The purpose of this study is to analyse the one of the most rapidly growing segments of the media-industry: the digital market and the drivers of its growth, as well as to identify the best ways of its management. The authors use the example of Russia: the country with the dynamically growing advertising market. The analysis of the relevant content-based Internet advertising classifications constitute the methodological importance of this work. The research includes the study of relations among the key market players (advertisers, media-companies, communication agencies and research companies), accompanying the changes happening at the advertising market as the evidence of their transforming impact. The authors find out that recent transformations intensify the development of the Internet communications by spanning all the traditional segments of the communication industry - television, radio, print press and outdoor communications. However, the absence of the clear control systems in Internet communications might lead to the downturn of interest to Internet advertising among the key advertisers.
Only the coordinated actions of all the interested market participants will allow achieving the transparency of new communication formats. Thus, the consensus becomes an important goal of the modern Russian communications’ management. This analysis is important by clarification of the transforming impact of the digital drivers under the influence of the social and economic factors. The efficient digital communication requires the complex managerial action that was deeply analysed in this study.
Author Information
Galina Deryabina, RUDN, Russia
Nina Trubnikova, RUDN, Russia
Paper Information
Conference: EuroMedia2019
Stream: Advertising
This paper is part of the EuroMedia2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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