Category: Primary & Secondary Education

Project-based Learning in the Elementary Setting
Project-based learning is one way to promote active engagement and naturally embed differentiation opportunities in the elementary classroom setting. Boston University Center for Teaching & Learning (2024) states that “project-based learning (PBL) involves students designing, developing, and constructing hands-on solutions to a problem. The educational value of PBL is that it aims to build students’ …

Causal Factors, Academic Motivation, Academic Coping and Performance of Students in the “New Normal”
Public elementary and secondary schools in the Philippines face a significant challenge with high dropout rates. While factors such as family problems, poverty, peer pressure, juvenile delinquency, and student vices contribute to this issue, other factors such as school facilities, learning atmosphere, and teacher influence may also play a role. This study examined the relationship …

Developing English Language Proficiency in Young Learners Through Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning is a process including a set of skills like recognizing and controlling one’s own emotions and attitudes, setting and achieving goals, making independent decisions about personal behavior and social interactions, and leading healthy and supportive relationships with peers and adults. It has long been believed that SEL occurs naturally as children grow …

Science Education Initiatives in Tanzania: Review of the National Interventions From 1960’s to 2020’s
Investment in science education is crucial for the economic development of any country. This systematic review examines science education initiatives in Tanzania by focusing on the key areas of the interventions, challenges and strategies for improvement. A critical question is: What are the short, medium, and long-term strategies Tanzania could rethink for science education to …

The Influence of Mathematics Conjecturing-Centred Teaching on Fourth-Graders’ Conjecturing Thinking Process and Active Thinking Ability
The study aimed to implement conjecturing-centred teaching in a fourth- grade classroom to investigate the pupils’ conjecturing thinking process and active thinking ability. The research design was based on the action research method and conducted through two circles which lasted for three months. The research subjects were 24 fourth-graders divided into four groups. They carried …

Navigating STEM: Challenges Faced by Nigerian Female Secondary School Students
The persistent gender disparities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields stand as a significant barrier to realizing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to gender equality (SDG5), quality education (SDG4), and decent work in Nigeria. This paper examines the depth and implications of gender imbalances within STEM and underscores …

Influence of Parent-Teacher Partnership on Students’ Academic Engagement and Mathematics Achievement in Nigeria
Many students’ dread of mathematics all over the world necessitates efforts to evolve strategies to arouse students’ interest, improve students’ engagement with the subject, enhance performance and consequently impact positively on the national growth of the country. The provision of home and classroom environments that are conducive to mathematics learning through Parent-Teacher Partnership (PTP) might …

A Review of Shortcomings That Impact Primary and Secondary Education in South Africa
The structure of South African primary and secondary education by department of Basic education encompasses primary and secondary education. Primary education lasts for 8 years and is split up into 4 phases Foundation, Intermediate, Senior phase and Further Education and Training Phase. After completion of the primary education, students are awarded the General Education and …

Embracing Social-Emotional Supports to Promote Positive Student Behavior
Preschool and elementary school personnel often face many challenges to safeguard the social-emotional well-being of students. Post Covid-19 student behavior issues have increased in frequency and as an area of support needed for educators. Embracing social-emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom setting has many proven benefits. The presenters will discuss literacy resources paired with SEL …

Migration in Context of Academic and Career Aspirations Among Senior Secondary School Students of Punjab
Educational and occupational aspirations are universal traits (Kriesi,2019). The formation of aspirations is a central developmental task in adolescence (Hegna,2014). In the Indian context, these aspirations are linked to different social status positions and opportunity structures (Rani,2012). Both types of aspirations are influenced by academic achievement, which varies according to social origin (Sewell et al., …

Learning Environment on the Move: First Design Concepts to Embrace Embodied Learning in Secondary Education
Embodied learning is a recent educational approach that combines learning with simultaneous execution of physical activity. It can enhance well-being and academic performances of pupils. However, in contemporary secondary educational settings, the conventional practice still involves students receiving instruction while being seated. A crucial goal therein is to explore whether classrooms of secondary education schools, …

