Category: Mind, Brain & Psychology: Human Emotional & Cognitive Development & Outcomes within Educational Contexts

Methods for Developing Sustained Attention and Selective Attention in 14-17-year-old Adolescents in Sport: A Scoping Review
The purpose of this overview review is to identify methods and interventions used to develop sustained and selective attention in adolescent athletes. The review included studies that looked at quantitative design research. The research participants are adolescents (14 – 17 years, +/- 3 years) who are involved in sports and/or physical activities. Researches were conducted …

Infusing PERMAH into Education Courses: Effects on Pre-service Teacher Well-being and Social-Emotional Competence
This study examined the impact of integrating Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA) training into undergraduate Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology courses for 147 pre-service teachers in the Philippines during the post-COVID-19 lockdown. The intervention aimed to enhance pre-service teachers’ well-being and social-emotional competencies (SEC) amidst unique pandemic stressors. Participants engaged in weekly …

Investigating Mathematics Teaching Anxiety in Pre-Service Primary Education Teachers: A Case Study
Recent reports highlight a concerning increase in anxiety among university students post-pandemic, affecting two-thirds of the student body. Fernández-Rodríguez et al. (2023) found that 47.6% exhibit anxiety-related behaviors, and 21% suffer from depression across 35 Spanish universities, prompting calls for psychological support initiatives. Academic challenges are widespread, with 60% of first-year undergraduates struggling to refine …

Influences on Critical Thinking Skills Among Indonesian Secondary Students: An Empirical Analysis
This study examines the factors influencing the development of critical thinking skills among Indonesian secondary students, with a focus on teaching methods, school leadership, and socio-economic factors. Despite the introduction of student-centred learning in the 2013 curriculum, traditional rote learning continues due to insufficient teacher training and inconsistent implementation. The research identifies several key influences …

Exploring the Relationship Between Realistic Optimism and Big Five Personality Traits Among Indian University Students
This study explores the relationship between realistic optimism and the Big Five personality traits among Indian university students, offering insights into these constructs in a non-Western context. Realistic optimism, emphasizing a hopeful yet grounded perspective toward the future, was measured using Nishaat’s (2018) Realistic Optimism Scale, while personality traits were assessed using the Ten-Item Personality …

Beyond the Game: Enhancing Emotional and Physical Childhood Resilience With FlexiŠerming
FlexiŠerming is an innovative method aimed at cultivating resilience in children through playful engagement, grounded in the experiences of an educator and father of four. This approach utilizes a simple, adaptable game to develop resilience as a learnable and expandable skill, addressing contemporary challenges such as overprotection, ubiquitous technology, and increasing social and emotional detachment. …

The Unseen Toll of Academic Success: Shadow Education and Student Well-being
In the dynamic educational landscape, the transition to a profit-driven industry model has undermined the traditional conception of education as a public good (UNESCO, 2016). Adding to this shift is the recent surge of shadow education, a burgeoning billion-dollar coaching industry that originated in Asian countries and has since expanded globally. Shadow education, characterized by …

Personality and Level of Mental Health on Career Adaptability Among University Students
The socialization that occurs during undergraduate education contributes to how faculty members understand their work as students. Thus, the nature of undergraduate student socialization deserves attention, has highlighted a wide range of important concerns and issues such as the changing academic achievements, career adaptability, and the experience of demographic groups in the academy. The research …

Assessing Metacognitive Skills in Mathematical Problem Solving: A Comparative Study of a Task-Specific Questionnaire and Think Aloud Protocol
Metacognitive skills play a crucial role in aiding students to comprehend when, why, where, and how to apply their knowledge to mathematical problem-solving. Consequently, teachers seek effective measurements to assess metacognitive skills and identify students with low metacognitive skills in mathematical problem-solving. Think Aloud Protocol (TAP) is recommended as the best method for measuring metacognitive …

Crossover Effects of Education on Health and Health Behavior Among Retired Couples
Few studies in Japan have examined the crossover effect of education on health. This effect pertains to how the education level of one spouse influences the health behaviors and health status of the other. Utilizing data from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare’s surveys conducted in 2010, 2013, and 2016, this study presents an …

