Category: ACCS2016
Religion and Religious Fundamentalism: Today’s Challenges
The paper will attempt to analyse interrelations between religion and religious fundamentalism, characteristics of religious fundamentalism, its nature, roots, and main elements.Three preliminary observations can be made. Firstly, usually the case is that of either methodological maximalism or minimalism. Secondly, scientific approach should be distinguished from journalistic one. Thirdly, there is a noticeable tendency to …
The Phenomenon of Glocalization Practices of Japanese Popular Culture in Indonesia
Globalization is a phenomenon that can make boundaries between regions become apparent or border-less. Globalization itself has evolved into an influential paradigm since the beginning of the 1990s where between regions or countries are able to give each other their influence to other countries, through economics, politics and culture. Thus the existence of globalization has …
Is Everybody Present?
Over the past five decades, the interest in the contemplative practices of world wisdom traditions has been steadily expanding all through the Western culture. Education in general and higher education, in particular, has also incorporated these ‘inner sciences’ as they are often called. Contemplative practices foster a more compassionate understanding of the behavior and values …
Mediated Compassion and the Politics of Displaced Bodies
In media’s attempt to humanize the impact of war, dramatic images of disgruntled human bodies seeking refuge in faraway lands have become symbols of suffering and calls for humanitarian action. However, some media scholars are claiming that compassion fatigue is desensitizing media audiences to the human cost of war. This article argues that certain images …
Legal Development of the Protection of Cultural Property: From the Event of Armed Conflict to the Illicit Trafficking
Cultural property becomes one of the most important evidences which can reify the past and proclaim a cultural lineage connecting between the present generations of the society and their ancestors; hence, it is hardly surprising that the importance of cultural property is worthy to be protected. However, it is found that, before the twentieth century, …
Action Heroes and Representations of Masculinity
This presentation contextualizes cultural construction of hegemonic masculinity and discusses ways in which action film heroes in Muay Thai and historical films are represented. Traditionally, the quality of nakleng is desirable for Thai action heroes along with having mastery in a particular skill. In a moral realm, the idea of gratitude or kwarm-katanyu, in Thai, …
Narratives of the Romantic Relationship between Teacher and Student in Thai Contemporary Media: Turning Point of Thinking about Relationship?
The romantic relationship between teacher and student is prohibited by Thai social context and culture; however, there are plenty of Thai narratives presented the idea of this relationship in Thai contemporary media, series on TV and films, since 2006. This article aimed to study six narratives of romantic relationship between teacher and student during 2006-2015; …
How the Conceptualization of Refugees Impacts Their Capacity to Fulfill Their Social and Economic Agency
By the end of 2014, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) had identified 14.4 million refugees globally (UNHCR Global Trends 2014). The growth of the refugee population is an increasing concern that affects origin countries, host countries, aid organizations, and, most importantly, refugees themselves. The tendency of governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), aid agencies, …
Discourse on Disciplining Indonesian Women’s Bodies in a Dove Advertisement
In modern society, all human beings are performers. Our identities could be formed to imitate the personality types that are circulating around us, or we could create our own unique personality styles, which are different and in fact has never been attached to another person. Advances in information technology affect the way people define their …
Beat of Asia: Analyzing East Asia’s Cultural Hierarchy and the Negotiation of Hallyu Stars’ Identity and Songs
The study examines the nascent paradigm shift in transnational pop culture production in East Asia as Korean pop music is becoming the next epicentre for pop culture in Asia – a status long enjoyed by Japan. The popularity of K-Pop in Japan is said to be a major development since it is an example of …
Reversed Realities: National Pride and Visual Coding
What is national cultural identity? How does such identity affect other plausible kinds of identities i.e., gender? Is there authentic Thai identity? These questions are what interest me and are part of my thesis entitled “Transcultural Identity of Thai Femininity (1960s-present)”. By using critical theory perspective, I set out to examine Siam/Thailand diachronically from the …
A Few Good Men: Identity and Representation of Museum Volunteers
Most people usually value benefaction of donating to the temple, only a few appreciate to do in the museum. Being museum volunteer is another kind of donation. This article aims to answer two questions: 1) How museum volunteers define and valuate the goodness? 2) How museum volunteers present the goodness through museum activity? The research …
Human Traffic: Shamanism and the Marginalization of Trash Hunters in the Korean Cultural Community
In Seoul one will invariably find elderly people pulling large carts loaded with cardboard, glass and other recyclable materials. These cultural and economic exiles are largely ignored both by the populace and the academic community. The absence of these trash hunters[collectors] in the intellectual consciousness of Korea is very conspicuous against the wide theoretical interest …
Otaku Pedestrians in Tokyo: Fan Consumption and Urban Politics of “Visuality”
Otaku culture is mostly studied as a part of consumption culture and information society since the early 2000’s. The question of the cultural meaning of the everyday life of otaku fandom is however neglected, buried under the textual analysis of anime series or the impact of ‘Cool Japan’ as an international economic success. Otaku culture …
