Category: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration

Framework for Entrepreneurial Education: Integrating Experiential and Transformative Learning in Vocational Institutions
Entrepreneurial education is essential for promoting an entrepreneurial culture, stimulating socio-economic development, and fostering innovation in all countries. In the academic literature, experiential learning, which integrates experience into educational processes, is considered an effective approach to developing entrepreneurial skills. Transformative learning, on the other hand, focuses on changing students’ thinking structures and beliefs by providing …

Behavioural Change Policies and Strategies for Quality Regulation in Nigeria’s Education Sector
Efforts at tackling the phenomenon of corruption in Nigeria date back several decades, but success and progress have been minimal due to the conventional approach of technical fixes using the law- and-order approach. Consequently, the Nigerian Institute of Social & Economic Research (NISER) in the last couple of years has curated a body of knowledge …

The Preliminary Analysis of the Entrance Examination Repeaters in East Asia
In East Asia, where the competition for the university entrance examination is intense, there is an option to repeat the preparation for the next year’s examination. This option, to be the examination repeaters (ER) has not been academically focused on. Now that the capacity of universities has been expanded and these countries are facing a …

Fostering School Continuous Improvement Through Adopting a Holistic Approach to Quality Assurance and Collaborative Self-Evaluation
An effective quality assurance mechanism enhances accountability and supports ongoing development of schools, as well as learning and teaching (Looney & Grainger Clemson, 2018). The Hong Kong Benchmark for Career and Life Development (HKBM) is designed to provide schools with a holistic school self-evaluation (SSE) mechanism for quality provision of career and life education at …

Value Methodology-Based Study of Foundational Learning Programs for Developing Effective Framework and Remediation
India has initiated nation-wide policy and programmatic measures in 2022 for achieving universal Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) by 2026. Research was undertaken for assessing impact of these measures at national level and 6 sample states. An innovative qualitative research design was developed integrating Value Methodology (VM). The VM technique involves 6-phase planning and execution, …

Public Education Policies: Ergonomic Aspect, Teaching Methodology and the Teaching and Learning Process
This work analyzes the influence of ergonomic aspects of classrooms on the learning process. Educational institutions have adapted their buildings to meet the needs of social, cultural development, accessibility and inclusion. The objective is to examine the comfort and accessibility of classrooms, teaching methodology and the teaching and learning process. In the school environment, there …

Educational Leadership and Managment
The role of educational leadership has become very relevant and significant due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies. The main prerequisite for the quality of education is a highly qualified personnel policy. Educational leadership implies trained and committed professionals who are responsible for managing results. While the need for effective leaders is …

Inclusive Leadership Under the Scope of the External School Evaluation Program in Portugal
In Portugal, within the framework of New Public Management, the autonomy of schools has been strengthened, and school leadership is required to assume greater responsibility in adopting inclusive responses tailored to the diversity and individuality of students. Since 2018, the 3rd cycle of the External Evaluation Program for School by the General Inspectorate of Education …

Human Resource Management Practices Towards the Performance of Teachers in the Province of Capiz
The study explored the human resource management practices and the performances of teachers among Catholic and Parochial Schools in the Province of Capiz as a basis for the development of an intervention program. The researcher assessed the demographic profile of the respondents, the human resource management practices, and the teachers’ performance. The respondents of the …

Educational Equity in the State and Municipal Education Plans of Northeastern Brazilian States: A Documentary Analysis
This study deals with themes related to Brazilian government policies with a focus on basic education. It aimed to analyze the use of the term educational equity in the State and Municipal Education Plans of the Brazilian Northeastern States and their respective capitals. This is a documentary study. Three stages were carried out: 1) searches …

Research Trends in Accounting and Accounting Education Over the Past Decade: A Bibliometric Analysis
This study aims to examine the trends and developments in the field of accounting and accounting education over the past decade using a bibliometric approach. The data analyzed includes publications from 2013 to 2023, focusing on research trends, contributions, and impacts. The analysis was conducted using Publish or Perish and VOSviewer tools. The results from …

Literacy and Digital Citizenship in Public Schools in the Sisal Region: Challenges, Resistance, Strength, and Beauty.
Brazilian education has faced a prolonged crisis, particularly in public schools. This situation worsened with the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and its variants since March 2020. School closures exacerbated inequalities among teachers and students lacking access to technological resources necessary for the continuity of the teaching and learning process. Research conducted by non-governmental organizations …

Middle Management: Role, Practices and Challenges on Educational Leadership Practices
Recent studies highlight the significant impact of middle management leadership on educational success. In Catalonia, school leadership is managed by a team composed of the Principal, Head of Studies, and Secretary. This research, using a sequential mixed-method design divided in three phases, analyzes the functions of the Head of Studies in primary schools and the …

Issues With Midwife-Obstetrician Collaborations: An Analysis of Three Medical Malpractice Cases
Midwives and obstetricians are involved in making critical decisions regarding the safety of both the mother and child; hence, an adequate collaboration between them is imperative. This study aimed to identify issues in midwife-obstetrician collaborations by examining three representative perinatal medical malpractice court cases between 1999 and 2021. In Japan, researching judicial decisions is considered …

Telling Individual Engagement Stories (TIES): Initial Action Towards Family Engagement Program
Parent–school partnership is an essential component to ensure positive students’ academic performance. Parents’ active involvement in their children’s education helps the school for its students to achieve their academic goals. As soon as parents enroll their children and once they enter the physical school, the child’s academic success heavily depends on the teachers’ role inside …

Building a Skilled Workforce: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in Palestine’s Vocational and Technical Education System
The main aim of the research was to evaluate the existing status of vocational and technical education in Palestine, with a specific focus on the challenges and obstacles identified by experts. The study sought to investigate these issues by taking into account various factors, such as educational background, gender, and years of experience. The research …

A Comparative Evaluation of MOOCs and Classroom Learning in Engineering and Science in India: A MOOC Policy Assessment
In 2016, the Indian government introduced the SWAYAM regulation, allowing Indian MOOCs to be an alternative to regular classroom learning in higher education. The policy was designed to facilitate broader access to high-quality learning content and provisioning for credit transfer. However, after the introduction of the regulation, studies have yet to be conducted on the …

Utilization of Information and Communication Technologies in the Administration of Public Universities in South-East Nigeria
Advances in science and technology have inadvertently led to increasing interconnectedness among peoples of the world, a shift in the roles and purposes of education, as well as the redefinition of skills, capabilities and competencies required of individuals if they are to succeed in the rapidly changing workplace and society. Higher education institutions are saddled …

English Learning Policy in Indonesia: A Public Administration Perspective
This research aims to analyze various English language learning policies in Indonesia through the lens of public administration, recognizing the imperative of equipping future generations with the linguistic skills necessary to navigate an increasingly interconnected world. Employing a qualitative approach with document analysis techniques, the study scrutinizes various of documents including books, research articles, and …

Investigating the Relationship Between Gender Perception and Women’s Representation in Higher Education Management and Leadership Positions
Gender issues in management and leadership in higher education institutions (HEIs) continue to be a global phenomenon, as well as a significant one in post-Apartheid South Africa. Despite several measures to promote gender equality, women’s proportion in management and leadership in HEIs remains low. This mixed methods paper formed part of the larger study which …

