Category: Chinese Studies

China’s Global Maritime Expansion: Between Its Grand Dream and External Trends
China’s dream to become a global maritime power is a controversial element of China’s global growth. Its expansion of maritime lines has been shaped by internal needs and external trends. The expansion has alarmed the world and raised the uncertainty about China’s potential to become the world maritime power in mid- 21st century. Despite the …

Real Men Fantasy: Explore The Media Representation of Effeminate Males in China
“Men should not shed tears” has been a deep-rooted motto for Chinese males. In Chinese culture, masculine men are honorable while effeminate males are abnormal. With the release of reality shows, like Idol Producer, exquisite and effeminate male images gain attention in public, challenging the conventional images of men of steel. Those exquisite male idols …

Practical Exploration: Research Into the Strategies, Core Content, and Implementation of Transmedia Narrative Communication by the Palace Museum
This research focuses on the strategies and practices of the Palace Museum in relation to its use of transmedia narratives (2013-2021). Specifically, in 2014, the Palace Museum published a post on its WeChat account titled “Yongzheng: I feel cute about myself” (an emperor in the Qing dynasty). The post altered a portrait of the emperor …

The Chinese Interior during the Han Dynasty (202 B.C.-220 A.D.)
This article explores and examines the Chinese interior during the Han dynasty (202 B.C.-220 A.D.), that is, the depiction of the interior styles from the ruling class to the ruled. It focuses on the process of how the Han Chinese perceived, constructed and maintained their inner space. Through textual and linguistic enquiry in combination with …

Between Law and Justice: Self-Defense Principle in Late Qing China Penal Cases
This article, through the analysis of selected judicial cases of the late Qing dynasty, explores the existence of the self-defense principle and the limits within it was considered valid or not. In the first part, through the study and the analysis of some articles contained in The Great Qing Code, it will be shown how …

Facts, Fiction, Propaganda? An Analysis of Chinese Belt and Road Discourses
At the Second Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Forum in Beijing, Xi Jinping described the “new silk road” as a model for international win-win progress through cooperation. Official China claims that the concept is neither “a geopolitical strategy” nor “a China-dominated geo-economic scheme”. A closer look, however, reveals that China’s BRI discourses differ immensely depending …

Distinction Between “Being or Not”-The Uninhabited Space in a Super Populous Country
China has the largest population in the world, so it’s common and reasonable to see people everywhere. However, since 1980s, places in China have been in a dynamic state switching between “with people” and “without people”. “Places without people” have gradually become places that cannot be ignored. On the macro level, due to the rapid …

Expression in Ethnic Architecture of Hohhot
Public buildings are an important part of urban cultural material. Behind the image of public buildings created by means of architectural symbols, there are the grand representations of the city image and even the national image, which is particularly obvious in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; although the architectural image created by national symbols have …

Quantitative Study on the Street Interface Form of Beijing Historical District — Taking Dashilar as an Example
Streets are not only the skeleton of a city, but also the label of the quality of a city’s public space. Taking Dashilar, a historical district in Beijing, as the research object, this paper makes a quantitative study on the interface shape of Dashilar pedestrian street from three levels and 12 indicators. From the urban …

Behind the Animal Names: The Wild being Category (獸部) and the Animals in Wuti qingwen jian五體清文鑒
Sunja hacin i hergen kamciha manju gisun i buleku bithe or Wuti qingwen jian 《五體清文鑒》(The five language compendium or The Pentaglot Dictionary) reflects the Manchu-deployed comprehensive cognition of the Qing world up to, also beyond, this dictionary’s completion in 1794. Chapter 31 of the Dictionary, Shoubu 兽部 or “Section for wild animals” delivers the Qing-time …

Media Diplomacy: Zeng Jize’s Strategic Engagement of Western Newspapers
For decades, scholarship on late 19th century Sino-west interaction has been greatly influenced by the impact-response paradigm while little is known about how the Chinese proactively influenced the western world. Focusing on Zeng Jize(1839-1890), the Chinese ambassador to the Britain, France and Russia from 1878 to 1886, and especially his strategic engagement in western newspapers, …