The Psychological Cost of Academic Excellence: Shadow Education and Student Well-being
In the evolving landscape of education, the shift towards an industry model fueled by commercial interests has diminished the traditional status of education as a public good (UNESCO, 2016). Exacerbating this situation is the recent rise of shadow education, an emerging billion-dollar coaching industry, originating in Asian countries and subsequently spreading worldwide. Shadow education, defined …

Bringing Wellness into the Elementary Classroom
As many educators have discovered, mental health and wellness are areas of needs that continue to grow. Increasing the focus of wellness by embedding activities and materials into various classroom settings is one way that educators can help support their students. Literacy and math blocks as well as physical education classrooms can bring in books …

Commercialised Education and Sustainability: Examining the Hidden Costs of Shadow Education on Students’ Psychological and Cognitive Well-being in India
Education is increasingly seen to be shifting towards an industry model, driven by commercial concerns where the traditional status of education as a public good has been diminishing (UNESCO, 2016). Exacerbating this situation is the recent rise of shadow education, an emerging billion-dollar coaching industry, originating in Asian countries and subsequently spreading worldwide. Private supplementary …

Mental Health Services & Education Policy for Generation Z After the COVID-19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta City
Mental health is a serious issue during and after the pandemic. Young people, including Gen Z, are the most vulnerable group to experience mental health. Yogyakarta is the locus of research where this city has a high life expectancy of 75.04 years, but unfortunately the prevalence rate of mental disorders is the second highest in …

An Exploratory Survey of University Students’ Perceptions Regarding AI and Robots by Psychological Scales
In recent years, there has been a significant expansion of information education in high schools and a proliferation of science and technology education, resulting in global recognition of STEM and STEAM education. The release of Chat GPT on November 30, 2022, marked the onset of a transformative era in intellectual engagement and learning, prompting the …

“Mother and Child Yoga” and the Change to Mothers’ Stress Levels: Examinations by Child Care Support at a University Attached Kindergarten
This research is focused on “Mother and Child Yoga”. In recent years, the stress of parenting has been increasing due to changes in the environment in which children are raised. Crnic and Greenburg (1990) discuss the potential for this stress to influence microsocial processes within the parent-child relationship and to contribute to dysfunction in children …

Unlocking Metacognitive Potential: A Journey Through the Minds of Androgynous High School Students in Statistical Problem Solving
Metacognitive activities are essential to academic achievement and cognitive development during adolescence. This study aims to investigate the metacognitive activities of androgynous students in solving statistics problems. To deeply uncover the complex interaction between androgynous identity and metacognitive strategies, a qualitative approach with semi-structured in-depth interviews based on a statistics problem-solving task adopted from the …

Understanding the Dynamics of Online Hatred and Mental Health Issues Among Adolescents: Exploring Factors, Impacts, and Alternative Strategies
The phenomenon of hatred is a crucial problem in the digital era, particularly among adolescents. However, it remains unclear what motivates them to become more involved and how hatred impacts their mental health. This study aims to investigate phenomena associated with the causes and effects of online hatred among adolescents, as well as appropriate intervention …

Crossover Effects of Education on Health and Health Behavior Among Married Couples
This study presents an empirical analysis of not only the effect of education on the health behaviors and health status of married couples but also the crossover effect of education between married couples. First, basic statistics show that wives perform better vis-à-vis dietary health behaviors, whereas husbands perform better with regard to exercise and medical …

The Effects of a Course-Based Mindfulness Intervention on College Student Perfectionism, Stress, Anxiety, Self-Compassion, and Social Connectedness
Rising perfectionism within post-secondary students could be a reason for their mental health challenges. Recent attention is being given to mindfulness-based interventions as a promising avenue for mitigating high perfectionism and improving socio-emotional well-being. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of 8 weeks of a mindfulness course (compared to a non-meditating …

Thinking Aloud Protocol Based Self-Report Questionnaire to Measure Metacognitive Skills in Mathematical Problem Solving
Metacognitive skills play a major role in Mathematical problem solving. Metacognitive skills are required for monitoring and regulating the cognitive process of Mathematical problem solving. Different countries have declared that improving metacognitive skills is an essential component in Mathematics Education. Hence, having an instrument to effectively and efficiently measure metacognitive skills is important for both …