The Role of the School Manager in the Implementation of Active Methodologies in a Vocational Education Institution
The present study shows the role of the school manager in the implementation of active learning methodologies in an educational institution of vocational education in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Through an online survey with open and closed questions, 33 school managers of this institution answered their actions and orientations related to the topic. …

The Role and Practice of Leaders in Professional Development in China: University Lecturers’ Perspective
Leaders in the higher education sector provide university lecturers with many professional development (PD) opportunities. However, these opportunities have yet to be taken seriously; how leaders can effectively promote university lecturers’ active participation in PD has become an issue worthy of investigation. This study investigates how leadership in higher education can effectively enhance university lecturers’ …

The Magical Leadership Journey of Two Heroes Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom: A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Theories in Popular Culture
This paper compares and contrasts two key characters from the popular Harry Potter series about the process of becoming a leader and hero through two leadership theories. Harry, known as the “Chosen One”, is viewed as a natural leader and hero based on the trait theory (Fleenor, 2006). In contrast, Neville, who is considered a …

Actual Vis-a-Vis Desired Supervisory Practices As Perceived by Teachers and Supervisory Officials in University of Perpetual Help System – DALTA: Prelude Towards an Enhanced Supervisory Program
An effective supervision and instruction program is one of the key elements of a successful school. This research aimed to conduct a study on supervisory practices to help teachers improve their classroom performance and ultimately raise the quality of students’ output. A descriptive survey method was used in this study to gather qualitative data from …

Incidence of the Transformational Leadership Style in the Knowledge Tests of the Colegio Parques de Bogotá, Colombia
The leadership style exercised by the classroom teacher is a role that strengthens educational processes in institutions, because it provides pleasant and more productive work environments due to the motivational force it projects in students. This is why the presented study analyzed transformational leadership in the Parques district school of Bogotá and its impact on …

Change Leadership in the Development of Digital Learning Ecosystem: A Case Study in an Excellent School
Digital-based education has become one of the important elements to enhance the quality of learning in various educational institutions, especially in senior high schools. Brawijaya Smart High School Indonesia (BSS) is the subject of this study. The purpose of this study is to describe how the leaders of BSS are leading the change towards a …

Recognition, Awareness, and Effectiveness of Different Services Offered by the Office of the Students Affairs and Services in the Philippines
The study was conducted to determine students’ recognition, awareness and the effectiveness of the various services offered by the office of the student affairs and services. The researchers employed a descriptive research design. The researcher-made questionnaire served as the main instrument in the data collection. Feedback and comments from the participants were also solicited. The …

Developing Guidelines for the Use of Generative AI in Education and Research-Toward Acceptance of Ethical Behavior by Students
The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has created confusion in education and research. Generative AI will force a review of lesson design in educational settings, and the future of education will necessarily include dramatic changes. Accordingly, many educational institutions have begun formulating operational policies for generative AI in educational and research activities. To address …

Retrenchment in Higher Education
The covid19 pandemic along with changing attitudes has forced many rural public universities to retrench faculty and staff. As enrollments decrease, institutions of higher learning must adapt and change to the changing demographics. Retrenchment is only one alternative to dealing with declining enrollment. Retrenchment needs to be balanced with long-term strategic considerations. As the retrenchment …

Comparative and Content Analysis on Physics Laboratory Curriculum in Japan and the Philippines: An Assessment Policy Review
The study primarily employs comparative and qualitative content analysis. We focus on document analysis to identify potential gaps in K-12 assessment policies in Japan and the Philippines laboratory curriculum while drawing insights from international educational frameworks in mathematics, science, and reading proficiencies found in international Large-Scale Assessments (ILSA). We analyze various education systems, including the …

Examining System Level Policy for School as Learning Organization: A Case Study in Cambodia
In the midst of uncertain and constantly changing environment, schools today are argued to transform themselves to learning organizations. Kools & Stoll (2016) conceptualized the Integrated Model of School as Learning Organization to offer a framework for schools to prepare the transformation process. Cambodian schools have been through several phases of rigorous reforms. The MoEYS, …

Examining the Nursing Workforce Shortage in Vietnam: Implications for Nursing Education
This study examines the nursing human resource crisis in Vietnam that emerged in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A literature review encompassing policy documents, statistics, reports, guidelines, news, media, and academic publications was conducted. Even before the pandemic, Vietnam grappled with a nursing shortage, with a nurse-to-population ratio significantly below the global average. The …

Age Limit for Teachers’ Recruitment in Moroccan Public Schools: Investigation of Teachers and Student Teachers’ Perspectives About the Policy
In November 2021, the Moroccan government launched a new educational policy restricting the age for teachers’ recruitment in Moroccan public schools, bringing the age down to 30, which caused a lot of controversy and disagreements among Moroccan student teachers. The aim of this study was to investigate teachers from Moroccan public primary and secondary schools, …

Students’ Expectations and Perceptions of Service Quality: An Analysis
This descriptive quantitative study explores the expectations and perceptions of students from Antipolo City regarding the quality of service they receive from their college. The 804 student respondents enrolled in the seven (7) degree programs are described in terms of sex, age, and their degree programs. An online survey was conducted using a modified SERVQUAL …

Indonesian Student Graduation Policy: An Analysis of Public and Stakeholder Perceptions as a Social Justice Policies Recommendation for Student
The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture issued a policy in the form of Circular Letter Number 14 of 2023 concerning Graduation Activities in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education Units. This policy is a response from the Ministry of Education to the issue of injustice for underprivileged students. However, the policy has drawn pros …

Analyzing the Implementation of Anti-corruption Education Curriculum Guidelines in Basic Education Institutions in Thailand
The article aims to 1. Analyzing the anti-corruption education curriculum in line with the National Strategy for Corruption Prevention and Eradication, Phase 3 (2017-2021). 2. Synthesizing the implementation of anti-corruption education curriculum in basic education institutions. The research methodology involves a combination of document analysis and in-depth interviews. Research has found that there are six …

Preventing the Digital Gap in Czech Schools
A consequence of the digital gap is widening inequality in access to education. At the level of the individual pupil, this can lead to exclusion, which can result in lower chances of success in education and thus lower employability in the labour market and in life. For these reasons, the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth …

Professional Competence and Management Performance of State Universities and Colleges Administrators in MiMaRoPa
Goals in education are achieved with the crucial involvement and significant responsibility carried by the administrators. This study which utilized descriptive-correlational comparative methods investigates the Professional Competence (Interpersonal Relationships, Intrapersonal Relationships, Communication Skills, Time Management, and Decision Making) and extent of Management Performance (Improvement of School Plant, Supplies, and Equipment, Auxiliary Services, Public Relations, Staff …

Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Ghanaian Youth Through Prudent Internet Usage and Social Media Training
The use of the Internet has significantly influenced modern human interaction and life as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp have become the dominant media for communication and business. Ghana, along with other countries, has witnessed a surge in Internet users, with over 23 million people accessing the Internet by the beginning of 2023. Current scholarship …