Hidden Biases of Cultural Schema
Communicating efficiently involves having an assumed set of knowledge underpinned by a learned system of cultural values, or what can be called cultural schemata. The American cultural self, for instance, is underpinned with the schemata of existentialism, individualism and competition. Schemata creates hidden biases in the way we behave, make decisions and judgements. Most often, …
An Unsuccessful Story of Futaba Nursery School, A Pioneer Educational Institution for the Poor in Japan
Futaba Nursery School has long been regarded in Japan as one of the pioneer educational institutions that upheld children’s rights and the protection of motherhood, but its history cannot simply be read as a tale of the heroic female founders.Scholars describe Futaba Nursery School, established in 1900 for children in Tokyo’s slums, as a pioneer …
Constructing the Hong Kong Nation: Cultural Nationalism and Civic Nationalism
The handover of sovereignty to China has not made Hongkongers the true master of their city, as promised by Beijing. Rather, the recent years have witnessed an increasing influence of the Chinese government in Hong Kong affairs, the shrink of freedom and the violations of values embraced by Hong Kong people. Resultantly, on top of …
Immigration, Identity and Mobility in Europe: Inclusive Cultural Policies and Exclusion Effects
The European cultural policy programs, such as ECC (European Capitals of Culture), seek to develop new forms of civic cohesion through inclusive and participative cultural events. The cultural assets of a city elected “ECC” are mobilized to attract a wide range of new audiences, including populations poorly integrated into local cultural life – and consequently …
Practicing Lore Within a Modern Society: Visiting the Mitigation Effort of the People of Mt. Kelud
As one of the active volcanoes classified in the ‘Ring of Fire’ in Indonesia, Mt. Kelud is inseparable from the danger of eruption. From the outsider’s view point, the devastating impact of the eruption upon the people living around the slope of the mountain seems as life-threatening. Kelud inhabitants, however, regard this repercussion in different …
Intercultural Parenting: A Discussion of Power Relations and Reverse Acculturation
The study employed a qualitative and social constructionist approach to examine cultural differences in intercultural parenting and how intercultural parents negotiated their differences. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty eight intercultural couples/parents. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data and understand the meanings of participants’ experiences. The findings revealed that while intercultural couples experienced …
Chinese Indonesians at the Crossroads: Post-Suharto Identity Dilemma in the Rise of China in the New Media Age
China’s rise to global prominence mostly represented in the new media has provoked the prevalence of re-sinification, as well as de-sinification, among Diasporic Chinese throughout the world, including the new generations of Chinese Indonesians. It is most commonly shared that nowadays Chinese Indonesians are expected to help bridging the gap between Indonesia and Mainland China …
The Feminine Nation: A Postcolonial Analysis of the Iconographies of Marianne and Maria Clara in the French and Philippine Online Press
The feminine nation : a postcolonial feminist analysis of the iconographies of Marianne and Maria Clara in the French and Philippine online press.Using articles from online portals of French national dailies Le Figaro, Le Monde and Le Parisien and Philippine national dailies Philippine Star, Philippine Daily Inquirer and Manila Bulletin, this comparative study aims to …
Impact of Cultural Intermediates Importing Foreign Popular Culture to Hong Kong
There were lots of media and agents involved in the Japanese ‘Hari’ culture in Hong Kong during the 80’s. Those media channels included print medias such as music magazines, movies, comic books, music concerts, live performance and music production. The agents, especially the owner and the workers of the ‘media’ often served as a mediator, …
Migration Without Mobility
The Mobility Turn promised a paradigm shift. Inspired by the work of Deleuze and Guattari, fundamental concepts such as culture, identity and place were to be re-figured by mobile metaphors, such as network, home and flow. However, conceptual ambitions have been stymied. Ironically, this has been especially evident in fields concerned intrinsically with mobility. Notably, …
Intercultural Communication Model of Tolaki Tribe in Multicultures Government Structure in South Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
This paper will examine the general and the background about intercultural communication model between native inhabitants of Tolaki tribe and immigrants in an order of cross cultures government. The research’s goal is to examine and to show how tolerance interwoven among those different sides and honour towards customs could evoke better understanding among all parties …
The Advent of the First Indoor Stage in Korean Theatre: Impacts, Consequences and Implications
It is widely agreed that the modern Korean theatre began with the opening of the Hyeopyulsa, the first western-style theatre building, in December 1902. The reason for calling this theatre ‘modern’ is multifold, but the primary stress should be put on the fact that it introduced indoor stage, which was the first case in the …
Negotiating Power in Culturally Determined Bioethics Secular vs Islamic Bioethics in Decision Making
The supposition of this paper is that bioethics in its different strata is culturally determined. Other than universal in the sense of ‘neutral’, secular bioethics-which is internationally leading the field of bioethics academically and in praxis is an expression of a particular, materialistic worldview that does generally not consider spiritual or other-worldly dimensions. Islamic culture, …
Exploration of New Understanding of ‘Culture’.