A Study on Utilizing of Virtual Reality Teaching Materials in Marine Education for Primary School Children in Taiwan
Global awareness of marine education is pivotal, yet Taiwan, as an island nation rich in marine resources, has not garnered the necessary focus in this area. Over the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted schoolchildren to gradually adapt to online remote teaching and digital learning tools. Consequently, the importance of designing digital teaching …

Home-School Partnerships in Disadvantaged Rural Secondary Schools: Perspectives of Parents and Teachers on Challenges
Home-school partnerships make significant contributions to the academic outcomes of students in areas such as attendance, achievement, and graduation, regardless of their geographical locations and background characteristics. However, efforts of homes and schools to work together are often fraught with barriers. This poster presentation draws on qualitative data extracts, from a larger PhD study which …

ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook Themes Adaptation Framework
The study aimed to develop an ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook (ACS) Themes adaptation framework among ASEAN member states (AMS). Using content analysis, the Five ACS themes, Brunei, Singapore, and the Philippines’ lower secondary Social Studies curriculum were comparatively analyzed. The study revealed that Brunei, Philippines, and Singapore have manifested adaptations in Valuing Identity, Connecting Local to …

Interactive Multimedia Learning: An Instructional Technology Innovation to Improve Elementary School Students’ Understanding
This research aimed to 1) develop interactive multimedia learning to improve elementary school students’ understanding of The Solar System materials, 2) reveal the feasibility of the developed interactive multimedia learning, 3) reveal the effectiveness of the developed interactive multimedia learning in improving elementary school students’ understanding in The Solar System materials. This research and development …

Insights on Innovation in Education: A TPACK Experience in Continuing Teacher Education in Southern Brazil
Pedagogical practices at different levels of education, especially in basic education, demand proposals capable of developing autonomy and innovation skills. Considering the Latin-American scenario, especially in Brazil, the (post) pandemic context has contributed for information and communication technologies to move from supporting to protagonists in the pedagogical process, with their limitations and potential being the …

Development “Tangram Sultan” as Medium for Presenting Angle and Side of a Two-Dimensional Figure in Elementary School
Children naturally learn through play, which has been shown to be age-appropriate and a useful learning strategy. The goal of this research is to create media that will help elementary school pupils understand geometry through games. Tangram Sultan is the name of the produced medium that blend folkstory and mathematics games. The Tangram Sultan is …

A Portrait of Digital Literacy of Elementary School Students in Coastal Areas
Digital literacy theory has entered the school curriculum in various forms, both as standalone subjects and across the curriculum. Digital literacy become an essential learning objective in many school systems worldwide because the Internet is now a necessary part of children’s daily lives. The school’s geographical location has influenced the development of digital literacy in …

Enhancing Mathematics Classroom Teaching Through Micro-Lessons and Increased Learning Interest
This research discusses how to strengthen the teaching of mathematics class by using micro-lessons and improve students’ interest in learning. In order to solve these problems, this study puts forward the application of micro-lesson in mathematics teaching. The needs analysis is carried out in advance with the aim of stimulating students’ perceptions of learning using …

Code-Switching in Mathematics Teaching in Early Childhood Education: Switching From English to the Home Language
In communication and linguistics, code-switching (CS) refers to the process of using two or more languages in speech. South Africa is a multi-lingual and multi-racial society. Schools form part of societies, therefore it is to be expected that this ‘multi-ness’ will also be evident in schools. In many South African schools, children are taught two …

Development of Learning Design That Amplifies Self-Regulation and Peer Interaction Among Elementary School Students in a Two-Dimensional Metaverse
The two-dimensional metaverse (2D-Metaverse) has been gaining momentum as a platform for executing “personalized and collaborative learning” in an online environment, in Japanese elementary education, within the purview of Society 5.0. Vital elements of this pedagogical approach are children’s self-regulation and peer interaction. However, empirical studies targeting these aspects within a 2D-Metaverse are sparse. This …