Fostering Career and Life Development of Secondary School Students Through Effective School Self-Evaluation Mechanism
OCED (Mann, Denis & Percy, 2020) reported that in the survey of PISA (2018) 15 year-old students in OECD countries participate in career and life development (CLD) activities were relatively low (average 46%) and Hong Kong was merely 27%. An effective self-evaluation mechanism, as an important part of the quality assurance process, could support ongoing …

Assessment of 5S Sa Pamumuno: SDO Imus City School Leadership Approach
Purpose: The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of 5S (School-Based Management, School Improvement Plan, School Report Card, School Governing Council, and School Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustment) sa Pamumuno as a school leadership approach in the Schools Division Office of Imus City. Design/methodology/ approach: The study utilized the descriptive method of quantitative research. A modified …

Science Mapping in Educational Leadership Research: Bibliometric Analysis, 1907 to 2022
Educational leadership stands as a prominent research domain in education, where leaders play a guiding role, impacting educational culture and quality. With the pandemic of COVID-19 has compelled a shift to online learning for students, with educators striving to effectively engage learners in this digital landscape. Financial constraints have led to layoffs and cost-cutting in …

Stakeholder Engagement and Involvement Towards Child and Growth Development During Pandemic: A Framework on Correspondence Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted children and adolescents’ lives, leading to psychological problems and PTSD symptoms. In the Philippines, research on child and growth development during the pandemic is limited, emphasizing the need for better preparedness and quality education. The study investigated stakeholders’ involvement in child growth and development during the pandemic, providing a …

A Study on the Challenges and Transformation of Small Schools in Taiwan
The proportion of small schools in Taiwan continues to increase, with public elementary schools with 12 or fewer classes reaching 55.3% in 2021. In addition to inherent factors such as geography, transportation, and culture, the impact of a declining birthrate has exacerbated the situation. In an era of diverse educational development, small schools face various …

University Female Leaders and Imposter Syndrome: An Exploratory Case Study in Malaysia
Imposter Syndrome (IS) affects individuals, specifically high-achieving females, by causing them to experience self-doubt and feelings of being fraudulent. This study employed an innovative visual quasi-gamification tool to conduct semi-structured interviews aiming to investigate how IS affects female leaders in higher education in Malaysia and how IS could be managed. It concluded that IS is …

Unheard Voices: A Narrative Exploration of Moroccan Science Learners’ Experiences With French-Medium Instruction Policy
Claiming the ‘failure’ of the Arabicization policy adopted a few years after independence, the Moroccan Ministry of Education decided in 2019 to officially reintroduce the French language as a medium of instruction (FMI) for science subjects. This decision ignited a tense debate about languages in the country especially among politicians. In this very polarized political …

An Exploration of Teacher Education Policies for Cultural Curriculum in Taiwan’s Indigenous Schools
The Taiwan government has historically promoted indigenous cultural teacher training policies to cultivate teachers capable of inheriting indigenous culture. This study investigates the implementation status of the Indigenous cultural curriculum teacher training policy. It provides recommendations for adjustments to meet Indigenous cultural teachers’ increasing professional development needs, including in-service training and pre-service education. Employing a …

Mechanisms of Driving Science-Based and Technology Demonstration Classrooms Under the Supervision of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Rai, Thailand
This qualitative research aimed to analyze the mechanisms of driving the science-based technology demonstration classrooms under the supervision of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Rai. The research sample consisted of 30 individuals, including university administrators, curriculum administrators, instructors, teaching assistants, and support staff. Interviews and focus group discussions were utilized as research tools, and …

The Influence of Transformational Leadership Among Academic Leaders and Readiness for Change Towards Educators’ Workplace Commitment in Malaysian Technical University
Higher learning institutions aim to ensure continuity and feasibility in the academic sphere for the benefit of academic leaders, educators, and students. Local governments and international organisations recognise higher learning institutions as contributors to achieving long-term academic aspirations through competent top management and realistic alternatives to current concerns and difficulties. The Malaysian government’s educational aspirations …

Stakeholders’ Assessment of Basic Science Programme Objectives in Southwestern-Nigeria
Helping to gain better understanding of the world puts science in a better position to influence positively, conditions for life on planet. Therefore, having the necessary science background and knowledge goes a long way to affect people’s life positively. Hence, children are taught science early so as to develop the critical thinking skills necessary to …

Constructing the Scale of Transcendent Leadership for Junior High School Principals
In the rapidly changing global organizational environment of today’s world, the theory of transcendent leadership has been highly inspiring. Although it has emerged for over a decade, there is currently no related scale available for academic use. Especially in recent years, junior high school principals have faced changing educational environments both within and outside the …

Campus Wellness Program Design: The Practice of Public Schools
The Department of Education mandates and initiates initiatives that encourage student and teacher health, fitness, and wellness. The study examined the practice of public schools in designing campus wellness programs. This study applied qualitative research, specifically a case study design with primary data gathering via interviews. The three elementary and three secondary schools in one …

Ustaz Hanafi: A Transformative Figure in Malay Silat Through the Education of the Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia (PSSCM)
Ustaz Hanafi, the late Founder, President, and Guru Utama of the Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia (PSSCM), was a well-known figure among the members of the organization and the Malay martial arts community. This study aims to examine Ustaz Hanafi’s character as a Silat master in PSSCM. Interviews were conducted with 15 active members who …

Participation in Early Childhood Education Toward Global Targets of Sustainable Development
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ensure that all girls and boys have access to early childhood development, care, and quality pre-primary education by 2030, enabling them to be prepared for primary education. The Indonesian government has implemented policies to attain these targets in line with these objectives. However, the national Gross and Net Enrolment …

The Impact of Teachers’ Professional Collaboration in Taiwan: Application of the Talis 2018 Junior High School Teacher’s Database
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), professional collaboration is an essential support tool for teachers working in challenging environments. It has been identified as one of the five pillars of teacher professionalism. Scholars have indicated that professional collaboration among teachers is one of the essential directions of current educational reform. This …

College Students’ Part-time Jobs: Associated Factors and Implications for Policy
This study aims to investigate the factors shaping the part-time job aspirations of undergraduate Vietnamese students, shedding light on their attainability. Employing a cross-sectional descriptive correlational survey design, data collection spanned from October 2022 to December 2022. The survey questionnaire was disseminated through a network of lecturers, reaching 461 undergraduates across diverse Vietnamese universities. However, …

Development of Student Status Reports of a Faculty in University Using Interactive Microsoft Power BI for Effective Academic Administration
The student status report is generally designed for academic administration to get information to analyze the learning progress. For the case study at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology (FIET), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, there are 8 undergraduate programs, 7 master’s programs, and 1 doctoral program. There are average number of 755 …

Improvement of Data Management to Support Educational Quality Assurance of a Faculty in University Using Digital Platform of Microsoft Teams
The educational quality assurance (QA) is the management and operation of universities to continuously improve the quality of students and graduate students. The purpose of this study is to improve the data management process for QA of the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand by using the Microsoft …

