Results for: Номер№1 Эксперт Дизайн Человека Human Design Виктория Джем ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА


The European Doctrine of Margin of Appreciation: What Asean Can Learn from its Concept and Application in Universalizing “Controversial” Asean Declaration of Human Rights?

The European Court of Human Rights has developed the doctrine of Margin of Appreciation in supervising when member states of the Council of Europe breach the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). This paper argues that the margin of appreciation is not a particularity in the traditional sense; it is a moderate way to bridge


Exploring Non-human Language and Vision in Virtual Reality Within the Context of Visual Culture

This study investigates non-human communication and perception via virtual reality (VR) in the field of visual culture. It seeks to integrate visual stimuli and evaluate a non-human perspective in a simulated environment. To lay the groundwork, an emphasis is placed on comprehending the conventional human perspective, particularly through an examination of cinematic and filmic language.


Human Rights, Human Capital, and Capabilities as a Normative Basis for Social Justice and Sustainable Society Development. Sub Saharan African Countries a Viewpoint

Corona Virus Diseases -19 (COVID-19) exposed high gaps of inequalities and social injustices that exists in societies. This raises questions into the adequacy of the existing human rights education frameworks to achieve the right to education to the end of achieving sustainable development and social justice in societies in general and in specific developing countries.


Applying I Chings “Life-Gua” of Chinese Culture to Human Resources Management Strategy

Chinese culture is one of the four ancient civilizations of the world, which is still greatly valued todays. Its foundation of philosophy lies in the I-Ching, which elaborates the principles of nature of the universe and the life contained within it. While human resources management is a dynamic and interactive process, in the rise of


Negotiating the Place for Human Rights in Education- Implications for Curricular Integration

Human rights have long been an area of concern and active research since the inception of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005-2014) has also re-emphasized the need for integrating human rights in school education as well as in the professional training of teachers through


“The Human Condition” in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot

In his essay about two brother-painters, the van Velde brothers, Samuel Beckett presents a view that both of them share a profound interest in “the human condition” which precedes their interest in painting. This view is related to Beckett’s own conception of art. He himself was interested in “the human condition” in his creation of


Transnational Crimes of Human Trafficking in Malacca Strait: National Security Threat Analysis

This paper is an elaboration of the research results generated from three activities: a meta-analysis, field studies and reflexivity. The fieldwork took place in Melaka and Dumai. The network of human smuggling in the Malacca Strait takes three main forms:fraud and demand models and the other is necessity model. The first two models are most


Systems Design Education in Industrial Design: A Hybrid Approach of Combining ID Studio and UX Design Courses as a Superblock

Traditional Industrial Design (ID) curricula have successfully trained students in fundamental ID skills. However, the increasing complexity of modern industries and technological advancements call for integrating Systems Design and User Experience (UX) principles. This paper introduces the “ID+UX Superblock,” a hybrid educational model combining ID Studio and UX Design to better prepare ID students for


Human-Centered Design as a Qualitative Research Methodology in the Area of Public Health

This paper builds a deeper understanding of human-centered design (HCD) as a qualitative research approach in the pursuit of generating proper solutions in the area of public health. This study draws similarities and discrepancies between human-centered design methodology and the qualitative research approach. HCD largely emphasizes ethnography, which is inherently qualitative. HCD relies on the


Analysis and Development of the Content Structure of the Content Marketing Design Course Using the Design Thinking Process

This content-structured training course was developed within the conceptual framework of design thinking. It puts the thinking system in the design of content marketing according to the stages of the design thinking process so that the learner will have a system of ideas in design and will be able to create effective content marketing. It


Human Genome Editing: Human Dignity in an Era of Genetic Aristocracy

Genetic Engineering brought to man what, until now, was given to destiny or to God (as it were): the determination of the identity and historicity of man, unique to each being. The creator of man can be, now, a peer, that takes in his hands, especially at the level of the biotechnology promises of human


Discriminatory Biases in Data for Machine Learning and Human Rights

The intersectionality between data generated by machine learning/algorithms and human rights may not be obvious at times and accepted as true most of the time. Algorithms are created by people hence they aren’t particularly sensitive to gender, social, racial, moral issues.Typically, human characteristics such as gender, race, socio-economic class determine our potential to achieve outcomes


Learning Empathy in Non-design Disciplines

Empathy is a crucial element of design thinking. Today, an increasing number of students from non-design backgrounds are being introduced to the principles of design thinking. However, due to their diverse training backgrounds, these students often encounter challenges, particularly in understanding empathy. Few empirical studies have explored the learning experiences of non-design discipline students regarding


Breaking Boundaries of Prison Design for Architectural Design Studio

In collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), design tasks for a prison design are carried out within a second-year studio course of a Bachelor’s program in architecture to improve the students socially oriented design skills and train their critical understanding towards solving designs problems


Respecting Human Rights with Individuality and Flexibility for Creating Better Society

Considering individuality, having disagreements each other is normal. The majority in the world treat conflict as one of common consequences by disagreements. These people seek better solutions through their conflicts. By contrast, Bruce Bonta�s essay introduces peaceful societies, where people try to avoid conflicts and solve through peaceful manners. Such people believe conflict as negative


Human Resource Management As It Relates to Teachers’ Global Competitiveness

This study examines the impact of human resource management on teachers’ global competitiveness. The research conducted is descriptive-correlational. It focuses on respondents’ demographic profiles, the principals’ HRM practices in terms of recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, remuneration, training and development, and employee safety and health; the teachers’ global competitiveness in terms of 21st century learning


Commodifying Human Body for the Life Survival in Islamic Legal Perspective: The Case of Organ Purchase among Refugees

The commodification of human body for the life survival matter has been evident among some refugees who, out of desperate and dire situations, engaged in selling body organs to have a better life for themselves and for others. The research examines the discussion on human dignity and the dignity of body to respond to human


The Role of Environmental Organizations in Protecting Human Rights and Performing Social Justice in Indonesia

Mining activities carried out by Transnational Corporations (TNCs) may cause positive and negative impacts in developing countries, such as in Indonesia. The positive impacts of TNCs may enhance economic growth in Indonesia , on the other hand, the negative impacts of TNCs may cause environmental pollution and environmental degradation. The activities that have been done


Decoding Everyday Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia

A central problem in examining multiple insecurities in Southeast Asia is at what level of analysis. Besides the more obvious threats and impediments to human security posed by conflict or natural disaster, countries confront different politics of precariousness. Varieties of intersecting circumstances often render situational day-to-day forms of precariousness difficult to recognise and interpret. Yet,


Exploring the Impact of Teaching Design History on Creativity and Intrinsic Motivation: Curriculum Design and Learning

The history of design is a basic course for design majors in universities all over the world, and is usually taught in a purely theoretical way, This study adjusts the form of teaching, changing the original “linear lecture”-based teaching to an exploratory teaching method centered on “design styles”, using styles as the origin to guide


