Category: Adult, Lifelong & Distance Learning

Digital Literacy Training Efficacy for Improving Educators and Educational Workforces’ Digital Skill
This study investigates the effectiveness of an advocacy and mentoring program designed to enhance digital literacy among educators and educational personnel in Bandung, Indonesia. The research focuses on the program’s impact on participants’ ability to utilize the Merdeka Mengajar Platform (PMM) for improving literacy, numeracy, and character education. Employing a qualitative case study approach, the …

Mentoring in the Design and Facilitation of Workshops to Promote Professional Well-being in Child Care and Protection Workers
The study examines a training program aimed at equipping coordinators and managers of childcare and protection services working with families in a vulnerable situation in a region of central-northern Italy with the skills to design and deliver workshops aimed at improving the quality of working life (Stamm, 1999; Figley, 1993). This program, which lasted from …

Investigating the Impact of Technology on Adult Learners in a Distance-Education Mentoring Program for Women Leaders
In this qualitative study, the researchers examined the usefulness of certain technologies [e.g., Zoom, National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) webinars/workshops, Google Drive, and WhatsApp] utilized during a two-year distance-education based mentoring program for adult learners enrolled in graduate school in the southern United States called [Wo]Mentoring. The [Wo]Mentoring project is a competitive, …

The Relationship Between the Online Learning Difficulties and Self-Efficacy Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Taiwan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the pandemic, all educational institutions, including senior education centers, closed. To support the physical and mental health of the elderly, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education Taiwan urged active aging centers to develop online courses. This study explored the difficulties and self-efficacy of middle-aged and older adults transitioning to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Drawing …

Evaluation of the Illiteracy Programme at Batara Banyuwangi Traditional School, Indonesia
This study aims to evaluate the illetercay programme in Batara Banyuwangi Village. This research uses CIPPO (Context, Input, Process, Product, and Outcome) evaluation methodology, with descriptive type. The research location is a non-formal institution, namely Batara Traditional School, Kalipuro sub-district, Banyuwangi district. The informants in this research are the Institution Supervisor, Tutors and Learners. While …

Meaningful Learning for Blind Students in Using Audiobooks as a Tool in Distance Education
Current technological advancements have introduced a new perspective in facilitating optimal learning for individuals. Audiobooks as a learning medium are anticipated to ease the process for blind students in accessing a greater volume of material and achieving enhanced accessibility. Previous studies have not extensively explored the role of audiobooks for blind students despite the potential …

Shaping Students’ Internet-Specific Epistemic Justification: Learning Engagement and Self-Efficacy on the Internet Matters
Online learning has become an integral part of students’ learning. Internet-specific epistemic justification (ISEJ) plays an important role for students to evaluate online information critically. It is of great significance to cultivate students’ ISEJ to improve the effectiveness of learners’ online learning. This study investigated 406 college students to explore the effects of students’ grades, …

Identifying Success Factors for Effective Online/Distance Learning Implementation
The study seeked to explore the various aspects related to online or distance learning in the current scenario of online education due to and after the Pandemic and identify factors that will be effective for the implementation of a successful distance learning by looking at different perspectives of the relevant stakeholders involved. Literature was reviewed …

Assessing Satisfaction of Heterogeneous Adult Learners in ADR Training : A Qualitative Approach
This article focuses on evaluating satisfaction among adults in training on the “Accord Dangereux Routier” (ADR) characterized by heterogeneous learner profiles. It explores the specific challenges related to assessing satisfaction in contexts where adults possess varying levels of prior knowledge, experiences, and learning preferences. The study examines crucial methodologies and adaptive approaches essential for effectively …

Attention in Digital Training Events: A Conceptual Approach to Increase and Sustain Attention List of Abbreviations
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, digital training events faced the issue that their sessions were no longer take place in physically present. Consequently, participants showed a lower attention span during digital training events. Distractions from social media and smartphones are significantly greater in the digital space respectively at home. Due to the evolution …

Never Too Old to Learn – Lifelong Learning Strategies for Volunteers of Digital Art Exhibition
In 1972, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization proposed《Faure Report-Learning to Be》and promoted lifelong education as the highest guiding principle of education. Lifelong learning strategies become an important idea that tackles the challenges, impacts and changes facing the emerging information society. In Taiwan, volunteer group is one form that provides adults lifelong learning recurrently. …