Perspectives and Practices of Middle Managers of Their Competencies: Basis for a Sustainable Competency Building Program
The recurring theme of higher educational institutions in the Philippines is to compete in a competitive global and international market of higher education. To accord with the challenges and demands in higher educational institutions, the role of middle managers is deemed important. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the perspectives and practices of …

Development of Informative Reports for Analysis of Student Admission, Case Studies for the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, KMUTT
Before Covid-19 crisis, the results of undergraduate admission were reported using paper-base with raw data. As a result, the administrators were unable to apply the unclear information for decision in a timely manner. This case study was performed by the academic affair of the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology …

Difficulties in Instructing Novice Nurses as Perceived by Preceptors
Preceptors of novice nurses are expected to play an important role as part of the continuing education of novice nurses who have just become nurses after graduating from school. Since preceptors may experience a variety of difficulties in instructing novice nurses, it is necessary to provide support for preceptors to alleviate the difficulties in instructing …

Exploration of Principalship Experiences on Inclusive Education Implementation in China
Over the past two decades, many countries have conducted research and taken steps to enhance principal leadership for more inclusive schools and ensuring every individual’s access to equal educational opportunities. China, in particular, has carried out inclusive education practices based on its own context. However, there are lack of awareness among the educational stakeholders especially …

University Halls of Residence: Welcoming, Interculturality and Belonging
In this paper, we argue for the strategic role of university halls of residence in welcoming students. We emphasize the added importance of a comprehensive welcome for international students, given their need to build a support network in the destination country to prosper in their studies and adapt to the new reality. Furthermore, we found …

Culturally Responsive Leadership in Education
Presenters will provide an overview of the importance of culturally responsive leadership in the K-12 system and higher education as well as leadership in both settings. According to Kruse and Gray (2018), instructional leaders “practice vision-inaction by evidencing an up-to-date knowledge and skill set, including different models of teaching, differentiation of instruction, the use of …

The Place of French in Botswana’s Language in Education Policy: Contradictions and Paradoxes?
Society prospers on education to shape the individual; formal or informal. In modern times where governments are responsible for the organization of society, education serves as a developmental tool for the citizenry. The choices that a country makes towards developing its nation are very important, Botswana is a case in point with her Vision 2036 …

Critical Control Points Course Detection Methodology at University Education
The research presents an innovative study based on adding value to the university educational process. Currently, there is no clear definition to detect at which stage of a career students lag behind after failing a specific subject or activity. An educational innovation proposal, based on the extrapolation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point …

Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis: Policies and Strategies for Maintaining Relevance of VET in Germany and Australia
The present paper delves into the concept of relevance in vocational education and training (VET), particularly in the context of Germany’s and Australia’s policies aimed at responding to the labour market needs and requirements during the COVID-19 crisis. By analysing publicly accessible documents from the COVID-19 period, this study identifies the factors that contribute to …

Impact of Innovative Approaches of University Leadership on Administrative and Academic Staff Motivation
There is an increasing recognition that higher education institutions require highly motivated academic and administrative staff which is affected by efficient university leadership and, in its term, creates the basis for students’ high performance and excellent outcomes. The most essential strategy in reaching the success of the university is motivating the staff and encouraging them …

Exploring Enrollment and Business Model Correlates with International School Profitability
This study investigates the relationship between a school’s enrollment percentage, business model, and profitability within identified competitive groups of international schools in two metropolitan cities. The competitive groups were identified based on tuition levels, geographic proximity, curriculum offerings, and the ratio of expat teachers to local teachers, and were checked for matching the expectations of …

Improving Educational Management in Developing Countries Using an Operational Research Approach
Educational management requires equal rigour and meticulousness as any other management obligation. Efficiently administered education, training, and growth strategies can provide developing nations with proficient individuals with the knowledge and expertise necessary to fulfil various governmental goals and aspirations. This research paper aims to a) present an enhanced practice model for educational management procedures and …

Equitable and Socioemotional Approach on School Discipline Through Feminine-Oriented Leadership: A Case Study
The role of educational leaders’ identities in education has been extensively discussed, especially when it comes to female leaders’ identities. Scholars are particularly interested in terms of their gender intersecting with their leadership identity considering them as minorities in educational leadership with complex lived experiences. This research examines the experiences of an Indonesian Islamic school’s …

AI Maturity Assessment Level for Educational Leadership
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing interest as a research topic. Adapting to AI technologies has become essential for educational institutions, specifically educational leaderships in order to embrace AI trends in enhancing educational leadership practices. This study comes in response to the increase discussion of implementing AI in education, which has created the need for …

Addressing the Root Causes: An In-Depth Analysis of Uzbekistan’s Approach to Resolving the Issue of Underqualified Preschool Teachers
This article seeks to evaluate one of the components of the “Promoting early childhood development” project introduced to improve the qualification and Early Childhood Development (ECD) knowledge of preschool teachers in Uzbekistan. The Theory of Change (ToC) framework and SWOT analysis are adopted to evaluate the intervention. The ToC comments on the design of the …

Exploring Dimensions of Entrepreneurship Education as Determinants of Entrepreneurial Readiness on Exit Level Students at Selected TVET Colleges in a Developing Context
Entrepreneurship education has continued to gain more global attention due to its pivotal role in the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for economic advancement. The importance of entrepreneurship education has led to discovering its different dimensions. This study aims to examine the link between dimensions of entrepreneurship education and students’ entrepreneurial readiness towards starting a business. …

Developing Conducive Environments for Participation in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in a Historically Disadvantaged University
Many schools of thought globally have argued on the subject of SoTL, its formulation, techniques and procedures, and this subject has also not spared and questioned the operation of previously disadvantaged universities. These universities identify more with teaching and less with research. Yet, SoTL pursues the primary motivation of including it as a culture in …

Trauma-Informed Leadership: A Case Study of Educational Leadership and Crisis Management of Secondary Schools
This qualitative research utilized a case study research design that investigated the school head’s leadership and crisis management. It enlisted the participation of five school heads using convenient sampling based on inclusion criteria. To collect data, a semi-structured written interview based on Lawson (2021) was used. To display the narratives, the data were transcribed, examined, …

The Paradox of the UNESCO Initiative for an Ecological Consciousness-Oriented Education: A Critical Analysis Utilizing the WPR Approach
Environmental sustainability development (ESD) has been considered a priority in educational policy. This was evident in the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) (UNESCO, 2015b, p.1), the Global Action Programme (GAP) (2015–2019) and the UN’s (2015) proposal (Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development). Despite all these efforts, UNESCO (2020b) …

The Ethics of OpenAI/ChatGPT
The OpenAI Playground and ChatGPT use GPT-3.5 to produce text using an AI language model that is capable of routinely producing texts that would appear to have been written by humans at a level of sophistication that would meet typical benchmarks for competence in those fields. Policy responses at universities currently speak to the capacity …

For School Turnaround in Centralized Systems of Education: A Case Study of Bahrain Public Schools
The past decades have witnessed a remarkably consistent effort by educational policy makers and the Ministry of Education of Bahrain to reform schools by holding them more publicly accountable for enhancing student performance and overall school improvement. With the establishment of the Education & Training Quality Authority (BQA) in 2008, public schools went under intensive …