The Experience of Empathy in 10th Grade Students With the LGBTQ+ Community Through Narrative Transportation: A Qualitative Investigation
This research explores secondary school students’ expreriences of empathy while engaging with a TV series featuring LGBTQ+ characters. The study, conducted with grade 10 students aged 15-16 in Japan, aimed to uncover perspectives through a generic qualitative inquiry. Thirty-one participants completed a reflection survey, leading to the identification of ten emergent themes related to 1) …

Emotion Detection in the Middle Eastern Classroom: Implications for Instruction
The detection of emotions in people’s faces is key to human communication. As such, it is a relevant aspect of instruction in classrooms across the globe where cultural differences exist. Is judging people’s emotions from facial expressions shaped by cultural dichotomies, such as individualism and collectivism? Findings of research using cross-country samples had shown that …

A Stranger Among Strangers? Impression Formation in the Middle Eastern Classroom
A freshman at the beginning of a course is often a stranger among strangers. How can teammates for a group assignment be selected? The impression that peers have of each other relies on hearsay or scant information gathered from brief interactions. Evidence exists that descriptors do not equally impact impression formation. Instead, impression formation is …

The Influence of Growth Mindset and Grit on Self-Efficacy Among Chinese Undergraduates
In recent studies, growth mindset and grit have been widely adopted as two common indicators of undergraduates’ self-efficacy. However, the majority of studies are conducted among western samples. Moreover, the extent to which growth mindset and grit would impact self-efficacy simultaneously has not been systematically studied. The study first explores the influence of the two …

An Instructional Model of Learner’s Behavioural Intentions Towards Socio-Cognitive Conflicts in Virtual Constructivist Learning Environment
Constructivist-based teaching methods have emerged as leading instructional strategies in response to the uncertainty and complexity of the workplace, while often being seen as ‘creating a new learning experience’. Instructional methods of constructivist learning in a digital learning environment aim to establish cognitive presence, select contents and structure learning activities in order to maximize learner’s …

The Experiences of Building Resilience Among Nursing Undergraduates in Macao: A Qualitative Study
Nursing students face many pressures during the undergraduate study. Resilience building is recognized as a valuable coping strategy for nursing students to effectively manage stress in their studies and daily lives. The aims are to understand how nursing students perceive and experience the struggles or stresses during their undergraduate studies and to identify factors that …

Concreteness and Imageability Differentially Predict Judgments of Manual and Visual Similarity
How we understand language is fundamentally shaped by our interactions with the world around us, according to modern theories of cognitive embodiment and predictive inference in perception. Sensorimotor experiences associated with specific words are reflected in those words’ levels of concreteness and imageability, psycholinguistic constructs that are meant to capture the sensorimotor tangibility of word …

Exploring Users’ Sensory Experiences in Physical Learning Spaces: Politecnico di Milano School of Design as a Case Study
The paper aims to identify learning space users’ sensory needs and preferences and determine which interior design elements and strategies best meet them to positively influence behavior and impact learning, educational performance, and individual and social well-being. A two-phase mixed-methods research (MMR) methodology is employed in the study. First, a thorough literature review was conducted …

Parenting Styles and Adolescents’ Motivation for Physical Activity: The Mediating Role of Parental Physical Activity Related Practices
Physical activity (PA) contains many benefits for adolescents’ physical and mental health, and for building healthy living routines and habits for the future. Motivation, especially intrinsic motivation, constitutes an important factor for PA amongst children and adolescents. In the current study, we tested the association between maternal and paternal parenting styles and adolescents’ PA motivation, …

Does Tracking Culture Encourage Fixed Mindsets in Its Students? An Interdisciplinary Analysis Using International Datasets
This study serves as the first of its kind to quantitatively juxtapose students’ mindsets from between-school tracking (BST) and comprehensive educational policies. Results indicated that students educated in a BST country were significantly more fixed minded than students educated in a comprehensive policy (p ≤ .0001). Results also replicated the past finding that being less …

Relationship of the Val158met COMT Genotype With the Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP)
Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP) are disorders of hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to a specific modality (or modalities) of sensory stimuli. These disorders also affect motor skills as well as executive functions, which is important for the child’s neurodevelopment. Patterns of sensory-motor integration may be genetically determined. Particular attention is paid to polymorphisms of the …

