Category: Psychology and Education

Optimizing Child Development Through the First Three Years: The Important of Responsive Parenting and Early Learning Stimulation
In Indonesia, the prevalence of inappropriate childcare remains relatively high. Data from the Indonesian Early Childhood Report, in 2021, 4 out of 10 early childhood children experience inadequate childcare. Meanwhile, from 0–3 years old, the brain grows rapidly to form strong connection, thus decent childcare is important during this period. Responsive parenting and early learning …

Guideline Development of Healthy Brain and Mind Application for Enhancing Cognitive Functions of Adults
The purposes of this research were 1) to study healthy brain and mind application (HBM app.) that can enhancing cognitive functions of adult, 2) to study the adults’ satisfaction and opinion on HBM app. to develop cognitive functions and being healthy adults. The informants were 20 adults’ experimental group who willing to participate in this …

Exploring the Linguistic Landscape of Teacher-Student Relationships: Children’s Descriptions, Sentiment Analysis, and Academic Outcomes in Italian Primary Schools
This study investigates the relationship between children’s linguistic descriptions of teachers, sentiment analysis, and key indicators of relationship quality, mental health, and academic performance among 853 primary school students in Italy. Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling, we extracted five thematic categories from children’s descriptions, providing a linguistic framework to explore the multifaceted nature …

A Study of Cyberbullying Patterns Among Thai Youths
This research is a survey research with the objectives to 1) obtain the pattern of cyber bullying among Thai teenagers 2) know the personal factors (gender, family, hours of internet use, and number of internet access devices) affecting the pattern of cyber bullying in Thai youths and 3) use the obtained model to analyze impacts …

A Valid and Reliable Instruments to Measure Learning Motivation of University Students in Elementary Teacher Education
Learning motivation encourages university students to study and carry out certain activities that foster passion and enthusiasm to achieve maximum learning goals and results. To measure learning motivation, valid and reliable measurement tools were needed. The aim of this study was to assess the construct validity and construct reliability of a newly designed university student …

Correlates of Affectual, Associational and Functional Solidarity Among Digitally Literate Adults
People in the society and workplace needs to conduct well by appreciating one another and not criticizing as there must be solidarity. This will ensure social cohesiveness and harmony. However, this remains an issue as there are personal and environmental constraints such as needs that are unattained, opportunities that are not captured and cultural structures …

The Relationship Among Peer Attachment, Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-being of University Students
University students’ psychological well-being becomes a social concern in Vietnam, due to high stress from family, school, peer pressure. However, previous studies in Vietnamese context discussed distress, anxiety and stress with limited resources about student life satisfaction or well-being (Thang et al., 2022). From attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969) and sociometer theory (Leary, 2004), it was …

Cross-validation of Academic Motivation Scale in the Context of Hong Kong Higher Education
Academic motivation initiates, directs, and maintains behaviors regarding knowledge acquisition and achievement in learning environment. It affects not only students’ academic performance, but also their adjustment to college life and mental well-being. Based on the self-determination theory, an English version of Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) was developed by Vallerand et al. in 1992. The scale …

Bata Bata Paano Ka Ginawa?: The Effects of Child-Rearing on Developing Gender Indentity
Children’s lives are significantly shaped by parenting techniques and the environment, particularly in terms of gender development. In light of this, the study employed Narrative Psychology to investigate the influence of child raising on the four participants from Science City of Muñoz, Philippines. The data was interpreted using Schütze’s notion of Narrative Analysis. Participants shared …

Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Serial Killers: Engaging Undergraduate Students in Innovative Psychology Programming
Three programs were developed to increase undergraduate enrollment in psychology. In Program 1, one-credit-hour, media-intensive Weekend Seminars (WS) were offered without prerequisites. Modeled after professional congresses, these seminars included, “Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Serial Killers,” “Sex, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll,” “How To Take Over The World In One Easy Lesson,” and “Behavioral Addictions: Psychopathology or …

Factors Influencing Student Well-Being During the COVID–19 Pandemic and Lessons Learnt to Take Forward: Experience from an HEI in Oman
Introduction: The unexpected onset of COVID-19 posed unprecedented challenges to the education system worldwide. The higher education institutions (HEIs) were pushed into unfamiliar territory, and perhaps the sector affected the most is wellbeing. Previous studies have indicated that the well-being of students is lowered when they enter the university, requiring support even under normal circumstances. …