Relegating School Principal Leadership From Teacher Professional Learning: Social Network Analysis Approach
Researchers have been trying to identify through which ‘path’ the principal’s leadership practice is most impactful to the quality of teaching and learning as a preferred outcome. On the other hand, there is some evidence that its influence on student learning is indirect. This study seeks to contribute to the knowledge regarding influence of school …

Issues and Responsiveness of Traditional Madaris: An Avenue for the Crafting of Comprehensive Madrasah Development Program
While the Philippine government has been supporting private madaris or integrated Muslim schools for a decade ago, traditional madaris or Muslim religious schools are still left at the mercy of limited community support and foreign philanthropists leading to sustain perennial problems that hinder their growth and standardization. This study assessed the issues confronting the traditional …

An Investigative Analysis of the Difficulties and Challenges of Beginning Principals
Principals need support throughout their careers to lead effectively and improve continuously, and research indicates that principals are facing new and unprecedented educational challenges. Beginning principals often face professional isolation and loneliness, so it is essential to provide professional support and assistance to beginning principals. This study examines the difficulties and challenges beginning principals face. …

Validation of Analysis by the Rule of Three on a Metropolitan International School Market: A Confirmatory Study
The international school market has grown almost exponentially over the past decade. To the point where in some metropolitan areas it has been observed in the press, that schools are not reaching a sustainable level of profitability. This has led to schools being sold off to international management companies, school chains having to rationalise operations …

An Investigation on Role of Modern Management in Cultural Values and Spirituality for Organizational Development
One of the foremost organizational challenges of the future of work is how to maintain a culture when most, if not all, the employees are virtually distributed and may not even be employed by the organization in traditional ways. Spiritual values of the personnel are the prerequisites for the organizational health and development. This fact …

Unpacking the Impact of Network Organization on Knowledge Creation: A Case Study in the Sino-foreign University
The emerging knowledge economy and disruptive information technologies significantly impacted and challenged the university. Due to the drawbacks of cumbersome procedures and rigid reporting lines (Kotter, 2014), the traditional hierarchical structure adopted by the universities severely hinders flexible cross-departmental collaboration and interdisciplinary innovation within universities. As a potential solution, network organization is proposed due to …

How to Implement Innovative Education in Senior High Schools?: From an Entrepreneurial Leadership Perspective
In the rapidly changing global environment, innovative education in senior high schools serves as an important connecting link in the process of cultivating talents, and the leadership of principals is also the core of school reform. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore how to develop innovative education in senior high schools through …

Comparative Policy Design Analysis: An Integrated Approach for Unpacking the Education Policies of Finland, Singapore, and Australia
In complementary to framing comparative policy analysis by policy cycle and policy sub-systems approaches, this article aims to articulate the policy design perspectives to comparative policy studies. We argue that comparing policy causations, policy instruments, policy interventions, and evaluation strategies across countries from different comparative angles helps to redefine the commonalities and differences that go …

Gender Analysis for the Pre-university Education Sector in Albania
Gender equality concept is unquestionably linked to the quality in the education system, as the foundations of the intellectual and social development of children. Achievement of gender equality in education system is an important challenge not only for the children but also for all responsible government institutions and their respective education and social policies. While …

The Comparative Study of Ethical Procedures in Education for Law Amendments in Thailand
This study was aimed (1) to examine the condition and problems in ethical processes in education in Thailand (2) to compare the ethical procedures in education from ten countries or regions (3) to provide recommendations for improving legislation within Thailand. The research methodology was based on documentary research that was divided into three phases. The …

Working in the Pacific, Working in Asia: The Challenges of Sustaining International Partnerships in a Pandemic
In early 2020, members of the international, nursing and research teams at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology, New Zealand, met with a number of education and practice providers in China, to explore an education and research collaboration. These discussions facilitated the establishment of the Sino-New Zealand Aged Healthcare Association (SNZAH) which currently has 15 inaugural …

Reimagining Resilience at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Emergent Governance, Leadership, and Crisis Management Practices
The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for an array of challenges in higher education, particularly at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). These challenges included not only reinventing traditional pedagogical approaches but restructuring their academic service delivery options. As a result, examining these complexities warrants reviewing the role of governing boards, leadership, and their …

The Effect of Spatial Intelligence and Learning Management on the Learning Outcomes of Mechanical Engineering Students in the Mechanical Drawing Course
The workforce needed in the industrial revolution era 4.0 is not only skilled at operating machines (machine operators), more than that it is required to have a better understanding of AI (Artificial Intelligence) which includes the latest machines. backed by skills. design, the achievement of student design competence from the learning process must be supported …

Transformation Management at a University-Based Business School
This study focuses on the process of institutionalisation of a new management and educational system (MTBS) in a Malaysian top university-based business school, disguised as AGSB. Specifically, the study looks at the changes brought by MTBS transformation programme introduced by government. An explanatory case study method is used whereby data are collected through semi-structured interviews, …

Picture Perfect: Competencies of Educational Leaders From Fifteen Selected Colleges and Universities in the Philippines: Towards a Proposed Leadership Model
This descriptive study used frequency distribution to rank the data from highest to lowest to determine the level of importance of the competency skills seen on the Leadership Inventory Tool. This Leadership Inventory Tool is a 360-degree assessment tool by Rom Parlakian and Barry Nilbert Seibel (2001). Based on The Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model, …

The Discursive Construction of a Nation: Identities and Ideologies in Taiwan’s Bilingual Policy
Though English is widely hailed as the global lingua franca, critical applied linguists (e.g. Blocks, 2018; Kubota 2011, 2013; Piller & Cho, 2015; Ricento 2015; Tollefson, 2013) have scrutinized the promised affordances of English and urged the examination of English language policies especially in non-English-dominant countries to parse out the links between policies and ideologies, …

Through the Eyes of School Leaders: A Discussion of the Outcomes of a Leadership Development Training Programme
Citizen Leader Lab, a non-profit organisation, facilitates the Partners for Possibility (PfP) programme that provides leadership development and support to school leaders serving under-resourced communities in South Africa to ensure effective environments of learning. This is done by creating partnerships (dyads) between principals and private-sector business leaders over a 12-month period. This article describes principals’ …

Development of Retention Program through Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Selected Private Teachers
In recent years, school administrators have had a continuous concern about the retention of private school teachers. The Philippines is one of the countries that experience a constant turnover of teachers, especially in basic education. This mixed method study examined the factors that influence the private teachers to stay or leave private schools. To know …

Innovation Ecosystem in China’s Universities: China’s AI Policy Analysis
It has great importance in innovation ecosystem studies that universities play a key role in university-industry-government interactions. Besides the knowledge-based role, universities within an innovation ecosystem are increasingly expected to engage with industries and governments to contribute to economic development. In the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), while national governments have released relevant policies regarding …

School Administration: Violence Among Elementary School Students in District Lahore
School violence has become a global issue that has harmed kids’ well-being. Few studies have looked at how school features buffer the relationship between personal and family factors and school violence in Asian cultures’ elementary schools. School violence has become a major social concern in recent decades, hurting students’ personal, family, and social well-being. The …