Productive Failure Application in Adult Learning: Benefits and Challenges
This paper draws on both Adult Educators’ (AE) observations of and learners’ experiences with the Productive Failure (PF)-infused lessons. In applying the PF Design principles (DPs) to lessons for learners from various sectors, this paper elaborates on the benefits and challenges faced by both AEs and their learners. Seven AEs from different sectors, e.g., healthcare, …

The Influence of Behavioral Intention to Use e-Learning System on Academic Performance in Developing Countries: Tanzania Context
The objective of this study was to evaluate the direct and indirect impact of behavioral intention on academic performance by examining the usage behavior of e-learning systems among students at higher education institutions in Tanzania. The research employed an explanatory cross-sectional survey design and utilized a stratified sampling method to choose a sample of 312 …

Virtual vs. Conventional Internship: Its Impact on University Students and Fresh Graduate’s Employability Level
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted various aspects of people’s life. In the education aspect, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed learning methods from face-to-face to online via Zoom or similar platforms (Feldman, 2021). At the same time, there is a need for students and recent university graduates to develop skills to enter the workforce despite the pandemic …

Enhancing Adult Learner Interactions in Asynchronous Online Discussions: Exploring the Use of Video Timeline-Anchored Comment Tool (VTC)
This study presents research using Video Timeline-Anchored Comment (VTC) to increase learners’ interactions for asynchronous online discussions. This innovative human-computer interaction tool allows learners to watch video-based lectures while commenting on the content and peers’ thoughts or asking questions. Using Moore’s three types of interaction framework (i.e., student-content, student-student, and student-instructor), this qualitative study examines …

Sync or Async: Charting the Course for Engagement in Adult Education
Adult education often offers both asynchronous and synchronous modes of online learning to provide flexibility for learners. However, there is a limited understanding of engagement in these modes within adult education. This study aims to explore how the behavioural, cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions of engagement are facilitated in asynchronous and synchronous modes. A mixed-methods …

The Impacts of Lifelong and Distance Education on Adult Learners’ Lives and Reclaiming Lifelong Learning as a Human Development Process
This article makes a focus on the importance of Adult, Lifelong & Distance Learning. Nowadays, in modern information and communication conditions, it is impossible to imagine education without distance and lifelong learning. The article explores the potentials of distance learning in the lives of adult learners. Distance education, for adult learners, is a scenario that …

Enhancing Mathematical Skills for Vocational School Students Pursuing Undergraduate Studies
Over the past two decades, competence-based education has become a dominant trend in vocational and undergraduate education. The term competence-based education covers various conceptual ideas and practices arising from technical thinking in which education is seen as training competency, emphasising the development of complete vocational competence promoting autonomous identity and its continuous improvement. It should …

Code Switching Analysis: English Memes Reaction Video as the Supplemental Resources for Indonesian EFL Learners
In Indonesia, most English communication still happens only in classroom settings. It leads to ineffective English language learning for students. In order to be proficient in English, students need to have supplemental resources without depending only on the teachers in school. The utilization of social media can be very helpful in English language learning. In …

Developing an Online Knowledge Center Model to Enhance the Necessary Skills for Workers in Industrial Enterprises
The objective of this research was to develop an online knowledge center model to enhance necessary skills for workers in industrial enterprises. The development process showed that 1) there were 8 major components of this kind of online knowledge center model: concept and goal, internal/external content and internal/external courses, technology, search/information retrieval system, community/sharing, knowledge …

Using Technology at Community Colleges to Equip Adult Learners for Employment: Digital Divide a Challenge
The world has entered the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and South Africa is no exception. In order not to be left behind, everyone needs to embrace 4IR. This study emanates from the Adult Community Education and Training (ACET) programmes that are offered at community learning centres in the rural area of Limpopo Province whereby, facilitators …

Competences to Deal With the Sustainable Development Goals
The sustainable development goals run the risk to be only present in the official discourses without an effective integration in the research and innovation practice. UNESCO and EU have developed competence frameworks for sustainable development education, but these are strongly focused on formal and non-formal education environments. But learning in innovation processes is intentional informal …