Teacher’s Perception of Independent Learning Curriculum in Pancasila Education Learning in Grades I and IV Bandung City Public Elementary School
This research aims to describe teachers’ perceptions of the independent learning curriculum policy in grades I and IV at state elementary schools in Bandung. This research uses qualitative research, and this research uses a phenomenological research design. Phenomenological analysis examines elementary school teachers’ opinions regarding the independent learning curriculum policy in Pancasila education learning. The …

A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Math Tracking on Learning: Students’ and Parents’ Thoughts
Math tracking, or ability grouping, is a practice used in mostly secondary education to place students into different math classes according to their mathematical abilities. However, the placement of students in various levels of math classrooms typically relies exclusively on adult perceptions, and the students, rarely get the chance to let the world hear their …

Enrichment in the Elementary Classroom
Enrichment activities can provide students with additional learning opportunities. However, as educators, it can be a challenge to develop meaningful enrichment activities for students. “Enrichment encourages students to take a more expansive or in-depth look at a concept or topic, perhaps by further research, approaching it with a different lens or perspective, or connecting the …

Introducing Mobile Learning Into the Primary School Curriculum: A Case Study of the Continuous Pedagogical Use of Mobile Devices
The present paper is a brief overview of an innovative educational program in Primary Education regarding the pedagogical use of mobile devices in teaching. The program adopted Puentedura’s (2010) SAMR model, which is based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, and proposes four levels of integration of digital applications into teaching practice. The program, which was implemented …

Variations in Student Problem Solving Skills Among Mongolian Students Depending on Socio-Economic Status
The quality of education provided to its citizens, especially children and young people, has always been one of the main factors determining the social and economic development of the country. On the other hand, the issue of equity and quality of education provided to its citizen is crucial specially for developing and under developed countries. …

The Effects of Growth Mindset, Multicultural Efficacy, and Peer Relationship on Democratic Citizenship of Elementary Students in South Korea
The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of growth mindset, multicultural efficacy and peer relationship on democratic citizenship of elementary students. The subjects were 212 4th~6th grade elementary students in South Korea, surveys were conducted from November 2022. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis was performed using SPSS 27.0 for …

Student Interest in STEM in Qatar: Aspirations, Barriers and Future Prospects
Embedded in the local cultural and political context, this study sought to explore the individual, social and cultural influences affecting students’ interest in pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) studies and eventual careers in Qatar. Guided by the Theory of Systems Thinking, this study was implemented with a view to investigating the factors likely …

Exploring the Use of Technology to Enhance Parental Involvement in Children’s Education: A Qualitative Study in Selected Rural Schools in Limpopo Province
Parental involvement is a crucial factor in enhancing children’s academic achievement and success. However, in rural areas parental involvement in children’s education is often limited due to challenges, such as the lack of resources, and inadequate communication channels between parents and schools. The study responded to the question of: How do teachers and educators perceive …

The Taboo of Negative Numbers in Primary Education
Performing subtraction, as opposed to addition, is a rather daunting task for many primary school children; especially when using the so-called method of ‘Subtraction with Regrouping’ (SWR). We argue that the main reason for this is because the concept of negative numbers is not introduced at an early stage of primary education. Negative numbers have …

Bridging the STEM Education Gap Among Secondary School Female Learners: Need for an Integrated Secondary School STEM Education Monitoring Tool
The under-representation of girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in developing countries has been, and continues to be, an issue of global debate. As a result, a study was undertaken to explore factors affecting STEM education including the learning and teaching environment of students and teachers. This paper presents research findings on …

Compassionate Acts: Implementing Forum Theatre as a Tool to Create a Compassionate Peer Structure for Bereaved Students in Schools
Child Bereavement Network estimates 127 children are bereaved of a parent every day. Compassion Arts, in partnership with St Luke’s Hospice, aims to change the nature in schools around death and dying by 1) training young people to understand bereavement, dying, and anticipatory grief and 2) talking about death and bereavement in an open and …