Education Plan According to Age and Experience to Reduce Human Error of Construction Workers
In Korea, as construction projects become increasingly large and complex, many construction accidents are occurring. According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor, as of 2021, the number of accident victims in the construction industry is the second highest after other industries, and the number of accident deaths accounts for about 50%, ranking first in …

Building Social-Emotional Competencies and Resilience in Preservice Teacher Education: The Role of Yoga
This study scrutinises the effects of a yoga programme on the social-emotional competencies and resilience of 124 student teachers at a university in Turkey and investigates the viewpoints of the participants about the integration of holistic yoga practices. A Hatha yoga programme was implemented in the experimental group for 6 weeks. Data were obtained via …

Understanding Childhood from Children’s Perspective: An Interpretivist Exploration
The present study aims at contemplating the different perspectives which are prevalent in the field of Childhood Studies, namely- Developmental Perspective, Socio-cultural or contextual perspective and the perspective of Discursive Psychology. The existing trends in the research in the discourse of Childhood Studies are also discussed. One of the biggest critiques of the studies conducted …

Student Personality and Emotional Intelligence: Canton Ambato Case Study
The aim of this study was to evaluate the personality of students in the eighth, ninth and tenth years of the Private Educational Units of the Ambato-Ecuador canton, using the Eysenck Personality Test. Initially, we worked with a population of 287 students between 13 and 15 years of age of both sexes, the aspects evaluated …

Relations Between Visual Perception and Working Memory Through Urban Sketches at Phumin-Ta Li Community, Nan Province
The study explores the relationship between visual perception and working memory through the medium of urban sketching at Phumin – Ta Li community in Nan province, Thailand. The research involved participants sketching various buildings and landmarks in the community while completing working memory tasks. The sketches and working memory task results were analysed to investigate …

Growing Stronger Together: Are Students’ Positive Resources Correlated to Teachers’ Features? How Could They Be Incremented?
According to scientific literature, teachers’ positive characteristics foster students’ well-being. Plus, numerous studies show that specific educational trainings increase students’ positive resources. The present research aims at exploring: (i) the association between teachers’ and adolescent students’ resources; (ii) the impact of a neuropsychopedagogical training on adolescents (i.e., Envisioning the Future, EF). The sample includes N=113 …

Delphi Surveys for Development of Sub-domains, Factors, and Items of Musical Self-Concepts Scales for Korean Secondary Students
Musical self-concepts affect people’s musical development and learning, and there have been several psychometric scales to measure musical self-concepts mainly in Western contexts. In order to develop Korean version of musical self-concept scales for secondary students, this study conducted Delphi surveys to identify sub-domains, factors and items of the scale. From November 2021 to May …

Effects of Perceived Discrimination on Mexican-Origin Adolescent Outcomes: A Parallel Mediation Analysis
This study used Hayes Process Macro for SPSS version 29 to conduct a parallel mediation regression analysis examining the direct and indirect influence of adolescent perceptions of discrimination on academic outcomes and socio-emotional adjustment through teacher and peer relationships in a sample of Mexican-origin adolescents (N=674, M_age=14.27), when controlling for acculturation, English, family income, and …

Do Sound Bites Impact Students’ Perceptions of Credibility of Podcasts? An Experimental Analysis
Due to their relatively low price and appeal, podcasts are commonly used in educational contexts (e.g., Cho et al., 2017). A common structural element of podcasts is the use of sound bites, which are excerpts of longer pieces of outside media (e.g., interviews). A main indicator of quality upon which students judge podcast material is …

The Effects of Podcast Sound Bites on Information Retention: An Experimental Analysis
Podcasts are an increasingly popular tool for teaching and learning in higher education (e.g., Newman et al., 2021). These audio recordings often couple narration with sound bites, or excerpts from interviews. To date, little-to-no research has been conducted on the cognitive effects of educational podcasts. This lack of research, in combination with the structure of …

Island of Individuation: Teaching With a New, Dynamic Approach to the Development of the Human Psyche in the Singapore Context
The fostering of not just better mental health outcomes, but a more creative, knowledgeable and versatile workforce (Watermeyer, Chen & Ang 2021) has been at the forefront of Singapore’s development of her people since the seminal events of the late 2010s: the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore Bicentennial, the COVID-19 pandemic, and …