Cognitive Augmentation Through Game Dynamics: The IMLS Variant of Mathesso and Its Implications for Mathematical Intuition Enhancement
In this article, an interdisciplinary approach is undertaken to analyze the IMLS (Inverse Mathesso with Lowest Sum) variant of the Mathesso board game, fusing principles from mathematics and cognitive psychology. Retaining the token system of the original, the IMLS introduces distinct cognitive and psychological benefits. Enhanced activation of reverse synaesthesia, underpinned by cognitive psychology research, …

Decoding the Name-Recall Conundrum a Novel Perspective on Cognitive Processing and Enhancement Strategies
This paper investigates the prevalent issue of forgetting names immediately after introductions, a problem evidenced by an 89% failure rate among a sample size of 458 individuals. We propose that the root cause of this memory lapse is not an inherent issue with memory retention or retrieval. Instead, it relates to a specific cognitive phenomenon …

Perceived Parental Psychological Control, Impostor Phenomenon, and General Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Students’ Test-Anxiety in Higher Education
This study aims to reveal how impostor feelings and general self-efficacy predict students’ test-anxiety and academic achievements, while testing the effect of perceived parental psychological control using the students’ recollections of their mothers. The sample comprised 142 students, whose age ranges from 20 to 52 (Mage = 27.53, SD = 5.61). The results of a …

An Exploration of Psychological First Aid in Climatic Disaster Contexts of the Pacific Islands
Psychological first aid is an activity of mental health and psychosocial support. This study reviews the purpose of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (ISAC) guidelines on mental health and psychosocial support and the level of intervention. The study also uses survey questionnaires to explore psychological first aid (PFA) interventions in the context of climate disasters in …

Are Teachers Willing to Change? Teachers’ Beliefs About Practice Change in Vietnam
Teacher belief is an essential element that guide teachers to deal with challenges in teaching, shape the classroom environment, and influence student’s motivation and in-class achievement. However, teacher belief may be influenced by various factors inside and outside of classroom, particularly the pressure that makes them comply with their colleagues, with curriculum, and with student …

Examine the Impact of Proactive Personality and Environmental Awareness on College Students’ Pro-environmental Behaviors
Although there are many pro-environmental and green studies, relatively little effort has been made to investigate the connections between proactive personality, environmental awareness, and pro-environmental behaviors. 316 college students in Taiwan participated in this study, and the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis was performed to evaluate the connections between proactive personality, environmental …

Using the Interpretive Structure Model to Design the Department of Industrial Design Curriculum of the Interdisciplinary Ability
Scholars believed that only by focusing on cultivating students with multi-knowledge integration learning and problem-solving ability to be able to face changing environment. To become cross-disciplinary talents with the ability to solve today’s complex problems, the cross-field talents cultivated in the school must not only specialize in design professional knowledge, but also learn a variety …

Exploring Protective Factors of Resilience Among College Students
This study investigates possible protective factors that contribute to different mental health outcomes based on the resilience portfolio model. Using an explanatory sequential mixed methods design, the study first explores whether certain protective factors namely social support, regulatory strength, meaning making strength, and interpersonal strength would be associated with four distinctive mental health outcomes typologized …

Research on the Effect of Multimedia Teaching on the Outcome of Interior Design License Examinations
This research examines interior design drawing as a research approach. For a long time, the primary teaching method of interior design drawing focused on a traditional hand-drawing experience but this teaching method did not keep pace with the times. Therefore, this research aims to explore the application of Multimedia Teaching assisted with interior design detail …

Internal Protective Factors of Chinese Rural Students’ Academic Resilience
Youths are future pillars and valuable assets of a society. The large rural youth population defines the sustainability of tomorrow’s labor market. Empirical studies consistently suggest that Chinese rural students’ educational development is under considerable socio-economic and cultural threats (e.g., unprivileged family SES & unsupportive rural parental ethnotheories) (Kong et al., 2021), while little is …

Investigating the Impact of Interdisciplinary Experience on the Learning Performance of Industrial Design Students
This study explores the impact of three different interdisciplinary experience student groups on the learning outcomes of industrial design students (without interdisciplinary learning process, participating in interdisciplinary activity courses, and participating in complete interdisciplinary courses). To understand what kind of learning experience can effectively improve students’ cross-disciplinary teamwork ability and the differences in the complete …

Student Violence in Schools – An Emerging Challenge for Educators
Teacher well-being continues to gather increased attention in the contemporary educational scenario. School-based violence is a significant contributor to the detrimental experiences of educators, including various forms of violence perpetrated by students. Even though research in this area has received global attention over the past decade, the paucity of ample evidence- base for strategies for …