Design Thinking Applied to Advertising Design Courses to Enhance Students’ Learning Achievement

At the time when technology is booming, the definition of advertising is no longer advertised through traditional mass media, but a trend that everything is advertising. Advertising design is not just about creating beautiful and emotional content. It must be customer-centric to make consumers feel that advertising is meaningful and worthy of action. In Taiwan,


Discerning Disinformation Through Design: Exploring Fake News Website Design Patterns

The onset of emerging technologies in a fast-changing media landscape has led to media sources becoming more complex; leading to their capacity to create intricacies for the public’s perceptions of truth. In the Philippines, disinformation runs rampant through fake news websites, peaking during the 2016 Presidential elections. While current fake news detection methods range from


University-Industrial Collaboration in Industrial Design Education: A Practical Model

University/Industry-Collaboration is not new to Industrial Design curricula, however, the contents of each program vary vastly. For most collaborations, students take in design problems from sponsors and develop design solutions. The sponsor may meet with the students a couple of times to make sure students are on the right track. Eventually, if the design solutions


Generative Design: Co-Creation Process Between Designer and Computational Thinking

Generative design is a projective tool that allows designers and creators from other areas of knowledge to have applied innovation approaches. It is currently an emerging exploration process that integrates artificial intelligence and parametric design processes, consolidating itself as a milestone in the construction of alternative design proposals. This research analyzes the potential value of


Social Activities on Microblog: Exploring Fighting Against Human Trafficking on Weibo

Fighting against human trafficking is one of the most popular social activities on a Chinese social media site — Weibo. However, few researches have studied social activities on social media. This study utilized Uses and Gratification Theory to look into the motivations and gratifications audiences are seeking through engaging in this social activity on social


Complementarity Between Human Capital and Research and Development Activities

National Innovation System (NIS) approach specifically focuses on the interactions among the components of system as a basic dynamic of innovation process. Thus, there is a complementarity between the components of system arising from interactions among them, which is the most significant factor effecting innovation performance of whole system. The aim of this study is


The Human Traumas in Fazal Sheikh’s Photography

Trauma is the physical injury, the human wound, or the emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience. Metaphorically we use the term to speak of natural disasters. Fazal Sheikh is the American photographer who saw these human wounds within the humanity, within the human face of the other while suffering. His unique


The Framework of Corruption As a Human Rights Violation and Its Implication to the Indonesian Penal System and Corrution Judicial

The Indonesian Anti Corruption Act perceives corruption is not only related to state financial loss, but also as a violation of economic and social rights. However, the formulation of penal system and corruption judicial decisions ignores this philosophical framework. Forms of criminal sanction and their impositions merely consider the rights of a suspect and eliminate


Knowledge Management as a Catalyst to Building Resilient and Effective Human Capital in Manufacturing Companies

The study argues that human capital development is more effective if it is done from a knowledge management perspective which helps to shape attitudes and foster ethical values for higher productivity. Human capital is central to productivity in an economy and if well groomed, result in sustainable development of a society. Human cultures vary, but


Research on Evolution Mechanism and Development Strategy of Rural Human Settlement Environment Based on Characteristics of China-Suzhong Water Network

The “frame-drainage-dike” water system in the rural areas of China’s Suzhong is one of the achievements of the “Reclamation project” implemented by Zhang Jian in the early 20th century. On the one hand, the system has evolved into a unique geographical feature, which has important historical value. On the other hand, changes in lifestyles have


Human Rights as an Introduction to Academic Research

Being asked to conduct academic research comes as a shock for many undergraduates, especially when the research is to be conducted in a second language. This presentation puts forward an engaging and practical method of introducing research theory and practice to undergraduate students participating in an intensive English for academic purposes program at an international


Quality Education and Economic Growth in Sub Saharan African Countries for Developing Countries

Deepened gaps of inequalities, increased extreme poverty, and decline in economic activity due to disruptions of the Corona Diseases Virus -19 (COVID-19) demands developing countries provide a quality education that promotes economic growth. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948 recognizes the fulfillment of universal human rights, dignity, and freedoms as the foundation for building


On Divine Omniscience and Human Freewill: An Analysis of Nelson Pike’s Argument of Incompatibilism

Nelson Pike’s article entitled, “Divine Omniscience and Voluntary Action,” proves that fatalism is unavoidable. Fatalism is the philosophical doctrine emphasizing the necessity of human acts rendering them unvoluntary. Theological fatalism is the thesis that infallible foreknowledge of a human act makes the act necessary and hence unfree, that is, if there is a being who


Reversing Through the Living Hell – Exploring the Value System of Human Spirituality and Rationality in the Demon Slayer Anime Series

During the severe period of the Covid-19 pandemic, as if a living hell had descended upon us, the Demon Slayer anime and film series broke numerous records in 2020 and became known as a source of solace during the pandemic. Through narrative analysis, this study applies concepts of values, dignity and humanism to explore the


The Four Freedoms: Raising Awareness of Human Rights in the English for Academic Purposes Classroom

This presentation introduces an approach to teaching students about human rights, a term-long project that is being implemented in an intensive English for academic purposes (EAP) program at a Thai university. The objectives of the project are to improve students’ language skills while also cultivating their knowledge of human rights and social justice. The project


Design-Integrated Local Industry Revitalization Strategies: Discuss the “T22 Local Industry Revitalization via Design Project”

Since 2019, the Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI) has been spearheading the “T22 Local Industry Revitalization via Design Project,” employing design thinking and cross-domain collaboration to foster local innovation. Commencing with the “Ceramics Production Area – Yingge,” followed by the “Urban Agricultural Production Area – Beitou,” the “Stone Production Area – Hualien,” and “Manufacturing in


A Biometric Method for Spatial Experience Analysis: A Case Study of Airport Design and Traveler Stress

Why do certain built environments and events induce stress? How does the design of our spatial environment affect our mental state? What can we do to measure and understand these interactions? Interdisciplinary collaborations between architecture and psychology have given rise to a new frontier of architectural research, and emerging biometric sensor technologies lead to innovative


Design Thinking in AI Systems Design for Engineering Courses

Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes one of the essential courses that all students should learn regardless their disciplines. In this work, a teaching and learning pedagogy is proposed and implemented to conduct AI’s lesson in engineering course through design thinking. There is no additional course is required in the pedagogy, but the lesson is part of


Using the Interpretive Structure Model to Design the Department of Industrial Design Curriculum of the Interdisciplinary Ability

Scholars believed that only by focusing on cultivating students with multi-knowledge integration learning and problem-solving ability to be able to face changing environment. To become cross-disciplinary talents with the ability to solve today’s complex problems, the cross-field talents cultivated in the school must not only specialize in design professional knowledge, but also learn a variety

ISSN: 2758-0989 – The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

ECADE2022 – Held onsite and online from the University of Porto, Portugal
Thursday, July 7 – Sunday, July 10, 2022
ISSN: 2758-0989


Influence of Artefact, Activity and Design Value-Based Statements on Solution Outcomes