Parenting and Self Resilience in Dayak Youth Students
Resilience is a basic psychological need that is developed through parenting. Self-resilience is important for youth student to face challenges in education. In Dayak culture in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, women usually carry the double role of being a housekeeper as well as breadwinner. Women in the family has a significant position in fulfilling the needs …

Grit and Hope as Sequential Mediators in the Association Between Mindfulness and Flourishing
Flourishing was defined as living within an optimal range for positive psychological and social functioning (Fredrickson & Losada, 2005). Recently, it is believed that fostering flourishing can effectively prevent mental disorders. Empirical studies have also confirmed that individual mindfulness is related to flourishing. However, the internal mechanism of this link is relatively underexplored. This pilot …

Predictive Efficiency of Spiritual Intelligence and Cultural Intelligence on Emotional Maturity of Student Teachers at Secondary Level
The study was designed with the objective of analyzing the predictive efficiency of Spiritual Intelligence and Cultural Intelligence on the Emotional Maturity of student teachers at the secondary level. In this study, Student Teachers at Secondary Level means students who are training to be teachers at the secondary level under the supervision of a certified …

Embodied Cognition: A Strength for Adolescents’ Academic Achievement and Well-Being in the Classroom?
Background: Positive effects of embodied cognition and physical activity on executive functions, well-being and learning outcomes, have been found in toddlers and elementary school children. So far, embodied cognition in adolescents has not received much research attention. The aim of this study was to examine whether embodied cognition within a classroom context positively affects executive …

Pathways of Influence: Parental Academic Expectation, Depression, Educational Aspiration, and Cognitive Development of Chinese Rural Adolescents
Parental expectation is characterized as the realistic belief held by parents about their children’s educational attainment. Empirical studies suggest that parental expectation defines adolescents’ cognitive development to a varying degree. However, little scholarly effort has been paid to investigating the mechanism of this relationship. Based on the national representative China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) survey …

Modulation of the Imaginary Perceptive Maps and Its Effect on the Cognitive Attitude of Medical Students
The perception maps affect the analysis process of information which is base on an individual’s previous exposure and purpose of events that influence the cognitive attitude, i.e. the response to the facts. The processing of external sensory inputs is formulated and encapsulated at different mind levels in the form of various experience modules (Pylyshyn, 1999; …

Influence of Social Media Use on Maternal Educational Anxiety
In the information age, more educational information could be received by parents with the development of social media, including the excellent performance of other families’ children and the advertising of shadow education in China. As the subject of parenting, mothers in China can be more likely to feel strong educational anxiety because of gender division …

How to Reduce Mental Health Concerns Among Students in the Post-COVID-19 Universities – An Empirical Analysis of HAN International School of Business
This paper intends to provide an understanding of how higher education can promote good mental health amongst university students in the post-COVID-19 era. Recent trends during the global pandemic outbreak have shown that mental health issues among students are increasingly on the rise. This affects students’ well-being and overall ability to function in their studies …

Envisioning the Future: Ten Keys to Enhance Resilience Predictors Among Inmates
This study examines the impact of the program Envisioning the Future (EF) by Patrizio Paoletti Foundation on the predictors of resilience among male inmates. EF offers ten keys encompassing the main neuroscientific findings and daily practices for resilience. With the collaboration of the University of Padua, EF was implemented in Padua prison during the Covid-19 …

What Kind of Consolation Do Students in Japan Who Have Seriously Failed Academically Really Want?
Failure is inevitable for students. The serious failures for students in Japanese schools are failure to pass exams and late submission deadline. How students are comforted in such failures may affect their recovery and motivation for further study. Since friends, instead of teachers, are the significant others in adolescence, we examined the effectiveness of eight …

The Effects of Mindfulness on Adolescents With Special Needs’ Readiness for Learning
Special needs educators, anecdotally, feedback that students demonstrated adverse learning behaviours and attitudes towards academic learning by adolescent age, compared to their peers, when they face severe learning challenges. With preliminary evidences supporting mindfulness-based programmes’ positive effects on academic functioning, this pilot study aims to investigate the effects of providing adolescent students with mindfulness tools …

What It Means to be a Great Teacher? The Life Experience of University Students in Thailand
Educational research on teacher-student relationships recognizes their impact on students. However, it typically emphasizes on physical outcomes, such as students’ learning achievement, with less attention to psychological ones, such as students’ feelings. While everyone acknowledges the significance of the professional teacher, little acknowledgment of caring and loving teacher as an issue exists in the meaning …