Academic Self-concept, Global Self-esteem, and Social Integration of Students With Special Educational Needs in Higher Education
Inclusive education (IE) regulates that students with learning difficulties or with special educational needs (SEN) should study in the mainstream classrooms. Past research in the primary and secondary schools suggested that students with SEN showed lower self-concepts and experienced negative feelings about learning in mainstream classrooms. In the meantime, more and more students with SEN …

Research on Self-Esteem of Adolescents of Mongolia
Since Mongolia’s transformation from a socialist to a democratic society in 1990, the country’s population has experienced significant changes in regard to both ways of life and personal values. This political shift has had both positive and negative effects on individuals’ mental health but has especially affected adolescents. Adolescence is a period of intense physical …

Can We Use Technology to Predict Student Success and Failure in Higher Education
The aim of this research was to identify those technological factors that contribute to success/failure in Higher Education. Many factors contribute to a students’ success or lack of success in higher education. Some of these will be individual factors such as personality, motivation, previous educational experiences and many others. Other factors that contribute to success …

Parenting Self-Perception During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Are There the Differences Between the Full-Time Working Mothers, Flexible-Time Working Mothers, and Housewives on It?
Covid-19 Pandemic had brought various changes in human life, including in education and work. During the pandemic, students underwent a distance learning system. Work from Home (WFH) and Work from Office (WFO) were also applied to working people, including working mothers. The objective of this study is to examine the differences in parenting self- perception …

Effectiveness of School-based Education in Improving Cervical Cancer Prevention Among Female Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Background Cervical cancer education in schools can reach a significant number of adolescents. This systematic review and meta-analysis examined whether school-based education is effective for improving: i) knowledge and risk perception of cervical cancer/HPV infection; and ii) attitudes and intentions toward, and uptake of, HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening among female students. Methods We …

The Psychological Role of Orientation Sessions in the Learning Activity of Students Taking Distance Online Courses
In modern distance programs, orientation sessions (OS) are usually aimed at providing students with technical assistance in mastering new information technological tools. This research’s focus is on the less studied – psychological – aspect of creating OS for online courses. 159 graduate students participated in the research who took the author’s online course Child Development …

The Impact of Mindfulness Traits of Elementary School Students on Resilience in Covid-19 Era
In an era of severe epidemic, the trait’s of mindfulness is vital to the performance of students’ resilience. The general social depression of students under the epidemic can enhance the inherent protective factors of their resilience through the display of mindfulness characteristics, which in turn affects their daily life, learning performance and the development of …

Having No Freedom to Select Courses to Teach: Does It Mean That Teachers Can’t Have Their Need for Autonomy Fulfilled?
Evidence in previous studies has shown that teachers in different education settings enjoy great autonomy and control over their teaching practices at the classroom level. On the contrary, teacher autonomy beyond the classroom is limited by structural, contextual and cultural constraints. For example, teachers have little influence or no control over curriculum-related issues and administrative …

The Law School Experience: Adopting Regulation Strategies
Law school is the training ground for all future lawyers. While the law profession can be a compelling career opportunity, developing the necessary skills required for the profession can be tough a tough journey, and can be overwhelming. Experience of psychological distress among law students is evident in various research studies. The aim of this …

Cultural Differences in Creativity Mindset, Passion Towards Smartphone Use, and Well-being
This study aimed to investigate the cultural differences on creative mindset, passion towards smartphone use and well-being, as well as the relationships between these variables among college students in Taiwan and Australia. Participants were 136 college students from Taiwan and 135 from Australia. The employed instruments included Creativity Mindset Inventory (CMI), Inventory of Passion towards …

Burnout and Job Satisfaction Among University Staff in Malaysia
Introduction: Burnout among university staffs potentially affects personal and professional performance and causes job dissatisfaction. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the prevalence of burnout and its associated risk factors among the University staff involving both academician and non-academician and relate these to their job satisfaction. Methods: A cross sectional study was …

Stress, Anxiety and Depression Among Academicians in Science and Technology Faculties in a Malaysian University
Introduction: In Malaysia, academic personnel are under pressure to build international reputation, increase funding and are expected to perform in the key performance indicators to bring Malaysian education to an international standard. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression and its associated factors among the academicians in …

Junior High School Students who are Extroverted and Lonely Prefer SNS – Analysis of SNS Time by Diary Method
There are a lot of concerning shown about excess using of SNS by Japanese young people on a smartphone. This research made an examination for the relation between extroversion, loneliness and using SNS time on smartphone referring to The Internet paradox study. Got a result from 701 junior high school students in Japanese nationwide by …