A design brief is usually set by the client which includes various types of information such as the needs or requirements, target audience, technology aspects etc. A designer who receives this design brief brings one’s own interpretation of what needs to be designed – a product, service, process or as a combination. Need or Design


Comparative Analysis of Thinking Process Between Designer and Engineer Based on Case Application of Multispace Design Method

This paper describes each feature of thinking process for a designer and an engineer based on comparative analysis applying Multispace Design method (M method) to the bench design. Additionally, it is indicated that a utility of M method for an unrestricted idea generation and precise design thinking. M Method is a design method that combines idea


The Structure of Narrative Design. A Case Study: Interior Design Proposal of Thread of Life Gallery in Bali

When an exhibition is designed with object-oriented approach, merely focuses on conservation, display and object information, visitors often don’t understand the object. The design function as a medium of visual communication is failed. The exhibition design should be user centered and the goals are communicating objects and their context to visitors in order to make


The Packaging Design Factors to Reduce Alcohol Campaign for Youth People: A Case Study of Packaging Design’s Classroom

Packaging design is a one of the media tools used in communication between the products and the consumers. This research endeavors to find a factors of packaging design to reduce campaign for youth people. Firstly, it attempts to study the influence of packaging on alcohol purchasing behavior. Secondly, it endeavors to study the characteristics of


Adaptation of Barrier-Free Design Approach to Abilities of the Blind and Visually Impaired People With a Tactile Art Space

China has the most significant number of visually impaired people globally, and the disease is increasing every year. With China’s urbanization and steady economic development, people with visual disabilities’ basic living needs can be solved through government security policies. However, only a few long-term museums, art galleries, and public art space resources can provide them


Bangkok Graphic Design Culture Communication.

This research to propose graphic design promote something different about illustration design districts in Bangkok Thailand. Especially graphic design, illustration promoting the image of the community. Who want to create a friendly graphics design and illustration design to anything in design. Can be used to key for communicate your local.Data collection process Based on the


Design Critique: Teaching Design Students to Be Effective Communicators Using Open Broadcaster Software

Peer review is vital to the growth and performance of the student and design critique and jury is a staple in basic and advanced studios since their teaching and learning process are different and more complicated than theory courses. Evaluation and grading systems in art, design and architecture studio-based courses are more difficult than other


Design Fictions: Imaging Sustainable Futures as Design Practice

Design practices like Architecture and Landscape Architecture rely heavily on images to demonstrate agency through the re-contextualization of spaces, the transformation of environments, and hybridization of ecologies. Unlike earlier design agendas, sustainable practices face the challenge of quantifying proposals using scientific models (performance) in addition to qualifying them with cultural conventions (image). Given that these


Kinetic Environmental Graphic Design and Its Impact on the Interactive Interior Space of University Educational Environments

The interior design of spaces requires the presence of many standards and design and functional requirements without compromising aesthetic values. Environmental graphic design is an important aspect in the design of interior spaces, as it depends on the interaction of the brand with the design of the interior space and the identity of the place.


JUST Energy Transition and Human Capital Readiness in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study Based on the JUST Framework

The National Energy General Plan (RUEN) anticipates generating over 1 million green jobs by 2050 through the energy transition. However, this transition could face a shortage of human capital in the absence of adequate knowledge, skills, and abilities in Indonesia’s energy sector. To mitigate this potential shortfall, it’s crucial for the national education system and


Urban Governance and ‘Human’ Development Challenges in India

The development process in the developing countries faces many challenges: poverty, illiteracy, violence, social conflicts, corruption, and the ever widening socio-economic gaps in the society. The government of these countries, through specific political institutions, laws, and policies tries to de-entangle the society from these ills. But in India it has been realised that in order


Factors Affecting Human Capital Efforts in Developing Economies: A Case Study on Cuba

Cuba faces considerable domestic and global challenges as they strive to compete in the global marketplace and increase their population’s quality of life. Cuba has invested in human capital development activities (i.e. universal access to education and guaranteed healthcare, food rations and housing) which are unique to the region. While these efforts have made an impact, research


Power- Conflict: Empowering Human Relation

‘Power-conflict’ has been in existence in different forms in our lives. Notionally, it estranges interpersonal relations. But the present paper seeks to show that the interplay of power is not necessarily violent and coercive rupturing human relation, rather it strengthens man’s bond with his own being and with others. The thoughts, emotions and values which


Co-evolution of Human Society and Nature Through the Noosphere Concept

The report makes an analysis of the noosphere concept as a way to the sustainable development of our planet. It suggests considering the epoch of noosphere as the period when the human mind will be able to define the terms necessary for nature and society co-evolution while forming a collective will of mankind. It analyzes


Music and Games in Education: Technological Experiences and Human Development

Music and Games share a wide range of specific characteristics mediated by the technological component which, in a way, impose an incessant dialogue between the demands of education, music education and human development itself. The consonance and versatility of this approach interact directly with the teaching and learning processes, constituting itself as a potential integrator


Undertaking Automation in the World of Work (WoW) and Society Through Human Resources

Accelerated progress in the field of technology has opened avenues for automation to be an integral part of the World of Work (WoW) and society. A combination of various forms of automation can perform a single job with results that are error-free and less arduous compared to end results produced by humans. Although automation pessimists


The Structural Equation Modeling of Human Resource Development Affecting Internationalization of Private Schools

The purposes of this study were to develop and examine the goodness-of-fit of the model of Human Resource Development factors affecting the Internationalization of Thai private schools developed by the researcher with empirical data. There were 626 samples of research conducted from private schools in Thailand. The factors were found as a result from thorough


Human Value Creating Global Citizenship: International Perspectives

This study mainly aimed to explore the suitable conceptual frameworks of Human Value Creating Global Citizenship and the related school administrative tasks to support development of students’ characteristics to become human value creating global citizens. The population consisted of elementary and high schools under supervision of Soka (Value Creating) University in Japan. Respondents were 3


Toward Sustainable Design: A Study on Consumer Preferences for Design Characteristics of Chinese Spring Festival Clothing

Based on a questionnaire survey and analysis of consumers’ preferences for Spring Festival clothing, this study attempts to compare the traditional design characteristics with the art-derived design characteristics to test whether the latter is more in line with consumers’ preferences, and thus can be more sustainable. A questionnaire survey was conducted concerning festival costume consumption


Study on Communication Design Education Establishing Project-based Advertising Competition

Design competitions are often thought as a tool for creating new trends and ideas, so they are widely used in various countries around the world to find good ideas. Participating in the design competition has become an evaluation index for critical teaching achievements of colleges and universities in Taiwan. A lot of design competitions have


Design for Outdoor Education: Redefining Schooling Through Design-Oriented Experimentation in Outdoor Contexts

In the redefinition of the world’s equilibrium in the post-pandemic context, it has become increasingly necessary to invest in the search for alternative or improved design systems of the educational experience with respect to remote learning. In the near future, therefore, innovative pedagogical practices oriented towards sustainability and safety, such as Outdoor Education – aimed


