Category: Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations


Stealth Advertising Awareness, Knowledge, and Perceived Ethicality in TV Patrol and 24 Oras News Programs Among Select Communication Students

Stealth advertising (Kaikati & Kaikati, 2004) is seemingly becoming prevalent in Filipino television shows and news broadcasts are no exemption. Stealth ads are characterized by covert promotional messages embedded within media content. The quantitative study investigated the news and ad literacy level of communication students towards the presence and ethicality of stealth advertisements in the


Implementation of Public Relations Strategy to Increase Engagement Rate on Instagram at Lerep Tourism Village Indonesia

The lack of social media management in Lerep Tourism Village has resulted in weak branding and low marketing effectiveness, as reflected by an Instagram engagement rate of @desawisatalerep just 0.44% in March 2024. This study aims to design a public relations strategy to increase the Instagram engagement rate for Lerep Tourism Village. The target audience


Communication Campaign of Social Marketing to Reduce Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs): The Case of Diabetes Mellitus at BaanTakhun Hospital in Southern Thailand

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), particularly diabetes mellitus, represent a significant public health crisis in Thailand, contributing to approximately 17 million cases and over 300,000 deaths annually, with a majority occurring before age 60 (World Health Organization, n.d.). Recognizing the crucial role of diet in diabetes management, the Thai Health Promotion Foundation launched a communication campaign promoting


The Development and Challenges of Multi-Channel Network in China’s Influencer Marketing Industry

Influencer marketing is a rapidly growing industry in China, where multi-channel network (MCN) enterprises play a vital role in managing and monetizing influencers. This paper explores the development and challenges of MCN enterprises in China’s influencer marketing industry, using a qualitative research approach (focus group discussions) based on interviews with Chinese influencers, employees of MCNs,


Emotional Impacts of Online Purchasing Behaviour During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the routine daily habits of individuals have changed. For example, remote working has become a much more common concept, pupils carried out their classes online and various socialization habits have been moved to digital platforms. In this period, a vast number of people have become digitized. This study aimed to investigate


Social Media & Dialogic Engagement: An Exploration of the Facebook Pages of New Zealand’s Elite Arts Organisations

Creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships between organisations and their publics is at the core of public relations practice. Social media networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, have created new opportunities to foster these relationships through mediated interactions. If organisations and publics both participate in these interactions with a dialogic orientation, they are likely


Website Advertisement: Examining the Effect of Interactivity and Curiosity on Consumers’ Cognitive Absorption and Knowledge Acquisition

One of the goals of effective advertising is to ensure not only attracting the target consumers’ attention, but also engenders their interest and informs the consumer in terms of product benefits and positioning (Aaker, Batra, & Myeers, 1992). Interactivity influences users’ mental mapping of the information shown on the website (Xu & Sundar, 2016). One


A New Button for Television Advertising: Co-Production with New Media Platforms

With digital platform disruption, television platforms have been experiencing the loss of audience and thereafter, the declining advertising. The audience is the potential customer, which is the value for a television broadcaster to sell advertising. The capacity of dissemination largely reflects a television broadcaster’s earning capacity. Accordingly, the advertising performance in the market is positively


Development of The Causal Relationship Model for Innovative Communication Management on Image and Reputation of International Programs in Thai Universities

The aim of this research is to study the development of the causal relationship model of the management innovation of image and reputation communication of international programs of Thai universities. This research is a mixed research using a combination of methodologies including secondary data, qualitative research, and quantitative research. The samples are students studying in


Advertising Education in Hong Kong: Perspectives from Industry Experts

The advertising industry has been changed rapidly over the last decade due to the drastic impact of technological advancement. From conventional advertising, desktop-oriented digital advertising to mobile-centric interactive advertising, and until, nowadays, stronger focus on technology-based experiential advertising. Tertiary education institutes have been aware that advertising education can not only be limited to strategical and


Communication Process and Strategy to Create Participation for Thai Early Childhood Oral Hygiene Development Campaign Among Healthy Teeth Network Schools, Thailand

The objectives of this research are to study the communication process to create participation for Thai early childhood oral hygiene development campaign among Healthy Teeth network schools in Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand, and to study the communication strategy to create successful participation. This research uses qualitative research. The data were collected from 15 key informants


Communications of the Leader of a Model Community for Community Tourism Management

The objective of this research was to study the tourism management communication of the leaders of two communities that were named as model communities for tourism management in the aspects of 1) communication patterns; 2) content; and 3) choice of media for communication about tourism management. This was a qualitative research based on in-depth interviews


Coverage of Various Communication Platforms: A Guide for Marketing Universities

The digital era has ushered the rise in the utilization of alternative communication platforms in integrated marketing communications (IMC). These include the use by organizations of traditional media and newer online media. The sole or combined utilization is driven by the platform’s coverage, cost, contribution, commonality, complementarities, cross-effects, and conformability. The contemporary business environment necessitates


Digital Drivers of Russian Advertising Market: Problems of Management

The purpose of this study is to analyse the one of the most rapidly growing segments of the media-industry: the digital market and the drivers of its growth, as well as to identify the best ways of its management. The authors use the example of Russia: the country with the dynamically growing advertising market. The


Experimental Research: The Country of Origin Effects on Advertising

With the intensification of globalization, closing trade links between countries, and the country of origin is an inevitable factor in the process of promoting products. In this paper, we design the inter-group experimental of 2 (Chinese products, stateless products) × 2 (Chinese advertising model, stateless advertising model), to study the effect of nationality on advertising.


People Power PR: Recasting Activists as Practitioners in Turkey’s Gezi Park Resistance

This paper examines the use of public relations tactics (traditionally associated with corporations) by activists and protesters during the 2013 Gezi Park uprising in Turkey. The author traveled to Istanbul in August 2013 and conducted interviews with mainstream and alternative journalists covering the unrest, as well as protesters and academics involved in the Gezi Park