Category: Strategies for Promoting Creative Thinking

Creative Strategies for the Communication of Science in a Context of Digital Hegemony: Experiencing Hands-On Visual Arts Techniques
This paper points out the benefits of technical and technological revisitation as a mechanism for aesthetic and narrative improvement in the context of science communication. Through a fanzine production workshop, which served as an introduction to graphic arts, we sought to influence new strategies towards the promotion of scientific knowledge in a context of digital …

Creative Strategies for Making Technology-Based Decisions in Education
The article is dedicated to the specifics of creating creative strategies for making technology- based decisions. The rapid development of digital technologies requires a new type of design of creative thinking, which requires instant, correct and original making of technology-based decisions in the learning process. A study was conducted with a developed author’s questionnaire for …

Influence of Artefact, Activity and Design Value-Based Statements on Solution Outcomes
A design brief is usually set by the client which includes various types of information such as the needs or requirements, target audience, technology aspects etc. A designer who receives this design brief brings one’s own interpretation of what needs to be designed – a product, service, process or as a combination. Need or Design …

Material Design and Audio-Visual Narratives for Pedagogy: Theoretical Premises and Evaluation Tools for Experimenting Stop-Motion Animation as Teaching Method
Since the early 1900s the pedagogical research has matured a materialist perspective, recognizing the essential contribution of creative practice and material experience within learning paths. Starting from John Dewey’s philosophy of experience (1938), passing through Maria Montessori and Bruno Munari’s experimental teaching methods, Riccardo Massa’s “educational materiality”, to the most recent socio-material approaches, pedagogy has …