Design from Fiction to Reality: An Exploration into the Process of Design in Cosplay

Enthusiasts dressing up as anime characters and posing for photography have become a common sight in anime activities around Taiwan. In cosplay (formed from the words of costume and play), comic fans dress and pose as the characters in certain movies, manga or anime, and believe that the ultimate goal for a cosplayer is to


Interactive Digital Design Skill Set: Crafting Executive Education Curriculum for the 21st Century

Portugal’s education system offers a variety of non-degree programs essential for career advancement where Executive Education encompasses a critical role. Within this context, advancements have been made in recent years, both in the Executive Education field, as in the Interactive Digital Design education field. Nonetheless, ongoing challenges are still widely identified, from competition, technology advancements,


Exploring the Hybridization of Traditional Printing and Digital Fabrication Processes to Expand Design Innovation in the Classroom

Design education has been institutionalized for several decades, but digital competencies have shifted the role of the “designer-author” to a “digital black-box operator”. Computational Design and Media Literacy are directly related to the development of critical thinking. Promoting these literacies is a priority as they allow us to understand and operate a range or set


The Role of Design in Health Observational Studies

The specialization in “Design for Health and Well-being” has recently emerged in Portugal. This branch aims to bridge different fields, Design, Health, and Well-being. At the moment, we are working to identify what our role as designers is in the area, namely in a Cohort Study in Leiria, with 10 years duration. The present project


Depicting the Cultural Product Design Process – An Grounded Theory Approach

This is the age of niche market, designers are challenged to design from their cultural context, to highlight the cultural value of the product. Therefore, designers become agents of cultural context, and should understand how cultural product acquire and communicate cultural meanings. However, the design process of cultural products remains a black box that needed


Teaching Implementation and Innovation of Design Practice Course With Application of ARCS-V Motivational Model

In response to the changing internet era, teaching strategies must adapt. Particularly, students in design programs must not only possess creativity and practical design skills but also demonstrate social empathy and the ability to solve real-world problems. In past teaching scenarios, it has been observed that students, influenced by digital technology, often lack observation and


Knowledge Exchange for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2021-2022 Team Uniforms Design; Thai Local Craft Community, Fashion Design and Architecture Students

Functionable architecture students’ uniforms are designed by teams of fashion design students as a representative team from Thailand to participate in the Solar Decathlon Europe 2021-2022 (SDE 21-22) competition aiming to build an energy-saving house in Wuppertal, Germany. Therefore, the focus of this study is for lecturers to structure an appropriate study plan, monitor the


Curricular Design of Higher Education in Colombia From Educational Policies

With the Colombian Constitutional Reform of 1991, the Government ceased to be the sole curriculum designer in educational institutions. With this Reform, the Government fulfills the role of supervision and control of educational quality. On the other hand, the Universities are granted the autonomy for the design of their Institutional Educational Projects, therefore, the design


Design Education for Sustainability and New Social Changes

This paper is an ongoing research study that highlights sustainability and social ventures to create connections between academic and business worlds in order to design towards the new functions of XXI century’s reality. The authors underline how design practices can help to create a pilot project, implementing social changes. This means that governmental inefficiency presents


Human Right to Water: Public Policy and Guarantee Adequate Food in Brazil

The study addresses the human right to water, taking it as an essential component of adequate food, given that the lack of access to clean water reaches more than 1.4 billion people worldwide, according to the United Nations (UN), of which 36 million only in Latin America, according to the World Bank, in 2014 .


Fostering Students’ Character in Worst Times Through Human Education: The Importance of Teacher’s Role and Attitude According to Value-Creating Education

This paper examines the situation in which students are growing in these years impacted by a global pandemic and climate change’s effects when conspiracy theories and pessimistic views have arisen even stronger. Students are exposed to them, most of all through social media. This study is questioning, which role as teachers we should cover. What


A Multidimensional Approach to Assessing China’s Adherence to Article 26(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

While China has frequently been accused of challenging international human rights, its involvement with the right to education has rarely been the centre of scholarly attention. Education as a fundamental right is deemed essential to securing social justice, enhancing individuals’ dignity, and enabling their enjoyment of other rights. This paper investigates the degree to which


Relationships Between Music Genre, Human Moods-Based Music and Digital Music Playlist Exploration System: Case Study

A developing area of music information retrieval is the characterization of musical mood. The emotional significance of the music’s lyrics is combined with an audio file extraction in this study to map the melody onto a psychologically based feeling space. This study investigated the driving force behind this system: the insufficiency of user-friendly, contextual-aware playlist-creation


Refugees Crisis in the Human Security Agenda of South-East Asian Countries

Despite Southeast Asian countries, with the exception of Cambodia and Philippines, aren’t a part of the 1951 Convention related to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. The refugee crisis remains one among the most influenced issues that the Southeast Asian region faced until now. This research paper seeks to analyze and discuss the


Pessimism about the Jurisgenerative Effects of Human Rights: Ishiguro’s Bleak Cosmopolitan Vision in “Never Let Me Go”

  Kazuo Ishiguro is often seen as an “international writer” of “world literature,” writing for a “global” audience. His novels address cosmopolitan themes of complex belonging in a globalized world, ethical responsibility beyond the ethnos, and universal human dignity. Such concerns loom large in Never Let Me Go (2005), which repeats the hostility to unreflective


The Views of Human Resource Practitioners in Promoting Ethical Behaviour in Organisations: A South African Perspective

Organisations that implement a management philosophy that relies heavily on business ethics in all functional areas but especially when dealing with human resources, are proven to be more successful than those that operate in an unethical manner. The purpose of this paper is to share insights obtained from human resource (HR) practitioners about ethical behaviour


Students’ Quality in Community Education in Improving the Human Development Index in Indonesia

The Human Development Index (HDI) is taken from the average life expectancy, education (average length of schooling and expected length of schooling), and a decent standard of living. Based on the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) database in 2020, there was a slowdown in the growth of the HDI in 2020 compared to previous years. This


Culture and Human Resource Management: Understanding Communication in the Ages of Globalization

This paper will examine the international management of culture and human resources communication. The various movements of human resources and competencies have implicated the phenomena of culture exchange worldwide. Intercultural conflicts, intercultural competencies, and intercultural management are topics humans did not face decades ago. Researchers worked on these differences and how we can accept and


Human Resource Management Outsourcing in Chinese Large and Medium-sized Enterprises: Its Effect on Organisational Performance

Globally, many enterprises practice human resource management (HRM) outsourcing activities to achieve operational efficiency and growth. Research in the Chinese context is limited and insights on the latest HRM outsourcing trends that are significant to understand the HRM outsourcing phenomenon in China are insufficient. The objective of this paper aims to examine the effect of


Socio-Philosophical Evaluation of Conflict Resolution and Synergy: A Path to History

In the enlarged human society, the human person has always emerged out of struggle and conflict. Conflict and struggle are integral parts of human development. The human person, devoid of this essential human condition ceases to be in a state of human nature, thereby losing his basic feature as a creature. One of the hallmarks


Can Machine Translation Be as Effective as a Human Translation? A Cross Linguistic Analysis of Machine Translation Ambiguity between English, French and Armenian.