The Assessment of Potentials as a Basis to Reform University Management
The Bologna Reform in Europe, which led to systematic changes in academic teaching and learnings structures, finally implemented in 2002, also made a need for reforms at the management level of universities visible. However, approaches to modernize the management structure with components such as strategy and structure, performance measurability, or process economy via key figures …

A Study of Taiwanese Teachers’ Perceptions of ELTAs
Since March 29th, 2021, the Ministry of Education (MOE) launched the “U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative: Center for Bilingual Instruction” in Kaohsiung so as to thoroughly implement the Bilingual 2030 Policy in primary and secondary education. Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (Wenzao) plays an important role in this long-term program. By recruiting foreign students, both native (NS) …

A Critical Evaluation of the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL): The Flagship Indian Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Programme
NPTEL is a prominent Indian example of an online learning system backed by the Indian State. Driven by the government regulatory policy and learners’ needs, NPTEL has become popular with students enrolled in the Indian higher education sector, especially in engineering and science disciplines. This paper critically evaluates NPTEL among Indian learners using NPTEL and …

Introducing Virtual Writing Centers in Japanese High Schools to Support Teachers Implementing Changes to the English Curriculum
The recent and coming changes to the Japanese Ministry of Education English Course of Study and English requirements of the Japanese University Entrance Exam system have shifted the focus of the teaching and learning of English in Japanese high schools away from reading and listening towards writing extended texts in English. These changes have increased …

A Comparative Study of the Changes of the Language Policy From Colonised India to Independent India
Linguistic Imperialism’ is considered very common as we can see nowadays some languages dominate other languages as is the case of the English Language. This paper is a comparative study that investigates the reasons that cause ‘Linguistic Imperialism’ as a phenomenon, the impact of the British Imperialism on Education in India, and how it affected …

Enabling Factors That Lead Educational Middle Leaders to an Effective Professional Performance
Effective school leadership is made of senior and middle leaders who work effectively and collaboratively. More than ever, in the 21st century, there has been recognition that schools need knowledgeable, skilled, proactive and committed leaders, along with great teachers, to ensure outstanding education at all levels of schooling. The scope of this paper lies within …

A Scheme for Enhancing a University President’s Performance in a Transforming World
As society evolves and technology advances, a university like any other dynamic institution will need to change and adjust its teaching, research and community service to stay relevant, keep pace and prepare future professionals and leaders. These adjustments need to be reflected in the university’s outlook and strategic plan to remain relevant and competitive. Consequently, …

Teacher Agency in the Context of Curriculum Reform: An International Scoping Review
In parallel with neoliberal curriculum reforms taking place over the globe, teacher agency is increasingly recognized as a worthwhile research topic. Although the concept of teacher agency is fast becoming an educationally worldwide concern, there is little agreement on its conceptualization. Additionally, despite its real significance to educational changes, no previous study has attempted to …

Demand for and Supply of Trade/Entrepreneurship Subjects Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Oyo State, Nigeria
The study investigated the demand for and supply of trade/entrepreneurship subjects’ teachers in public senior secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria. The concerns about the need for and the availability of teachers of the subjects served as the motivation for this study. Three hypotheses stated in null form guided the study. The descriptive research design …

Strategies of Selected HEIs in Addressing Challenges and Issues Inherent to Student Mobility
Internationalization initiatives in student mobility of selected higher education institutions (HEIs) in Davao region, Philippines certainly set the ground for an internationalization effort to cope with the challenges of globalization. However, HEIs being an open system is not immune to challenges and issues which might put the internationalization efforts of HEIs in student mobility at …

Instructional Leaders’ Reflective Inquiry Practices: Impact on Teachers’ Instructional Competence and Students’ Academic Performance in Selected Public Schools in Manila
The various tasks and high expectations add to the problems in the workplace. Instructional leaders, school principals, academic chairs, or coordinators must possess the mental insight to identify and approach the problems (Schmieding, 1999). The study examined if the reflective inquiry practices of the instructional leaders create an impact on the desired teaching performance of …

Ready or Not? A Critical Policy Analysis on the Implementation of Flexible Learning Policy and Its Effect on High School Learners
In 2019 Corona Virus Pandemic created a massive impact in the Philippines most especially in Education. All face-to-face classes from kindergarten to tertiary level were suspended because, many provinces, municipalities, and cities in the country were in lockdown. Private and Public School Teachers, Administrators, and Students were incarcerated inside their houses. And to respond to …

Principals and Heads of School at International Schools: The Impact of Relationships on Turnover
This presentation presents the results of a qualitative research study that explored how international school administrators’ perceptions of professional relationships influence turnover in international schools, and presents findings on administrators’ awareness, challenges, and best practices as they relate to turnover. The beginning of the presentation introduces the problem of turnover in K-12 schools and describes …

Technology Adoption in Graduate Education: Basis for Faculty Development Plan
With the rapid growth of the technological environment and the current COVID-19 epidemic, the way we interact and conduct business has undergone significant changes. Graduate education institutions are not exempted from these changes, as administrators and faculty are under pressure to research and implement new learning approaches in order to ensure the continuation of service …

Legal Protection of the Millennial Generation Against the Issue of Junk Food During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The millennial generation as the nation’s next generation needs safe food consumption and does not endanger their health and soul, even though in reality the level of awareness of the younger generation to consume safe, quality, and nutritious food is still lacking because they prefer fast food because it is practical and tastes good without …

Transformational Leadership in Changing Education Systems: Evolving Management Roles and Responsibilities in Educational Institutions
This paper examines the effectiveness of transformational leadership in changing education systems and the rapidly evolving and expanding roles of educational leaders. Innovation, rather than the mere improvement of existing processes and structures, is one of the most important elements of an organization that a leader can help to promote. Whether it is a factory …

Financial Autonomy of Schools in Kazakhstan: International Comparison and a National Perspective
This paper has relevance for any nation seeking to reform its model of funding through decentralization and a neoliberal agenda that permits marketization of public services such as education. It adopts a case-study approach to locate and discuss where Kazakhstan, a country undergoing considerable educational reform, is currently positioned regarding one specific aspect of school …

The Changing Stakeholder Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations in Sustainable Modern Education
Most of the stakeholders of education, teachers, students, parents, governments, regulators, policymakers, parliamentarians are puzzled about the way out, of the issues of modern education. Some of the issues of modern education are unemployment, adopting new technologies, manpower training, and learner discontent. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the education sector …

Technology Driven Management and Employees’ Task Accomplishment in Government Technical Colleges in Lagos State, Nigeria
The study examined the contributions of Technology-Driven management to employees’ task accomplishments in the “new normal” with particular reference to Government Technical Colleges in Lagos State Nigeria. The study was guided by three research questions and three hypotheses. The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population comprised all the 528 teachers …

Transnational University Collaborations Through the Lenses of Content and Social Network Analyses
In the age of COVID-19 and a global pandemic, international collaborations have become as important as ever to solve complex societal challenges of which universities play important roles. In fact, transnational university collaborations beyond institutional walls extend knowledge and resources to drive innovative change for large-scale economic and social progress that would not be possible …

