Category: MediAsia2017

A Contentious Genre: Defining the Historical Film
On its surface, the historical film genre appears easy to define as a film that depicts historical events. However, after many decades of research into the film and history discourse, a concrete definition of what constitutes a historical film continues to elude film scholars. There is no singular answer as to what defines a film …

The Social Mobility Perception of Chinese International Students in the U.S.
This study explores the transitional identity of the youngsters who experience dual mobility—the horizontal mobility (geographic relocation) and the potential, upward mobility—in the process of pursuing higher education overseas. While individuals’ identity dynamics have been examined in multiple mobility forms such as migration, nomadism, and short-term travel, the identity project of international students has been …

History of Conflict Between Interest and Law
What happened on May 1998 has attracted many attention since there was a conflict among any interest which could not be solved by the law in charge. Thus, jurisprudence of interest tried to see advantaged which could be gained from interests looking because all existence interest needed certain law to protect them. Furthermore, law functioned …

McDonaldization Advertising in the Context of Electronic Colonialism Theory
Food is an important element in defining culture and can be seen to be the oldest global carrier of culture. According to William Gould’s book McDonald’s: Business in Action, ‘before the introduction of McDonald’s overseas, fast food was almost unknown. McDonald’s was the first company to try to export America’s love of fast food and …

Sports News on Commercial Music Radio: Reinforcing National Identity?
News is an important area where the nation turns to looking for an understanding of national and world events and to place it in a historical context. Arguably, the quality of this information can only be obtained when there is a diversity and plurality in media offerings. Modern commercial music radio is now in a …

The Development of a Novel Using Storytelling Technique As a Communication Tool to Enhance the Effectiveness of Communication
The purposes were to 1) develop a novel using storytelling technique as a communication tool 2) examine the effectiveness of communication after applying a developed novel. The purposive sample group was 27 undergraduate students. The research instruments were 1) a developed novel 2) a questionnaire collecting expert opinions towards appropriateness of a developed novel 3) …

Ayutthaya’s Series Song: Recorded Digital Video Disc (DVD), Analytical Notes and Music Notation Program
Thai Traditional Chamber Ensemble called ‘Wong Mahori’ has been first referred to as a song formed under the Ayutthaya Period (During 1587-1767). This music was formally presented only to the King for his solely personal entertainment and to lull him. This research project was intended to simulate this early Siamese original music by utilizing the …

Online Cinema Ticketing Industry: Impacts and Opportunities for Transformation in the Chinese Film Industry
In recent years, China’s film market has been growing rapidly. The magnet effect brought about by growing box-office sales has captured the attention of new electronic businesses and internet industries. These entities possess large capital and powerful information processing capabilities, creating major change in the structures and systems within the Chinese film industry.As electronic business …

Narrating War in Wartime Manchukuo: The Movement of Propaganda Films in Rural Northeastern China in 1932-1945
This research examines how the propaganda films made by Japanese colonial authority were screened in rural area of Manchukuo without any cinematic apparatus, and what the portrayals of the war and daily life in Manchukuo are in those films. The focus is on Manchurian Films, produced by South Manchuria Railway Company and Manchuria Film Association. …

Blue Documentary As a Tool for Marine Life Conservation
Human activities, including over-exploitation, food consumption, tourism, and any other economic activities are found to have significant impacts on the ocean. In Malaysia, it is considered as a major contributor to marine life extinction. Therefore, our responsibility is to ensure the continuity of a sustainable marine ecosystem while preventing any possible extinction for future generations. …

Internet Rumours with Chinese Characteristics
Internet rumors are a global phenomenon. For instance the claims that Barack Obama was not born in America persisted throughout his presidency, or Sandy Hook Truthers who claim the tragedy never occurred and was a concocted government conspiracy to remove guns from citizens. Despite the Great Firewall and the legislation against the spread of rumors …

Wayang Kulit and Its Influence on Modern Entertainment
Wayang Kulit is one of the oldest forms of puppet based performances, originating from Java, Indonesia. A form of shadow puppetry, Wayang Kulit is traditionally performed behind a white cotton screen illuminated with an oil lamp by a Dalang, the puppeteer of a Wayang performance. These performances usually last throughout the night, serving as both …

Representing Interculturally on the Example of Indigenous Film-Making of Colombia
This paper investigates the idea that film might become an efficient way of intercultural communication and open dialogue between the nations. It uses a case study of indigenous filmmaking by a small Arhuaco community from Colombia, which emerged as a response to violence and displacement, and concluded in a golden era of the Arhuaco filmmaking …

Exploring the Conflict of National Narratives in Taiwanese Film From Cultural Politics and the Market of Popular Culture
Policy of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) is often integrated to cultural policy. However, cultural policy involves symbolic interaction and is entangled to politics, industries, social consciousness and resistance. This paper explores Taiwan’s policy of CCI in the past decade through perspectives of cultural studies by examining Taiwan’s film production, power, resistance, consumption, identity. Through …