Narratives of Marriage Migrant Women as an Agent of Learning: Focused on Interrelation Between Migration and Learning
The role of learning in empowering migrant women to make decisions and provide diverse opportunities for themselves is crucial. By acting as learners, marriage migrant women can gain a sense of agency, which allows them to navigate their social and cultural environments and protect themselves from unequal relationships. Marriage migrant women from Vietnam, China, and …

Analytic Recommendation of Learning Graphs Based on User’s Learning History
Learning online (e-learning) has gained popularity in a world where emerging technologies are transforming the world in particular self-training due to what it provides of low-cost learning and relieving the learner of all logistical concerns that traditional learning methods impose. Although e-learning systems have managed to establish many advantages, in terms of time management, and …

Self-regulation Strategies for Distance Learning Study of Pre-service Teachers
Distance learning can be a great challenge because students must apply more self-regulation strategies than in face-to-face teaching. The aim is to find out the current situation of 238 trainee teachers of a master’s degree in educational technology in four aspects of self-regulation of their learning, related to their study habits: organisation of the task, …

Online Education and Adult Learners’ Engagement – A Case Study at the Open University of Mauritius
Education using technology or through technology is gaining massive interest and it is commonly agreed that the use of various education delivery approaches is vital to enable all citizens to benefit from it. Likewise, many universities are opening their doors to the adult population to enable them to earn certificates without compromising work and family …

The Significance of Lifelong Learning Against the Spread of Ignorance
Agnotology indicates that ignorance does not only consist of unknown or inaccessible information but also of stored or suppressed information. While the coexistence of ignorance and science might be quite interesting, examining the cases involving ignorance can answer the questions of why and how ignorance exists. This study, it is aimed to explain the formation …

Learning Motivation of Adult Learners During the Transition to Fully Online Learning Due to COVID-19
This paper investigates the learning motivation amongst adult learners in Singapore, during Singapore’s transition to fully online learning due to COVID-19. A mixed methods study consisting of two phases was conducted from 2020-2021: (i) Phase One is an online survey which consists of a series of Likert-scaled items that ask respondents to reflect on their …

The Impact of Singapore’s SkillsFuture Credit on Training Participation
The proportion of short and non-standard contract jobs has risen over the years and workers are frequently moving in and out of work, facing a more fragmented career than before. These trends have raised concerns on the training participation of workers in these jobs as they are less likely to train than workers in permanent …

Work From Home and Distance Learning: Its Impact on Working Students’ Performance
This study aims to analyze the impact of work from home and distance learning on working students’ performance directly or mediated by work motivation, job satisfaction, and work life balance. The analysis is based on quantitative method. The population was working students at the Business and Economy Faculty in Indonesia Postgraduate Program, and had worked …

Design and Evaluation of an Online Educational Game for the Development of Communication and Response Skills in the Service Industry
The service industry has the closest contact with people, and frontline service personnel usually need to face all customer’s problems. In response to the post-epidemic learning trend, many service industry training has started using distance learning. Online learning is more challenging to create a sense of the context of a real situation to arouse learners’ …

Examining the Relationships Between Distance Education Students’ Self-Efficacy and Their Achievement
This study aimed to examine the relationships between students’ self-efficacy (SSE) and students’ achievement (SA) in distance education. The instruments were administered to 100 undergraduate students in a distance university who work as migrant workers in Taiwan to gather data, while their SA scores were obtained from the university. The semi-structured interviews for 8 participants …

Critical Core Skills Profiling and Development in the Singaporean Workforce
Soft skills, core competencies and generic competencies are exchangeable terminologies often used to represent a similar concept. In Singapore, such skills are currently being referred to as Critical Core Skills (CCS). To understand how CCS are demanded and developed in different occupations of the Singapore workforce, this study adopted a mixed method approach. Drawing on …

Creating Design Guideline; Online Platform to Encourage Lifelong Learning Among Thai Digital Natives
A National Scheme of Thailand Education for 2017-2039 according to the Office of the Education Council of Thailand, provides a framework to follow in the development of education. One of the important considerations is to support lifelong learning for Thais with high quality and standardization of education at all levels. One of the challenges for …