ECE Leadership: Developing Resilience During Periods of Uncertainty in Hong Kong
The current COVID19 pandemic has needed several, mostly at short-notice, school modifications. School leaders and educators have always worked in a complex world to ensure continuity for students, families, and communities. This notion has contributed to controversies about when schools should be closed; what actions, protective measures school leaders should take to benefit the school …

Indonesia National Education Response in COVID-19: A Policy Analysis Approach
Since the Covid-19 outbreak in March 2020, the Indonesia Ministry of Education had formulated, released, and adjusted numbers of policies responding to the national priority agenda of public health resilience. This paper discusses the dynamics of education response at a policy level, focusing on stakeholders’ role and involvement at central and subnational levels. During the …

Managing Odds: Addressing Educational Disadvantage Through School Accountability and Better HRM Practices
One of the ongoing discussions in the economics of education relates to the features of education systems that are linked to better learning outcomes in students. While there is a consensus on the importance of accountability and human resource management (HRM) practices in this context, literature on education systems has yet to analyse these as …

A Critical Analysis of Prevention Science Framework: An Examination of Student Discipline Programs
Intervention programs have been mostly the focus of many organizations in facilitating behavioral improvements. Given that mostly one of the goals of the academe is the formation of particular universal values we collectively affirm, this paper zooms into the existing programs that aim to address, on the prevention side, student discipline issues in the university. …

Stories and Experiences in the Time of Pandemic: Online Conversations of Filipino Student Affairs and Services Practitioners
The implementation of the enhanced community quarantine as preventive measure in the widespread of the COVID-19 pandemic has halted the face-to-face delivery of classes in Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in the Philippines. Many of the institutions have resorted to continue the learning process in online platforms. Because of this, the student affairs and services (SAS) …

REVAMP: Transforming Technology-enhanced Education to Cater for Learners’ Dispositions
The integration of technology into an education system is a precarious affair that prompts educators and policy-makers to refer to various technology implementation guidelines including but not limited to Technology Acceptance Models, Gilly Salmon’s 5 Stage model, Puentedura’s SAMR model, or Koehler’s TPCK model; to name a few. The integration of technology involves the aspects …

Expanding Role of University Department Secretaries: Potential Middle Managers in the Making
In Taiwan, the plummeting birthrate has further driven the need for drastic changes within universities. Currently, university enrollments are at an all-time low, while also suffering from an increasing number of dropouts. In effect, many graduate programs are rethinking and realigning their program priorities. These strategic changes have actually opened up opportunities in harnessing the …

The Effect of Internal Locus of Control on the Entrepreneurial Intention of Vocational High School Students
Internal locus of control is one of the factors that has contributed to the entrepreneurial intentions of vocational high school students. This study aims to test empirically the relationship between internal locus of control and entrepreneurial intentions of vocational high school students. The population in this study were all students of class XII Vocational High …

Strengthening the Quality of Teacher Education through School – University Partnerships
Professional Development Schools promote connections between schools and teacher education programs. These partnerships are thought to benefit teacher candidates, teachers, and teacher educators through promoting positive and collaborative relationships and bridging the efforts of schools and universities. In the school year 2016-2017, seven public schools and a university teacher education institute started the first complex-wide …

Why Does Choice Matter? The School and Course Preference of Select High School Students, SY 2007-2008 and SY 2018-2019
This study focused on the course and school preference of select high school students, SY 2007-2008 and SY 2018-2019 and answered the following questions: What are the schools and courses preferred by the select high school students from the two batches under study?; What are the possible reasons for choosing the school/s and the course/s? …

Parental Involvement in School Pedagogy: A Threat or a Promise?
This paper brings together two rich bodies of knowledge that to this day have barely intersected in research: parental involvement in the school and processes of pedagogical change. Until now, parental involvement has been studied in many contexts, but references to parental involvement in a school’s pedagogy are rare. Management of pedagogical change has also …

Instructional Coaching for School Principals – Lessons and Findings From the Peruvian Principal Mentoring Programme
In Peru, the role of principals has been traditionally associated with administrative duties at school. However, in recent years the Ministry of Education of Peru (MINEDU) has been promoting an education reform oriented towards the improvement of school management, which implies empowering principals in their role as pedagogical leaders. This reform has become even more …

Unpacking Mission Statements of International Universities Recognized for Innovation
This research supports some of the mounting pressures higher education practitioners face in approaching innovation strategically while recognizing the mission-driven needs of the institution. Two research questions were examined. First, how do highly innovative universities balance traditional missions and innovation? Second, how do mission statements project isomorphic or distinctive rhetoric? This research was grounded in …

Predictors of Management Performance of Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs): Basis for Structural Model
Organizational climate, culture and innovations are dimensions crucial in management performance, effectiveness and survival of HEIs. This descriptive-correlational and comparative study aimed to develop a structural equation model that predicts the management performance of HEIs using the data gathered through a validated questionnaire from top officials and senior faculty of public and private colleges in …

Appreciative Inquiry: The Fundamental Questions of AI’s Validity and Appropriateness in Transforming English Education in Japan
Foreign language education in Japan is currently undergoing educational reform with the implementation of a newly revised course of study which mandates that English classes be taught solely in English (MEXT, 2019). Despite these efforts, it appears to be an illusion as the government limits and controls the contents of English education and instruction. School …

Teacher Leadership Relationship With Workload, Time Allocation and Self-esteem
Background. In research on teacher leadership the teacher workload, teaching time allocation, and teacher self-esteem at school are not studied as challenges. These factors in educational research mostly are studied in relation to teaching quality. The relationship between teacher workload, time allocation, self-esteem and leadership needs to be defined and managed at the institutional and …

Free Speech Guidelines and Ethics in American Educational Institutions: Contemporary Educational Policy and the Constitutional Rights of Students
This paper examines the legal status of free speech in American educational institutions, the need for school leaders to have clear ethical guidelines regarding free speech, the attitude of society toward free speech in schools, and the importance of ethical decision making and personal values in free speech issues. The Constitution of the United States …

An Interdisciplinary Look Behind the Top 100 International Universities Recognized for Innovation: Geographically, Historically, and Financially
The need for higher education institutions to strategically innovate proves no small feat given strong heritage and reputations for being slow to change. In fact, the international universities most recognized for innovation by Reuters (2018) span distinctive eras from around the world with the oldest such as Oxford, founded in 1096, and Harvard, dubbed the …

School Management Functions and Students’ Academic Performance Nexus: An Empirical Evidence From Public Senior High School in Ashanti Region of Ghana
In every aspect of life, management has become a crosscutting tool and the axis of performance. There is a broad and ongoing discussion in our academic institutions about the impact of effective management on academic performance. This study, therefore, sought to analyze the effects of school management functions on the likelihood to enhance the academic …

Human Resource Policy in Leading Russian Universities: An Assembly Model
The presentation discusses the development of human resources management in leading Russian universities during the last 5 years. It demonstrates that such topic in the research literature is presented but fragmented, so a holistic picture of the transformation of human resource management in leading Russian universities has not been presented so far. The presented study …