The Construction of Peer Group Supervision Ability Scale
The purpose of the research was to develop a “Peer Group Supervision Ability Scale (PGSAS) ” for professional counselors working in the colleges to evaluate and enhance their abilities when they try to organize peer group supervision sessions. The research object was based on counseling psychologists, clinical psychologists and social workers working in the colleges …

Implementing Mindful Learning Intervention to Enhance Creativity
This study aimed at employing technology-based interventions in daily life to investigate the relationship between mindful learning and creativity. One hundred and forty-nine college students participated in the experimental instruction and they were randomly assigned to a control group or the experimental groups. All participate took the pretest and the posttest within a week. The …

Self-harm & Non-suicidal Self-Injury (Nssi) Tendencies Among Children: Effect of an Intervention Program
Self-harm according to research is an increasing global concern, which is not just of today. It has been beginning to be alarming that in the recent generation self-harm and Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious (NSSI) behavior have been rampant especially in the younger ages. This study aims to determine the prevalence of self-harm and non-suicidal self- injury tendencies …

Comparing Life Values of New and Old Students of Psychology Faculty of Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia
The purpose of the research was to compare the life values of undergraduate students of Batch 2018 with those of students of previous batch of Psychology Faculty of Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia. There were twelve life values of the students: concern for multicultural life, loyal to family/group, spirituality, concern for environment, independence, achievement, being …

Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Turkish International Students in Japan: A Qualitative Study
The present study explores the cross-cultural adaptation of Turkish international students in Japan. The purpose of this study is to partially fill the gap in the literature by investigating Turkish international students’ perceptions and expectations while living in Japan. Another purpose of the study is to provide upcoming students with an overall understanding of what …

Death of a Parent: Its Effects on Students’ Psychological Well-Being and Academic Resilience
The study attempted to find out the effects of parental death on students’ psychological well-being and academic resilience, where majority of them obtained average levels of psychological well-being and academic resilience. The correlation for both variable was found. From the sixty respondents from ages 7-21, majority of them were male, have male deceased parent who …

Socio-Demographic Predictors of Occupational Stress Among Secondary School Teachers in Anambra State, Nigeria Counselling Implications
The study examined socio-demographic predictors of occupational stress among secondary school teachers in Anambra State – Nigeria. Five hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study was six thousand and thirty six (6,036) teachers from public schools in the state. The sample of the study consisted of one thousand teachers, made …

The Difference of Perception of Facial Emotions for People with Different Ages
Emotions are an incredibly important aspect of human life and basic research on emotions of the past few decades has produced several discoveries that have led to important real world applications. Facial emotions are perceived by different people in different way. Possibility to read facial expressions is getting hard with the age. According to previous …

A Comparative Study on Positive Psychological Strength between Chinese and Taiwanese University Students
The study investigated positive psychological strength between Chinese and Taiwanese first-year university students. Both Chinese students (N = 514) and Taiwanese students (N = 220) completed paper-and-pencil surveys in Chinese measuring future goal, satisfaction with physical appearance and character as well as positive emotions (happiness and life satisfaction) and positive traits (curiosity and gratitude). Results …

An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Career Choice in Science: Evidence from Malaysian Undergraduates
Career choice is an important aspect of one’s educational and professional pursuits as it determines the course of study to undertake and employment outcomes. While existing models of decision-making on career choice has focused on the rational thinking processes, ambiguity arises as many graduates find themselves opting for alternative career paths. This paper seeks to …

The Impact of the 101s Storybook Intervention Program on Executive Function, The 101s Social-Emotional Skills, and School Achievement in Preschoolers
Multidisciplinary research in child development has underlined the significance of executive function (EF) development to children’s school and life success. Previous research in the 101s positive discipline training program; the U.S. national winning-award program for training parents, teachers, and early childhood educators to promote children’s social-emotional and cognitive skills, have showed the positive impact on …

I am for ADHD: An Exploration in the Lives of and its Effects in Children with ADHD
With various economic problems being faced by the Philippines, managing children with ADHD in the country requires not only effort and time but entails greater financial challenges as well. The study was conducted in a public school in Manila, which caters to students who belong to considerably low socio-economic status. These children can rarely sustain …

Teaching Assertiveness to International Students in the United States
This presentation describes an approach to teaching assertive communication skills to international students in the United States. Assertiveness involves expressing one’s personal rights and feelings; standing up for one’s rights while respecting the rights of others; believing one has a right to one�s feelings, beliefs and opinions; and viewing oneself as equal to others, while …