Roles of Social Education Coordinator in Community Building after 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake
As an institutional groundwork for local community participation in school management, local school collaborative activities are being developed, which were positioned in the 2017 revision of the Social Education Law. This study focuses on Minamisoma City, which has promoted the “Community School Collaborative Activity Project” with great effort, and clarifies what role “coordinators” play in …

Rural Home Care Nurses’ Experiences With Continuing Nursing Education
Rural home care nurses require access to continuing nursing education to address the increasing complexity of client care needs in their communities. There is currently limited literature on continuing nursing education for rural home care nurses. The purpose of this study was to explore the continuing nursing education experiences of rural home care nurses using …

The Role of an Online Campus in Supporting a Sudden Shift in Students’ Preferences to Enroll at a College: Forecasting the Next Five Years in Higher Education
Overnight, the higher education community experienced a shift to remote teaching and learning. The shift benefited online-only learning institutions, as students discovered their ability to manage their time in a virtual environment. This shift has generated a need for educational institutions to recognize students’ scheduling preferences. TCC Connect Campus opened in 2014 as Tarrant County …

Relation between the Parents’ Origin in the Academic Achievements of Children and the Role of Machine Translation Tools in the Access to Equitable Education
Official studies of the French government amongst 30,000 families between 2007 and 2016 show the link between a child´s academic achievements and the origin of the parents. In France, the children born to Turkish parents are more likely to repeat grades, already at the primary school (44 %, against 25 % for the whole primary …

The Impact of Organisational Learning and Development for Employee Performance and Development: The Certis Group Case Study
Organizations that invest in their staff learning and development are more likely to see better staff engagement, retention and productivity (Huselid, 2017). However, there have been over 55 research articles on learning and development in the past 20 years, all of which identified limited evidence of benefits to organizations from leadership and management development and …

The Collaborative Educational Effort of Sevier County Intergenerational Poverty (IGP) Committee to Bring Educators, Service Providers, and Community Leaders Together
Under the direction of Utah’s Intergenerational Poverty (IGP) initiative, Sevier County IGP Committee brings local political leadership, community service providers, and educators together to address needs, share resources, and provide support to community education. The initiative focuses on four areas: education, family economic stability, health, and early childhood development. The objectives shared in this presentation …

Learning to Test With Robots Collaboratively in Our Homes: “Mum/Dad, When Can I Play With It?”
Teaching postgraduate systems engineers, project managers or cybersecurity managers to test and evaluate modern complex systems requires them to evaluate a system with a degree of autonomy, some internal programming variables and some external mission and environment variables. Prior to COVID-19, students did this in collaborative groups in intensive attendance classes with a small line-following …

The Challenges and Strategies of COVID-19 Online Learning and Teaching: A Comparative Case Study of Higher Education in Afghanistan and Indonesia
The huge impact of the pandemic has altered many sectors of life, including higher education. Forcing students and lecturers to adjust themselves to online learning and teaching, the COVID-19 outbreak has created overwhelming challenges for both students and lecturers. In order to tackle the challenges and study as normally as possible, they come up with …

I’m Finally Going to Do What I Want to Do: The Re-engagement Experiences of ‘Older’ Mature Learners in Further Education
Undertaking a formal learning programme can be significant for any learner, irrespective of age. For mature learners, challenges and successes can however be more acute, as they bring with them a range of experiences and aspirations. Acknowledging this inherent complexity, there are continued calls to ensure that the learning experience for such learners in Ireland …

The Relevance of Technical Vocational Education and Training Skills in Meeting the Market Demand in Eswatini
There are several types of technical vocational education and training (TVET) skills offered to offenders who are incarcerated in correctional services worldwide, Eswatini included. The paper presents the findings about the relevance of TVET skills offered to offenders in meeting the demand of the market in Eswatini. The research questions were: What type of vocational …

Understanding the Lived Experiences Towards Online Learning During the Pandemic
Since the COVID-19 outbreak has come leading the face-to-face classes to be suspended, online learning has started to become a learning modality for students to pursue their education. The study aims to understand the lived experiences of students and teachers from private and public schools in Metro Manila. Students were able to adjust their schedules, …