Exploring High School Learners’ Proficiency in Euclidean Geometry
This paper reports on a qualitative study that probed high school learners’ proficiency in Euclidean geometry in South Africa. Euclidean geometry lessons were conducted in a collaborative learning classroom, and participants’ competence was assessed using Kilpatrick’s five strands of mathematical proficiency as benchmark. Kilpatrick’s five strands of developing mathematical proficiency was the theoretical framework and …

Facilitating and Measuring Health Promotion in the Learning Environment –Student Engagement and Inclusion in School
Over the last years, surveys in Norway have shown an increase in mental health problems and socio-emotional challenges among youths. To deal with these challenges, health promoting programmes have been implemented, among others a project called SAMM -A systematic approach to mastering life – the five-step motivation method. This study presents findings from a secondary …

Child Q: A Case Study of the Adultification of Black Girls in Schools
Sylvia Ikomi is an early career researcher who is completing an Economic and Social Research Council Stuart Hall Foundation 1 + 3 PhD studentship in education at the University of Leeds. In 2022 the news of the strip searching of a Black secondary school girl (now referred to as Child Q) in a school/academy in …

Implementing Stop Motion in Learning Quadratic Functions to Develop Mathematical and Global Competence for Students in Vietnam for the Sustainable Development Goals
In this research, 10th – grade students at To Van On high school in Vietnam participated in a Project Based Learning (PBL) with three stages. In the first stage, the students collaborated together to do some research on quadratic functions and Stop Motion technique as well. In the second stage, the students studied the local …

Factors Associated With Students’ Attitudes Towards Sexuality and Sexuality Education: An Exploratory Study
Adolescents become active in exploring sexual relationships and are likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors. Empirical research shows that school-based sexuality education (SBSE) is effective in preventing risky sexual behavior and promoting healthy sexual life. Research also reveals that effectiveness of SBSE depends largely on adolescents’ attitudes towards sexuality and SBSE. Objectives: To provide …

Instructional Strategies for Teaching Computational Thinking in Secondary Computer Science Introductory Courses
The field of computer science (CS) faces a crisis in the U.S. because of the shortage of CS teachers and the low level of interest in majoring in CS. Students mention programming as a challenging topic in CS. Scientists suggested teaching computational thinking (CT) to improve programming outcomes. This study focused on four CT practices …

From Novice to Pro: A Modified Scaffolding Research Guide for Elementary Students
Research writing was viewed as an advanced skill that should only be taught after students had mastered fundamental language processes like grammar, punctuation, syntax, and spelling. However, with the recognition of research as a crucial component of 21st-century skills, there has been a shift towards introducing research writing earlier, even at the elementary level. The …

A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Information Ethics for Primary School Administrators Under the Office of Basic Education Commission, Thailand
The purposes of this study were:1) to investigate components and indicators of Information Ethics for Primary School Administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Thailand; and 2) to verify congruence between a structural relationship model and the empirical data. The samples were 840 administrators and teachers in primary schools under the Office of …

Condition Present, Condition Desirability and Necessary of Coding Education Management for Small Size Elementary Schools in the Northeast
The purposes of this research were to condition the present desirability and necessary of Coding education management. A sample group of the research is 370 small-sized elementary schools and the sample group using the formula Krejcie and Morgan, then using the Multi-stage random sampling method. Sample group has 370 directors, 370 technology teachers. The research …

Education for European Citizenship – Reviewing EDC/HRE by Using Habermas’s Theory
The purpose of this presentation is to reveal the necessary education to cultivate European Citizenship qualities by focusing on Jürgen Habermas’s opinions on Europe as an integrated body and the theory of Communicative Action. In addition, since 1997, the Council of Europe has been running a citizenship education project throughout Europe called Education for Democratic …

Development of Learning Kit and Module for a Technology Design (RBT) Subject: Insights From Needs Analysis
The electronic design process included in the Malaysian secondary school syllabus pose challenges to the teachers as it requires teaching aids to facilitate more effective understanding and practice of the process. Therefore, this study aimed to identify key elements in the development of a Technology Design (RBT) learning kit for the electronic design topic of …