Culture is a term which has various definitions with many contradictions. A general apprehension about the culture limits it to a broad or narrow sense of homogeneity and in the need of certain exclusion. The present understanding of culture is inevitably responsible for conflict between two cultures. The solicitation to particular belief or value system …
A Cultural Reflection: The Auspicious Sign in Miscellaneous Notes of the Tang Dynasty (618-907)
The belief in auspicious sign from the scientific point of view may probably be regarded as a kind of superstition, but for many of the people in their nations, it has become a part of their folk culture. Such a belief comes basically from the seeking and fondness of auspiciousness which should be ordinary and …
Is a Paternal Nephew’s Right to Inherit His Uncle’s Estate Indisputable: The Enlightening Case of Tsang Yuet Mui
The British Law has been enforced in Hong Kong since 1842, but the cases involving Chinese traditional practices were still judged on the basis of traditional laws of China, i.e. the Qing Code and related customs. As for the succession to estate, the Chinese society of Hong Kong followed the traditional convention of succession in …
Existence of the Tradition of Moon Festival in Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province
This article aims to investigate the existence of the tradition of Moon Festival in Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. The data of this qualitative study were gathered from related documents, research reports, and in-depth interviews with Thai Chinese in Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. The study found that the tradition of Moon Festival could still …
Standard Chinese Characters and Their Role in Cultural Heritage
Hanzi is a system of ideograms that encodes the Chinese language built on the integrated representation of form, sound and meaning of matters and deeds. Over several thousand years, it has been playing an important role for cultural heritage in establishing a record of the language, history and life of the Chinese people. Only until …
The Birth of Contemporary Culture: The Unwanted Child?
The paper proposes to investigate two threads that eventually intersect. On the one hand it aims to look at the evolution of contemporary global (consumer) culture, more specifically the culture of neoliberalism. On the other hand, it looks at some of the critical reflections that pondered upon these phenomena at the time they came into …
Construction of Lukang’ s Cultural Memory (Das Kulturelle Gedchtnis) and Spirit of Place (Genius Loci) in the Qing Dynasty: A Study Based on Shih Shu-Ching’s Walking Through Lo-chin and Lin Hui-Cheng’s The Street and Town Structure of Lukang in the Late Qing Period
In 1976, Shih Shu-Ching published liuliWa (Glazed Tiles), which captured public attention to the importance of cultural heritage preservation. The well-known scholar and architect, Han Pao-Teh, even attempted to an open dialogue with Shih’s work with his ‘Glazed Tiles and Soil Tiles: Discussing Local Art Preservation via Shih Shi-Ching’s Glazed Tiles.’ In 1977, Han launched …
Breaking the Fourth Wall in K-Pop: Voyeurism and Talking About Reverse Panopticons
Objectification is common in the media and entertainment industry; if you’�re in the limelight, there is no way to escape objectification, irrelevant of gender. While prevalent in both Western and Eastern entertainment industries, this objectification borders on voyeurism when it comes to the Korean entertainment industry, mainly the music sector. Artists, particularly ‘idol’ musicians live …