Category: Energy: Energy Economics and Ecological Economics

Crude Oil Intensity, Production Efficiency and Adaptability to Energy- Evidence from an Economy with a High Dependence on Energy Imports
Taiwan is an economy with highly dependent on energy imports. Change in oil price not only affects the cost of production, but also on the economic growth. Due to the international crude oil prices being relatively stable with low price except the first two oil crises, it has brought up Taiwan’s economic growth. However, after …

A Study on the Energy Certified and Consuming of the Supermarkets in Taiwan
The European Union issued the “EPBD (Energy Performance of Building Directive)” in 2009, as a building energy consumption labeling standards. Taiwan’s government to conform to the international trends, try to establish building energy certification especially for the retail store. The growth in the supermarket of Taiwan is very rapid, the number of the country more …

Energy Demand Exploration for Yogyakarta Energy Eficiency Plan
Yogyakarta is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has no fossil energy potential. All activities of the community in Yogyakarta Province is highly dependent on the stability of energy supplies from other regions, where almost all energy needs in Yogyakarta, such as fuel oil and Liquid Petrolium Gas (LPG) supplied from the outside area …

The Impact of Agglomeration Economies on Energy Efficiency in Japan
While environmental constraints are being strengthened, an important question that arises for Japan’s economic policy is how to best achieve regional economic growth and energy efficiency. This study examines the impacts of agglomeration economies that boost economic growth on the energy efficiency of Japanese manufacturing industries. Using a prefectural-level panel data set from the Energy …

Attribution Analysis at Member State Level of Percent Changes in European Carbonization Index
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, emissions of CO2 due to human activities have led to a marked increase in atmospheric concentrations of long-lived gases, leading to a worrisome global warming. In recent years, with a view to contribute to design suitable policies to control those emissions, numerous environmental studies have analyzed the trends …

Russia and UK: Studying the Problem of Energy Efficiency in Household Sector
Energy efficiency in household sector has recently become an issue of pressing topicality according to the latest studies and reviews in this domain. The issue can be found in numerous publications of the renowned scientists of the past and nowadays it is still receiving a wide support. There is a number of circumstances connected with …