Poetry Dictation: Decrease the Pace to Increase the Appreciation
This workshop introduces and then practices poetry dictation. We’ll discuss the ways in which this process works and how we’ve made this very old practice feel new again in our classroom. The premise is simple and traditional. Students copy — by hand — a poem as it is read to them one line at a …

The Relationships among Assessment Content, Learning Outcome, and Self-confidence of the Taiwanese Elementary Students about Astrology Concepts
The study aimed to investigate the relationships among assessment content, learning outcomes, and self-confidence performed by elementary students in Taiwan. Over three hundred fifth graders from seven different schools participated in this study. A measurement tool was developed by the researchers based on the revised Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives related to astrology concepts. At …

Investigation of Interrelations in Social Factors, Engagement and Motivation in English Learning for Japanese Junior High School Students
In this presentation, I will describe how engagement in learning English, English motivation and social factors including encouragement from family, teachers and classmate are inter-related to each other. The study was conducted during the year of 2021-2022 during the pandemic period. In the study, 326 students aged between 13 and 15 participated, and they took …

Classroom Education Management Discipline in Mathematics
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of middle school mathematics classroom education management, this study is based on the analysis of problems and influencing factors in middle school mathematics classroom education management, aiming at finding effective measures of classroom education management. This study takes Junior middle school teachers and students as the research objects, …

Effect of Use of Screen on Child’s Development at Early Childhood Education Level
Screen time has become both a temptation and a popular pastime in recent years. Children are raised in an age of screen media and technology. The digital ecosystem is changing at a faster rate than studies into the impacts of screen media on young children’s development, learning, and family life. This study focuses on the …

Innovation, Resilience and Continuity – The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Childhood Care and Education in Ireland
On March 12th, 2020, all ECEC providers in Ireland closed due to COVID19, and the responsibility of providing early learning opportunities fell predominantly onto parents. ECEC providers resumed operations from June 29th, 2020 implementing additional changes and measures to limit the risk of infection. This research sought to to explore the impact that the Covid-19 …

Correlates of School-based Sexuality Education: A Comparative Study of Students and Teachers of Secondary Schools in Hong Kong
This study examined factors associated with SBSE in secondary schools, with a view to provide information for effective implementation of SBSE. It looked into students’ and teachers’ sexual attitudes and their views on SBSE. Other associated factors, viz., religiosity, spirituality, and demographic characteristics were also examined. Participants were recruited via convenience sampling from three secondary …

Digital and Tactile Games to Support Literacy Instruction
Literacy affects all components of our lives so the development of a strong foundation of literacy skills is critical. Games often tell a story while offering opportunities with repeated practice, strategic problem-solving, targeted goals, and trial and error (Haas, Metzger, & Tussey, 2021). Digital games, or video games, are often rich and complex forms of …

Strategies and Activities to Promote Active Engagement in the Classroom
Educators understand the importance of active engagement in the classroom setting to promote higher order thinking. According to Hurst (2021), “research shows that students whose teachers spend too much time talking are less likely to be engaged during classroom instruction. Luckily, reading instruction can be so much more than lecture, reading practice, memorization, or decoding …

Mathematics in Southern Europe: Mathematics Education and Performance, Through the Prism of PISA, in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain
A mathematically literate student, according to PISA and OECD, recognizes the role that mathematics plays in the world in order to make well-founded judgments and decisions needed by constructive, engaged and reflective citizens. Among European countries who have participated in PISA since 2000 till today, the top performing countries in mathematical literacy are concentrated more …

Unveiling Educators’ Digital Media Skills in Teaching: A Case of South Africa
The South African education system is under a revolutionary transformation of digital media tools adoption and use in the teaching and learning. This has been exasperated by the eruption of Covid-19 pandemic worldwide in 2019 which demands educators to teach at distance. These developments among others call for the need to unpack educators’ pedagogical, technological, …

Teacher-Targeted Bullying by Secondary School Students
The aim of our study was to gain insights into the teachers ́ targeted bullying from the perspective of teacher victims. We conducted a descriptive qualitative research design stemming from semi-structured interviews with the victims of teacher-targeted bullying. A thematic content analysis of the data was generated from interviews with 17 victimized teachers as a …

