ethics through Sufism representing Muslim …
The Challenge of Assessment for the Community of Inquiry: Negotiating Individuals and Community
Philosophy has always grappled with the tension between the individual and the community. In the Philosophy for Children (P4C) movement led by Matthew Lipman, this tension remains. Lipman and his followers have always recommended a dialogical model for children to practice philosophy – flowing from the ancient tradition of the Greeks. The increasing desire in …
Religion and Alienation: The Case of Catholic Poet Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope is known to be the first professional poet in England. At a time in which many still depended on the system of patronage in order to make a reputation as a writer, Pope negotiated his own deals with printers, booksellers, and publishers. He is said to have made a profit equivalent to a …
Freedom of Speech and Doctrine of Personal Privacy: A Comparative Law Analysis Originating from a South Korean Case
Following up on the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement among Republic of Korea and United States, a judge of the former wrote on his facebook page: “November 22, 2011, a day when a pro-US-to-his-core president and trade officials sold out the working class and the national economy. I will never forget.” No disciplinary action …
Patients’ Perception of Their Patient Rghts as Compared to Compliance with such Patient Rights as Exhibited by Nurses when They Incorporate the Patient into the Bedside Teaching of Nursing Students
The purpose of this study was to study patients’ perception of their patient rights while concurrently observing how the actual nursing care was provided and related to such patients’ rights when the patient was involved in a bedside teaching experience to nursing students, and compare patients’ perception of patients’ rights and the perception of these …
Beyond Kolmogorov Philosophy
The Kolmogorov’s probability philosophy is based on a set of axioms that can be extended to encompass the imaginary set of numbers and this by adding to the original five axioms of Kolmogorov an additional three axioms. Hence, any experiment can thus be executed in what is now the complex set C which is the …
Is Self-Defeating the Self-Fullfilling Prophecy of Judaism?
The challenge of the Re-Ligare and Connectedness ensemble surveys are also the interwoven and tangled form between other conceptual pairs, such as Knowledge and Information, or Mythology and Reason. The estrangement of beings can, though, transport meaningful purposes to their unity (Heidegger): After the rise of the Enlightenment, and Reason worth an Age of its …
We Are Place; Place is Us
The way we see place is the way we see ourselves. Our thoughts, values and identities are shaped by how we perceive place and our relationship to it. Shift in perspective about place can result in a shift in our way of perceiving ourselves – from being isolated to place to being connected. The purpose …
On Divine Omniscience and Human Freewill: An Analysis of Nelson Pike’s Argument of Incompatibilism
Nelson Pike’s article entitled, “Divine Omniscience and Voluntary Action,” proves that fatalism is unavoidable. Fatalism is the philosophical doctrine emphasizing the necessity of human acts rendering them unvoluntary. Theological fatalism is the thesis that infallible foreknowledge of a human act makes the act necessary and hence unfree, that is, if there is a being who …
Postmodern Identity Politics and the Social Tyranny of the Definable
The pervasive, almost irresistible privileging of what can be defined and specified and claim rights for itself in a democratic society supposedly based on argument and rational justification, including self-justification, entails certain liabilities and susceptibilities to abuse. The focus on definable identities seems to have been necessary for social progress, yet it has also led …
Ricoeur’s Dialectic of Distanciation and Appropriation in the Asynchronous, Online College Classroom
The digital age has brought about new dimensions of connectedness and alienation in the 21st century. New communication technologies and social media have transformed the everyday realities of human relations in many different ways, some positive and perhaps some negative. It is a legitimate question to ask what this is doing to interpersonal relationships and …
Communication Technology and the World Spirit
This paper aims to demonstrate how the global socio-cultural impact of the increasing interconnectedness of the world enabled by the development of communication technology can best be illuminated by Hegel’s conception of the historical progress of the so-called ‘world spirit’ towards consciousness of itself. In Hegel’s philosophy the term ‘spirit’ refers to a kind of …
The Quest for Spirituality: A Psychoanalytic Approach
The relationship between psychoanalysis and religion is often said to be antagonistic, as Freud famously claims that our religious beliefs are but a product of irrationality generated by our infantile phantasies. Recently, however, the philosopher John Cottingham suggests that religious faith is not only compatible with, but in fact supported by psychoanalytic theory, to the …
Theses on Prolegomena to Ethics
Building the concrete ethics (or moral) always depends on the solution of the question of the existence. “Due” (better or “Good”) is determined according to the understanding of the individual’s existence, its aims and sense. It’s important to note, that in this case any ethics can be called “immanent” – any transcendent and transcendental idea …
An Explanation of Monk’s Marriage in Japan ―The Ideas of Shinran and a Comparison with M.Luther―
Buddhism is one of unique religions which prohibit having sex as its rule. Monks must uphold their precepts in which prohibits “any kind of” sex. And it is noted that, in laymen’ precepts, “indecent” sex is prohibited. It shows that the difference about sex is a clear distinction between monks and laymen. In Japan, we …
The Catholic Church and Abortion: An Examination of Immediate Animation and Hylomorphism
The Catholic Church currently maintains that abortion is immoral at any stage of gestation because the foetus is a person from conception. This determination as to foetal personhood is founded upon two assumptions: 1. that any being with a soul is a person; and 2. that the foetus is endowed with a soul at the …
Musicians’ Enigma in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Nocturnes
Global citizens in the highly competitive material world in the twenty-first century immerse themselves in an enigma, an enigma where they inevitably struggle in their career for fame and fortune as success but they insensibly alienate from their family in daily life. Kazuo Ishiguro, a newly-rising Anglo-Japanese novelist, explores musicians’ enigma of how they can …
The Thinking of Animation: Conflict of 3D and 2D
The computer game and cinematic movie are quite common recreational activities in recent people’s lives, and computer technology in games and the cinema are becoming more and more advanced, especially 3D technology is the main instrument which is used in games and cinemas. For the procedure of “Pixar”, 3D animation is created by the development …