Integrating the NICHD Forensic Investigative Interview Protocol in the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model of Care for Victims of CSA and CSE
Child sexual abuse (CSA) and child sexual exploitation (CSE) are global phenomena that exist particularly in third world countries of continents like Asia. Most of these rehabilitation centers that make use of the biopsychosocial-spiritual model do not incorporate the child victim’s need for justice and vindication. And although a number of these centers allow and …

The Study of the International Undergraduate Students’ Adjustment Processes in Taiwan
The study investigates six international undergraduate students’ adjustment processes in Taiwan based on the theoretical framework of phenomenology. To understand these international students’ adjustment processes, the researcher invited 3 students from Southeast Asia and 3 from Central and South America respectively for semi-constructed interviews. Three themes that are relevant to international students’ adjustment processes emerged …

Psychological Well-Being among Gifted Students at the National Gifted Center in Malaysia
Psychological well-being refers to how people evaluate their lives. According to Diener (1997), these evaluations may be in the form of cognitions or in the form of effect. The cognitive part is an information based appraisal of one’s life that is when a person gives conscious evaluative judgments about one’s satisfaction with life as a …

Satisfaction of Counseling Services among Gifted Students at the National Gifted Center in Malaysia
Counselling and guidance services in schools are comprehensive. It includes programs on development, prevention and rehabilitation. In schools prevention programs are conducted more than rehabilitation programs. Among the services provided in the school counselling unit, are the academic guidance, career guidance, advice on psychology and mental health, leadership programs, and individual or group counselling. School …

What Are the Differences in Learning Environments of Elementary and Junior High School in Japan ?
This study investigated the differences in learning environments between elementary and junior high school in Japan and explores possible factors to decrease student’s motivation through retrospective method. In total, 212 Japanese students in 7th grade (112 boys and 100 girls; average age = 12.33 years) in one public junior high school participated in this questionnaire …

Relationship among Social Self-Efficacy, Learning Activities with Friends and a Sense of Fulfillment in University Life
Increasing research has recognized and established that peers contribute to students’ school adjustment and academic motivation (Berndt, 1999). However, why good peer relations positively predict school adjustment has not yet been thoroughly examined, especially for university students. This study examined the relationship among social self-efficacy, learning activities with friends, and a sense of fulfillment in …

Correlation between Emotional Competence and Behavioral Problems in Elementary School Students with ADHD
This study attempted to explore the connection between emotional competence and adaptation to life in pupils with ADHD from Southern Taiwan. In addition to analyzing how 32 students with ADHD performed on the scales used, this study was also intended to show the current state of their emotional competence and adaptations to life. Results reveal …

Emotional Literacy among School Children
The purpose of this study was to clarify the development of emotional literacy, especially, understanding emotions and expressions of emotions. The emotional literacy should be important for managing interpersonal relationships. Subjects were 513 students aged 6-12 years (boys 250, girls 257) in two elementary schools. They were shown a questionnaire including three different vignettes depicting the …

Learner Classroom Engagement: Definition, Measurement and Data Usage
Knowing what it means for students to be engaged in classroom learning and how to measure this complex variable is a challenge in any learning environment. One logical approach which can be taken to defining it is to consider the behavioral (actions), emotional (feelings) and cognitive (investment of efforts) engagement of students during learning (Fredericks, …

Supervision as an Educational Activity in Clinical Psychology Training Programs: Conceptions on Its Core Characteristics and Implementation
During the first stage of a broader educational evaluation study, a qualitative exploration has been conducted on conceptions that clinical supervisors hold in regard to: 1) the characteristics of clinical supervision as an educational activity; and 2) input, activities and results related to the implementation of supervision as a formative component in clinical psychology training …

The Development of Resilience Quotient (Rq) Promotional Model to Apply for the Flooded Community by Using the Community Participation Activity, Case Study District, Lampang Province
This research had the objectives to analyze the resilience quotient (RQ) promotional method, develop the RQ promotion format for flooded communities to be used to promote the RQ of flooded communities and to assess the RQ promotional operations for flooded communities in Mueang Lampang district, Lampang province. The research sample group consisted of three RQ …

The Impact of Learning Skills Instruction on Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem of Female High School Students
Objective: The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of social emotional learning skills program on the emotional intelligence and self-esteem of female high school students. Method: 64 students of Behshar Schools were randomly chosen from female first year high school students of Behshar city, and were placed in experimental and control groups. …

Divided Presentations in History Textbooks in Three Ex Yugoslav States Discussing Implications for Identity Development
Main aim of this study is to determine the differences in the presentation of significant historical events during Yugoslavia war in history textbooks used in high schools in three ex Yugoslav states: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. Historical events that were analyzed are disintegration of Yugoslavia and the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Three different …