Statement/Research Question: Machine Translation (MT) still remains a tough challenge for both linguists and programmers. In spite of all the promises and hopes, it failed to meet the satisfactory standards. Actually, translation itself is a tough process, even for human beings. Can MT be compared with Human Translation? The paper discusses the difference between MT


The Power and the Empowerment of Man: A Study of Human Nature in J.J. Rousseau’s Political Thought

J.J. Rousseau is known for his ardent critique of the Enlightenment. Following the First Discourse, in which he gives an analysis of how society had become corrupted by man’s own doing, i.e. art and science, Rousseau offers a genealogy of human society in the Second Discourse. According to Rousseau, man in the age of reason


Bringing Persuasive Design Into the Development of Mobile Interactive Media for Road Safety Education in Young Children

Parents become an important part in giving knowledge about road safety to their children due to a time limited in the academic year of teachers. Apart from its attractiveness, the animation is a powerful tool to demonstrate a graphical scene for the children to understand the impact of their behaviour. Moreover, the mobile interactive media


The Effective Dimensions of Engaging Students in Contemporary Architecture Design Studios in Times of Change

The architecture design studio is a pedagogical platform for the majority of learning and teaching experiences that take place within architecture design education. The traditional architecture design studio pedagogical model signified as “signature pedagogy” has gradually shifted away from its conventional forms of engaging students. Since the turn of the millennium, the studio has transformed


The Design Studio as a Place of Study: Critique as Hermeneutic Conversation

As postsecondary design educators, are we providing students a place of study or are we just instructing? Educational theorist and historian Robert McClintock’s “Toward a place of study in a world of instruction” (1971) was published as a critique of the instructional culture in education in which he observed an overemphasis on pedagogy and the


Green Architecture and Environmental Design using Rapid-Prototyping Social-Networking Sandbox Tools, followed by Professional Architectural Software

In 2012 the United Nations UN-Habitat’s Sustainable Urban Development Network partnered with European Union sandbox-game developers of architectural and social-networking software. The U.N. goal is to upgrade 300 public spaces worldwide by 2016 by joining professional designers with local inhabitants in virtual-world simulations of public spaces so that a collective design experience may be realized.


The Resilience and Innovative Impact of Service Design on Regional Culture

The research potential of resilience has received much attention in recent years, but there is a lack of relevant research on cultural resilience. We should realize that resilience cannot be achieved in isolation from the cultural dimension. So, what does cultural resilience need to draw upon to achieve it? Service design has now emerged as


Study on the Establishment of a Structured Library for Clothing Design–The Case of Menswear

Students who work in clothing design or study clothing design need to learn clothing design drawings, clothing design drawing as a communication tool prior to manufacture in the clothing industry. Due to the diversification of the attributes, colors and styles of clothing design products, if we do one-by-one sampling, it will not be able to


Innovative Design of Sustainable Fashion – A Case Study of Practical Fashion Design Teaching

Recycling of the environment and recycled resources has been an important item in the world’s push for environmentally friendly design, as well as a current social reconstruction and education effort. However, how to apply it in people lives, and cultivate people the habit of recycling use and save the earth resources, which is a knowledge


Crafting Digital Strategies: Empathy, Technology and Design Education

The 2009 research “Designer of 2015” presented by the AIGA, a series of competencies were outlined for future designers and its impact in design education. Among these, the research mentions experiences, systems, and services as new trends in design education, going beyond the creation of single design artifacts but the generation of multilevel strategies. Others,


A Study on Chinese Fashion Design Students’ Perceptions on Sustainable Practices Throughout the Lifecycle of Clothing Products

Fashion departments of higher education institutions currently play a decisive role in promoting sustainable development as centers of cultivating fashion design talents towards the rapid increase of environmental issues that caused by the fashion and textile industry. Through both quantitative and qualitative approaches, we aim to determine the perceptions of fashion design students regarding sustainability


Using Artificial Intelligence Tools in Product Design Course

The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in product design courses has gained significant prominence in recent years. A preliminary survey conducted at the onset of the design course revealed that 70% of students expressed their disagreement with the idea of banning AI tools from the curriculum, and 27.5% remained neutral. Subsequently, a follow-up survey


Mapping, Coding, Learning: When Infographic Meets Digital Education –A Pilot Programme in Design School

Media Literacy and Media Education are two concepts that are now endorsed and become part of the academic lexicon of contemporary society internationally and seem to be recognised for all intents and purposes as new processes of education within formal or informal educational contexts. This process, however, cannot be self-taught and entrusted exclusively to the


Smart Service Design Demands in the Fourth Industrial Revolution From a Sociotechnical Perspective

Recent technological changes have transformed the knowledge production process, opened previously unimaginable new possibilities, and developed unique values as knowledge creators for the future. These have involved the advent of digital or smart services, which naturally led to ‘smart service design’ in adjacent fields, especially those situated at the intersection of technology and service experiences,

ISSN: 2186-5892 – The Asian Conference on Education 2012 – Official Conference Proceedings

“Learning and Teaching Through Transformative Spaces”
October 24-38 2012, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2186-5892


Gendered Robots: The Impact of Visual Design on Robots’ Gender Perception

With the rise of gendered innovations, the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) has begun to pay more attention to gender issues of robots, especially the effects of gendered robots on Human-Robot Interaction. This study aims to investigate the influence of robots’ visual design on people’s gender perception in robots by using Kansai engineering methods. A


The Design and Development Application for Learning an ASEAN Language on Social Media

This paper proposes a new method for learning an ASEAN language on social media for Thai student under the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN Declaration for ASEAN Community (ASEAN Political and Security Community – APSC, ASEAN Economic Community – AEC, ASEAN Socio – Cultural Community – ASCC). The paper addresses the design and


The Co-Created Performing Artistic Space: The Urban Office Garden

One of the natural spaces closest to human living space is the garden, the outdoor space which could integrate natural energy of fire, wind, water, earth, and air into our daily life, directly enhance our holistic health of body, mind, and spirit. In some cultures, like Japanese Zen gardening, the garden space is the area


Design as a Facilitator to Changing Mindsets for Craftmanship Enterprises’ Resilience

Craftmanship is currently promoted as a foremost cultural manifestation, as they represent the heritage, diversity, and creative potential of a society. It also favors the generation of jobs, being characterized as an economic activity and not static, which must adapt to contemporary times and respond to the market and consumer needs. There are glaring gaps


Make the World a Better Place: Design Skills in an Academic Context

This article aims to present a pedagogical practice carried out in an academic context with undergraduate students from the 2nd year of the Communication Design course at Lusófona University (UL) in the second semester of 2021/22. A proposal that provides continuity to a project developed in the 1st semester in partnership with this NGO. A