The Exploration of Primary School Teachers’ Self-expectation Under the 5+2 Education Model – Take Nan’an City as an Example
China is implementing a series of” Further Reduce the Burden of Homework and After-School Tutoring on Students in Compulsory Education” (“Double Reduction”) policy, the aim of the double reduction policy is to ensure the quality of students’ learning and to require schools to improve after-school services to reduce the burden on families. This research mainly …

The Mediating Role of Primary School Environmental Education in Promoting Children’s Pro-environmental Behavior: A Game Format Experiment
Enhancing children’s pro-environmental behavior (PEB) is crucial for a more sustainable future. To overcome environmental problems, the most effective and direct approach is designing an adequate environmental education system, pinpointing pro-environmental awareness, intention, and behaviors. Many research studies have discussed to raise environmental awareness and knowledge of primary school students, but little research consider the …

Virtual Classroom Management from the Teachers’ Position in the New Education Normality
Given the current pandemic emergency (COVID-19), it is necessary to have updated information on the educational reality of Ecuador. Education, in any situation, should be a priority and should never stop, which leads to adapting the curriculum to the emergency through virtual classrooms; although they already existed before, not all schools and students used it …

Utilizing Mentor Texts with Elementary Students
Mentor text can be utilized in all academic areas to support students. While many educators often associate mentor texts with reading and writing, quality mentor texts can go beyond those two academic areas, such as math, science, social studies, and physical education/health. While selecting mentor texts, educators need to look for texts with engaging characters, …

Supporting Out-of-School Literacy Experiences
Educators are aware of the importance of extending the learning environment beyond the classroom. When parents, guardians, and families are involved in the learning process, students have additional support and can make greater academic gains. Learning Liftoff (2015) states “recent research on the best practices in education suggests that parental involvement, not income or social …

Resilience Throughout Books for Young Learners
The global pandemic changed the lives of many adults and children across the globe. As students return to school and continue to navigate the new world after facing this hardship, educators must be prepared to provide support and guidance. Mulvahill (2021) shares “kids need support and instruction to manage successfully in school (whether that’s in …

Metacognitive Awareness, Motivational Beliefs and Mathematics Performance of Junior High School Students: An Investigation of Mediating Effects
Metacognition and motivational beliefs are crucial components of self-regulated learning. Effective learners are expected to exhibit the ability to plan, evaluate, regulate and control their attitudes and behaviors during the learning process. Thus, this study investigated whether students’ motivational beliefs significantly mediate the relationship between students’ metacognitive awareness and mathematics performance. The study was conducted …

Goal Setting in the Classroom to Promote Academic and Social-Emotional Growth
Academic growth is a common goal for educators, administrators, and parents. When educators provide opportunities for students to determine appropriate goals for themselves, students have opportunities to actively work towards the goal and take ownership over their learning. Important to note is “goal setting must include four components to best motivate students: providing them opportunities …

Learning Effectiveness of Primary School Children in the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
COVID-19 has an impact on the unpreparedness of the community and the government, especially in improving the quality of children’s education. The increasing number of cases with rapid escalation has forced the government to take steps to reduce problems, especially the education of elementary school children. The Ministry of Indonesian Education issued Guidelines for Organizing …

The Processes of Educational Communication in Primary Schools Determined by the State of Emergency in the Czech Republic
The paper focuses on the current methods of educational communication in primary schools in the Czech Republic. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational conditions have dynamically transformed in our country. It has even been reported that pupils’ absence from full-time attendance is the longest in Europe. Some pupils (including primary school pupils) …

The Challenges of COVID-19 School Closures on Teaching and Learning in Primary and Secondary Schools in India
With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have sought to protect the most vulnerable of its citizens from being infected with the virus. They have rushed to put in place policies that included school closures. This presentation elucidates a timeline of events such as school closures had on the teaching and …