Animated Tale of Pirates: The Tale of the Unspoken
We often gain our understanding of history through popular media, just like we think we know sea pirates and the life they live from how popular culture shapes them through films and novels. Indonesian historians have been trying to trace back evidence from South East Asia’s maritime history, particularly in Indonesia region to answer the …

Urban Landscape and the “Disinhabitation” in Japanese Cinema
Postwar Japan started the increasing wave of modernization and industrialization as an inseparable element of the Japanese ‘miraculous’ economic and social rebirth. One of the symbols of this renewal is the new middle-class embodied by the salaryman, the very new face of bright future and success. However, postwar intellectuals such as artists and filmmakers quickly …

Searching Cultural Practices of Citizen Consumers and Modernity Through Popular Local Movies As an Imagined Community
Exploring meanings of daily life from popular culture implies a possibility of resistance against representation structured by powerful elites. This study uses textual analysis to interpret public and social meanings of local movies listed as most popular movies in local markets. From perspectives of cultural studies, annual top 10 movies produced by Taiwanese in the …

Choice of Access to the Media of the Older People In Srisa Jorakhaenoi Subdistrict Administration Organization Samutprakarn Province
The objective of the research to study correlation between the older people’s process of selection of access to the media and their self-care taking behavior. Methodology applied is survey. Samples are 295 older people at 60 years of age. Questionnaires are used as the tool for data gathering. Data gathering was conducted between 12-19 October …

The Power of Facebook Over the State-Controlled Journalism: Recapture the Position of Vietnamese Journalism
Within the frame of press classification theories developed from Siebert et al. in 1963 to Cain in 2014, this paper is important since it helps to navigate the current position of Vietnamese journalism in its transition from the Soviet Communist to the soft authoritarian style. The paper recognizes the challenges of the Facebook emerged public …

Generation Y’s Behaviors in Using Media: A Case Study of Bangkok Metropolitan Region, Thailand
The paper presents results of a study on Generation Y’s Behaviors in Using Media, Bangkok Metropolitan Region as a case study. The purpose of this paper is to review what we know and don’t know about Generation Y’s use of media – also giving a landscape of Generation Y’s media usage. The paper describes Generation …

The Wise: An Animated Adaptation of Thai Contemporary Literature
Most of animated adaptations in Thailand come from literary works. However, the animation’s inventiveness has been inhibited by its fidelity on the literary source. Although fidelity discourse cannot be ignored in adaptation since it creates a strong connection to the original, I contend that not only similarities, but also differences, are essential for the dialogue …

Humor in Thai Political Cartoons Published During the 2013-14 Thai Political Crisis
Thailand in 2013-14 is a period of political instability. The protest organized by PDRC is one of the world’s largest political protests. The movement was an anti Thaksin cronyism effort to expel Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government. Eighty-seven political cartoons during the period were collected from four newspapers: Bangkok Post, The Nation, Thai Rath, and …

Changes of Japanese Female Characters in Chinese Films About WWII
World War II is a significant topic for movie makers in China because of its unforgettable influence on Chinese history. Although the culture boom in China serves as a key driver of growth for the movies on World War II in recent years, it has been pointed out that the study on the role of …

China Daily’s Western Type Framing of the Egyptian Arab Spring
Existing research has mainly focused on the role of the media in the uprisings against the regimes of the countries that were affected by the Arab Spring. However, we do not have a lot of information about the way of coverage that was conducted by well-known media organizations, especially for the online English news of …

The Importance of Practicing Social Media in Journalism
In the early years of social networking, users sent personal messages to one another, or a small group of family and friends based on the concept of ‘six degrees of separation’ of connecting with friends, family and people you knew. This one-to-one communication method was a chief reason why social media was considered different from …

Cultural Export of Japan: A Case Study of Japanese Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics
Men’s rhythmic gymnastics has been developed uniquely in Japan since the late 1940s. It gains a certain amount of domestic reputation to be adopted as the main motif of the dance performance at the Olympics handover ceremony in Rio 2016, though it is neither recognised as Olympic sport nor competed in the world championships. At …

When a Media Entity Humanizes its Identity Politics of Representation in The Filipino Channel’s Own Historiography
The study is a critical discourse analysis of the ‘auto-historiography’ of The Filipino Channel (TFC) in the form of periodic station IDs and 20th anniversary audio-visual presentation. It looks into how TFC constructs a humanized identity of itself as a transnational Filipino, and why maintaining such an identity is necessary for longevity. Using the three-dimensional …

Issues and Information management for Public communication in Willingness to pay for Forest Area of Bangkok Dwellers Project
The research of public information management in the ‘Issues and information management for Public communication in Willingness to pay for Forest Area of Bangkok Dwellers Project’ was designed to raise public awareness. The purpose of this research is to 1.) Distribute information regarding urban forest to the public through information management, 2.) Study communication patterns …

Challenging the Narrative Rhetoric: Inscribing Her Story Into History
Historically the media has been used for propaganda, and censorship to supress creative expression. Recently the presence of censors in newsrooms and on editorial boards served to highlight its misuse of the media, so when Alankrita Shrivastava’s film Lipstick Under My Burkha ran into trouble with the censor board, it raised the question of whether …