Readiness Towards Online Learning of Filipino Healthcare Students in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic
The present pandemic crisis poses a challenge to Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) compelling stakeholders such as school administration, faculty members, students, as well as parents to adopt the so-called “new normal”. It has become a trend nowadays to overhear distant learning, remote learning, online learning or e-learning. Apparently, all have the same context of being …

Adult Learners’ Perspectives on Distance Learning
The COVID-19 pandemic has demanded distance learning as an alternative to conventional classroom learning methods. The study’s aim was to explore the advantages and challenges of online learning as perceived by adult learners of Maltese as a second language. Data was collected from 35 adult participants by using semi-structured interviews comprised of open-ended questions. The …

Blended Learning is the Future of Education
Online Learning is part of Blended learning and is a learning technique in which use of both ordinary teaching and advanced modern online teaching, online learning materials are largely used. It has been around for more than two decades however not got the approval it sought to have. It is the dissemination of e-learning module …

From Compassion Fatigue to Compassion Satisfaction: A Research Among Physicians Specialising in Oncology at the University of Padua
Context: The quality of health workers’ professional life includes some expressed or latent metacognition skills related to psycho-emotional stress management, especially in settings where there is constant contact with suffering or dying patients. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the quality and quantity of self-care strategies among oncology residents. Method: A professional educator …

Improving Adult Lifelong Learning and Distance Learning
The term ‘lifelong learning’ is widely used in education but what does it really mean? Most adults have been busy accumulating wealth through various occupations to provide for their families and survive dismissing the pursuit of education. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a grave impact upon social, economic, political and educational institutions. Many working adults …

Awareness, Perception and Readiness of Faculty and Staff Towards Remote Educational and Operational Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The sudden transition of face-to-face instruction to remote teaching in the early days of March 2020 created a new prototype for teaching, learning, and support for faculty and staff. The disruption brought to the surface the readiness of faculty and staff, the planning, and efficacy of professional development programs. Millions of faculty and students worldwide …

Lifelong Learning: Leveraging Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Continuously Learn with Minimal Financial Investment
This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services …

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OER): An Overview of Non-Degree, Low Cost Lifelong Education Opportunities
This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services …

Self-regulated Learning Recognition and Improvement Framework
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a learning approach whereby learners actively set learning goals, then monitor, control their learning progress, and finally reflect on their learning performance. In the last three decades, SRL has drawn attention not only from researchers but also from schools and universities that aim to equip their learners with self-study ability. With …

Exploring the Experiences of Post Graduate Education Students Doing Their Studies Through Blended Distance Learning in South Africa
This qualitative study seeks to explore the experiences of Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) students who are doing their studies through blended distance learning in a South African institution. The students attend their lectures through tele-conferencing three days in a week from 17H00 to 20H00 per day. In some cases, the lectures are pre-recorded …

The Development of Adult Learning and Education for People With Intellectual Disabilities in Japan: A Literature Review
The aim of this article is to review the literature on adult education for people with intellectual disabilities in Japan. The review also aims to compare adult education in Japan with that of other countries and to explore its issues. It was concluded that the Japanese government established a formal education system for secondary students …

Students’ Perceptions of a Designed Online Asynchronous Learning Activity Regarding the Community of Inquiry (COI) Framework
The COVID-19 pandemic situation is causing a rapid shift in higher education to be an online instruction or distance learning. This sudden change forces instructors around the globe to transform or re-design an offline course to be online instruction. In order to design an online course effectively, the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has become …

Democratization of Education Through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS) in Asia
This paper explores whether Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are likely to have an empowering effect on access to education for women and the underserved in Asia. During the 2015 World Education Forum in Incheon, Korea, participants recommended increase funding for equitable access to basic and continuing education for all. MOOCs have been a recent …

Equipping Adult Learners with Basic Literacy Skills for Cognitive Sustainability
The non-literate adults in Nigeria are often faced with the inability to apply mental intelligence in their lifestyles which is reducing their relevance in the 21st century society. The study therefore, seeks to equip adult learners with basic literacy skills for cognitive sustainability in Lagos state, Nigeria. Four research questions were raised and answered; and …