Innovative Technologies for Multidisciplinary Design Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

This research delves into the innovative integration of two emergent digital collaborative platforms, Miro and Padlet, within higher education pedagogy, concentrating on their application in design-centric courses at Sunway University, Malaysia. The study encompasses two distinct student cohorts: one, a collective of seventy-three students from the Design Enterprise module, engaging with Miro and enrolled in


Top Future Skills in Cross-Disciplinary Design Education

Cross-disciplinary education is increasing in popularity. According to the World Economic Forum report, ‘The Future of Jobs’, the top skills in the future will be complex problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity (World Economic Forum, 2016). Universities expect graduates to be leaders and innovators in the workplace and in society (Gross, 2009). Are Design Schools


Design Innovation Practice School: The Experiential Learning Platform

This article describes the ongoing study of designing and developing the undergraduate program in Design Innovation of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. The design-based research methodology has been applied to investigate the attempt in curricular transformation in addition to routinized curriculum revision practices. The concerns related to career readiness of graduates or competency gap


Representing Curriculum Design Practices in ESSENTIA CURRICULUM: A Case Study at the University of Nariño, Colombia

In examining curriculum design theory over the past century, we analysed how design methods are defined. Despite established theoretical methods, a global survey of 226 professors revealed a reliance on subjective crieria for designing curricula. Professors expressed a need for better documentation, leading to limited information on their design processes for others to learn from.


ICO-Cymatic Backstage Design Process: Applying Vernacular Techniques and New Media Into Ephemeral Spaces for Art Installation in South America

Cymatic is a study area of vibrational nodal phenomena. The term is coined in the field of physics. It refers to the analysis of nodal movements in non-conformal media, such as fluids and grains, generating temporary geometric patterns determined by three significant factors: water volume, light and sound. This research will show some design practices


A Design-Led Approach to STEM Education: Challenges and Opportunities in Hong Kong Secondary School Teachers’ Responses to D-STEM

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is now recognised as a key factor in the development of a country’s workforce and economy. In Hong Kong, the design-led approach to STEM (D-STEM) facilitates the integration of creativity and technology and thereby encourages students to adopt collaborative and reflective processes and helps them develop the interdisciplinary


Exploration of Dynamic Identities in Interaction Design

With a variety of platforms and media vehicles, designers not only have a challenge on new concepts such as varied expression forms, elements, principles, and aesthetic concepts, they also have to take into account users’ cognitive tendencies and social media aspects during the design thinking process, especially in trying to enhance the user experience. Dynamic


Constructing the Conversational Roles of Studio Design Education Stakeholders in Times of Change

The architecture design studio sits at the heart of architectural design education. The traditional architecture design studio pedagogy called the ‘signature pedagogy’ has gradually shifted away from its conventional forms of engaging students. Since the turn of the millennium, the studio has transformed into a contemporary form of design learning and teaching based on several


How can Bio-Strategies Inform Design for Sustainability?

This study presents a Nature-based Design project developed using Bio-strategies. Biophilia, Biomimicry and Biotechnology were used to explore seaweed-based materials for reusable food packaging. Biophilia is employed to evoke empathy towards Nature and embrace its natural aesthetics. Biomimicry serves as inspiration for a structure’s resilience, hydrophobic properties, and overall system and design. Biotechnology contributes to


Design System for Electronic Tale Book with Creative Activities to Enhance Creative Thinking of Elementary Students

The purposes of this research were to : 1) To study opinion of the experts about design system for electronic tale book with creative activities to enhance creative thinking 2) To improve design system for electronic tale book with creative activities to enhance creative thinking 3) To study the result of using design system for


Visual Literacy Ability of Design Students in Virtual Class Settings

The condition of design education in Indonesia today has changed with the presence of ICT in the learning process and the popularity of implementing online learning. With the government’s policy to implement Hybrid Learning successfully, studio based-learning in design students, which usually uses face-to-face learning processes, has partially moved into a virtual space. Visual literacy


Community-Centred Design for Social Innovation: Bottom-Up and Government Initiatives in Shanghai

Insecurity has gripped our society. When we write these words, some countries may be experiencing war, hunger, and poverty. The causes of this extreme insecurity vary, but the major contributors include a lack of community cohesion, relevance, and cultural identity. In the absence of timely solutions to these problems, more social problems will arise. Therefore,


Research on the Effect of Multimedia Teaching on the Outcome of Interior Design License Examinations

This research examines interior design drawing as a research approach. For a long time, the primary teaching method of interior design drawing focused on a traditional hand-drawing experience but this teaching method did not keep pace with the times. Therefore, this research aims to explore the application of Multimedia Teaching assisted with interior design detail


Learning from Tibetan Buddhism Landscape: Integrating Architecture Within Surrounding Landscape

Roughly 180 years ago, architecture and landscape design were divided into two practices. Since then, contemporary architecture has often appeared in isolation from the landscape. The lack of integration between the two fields is problematic in education and practice. Isolated perspectives create gaps between design fields, impacting the site selection process and design solutions. In


Human Performance Technology in ICT of Thai Higher Education Lecturers

The research study was conducted to develop human performance technology in ICT of Thai Higher Education Lecturers under three conceptual frameworks: input, process, and outcome.  The input consisted of information and communication strategic plans of Thailand, those of the Ministry of Education and universities, and performance of organizations and their personnel.  The process referred to


The Exclusion of the Taliban From Afghanistan’s State-Building and Its Human Security Vulnerabilities

This paper discusses the impact of the Taliban’s exclusion from both Bonn Conferences (2001 & 2011) on Afghanistan’s state-building process and prolonged humanitarian disaster consequences. It outlines the current challenges facing the democratic institutions of Afghanistan due to the non-recognition and exclusionist polices adopted by the United States and its partner forces. It reviews the


Assessing the Impact of a Community Extension Program Through the Lens of the Human Security Approach

Higher education institutions fulfill threefold functions: instruction, research, and extension. The third function which is community extension used to play a supporting role and performed within the context of accreditation. Ideally, it must be integrated into the academic fabric of the institution. This study aimed to assess the impact of Children’s Education Welfare Assistance (CEWA)


The Impact of Students Dropout of School in Sokoto State: A Challenge to Human Security

This paper viewed school dropout as discontinuations of educational programme by a child or students. Education is the most important instrument for national development. Every nation irrespective of its economic growth as developed, developing, and underdeveloped engineers her educational programmes towards the provision of mass literacy for the production of quality manpower for human resources


Disrupting the Grade Imperative Through Critical Pedagogies Embedded Into Human Rights Focused Literary Study

This paper presents the story of what happened when I incorporated critical pedagogical practices, within a human rights focused unit of study, into my literature classroom and examined the effect it had on my students’ perceptions regarding the purpose of their education. After providing a theoretical framework, positioning my study within existing research, and outlining


Island of Individuation: Teaching With a New, Dynamic Approach to the Development of the Human Psyche in the Singapore Context