Multi-level Structural Equation Model of Factors Affecting the Performance Appraisal Effectiveness of Special Education Teachers
The purposes of this research was to develop and examine the congruence of multi-level structural equation model of factors affecting the special education teacher’s performance appraisal effectiveness. The research divided into two phases; (I) The synthesizing the key factors of MSEM of factors affecting the performance appraisal effectiveness of special education teachers, using synthesis documents …

The 21st-Century Skills of School Administrators under Udon Thani Primary Education Service Area Office
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the 21th Century Skills of School Administrators, 2) to study the actual state and the desirable state of the 21th Century Skills of School Administrators, 3) to study the priority needs of the 21th Century Skills of School Administrators under Udon Thani Primary Education Service Area …

Achieving Quality in Education Under SDG 4 – Financial Challenges and Gaps from an Indian Perspective
India has made significant progress in universalizing both primary and elementary education by showing holistic improvement in Gross Enrolment Ratio through implementation of education schemes and projects. The flagship programme of Sarva Shikha Abiyaan (SSA) coupled with the Right to Education Act (RTE) has accorded the highest priority for development of education. With a view …

Leadership in Public Basic Education: The Case of Superintendents in the Philippines
In the Philippines, the leadership role of superintendents was widely recognized; however, there were still very limited studies on how they led the country’s public basic education. Consequently, this study investigated the leadership pattern in public basic education of superintendents. Using a case study research design, this study conducted an in-depth analysis of the perception …

“No One Left Behind” – A Training Framework for a Data-literate Mindset in Higher Education Administration
In order to leverage the advantages of digitalization, many Higher Education Institutions have initiated transformation towards data-informed models, and attention has been paid to competency-based data literacy among a selective group of administrative team. However, often underrepresented in the discussion is the importance of a data-literate administration as a whole, as further data efforts are …

Home and School Profile Variables and the Students’ Academic Performance: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program
This study aimed to determine the relationship of home and school profile variables to the academic performance of the Grade 10 students at Eusebio High School, Division of Pasig City, SY 2018-2019 to serve as basis for a proposed intervention program. Specifically, it pursued to answer the following questions: 1. What is the home profile …

Level of Grit Among Faculty Members in a Selected Higher Academic Institution
This quantitative correlational study investigated if there is a significant relationship between the demographic profile and the level of grit of faculty members from a selected higher academic institution (HAI). Survey questionnaire were distributed to 155 faculty-respondents through the College Deans and School Principal. Result of the study is consistent with the findings of Duckworth …

The Structural Equation Modeling of Human Resource Development Affecting Internationalization of Private Schools
The purposes of this study were to develop and examine the goodness-of-fit of the model of Human Resource Development factors affecting the Internationalization of Thai private schools developed by the researcher with empirical data. There were 626 samples of research conducted from private schools in Thailand. The factors were found as a result from thorough …

Comparative Compulsory Schooling Policy: The Cases of India and Ecuador
Compulsory schooling laws have been at the center for countries that, as part of the MDGs, committed to ensuring access and increasing participation for all. However, the literature on compulsory schooling has focused mostly on developed economies for which this policy has been in place for a long period of time. The impact of such …

The Associations Between the Perception of Helpfulness of Teacher Induction Programs and Anticipated First-year Teacher Retention in China
The purpose of the study was to: (a) determine to what extent the formalized teacher induction programs (TIPs) are perceived to be helpful for first-year public primary school teachers in Shanghai, China; (b) measure anticipated job retention of first-year teachers; and (c) examine the degree to which these TIP helpfulness and anticipated job retention are …

Effective Strategies for Teaching Higher Education Faculty How to Teach Online
In higher education, institutions want their faculty to have confidence going into a classroom to teach their subject, whether face to face classes, hybrid classes that are partially online, or fully online classes. How can institutions support their faculty to be effective and independent in the classroom teaching hybrid and online courses? This talk will walk …

Standardized Tests as Predictors of Academic Performance: Implications on the MCLS Testing Program
As part of its periodic testing program evaluation and to support the institutional viability of Miriam College, the Lower School Guidance Center examined the predictive value of the School Readiness Test (SRT) as its admissions tool in terms of its relationship with the Grade 1 academic performance. Likewise, the study looked into the predictive value …

The Construction of Team Paradigm: A Case Study of School Practical in Lopburi Province, Thailand
The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the characteristics of school teamwork 2) study the composition and practical of team building 3) Construct the process of team paradigm. The target group were school director, teachers, and school boards of the best practice school of teamwork in Lopburi province, Thailand (Bandanthailom School, Lopburi Educational …

The Paradigm of Teacher Empowerment In Educational Institution: Multi-case Study In Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the factors of teacher empowerment in educational institution 2) to study the guideline of teacher empowerment in educational institution 3) to suggest the paradigm of teacher empowerment in educational institution in multiple cases study of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. The key informaion consisted of 5 experts …

A Construction of Special Education Center Management Paradigm in Thailand
Special Education Center (S.E.C.) is under the Ministry of Education. The Objectives of this research was to study the management characteristics, paradigm process, related factors and consequences from the phenomenon of S.E.C. management. The target group was the successful S.E.C. in Thailand (Regional Special Education Center 11, Nakhon Ratchasima). The collecting data used snowball technique. …

The Administration of Professional Director in the Best Practice School: Multi Cases Study in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand
The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate the characteristics and factors of the professional school directors 2) to study the administration process of professional director in the best practice school, multi cases study of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. The target population were 5 school directors in Nakhon Ratchasima province. That consist of school …

Perceptions of School Administrators and Teachers about the Schools Areas Need to be Improved
Since all individuals in society do not have sufficient conditions in term of education, there are significant differences in the achievement levels of students in different regions. In order to cope with this problem, can be provided increasing the quality of learning environments, the restructuring of the school system based on the qualifications of the …

The Comparative Study for Professional Competencies of the Elementary Teachers Between Professional Teachers and Unprofessional Teachers Under the Office of Basic Education Commission
This research objectives: 1) to study level of teacher professional competencies at elementary level under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) 2) to compare teachers’ professional competencies between professional and unprofessional teachers 3) to propose suggestions for developing teacher’s competencies. Respondents were 135 elementary teachers under OBEC in Bangkok by purposive sampling. Data …

Educators’ Perceptions of the Support Needed for New Teachers
One of the principals’ instructional leadership roles is to ensure that new teachers become successful veteran teachers. Unfortunately, for the last several decades, new teachers have been exiting the teaching profession by increasing numbers. Research indicates that nearly one third of new teachers leave by the end of their third year, and nearly half by …

Mutual Effort Restoring Growth in Education for A Public-Private Sectors Partnership: Basis for a Proposed Action Plan
Public–Private Partnerships (PPP) in Education enormously gained support particularly on the constructions of school buildings, improvement of school facilities, professional learning and development of teachers, on the feeding programs of poor schoolchildren, upgrading classroom instructions through provisions for instructional equipment and application of modern technology, all of which have goals on bringing all the children …