Plan-Do-Review-Share-Happy (Plandoresh) as a Development Strategy for Critical Thinking of Vocational School Students
The learning process and traditional teaching materials include activities that require memory and memorization. Most students are trained to follow this low-level thinking pattern in schools including vocational schools. When computers take over the routine tasks at work, a number of employees will be involved in tasks that require them to be more flexible and …

Improving Grade 3 Students’ Poetry Writing Skills Through Flipped Model of Instruction
The flipped model of instruction has been the focus of many researchers through the years due to its impact on students’ academic performance. This action research study aims to uncover the pedagogical effects of applying the flipped classroom strategy to Grade 3 students’ poetry writing skills. The researcher applied the triangulation technique where the data …

Increasing Reproduction of Territorial and Social Inequalities in Public Education in Hungary: Causes, Components, Practices and Mechanisms
In the lecture, I examine the development and reproduction of socio-spatial inequalities through the system of education, learning and training. I consciously approach phenomena from a “bottom-up” perspective as they become perceived by people and their communities getting in contact with educational institutions. In this vein, in my analysis spatial representations of the world economy, …

Barriers to Girls’ Education at the Elementary Level in India
Gender inequality in India has remained a subject of considerable interest among the researchers. With about one-third population comprising of the youth, India has tried to improve access and quality of education to reap benefits of this demographic dividend. Despite its sustained efforts, studies have found that girls in India still face disadvantage in access …

Stand Alone Worksheets for Basic Mathematical Computation Skills Development
The recent National Achievement Test (NAT) results proved the mathematics performance of Filipino learners fall below the DepEd’s 75% MPS target. Additionally, international assessments including TIMSS and PISA revealed similar poor results of Filipino students in math. This study developed “Stand Alone Worksheets” (SAW) to address least mastered computation skills; it revealed the developed Grade …

Relationship Between STEM Attitude and Empowerment: A Descriptive Study in Costa Rican Girls
This study aimed to examine the correlation between empowerment perception and STEM attitudes in young girls from a Costa Rican high school. 327 young people aged 11 to 18 years from “Colegio de Señoritas”. The sample included only girls, from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, living in different parts of the urban area in San …

Embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Design and Technology Subject Through Value-based Approach
As the world evolves in technology and rapid development, education remains the optimal mechanism to instill moral values and virtues amongst society, specifically in early education. This paper explores from Malaysian Education perspectives, particularly on teacher’s pedagogical approaches in embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the element comprises of environment, social, and economy as the …

Who’s Who in High School Computer Science Textbooks in Taiwan
The scientists mentioned in a computer science textbook represent the significance of their contribution to the field. By learning about the life of the scientists and the societal and cultural background at the time, students learn not only science knowledge but also how science interacts with human life. This study examines how computer scientists presented …

Comparing Indigeneous and Non Indigeneous Drawings: A Lesson Learnt
The study explores the use of language in elementary indigenous students from bilingual communities through the systematic analysis of their drawings. The article aims to observe whether bilingual students when asked to draw certain culture-key elements determine or not the use of a specific language spontaneously. Two hundred twenty-five indigenous girls and boys from five …

The Effects of Questioning Strategy on Young Girl Students in Web Quest Activity
Promoting science learning and science performance of girl students has been an important issue. The study explored the effects of questioning strategy on young girl students in a webquest activity. A quasi-experimental design was adopted on 46 fifth-grade girl students. These students participated in a mixed-gender group activity aided by questioning strategy with detail question …

Today’s Choices for Selecting a School: Private, Public, Charter, or Homeschool
Today, “equity” and “a quality education” are is at the forefront of education conversations. Local and national efforts are increasing to meet individual students where they are and provide relevant support to overcome obstacles preventing them from a fair chance at an education in a public school. Three years ago, gender was one of the …

Science Program in Selected Public Elementary Schools: A Formative Evaluation
The implementation of the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines started in 2012. While the program began with Grade 1 and Grade 7 students, the succeeding levels were introduced as these students get promoted to the next grade levels in the following school year. During the school year 2011-12, Republic Act 10157 or the …