The fostering of not just better mental health outcomes, but a more creative, knowledgeable and versatile workforce (Watermeyer, Chen & Ang 2021) has been at the forefront of Singapore’s development of her people since the seminal events of the late 2010s: the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore Bicentennial, the COVID-19 pandemic, and


Policing the Others: Cultural Studies of Police Work in Relation to Human Rights Politics in Hong Kong

In contributing to the “reinvention of Cultural Studies” (Grossberg, 2006:8), this paper makes an attempt in building up the linkage between human rights and Cultural Studies by analyzing the alleged human rights violation by police towards ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. This study focuses on the controversial Limbu Case, in which a Nepalese man named


Ecocinema in the Anthropocene Era

The concept of mind-body dualism rests in the various distinctions human thought has made between the conscious mind, represented as spirit, soul and self, and the seemingly mechanistic actions of the human body and the natural physical world in which it inhabits. It represents a movement of cosmological thought away from animist beliefs which regard


Regaining the Decay of Human Values

The myriad of ethnic and sub-ethnic groups in Indonesia causes similarly numerous creations, communication, and performance of folklore. Today, however, tales which are classified in verbal lore and believed as people’s fictional works are decaying since almost all tales still use local-regional languages, which generally have become unpopular. Furthermore, modern life-style strongly relies on technology-based


Futuristic Reflection on the Aftermath of Humanity: Pluto, A Graphic Novel

Urasawa Naoki’s graphic novel Pluto (2003-2009), set in a virtual post-human world in which human and robots neighbor each other, raises questions about humanity, both ontological and epistemological. Pluto is based on and adapted from legendary Japanese cartoonist Osamu Tezuka’s manga Astro Boy series. In Pluto, 5 out of 7 ‘greatest robots on earth’ are


Awakening from Dream, Back to the Pre-Modern: Satoh Makoto’s “The Dance of Angels Who Burns Their Own Wings”

Japanese playwright and stage director Satoh Makoto (shows an acute insight that human suffering is the outcome of the illusion of human redemption that has been regarded as an ultimate goal of the linear time-space of the modernity. The linear time-space has killed the existence of God by replacing the multi-layered time-space of the pre-modern


Entrepreneurial Orientation and Survivability of Banks in Nigeria: The Mediating Role of Human Capital Management

This study empirically investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organizational survivability as well as the mediating role of human capital management in the relationship. Primary data is generated from 144 top level management staff of the target banks through structured questionnaires and analysis is undertaken in four major phases: the demographic, univariate, bivariate and


Accessibility to Justice for Foreigners Before the Indonesian Constitutional Court

In 2007, the Indonesian constitutional court refused judicial review submitted by 3 Asstralian citizens. Those people have been sentenced to the death penalty before the Indonesian district court on abuse of drugs. The Australian citizens considered that death penalty stipulated in Indonesian Law regarding narcotics law violated their constitutional right, namely the right to life.


Education Plan According to Age and Experience to Reduce Human Error of Construction Workers

In Korea, as construction projects become increasingly large and complex, many construction accidents are occurring. According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor, as of 2021, the number of accident victims in the construction industry is the second highest after other industries, and the number of accident deaths accounts for about 50%, ranking first in


Mapping Circumstance: Human Security, Marginality and Precariousness in Southeast Asia

A central problem in examining multiple insecurities in Southeast Asia is that each country confronts a different context of human security and faces a set of specific challenges embedded in people’s daily-lived experience. The ambiguous ways in which the ‘invisibility’ of their situations are conditioned and configured are neither readily recognized nor understood. State-led action


Media and Human Rights: India’s North East in National India Media

With the dawn of India’s independence in 1947 and subsequent consolidation of its territory, and reorganisation of international border with her neighbours, India’s North East as a distinct geographical region is explicitly palpable. More than just a geographical region, it is a cultural region different from mainland India. Culturally, people from the region are yet


Human Resource Policy in Leading Russian Universities: An Assembly Model

The presentation discusses the development of human resources management in leading Russian universities during the last 5 years. It demonstrates that such topic in the research literature is presented but fragmented, so a holistic picture of the transformation of human resource management in leading Russian universities has not been presented so far. The presented study


Death of the Enemy: The Spectacularity of War and a Zombie Enemy

The constructedness of the notion of ‘enemy’ specially during war times often includes demonization and propagandist characterization bordering on depicting inhumanity in ‘them’. But in this paper, the move is from a human enemy to a nonhuman one – a zombie. Keeping in mind its nonhuman characteristics and inhumanity, the argument is carried on to


Synergistic Space Potentials: Technology, Humans and Responsive Materials in the Design Process

This project investigates the role technology and neuroscience play in making meaningful connections between people and architectural space. It discusses why it is important to focus on designing with more significant impact, focusing on the quality of experience rather than quantity of objects. It moves on to indicate that design can harness this power for


Embracing Difference – The Demonstration of Regional Cultural Aesthetics in Design Elements of Olympics Posters

This research is aimed at analyzing the development and formation of Olympics posters from 1896 to 2019, and studying the regional cultural difference in poster design features between western and eastern continents. The study concentrated on the content of both summer and winter Olympics posters, and the importance of visual communication along with visual tension


A 3D Printed Chinese Character Learning Art Educational Tool for the Blind and Visually Impaired

As one of the world’s five most widely spoken languages, Chinese is also the most widely spoken language globally. The Chinese language consists of a writing system and a pronunciation system, with Chinese characters being the most critical language component. As Braille is a two-dimensional static image, it is difficult for the visually impaired, especially


A Framework for Designing Metacognitive Scaffolds in Ill-structured Problem-solving Using e-Learning Authoring Tools: A Design and Development Study

Problem-solving has been studied in many disciplines (Jonassen, 2011; Lazonder & Rouet, 2008; Lester, 1994), however, it has not been explored extensively in the field of instructional design (Jonassen, 2000, 2011). Given the importance of solving ill-structured problems in daily life, there is a need to create effective instruction to teach such skills. Metacognition is


Lettering Design in Raul Lino’s Work: Humanism, Nature and Tradition in Architecture, Graphic Arts and Design

Raul Lino’s work is often connoted with the image of Estado Novo and with Português Suave, an architectural style with a partly degenerate and retrograde taste. However, this view does not consider that a part of his most important work, which in addition to architecture covers various decorative arts, was developed before that Portuguese dictatorial


Designing for the Future: Professionalizing the Field of Curriculum Design in the Age of EdTech

Contemporary realities, such as the technology-immersed lives of students and world events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have emphasized the critical need for more effective EdTech curriculum that ensures that all students have access to high-quality, engaging, learning experiences. Yet, effective models for the systematic design of curricular programs are lacking in the literature, especially


The Bridge between Problems and Solutions in Design: Taking a Toddler’s Case as an Example