Literature Reviewed: Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program in China
The two literature I have reviewed are both studies of the methadone maintenance treatment program in China, with significant differences in their timing. The two articles are similar in that they both focus on the factors that influence clients retention, but differ in the specific subject matter. The former was undertaken in 2009 when the …

A Research on the Evolution Mechanism of Chinese Rural Traditional Buildings Under the Background of Modern Urbanization
Chinese traditional villages belong to a typical “rural society”,However, with the rapid urbanization of China, modern transportation has rapidly extended from the modern metropolis to the countryside. Meanwhile, not only modern building materials, but also urban building types, lifestyles and aesthetics have quickly flowed into the countryside, which have a great impact on traditional buildings …

Influence of Jingxing Ancient Route to the Changes of Villages Along It in China
The Jingxing Ancient Route has been a natural passage linking Hebei and Shanxi Province for over 2000 years in China, and was also the most important route for the contact of Zhao and Qin state in history. In 2006, it was listed in the important heritage sites under state protection of China. The route stretches …

Chinese Music, Difference and Inter-community Relations in a 19th-century New Zealand Gold-mining Setting
The socio-cultural milieu of colonial New Zealand changed significantly in the 1860s as a result of the discovery of gold and the subsequent immigration of Chinese miners at the invitation of the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce. At first, Chinese miners arrived from the Australian goldfields, where they had earlier migrated, and later from southern China …

Being at Home in Transnational Spaces: Conceptualizing the Lifeworld of Chinese Migrants Abroad
In the scientific discourse in China, overseas Chinese are usually represented as constitutive elements of the Chinese nation-state. In contrast, Western migration studies tend to analyze Chinese migrant’s identities only in the context of their relation to the host country. In a way, both approaches fall into the trap of methodological nationalism and thus fail …

The Development of the City with the Historical District: The Comparison with Suzhou and Nantong
It is a serious issue that some historical district in China has been faced the constructive destruction. On the one hand, as a space carrier with a high concentration of regional natural environment, history and culture, urban construction and other elements, the historical district has high value of the historical heritage and urban characteristics. On …

Human Resource Management Outsourcing in Chinese Large and Medium-sized Enterprises: Its Effect on Organisational Performance
Globally, many enterprises practice human resource management (HRM) outsourcing activities to achieve operational efficiency and growth. Research in the Chinese context is limited and insights on the latest HRM outsourcing trends that are significant to understand the HRM outsourcing phenomenon in China are insufficient. The objective of this paper aims to examine the effect of …

Cultural Sustainability of China the Relationship of the “Geomantic Omen” and Microclimate
Sustainability is understood to be one of the most important solution to environmental issues. Adjusting the microclimate elements around the building to ultimately achieve the building’s own energy consumption is an important method for green building implementation. The aim of this study is to analyze the theory and methods of ancient people’s regulation in the …

Muslims in Ming China – A Reappraisal
This article seeks to reconstruct the integration and acculturation of Muslim communities in the early Ming Dynasty in China (1368-1424). The great influx of Muslim peoples from Arabia and Central Asia in the wake of Mongol invasion in the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368) marked the start of a strong, permanent Islamic community in China, even as …

Ambivalent Attitudes Towards State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) in China: A Case Study in the Southwest of China
This paper is part of my research on workers in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) in the late reform era. The research question is about the changes of SOE workers by comparing the pre-reform era and after reform era in China. The researcher holds the hypothesis that SOE workers who were in power before the economic reform are now in …

Between the Concept of Rights and the Philosophy of Ethics: An Investigation on the Concept of Marriage of Chinese Lesbians
This article examines the issue of how the Chinese citizen makes a choice when a confliction appears between the pursuit towards rights and the obedience to the code of ethics, and compared with the effects of rights concept why the constraint of ethics as a Chinese typical traditional cultural system exerts much more influence on …