Indian Classical Dance Education and its Impact on the Spiritual Intelligence of the Students – An Empirical Research
The aim of this study is to empirically investigate the impact that the period of learning of Indian Classical art form Bharatanatyam creates on the Spiritual intelligence of the students. Primary quantitative data has been collected using closed-end survey from 180 students pursuing Bharatanatyam from higher education institutions in India. The variable Spiritual Intelligence has …

The Effect of Pandemic on Teachers’ Emotional State and on Their Attitudes to the Teaching Profession
Education has been affected by the spread of COVID-19, and schools were closed for almost 2 years in the Czech Republic. During the pandemic, teacher stress has been intensified by distance education as well as by limited access to social support, which might function as a buffer in experiencing stress. The aim of our study …

An Empirical Investigation of Feedback Sequencing on Emotion Regulation Processes
The effects of receiving feedback on course assessments have emotional implications for students (e.g., Ryan & Henderson, 2018) that extend to motivation and behavior (Boud & Falchilvov, 2007). Receiving negative feedback, then, may have harmful effects on students’ emotions, motivation, and performance. A way in which students’ emotions may be regulated is through employing the …

Sandwich With a Side of Motivation: An Investigation of the Effects of the Feedback Sandwich Method on Motivation
The “feedback sandwich” method involves placing corrective feedback between two positive statements. Although it has been argued that this method is an effective means of delivering feedback to students because it seemingly makes constructive feedback more pleasant (e.g., Dohrenwent, 2002), there exists limited empirical research to support this claim. Receiving feedback from instructors has implications …

Exploring the Impact of Online Teaching on MCBS students – A Case Study
Covid-19 has created major upheavals in the lives of students all over the world. The abrupt transition to online classrooms across educational institutes has caused immense turmoil in the students’ psyche. Students of Modern College of Business and Science (MCBS), also faced this dilemma. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate how this …

An Exploratory Study on Racial Experiences and Resiliency of Foreign Medical Students
Medicals students aspire to gain a degree in a foreign land and encounter new experiences in the host country. The aim of the study was to explore the lived racial experiences of foreign medical students. A qualitative phenomenolocial approach was utilized by the researcher. Foreign medical students (N=15) participated in open-ended interview questions. Thematic analysis …

Awakened Schools: A Theoretical Framework for Engaging Students’ Interconnectedness
Much research has been done around the implementation and benefits of social and emotional learning. In spite of this good research, the field of SEL lacks a theoretical, rather than outcomes-based, grounding, in particular in ways that extend beyond curriculum-based approaches (Weissberg et al., 2013). There have been calls from within the field of SEL …

Predictors, Sources of Test Anxiety and Coping Strategies: A Comparative Study of Postgraduate Taught Students in the UK and Saudi Arabia
Test anxiety (TA) is pervasive across cultural boundaries and is related to impaired academic performance and psychological wellbeing. This study aimed to investigate predictors, sources of TA and the coping strategies employed by postgraduate taught (PGT) students in UK universities (UKUK), international students in UK universities (IUK), and Saudi students in Saudi universities (SASA). The …

Investigating the Impact of Factors Associated With Student Academic Achievement and Expectations Through the Ecosystemic Perspective in the Greek Context
In this proposal, Bronfenbrenner’s theory (Brofenbrenner,1970; 1979; Brofenbrenner & Crouter, 1983; Brofenbrenner & Morris, 1998; Brofenbrenner & Evans, 2000) will be used to investigate the individual, microsystemic and exosystemic factors that may affect adolescents’ academic achievement as well as their expectations in Greece. First, the topic of academic achievement in an adolescent developmental context will …

Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education in Lao PDR: Case of Vientiane Province
In the past decade, significant and measurable progress in Early Childhood Development (ECD) has been accomplished in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), but it continues to be behind the average development level of the world. Given this evidence, this case study on parental involvement in ECD attempts to examine the extent of parental involvement …

If University Students Do Paid Work During Their Studies, Does It Increase Their Internal Locus of Control?
Should students work during university? Work may hinder time for studies, but could also provide income and build important life skills, especially important for students from more disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. This paper examines whether working during university improves students’ locus of control – the belief in one’s own ability to have control over their life …