A Practical Theory of Lifelong Learning Assistance for Promoting Community
Lifelong learning is a concept that targets not only adults including the elderly but one that involves all generations from the time of birth to death. From an originally theoretical viewpoint, this concept should be accompanied by radical changes in the traditional concept of education and schooling. Politically, lifelong learning has been one of the …

What is Missing in the Process of Poverty Alleviation?
Taking alleviating extreme poverty as the top priority, the World Bank has conducted many projects in achieving this goal, such as increasing health, promoting educational access for girls, and so on (World Bank, 2018). All these projects that invest in human capital work to boost the economy and reduce poverty. However, a close look at …

Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP) in Community-based Child-rearing Support Centers (CCSCs)
Legitimate peripheral participation (LPP) represents how newcomers become experienced members and eventually experts of a community of practice (Lave & Wenger 1991). The purpose of this study is to investigate the developing LPP process in Community-based Child-rearing Support Centers (CCSCs) through qualitative research on the process that the participants (parents) experience mutual communications and acquiring …

Increasing Student Engagement in a Hybrid Class
Hybrid learning occurs when face-to-face instruction and online instruction are combined and about 30% to 79% of teaching takes place outside of the classroom (Allen, Seaman, & Garrett, 2007). Hybrid courses aim to combine the best features of face-to-face and online instruction; while face-to-face instruction provides social interaction and builds trust, on-line instruction offers convenience …

Now You See Me, Now You Don’t. A Small-Scale Blended Learning Study in a Rural RE setting in Sindh, Pakistan
With the spread of internet connectivity in the past decade, blended learning, a hybrid teaching model, is receiving much attention as it is considered to be a bridge between the traditional form of classroom teaching and the world of e-learning. However, this model of learning has always been studied in regions which has internet availability. …

Empowering Students through Tutor’s Feedback in Online Learning
Online learning students may encounter adjustment difficulties particularly in the early semesters. Students with lack of computer literacy and related educational background might result in withdrawal from the course of study prematurely. The current research was carried out to investigate tutor’s feedback as a means to empower online learning students, including to build autonomy, help-seeking …

Exploring Motivations and Challenges of Ex-convicts, and the Roles of ALS in their Reintegration in the Mainstream Society
Studies on ex-prisoner’s reintegration are mostly seen in the context of psychological, criminological, and sociological perspectives. Limited attention was given in exploring motivations and challenges of ex-convicts in the reintegration process through the lens of education. Hence, ten ex-convicts who graduated from Alternative Learning System were interviewed to examine this phenomenon and how the program …

Participation Factors of Education Service Officer’s in Lifelong Learning
The study was conducted to identify factors that encourage and hinder the participation of education service officer’s in lifelong learning. A total of 400 teachers was involved as respondents in this study. The study was a quantitative research that uses the survey method. Data were collected through feedback from the respondents using questionnaire. Quantitative data …

The Design and Development of an Online Course as a Preparation for a Cambridge PET Examination for the Listening Section
This study explores and describes the effect of implementing an adapted flipped classroom model version when preparing 29 undergraduate students for a Cambridge PET examination in an online learning environment. The specific research objective was to analyze the students’ English proficiency level improvement through an online course. The study used a quantitative design method; an …

Using Eye Tracking Systems to Assess the Impact of a Hybrid Problem-based Distance-learning Environment on Chemistry Students’ Problem-solving Skills
Blended learning is used as a teaching strategy to improve students’ chemistry performance. It reverses the traditional learning environment delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. How blended learning improves performance has not been examined using objective measurements. Eyetracking is a useful tool to study learners’ visual attention. Researchers have conducted studies to …

Parents as Learners, Teachers and Facilitators in an Intervention Program for Enhancing Children’s Math Learning in Taiwan
Parents who are involved in their children’s education contribute not only to higher academic achievement, but also to positive behaviors and emotional development (Stevenson & Lee, 1990). In this paper, I will share qualitative analyzes on data from an intervention project conducted in Taiwan. It is on parental involvement with a goal to enhance children’s …