The computer game and cinematic movie are quite common recreational activities in recent people's lives, and computer technology in games and the cinema are becoming more and more advanced, especially 3D technology is the main instrument which is used in games and cinemas. For the procedure of “Pixar”, 3D animation is created by the development team pitching their ideas to each other, like a sales pitch. But the real challenge is to get the audience to believe in the idea and see the possibilities in this challenge. 3D animation is the main production in the animation market, because it looks more vivid than 2D animation, and 3D animation also needs to be added in more detail, however, there is a slight difference between Asian countries and Western countries. The animation in the Western countries are using 3D technology, but in the Asian, especially in Japan, it still uses 2D technology in animation, because they prefer hand drawn and traditional graphics, so most of the animations in Japan are 2D. However, Japan is also good at 3D technology, while, sometimes people would overlook the importance of a good story which is more prominent than the 3D technology employed in the animation movie by producers. As a consequence, no matter if the producer applies 3D technology or 2D technology, the technology which is used to perfectly profile the story in an animation movie would be regarded as the best technology.
Keywords: Animation, 3D Technology, 2D Technology
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Shih-Ting TSAI, Tatung University, Taiwan
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Conference: ACERP2013
Stream: Ethics; Religion; Philosophy
This paper is part of the ACERP2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
TSAI S. (1970) The Thinking of Animation: Conflict of 3D and 2D ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -) https://doi.org/10.22492/2187-476X.20130180
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