The Role of Software in Computer Science Majors’ Career Choice
The shortage of highly-skilled ICT (information and communications technology) workers remains a serious and global concern. This paper reports on how to attract more computer science majors to job fields within ICT that are especially critical to economic growth, rather than how to solve the overall shortage. A qualitative preliminary study found that certain software-related …

Exploring the Cognitive Mechanism of Lifelong Learning and the Influence of Emotion
Lifelong learning is essential in today’s society of information explosion and technological transformation. Understanding how lifelong learning manifests cognitively can promote student success and enhance machine learning. This project will explore the relationships among three basic cognitive factors underlying lifelong learning: persistence, autonomy, and motivation. We will also examine the influence of emotion on lifelong …

Overcoming Academic Anxiety and Improving Hope of University Students: A Group Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT)
University students’ anxiety is mostly caused by academic anxiety. It is a disruptive thought pattern followed by physiological responses and behavior as a result of concern regarding the possibility of having poor academic performance. It may cause detrimental effects such as procrastination, poor academic performance, and withdrawal from social relations. Fear and anxiety are causally …

The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Self-efficacy and Worry in College Students
Academic performance is influenced by many factors. Self-efficacy and anxiety have been known as predictors of academic performance in college students. Students with strongly perceived self-efficacy are more likely to use analytical thinking and devising successful courses of action effectively in academic settings. On the contrary, anxiety acts as a barrier for students to perform …

The Influence of Emotion on College Student Resilience in Taiwan
Resilience is critical to learning and self-development. Understanding the factors that influence college students’ resilience help them build up such positive strength. Emotion can be an influential factor to the development of resilience. This study therefore aims to examine the influences of positive emotion and negative emotion on college students’ resilience in the aspects of …

Teachers’ Characteristics, Teacher Burnout and Motivation to Leave
A lack of teachers especially vocational field is one of the most important problem of Thai education. The report from the Office of Vocational Education Commission 2019 revealed that Public vocational institutions lack teachers around 18,846 persons. There are many factors that affects teachers’ retention such as welfare, stability, job position and burnout. This research …

Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of a Thai Translation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2
Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Thai version of the Body appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2). Previous empirical research suggested that body appreciation is associated with positive psychological well-being such as life-satisfaction and self-esteem in female sample. Materials and methods: A total sample comprised of 217 Thai females, whose mean age …

Can the Intervention of SCAMPER Bring About Changes of Neural Activation While Taking Creativity Tasks?
SCAMPER (substitution, combination, modification, putting to other uses, elimination, and rearrangement) has been regarded as an effective technique that provides a structured way to help people produce creative ideas and solutions. Although some neuroscience studies regarding creativity training have been conducted, no study has focused on SCAMRER. This study pioneers computer-based learning in integrating fMRI …

The Perceived Effects of Home Environment on University Students’ Study Motivation
Despite the contribution of the family to students’ academic performance, limited studies have examined the influence of home environment on students’ motivation to study. Thus, this qualitative research aimed to describe the perceived contribution of physical and social home environment to university students’ motivation to study. The respondents comprised 30 purposively selected college students, aged …

The Influence of Mentoring and Coaching Relationship on job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in Teachers: Pilot Study of Vocational Teachers
A lack of support from the principal, colleagues or other school leaders is one of the most important problem in teachers. There are many dimensions for teachers to handle in their lives such as workload, independently in career, life balance, and stress. Then it may decrease job satisfaction and life satisfaction in teachers. Mentoring and …

Exploring Filipino Kindergarten Children’s Concepts of the Environment: A Study of Drawings
The success of Environmental Education (EE) is based on how the curriculum helps students develop the “right” relationship with the environment. EE scholars reveal that environmental problems arise not because EE approaches have failed but because people connect with the environment differently. Hence, educators should understand students’ views of the environment before formulating environmental science …

Cinematherapy as Modeling Technique in Cognitive and Emotional Development in Educational Context of the Depressed Filipino Female Adolescents
This study is a pioneering effort of the Psychological Section of the National Center for Mental Health. As basic research, it aimed to determine the efficacy of Cinematherapy as a modeling technique in reducing if not eliminating depressive symptoms so as to increase their competency level and improve their academic performance upon return to school …