Professional Development, Instructional Practices and Academic Performance of Mathematics Students, Muang District Elementary Schools, Suratthani, Thailand
This study purported to investigate the professional development (PD), instructional practices (IP) of the teachers and their relationships to the academic performance of grades five and six students in Mathematics of Muang District Elementary Schools, Suratthani, Thailand. Descriptive statistical analysis such as mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as correlation, t-test and analysis of …

Improving Mathematics Vocabulary Learning in the Foundation Phase
Mathematics is more than numbers. Students should be able to understand and use academic vocabulary to think about and discuss mathematical situations. However, vocabulary learning within the mathematical contexts could be very complex and challenging to students, especially for English Learners. The purpose of this study aims to present a review and synthesize literature regarding the …

An Assessment on the Level of Research Competencies of Grade 12-Senior High School Students in a Parochial School
Research is one of the important academic endeavors included in the new K-12 curriculum for the senior high school. Possessing certain level of competency in this academic endeavor will help an individual to take part in the initiative of any institution to create knowledge and contribute significantly in the progress of the nation. The researcher wanted …

Pictogramming Workshop (Learning Programming Concepts with Pictogram Contents Creation)
We have been developing content creation environment using human pictogram, called “Pictogramming.” This application can be accessed freely (web site URI: and application URI: Pictogramming is coined from two words, “pictogram” and “programming”. Pictograms are widely used in various fields such as counseling, safety, and facilities. Thus, the pictogram has been researched in …

Financial Literacy at the Lower Secondary Schools in the Czech Republic
Importance of financial literacy among the population is permanently increasing. The number of financial products on the market is growing, and the age at which people start to use these products is decreasing. This is also related to the negative impacts of insufficient financial literacy in this area – rising household indebtedness, the high number …

Modified Lab Rotation Model: A Blended e-Learning Approach to Improve Student’s Conceptual Understanding of English Verb Tense and Aspect
In language Education, verb tense and aspect is one of the most difficult lessons in elementary grade. For the past three years, S.Y. 2015- 2016,2016-2017 and 2017-2018, English verb tense and aspect is consistently included in the least mastered skills topic in Grade Five English. This study aimed at investigating the use of Modified Lab …

Cognitive and Informative Level of Knowledge about Puberty in Primary School Pupils in Sweden
Knowledge is a summary of the acquired information gained in the learning process. It expresses pupils´awareness. Cognitive and informative level of knowledge about puberty represents the grade of instruction and formulates the amount and quality of information or knowledge. Puberty culminates in reproductive capacity achievement. Puberty can be described as a major hormonal process of …

Keeping Tabs on Reading: Comparing Reading Comprehension Scores of E-Text Readers and Physical Text Readers in Senior High School
Technology plays a powerful role in the field of education (South, 2017), and with digital integration inside the classroom, scholars debated in the use of these e-texts since issues regarding reading comprehension surfaced as researchers tried to tackle new forms of digital learning (Moran et al., 2008). This research aims to compare the pre and …

Implementation of K to 12 Science Program of Public Elementary Schools: Teachers’ Pedagogical Practices and Problems Encountered in Teaching Science
The study aimed at conducting formative evaluation of the implementation of K to 12 Science Program of public elementary schools in Santo Tomas District, Isabela, The Philippines for the first semester, school year 2017-2018. Specifically, the study aimed to determine teachers’ pedagogical practices and common problems encountered by teachers and administrators. The respondents of the …

Visual Basic Coding in Power Point-Based Lessons in Grade 6 Mathematics
There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction of computers such as PowerPoint-Based Lessons. It includes pedagogical approaches like interactive learning, inquiry-based approach, discovery learning and contextualized-localized learning that promotes student-centered activities and lessons, teacher-assisted instructions and appreciation of the locale by-products, livelihood, academic-occupational relevance, and individuality. Mixed …

Tough Situation of Teachers in Information Technology in Japanese Junior and Senior High Schools
Japan played a major economic growth after the World War II, which could be realized with high industrial skill because of engineering education such as mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. However, in recent years, everyone agrees that the importance of information technology is rapidly increasing, while the industrial technology is also inevitable. Currently in Japan, …