Digitalization, New Media & OTT: Case Study of Ushering New Perspectives for Gender Issues


Technological and digital innovations are of huge significance in contemporary scenarios. From the digitalization of business models and governance to its impact on the everyday lives of common people, digital is also the driver of the fourth industrial revolution The rise of virtual realities, Web3, and artificial intelligence has led to new challenges and opportunities. The way the masses consume entertainment and the rise of over-the-top (OTT) platforms are hallmarks of it. Further, media forms an integral part of portrayal, depiction, and features, which leads to stereotypes, biases, and exclusion. A boom in smartphones and high-speed internet also raises concerns about regulatory requirements for OTT platforms. OTT platforms navigate exponential growth and create an entertainment ecosystem, leading to innovative ideas. Debates on social norms and identities have often arisen from OTT content. This becomes a counternarrative to the follies of mainstream perspectives. OTT content is driven by the idea of a strong woman, challenging stereotypes, and calling out the social gendered dynamics. OTT adds heterogeneity to our understanding of gender. In a demand-driven world, this creates new forms of presentation and representation, adding a tenor of empowerment for women and gender issues at large. The paper attempts to discuss how, amidst the evolving nature of OTT platforms, they have been able to garner new perspectives on gender issues. It also discusses case studies from OTT platforms to highlight the significance of consistent engagement with gender issues, which is beneficial for holistic development too.

Author Information
Chayanika Uniyal, University of Delhi, India
Amna Mirza, University of Delhi, India

Paper Information
Conference: PCAH2024
Stream: Arts - Media Arts Practices: Television

This paper is part of the PCAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Uniyal C., & Mirza A. (2024) Digitalization, New Media & OTT: Case Study of Ushering New Perspectives for Gender Issues ISSN: 2758-0970 The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 113-124)
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