Problem solving in Industrial Design is focused on the realization of ideas. At the end, the ideas are applied as practical design solutions for product development. Designers generate ideas to solve problems based on their past experiences and creative thinking. However, there has been a gap between problem identification and solution generation within the design


Teaching Design in the Wake of Artificial Intelligence

In order to maintain its relevance and pertinence throughout history, Design Teaching has been pushed to regularly evaluate its adequacy in the face of cutting-edge technologies and constantly renewed tools. In that respect, the new paradigm of Generative Artificial Intelligence pushes once more the territorial limits of Educational Research and Pedagogy. In this study, we


Creating Design Guideline; Online Platform to Encourage Lifelong Learning Among Thai Digital Natives

A National Scheme of Thailand Education for 2017-2039 according to the Office of the Education Council of Thailand, provides a framework to follow in the development of education. One of the important considerations is to support lifelong learning for Thais with high quality and standardization of education at all levels. One of the challenges for


Improving Fashion Bag Creative Design Curriculum Teaching Based on Gen-Y Usage Behavior and Consumption Needs

Owing to the differences in lifestyles, occupations, psychological, and behavioral needs, consumers of different ages show differences in their purchase and usage of bags. However, traditional bag design teaching focuses on modeling and patterns, while ignoring the important correlation between bag design and consumer usage and demands. This research explores innovative teaching methods of fashion


Xinyang Maojian Tea, Domestic and International Tea Packaging Comparative Study

Xinyang tea is a specialty of Henan Province, carrying the deep cultural heritage of the Central Plains. Its packaging design plays an important role in conveying product information and benefits to attract consumers’ tea desire. The purpose of this paper is to explore the cultural differences and design features between Xinyang Maojian tea packaging design


Closing the Loop in Design Education: Surviving Disruption in A Digital World

Creative problem-solving, agile and analytical thinking, collaboration and empathy have become essential 21st-century skills required in the current workforce. The upheaval of a global pandemic has accelerated the need to adapt to the changes and disruptions society is facing. The role of future designers is not just to design for the world to be understood


Effects of 3D Self-Efficacy, Interest, and Fulfillment on 3D Design Performance

The “3D Scene Modeling Course,” integrating Project-Based Learning, Task-Based Learning, and Studio Thinking strategies, delves into 3D digital archiving in a university elective. 43 proficient students participated, employing scales of 3D design self-efficacy, learning interest, and fulfillment. PLS-SEM validated factors influencing 3D design performance, revealing digital archiving significantly boosts self-efficacy and motivation. Elevated self-efficacy links


The Research of Taiwan Virtual Idol Design Factor Analysis

In December 2014, Kaohsiung MRT works with creator to launch ‘K.R.T. GIRLS’ in order to attract young people’s attention, it received a great response. In addition, Taiwan professional baseball team Uni Lions also established girl idol group ‘Unigirls Junior’ at June 2016, the group also has three virtual idol to serve as its corporate image


The Model of Intervening Cultural Space in the Hybrid Design Case Study: The Combination of Japan-Indonesia Craft

The development of craft in Indonesia has a huge economic potential due to the availability and diversity of materials as well as export opportunities. The craft needs design innovation for competing in the global market because the design applied is a pattern of inherited forms of hereditary artisans. Those are bamboo, wood, ceramics, batik and


Universal Design for Learning in Game Design Document of a Video Game to Develop Money Management Skills

The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a model that has received a lot of attention in the last decade due to its commitment to inclusive education as it allows us to respond to diversity by addressing individual educational needs. From this perspective, it is proposed to elaborate a Game Design Document (GDD), which is


Developing a Customer-focused Approach in Level 4/5 Graphic Design Students Through Project-based Learning

Studies have shown that progression from academic courses to ‘real world’ employment sectors is very challenging for graphic design students (Grieve and Meek 2015; Chiang et al 2018; Swanson 1994). From employers’ perspectives, having experience in the ‘real world’ design sector, or as Grieve and Meek 2015 called the ‘business of design’, is an essential


The Need for Socially Responsible Design in a Dynamic Society

In the light of social change diversification, the importance of shaping connections between people and products for more resilient ways of life is growing. The purpose of this paper is to uncover the importance of responsibility and self-cultivation of designers in social change diversification. For this aim, this paper reflects on a case study of


Automation or Innovation? A Generative AI and Instructional Design Snapshot

Advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming possibilities across industries, including instructional design. Tools like ChatGPT can draft objectives, assessments, and content rapidly. This mixed-methods study surveyed 144 instructional designers on current adoption, tasks, benefits, and concerns regarding generative AI integration. Analysis revealed widespread mainstream usage with 83% leveraging ChatGPT. Accelerating efficiency ranked as


Sustainability Should Be Fun: Designing Board Games to Teach Sustainability

Teaching sustainability to undergrad students, particularly those in design degrees, faces barriers when it comes to relating core concepts such as the triple bottom line (environmental, economic and social issues) or the environmental impacts of technological development with the product’s life cycle in their design process or even their daily lives. It results in difficulties


Human Capital Investment in Science and Technology Education and Quality of Life in Thailand

Investment in education is a vital factor for the development of both individuals and the whole country. In Thailand, people have attempted to increase their human capital in terms of academic knowledge by studying in university as well as entering higher education with the expectation for higher wages and salaries, and a better quality of


A Semantic Study on Verbs of Human Senses in English under Cognitive Linguistics (Versus Vietnamese)

Cognitive Linguistics is a recontextualizing approach. In contrast with formal semantics, the conception of meaning that lies at the basis of this approach is not restricted to a referential, truth-functional type of meaning ‘ the type of meaning that you could express in logical terms.In contrast with formal semantics, the conception of meaning that lies


Examining the Mechanisms Linking Commitment-Based Human Resource Practices, and Employee Job Performance: The Roles of Organizational Socialization

The aim of this study is to test whether commitment-based human resource (HR) practices influences employees’ job involvement via the mediating mechanism of organizational socialization. A survey-based methodology will be used to collect data from service firms within Taiwan, and hierarchical linear modeling analysis will be applied to examine the hypotheses model. This study will


Is Language a Form of Animal Communication, or Something Different? Implications for Ecological Identities

For many, saying humans are animals is an uncontroversial truism. It follows that human communication systems, including language, are animal communication systems. The reality, however, is more complicated. Some linguists, for instance, describe language as categorically distinct from, rather than as a unique or rare form of, animal communication (e.g. language vs animal communication rather


Human Capital of Teachers and Education Personnel Affecting the Student with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Schools

The study of human capital of teachers and education personnel affecting the students with learning disabilities in elementary schools aimed to study the mental health level of personnel and the effect upon the knowledge, attitude, and performance of the students in elementary inclusive schools. The two-stage random sampling group included 300 teachers and education personnel


Empowering Academia Through Self-Narratives for Professional Development in Synthetic and Human-Generated Podcasts

Social and emotional learning are defining characteristics for mapping identities not only in personal schemata but also professionally speaking. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are driving principles for students as well as teachers. A person who is heard, understood, and included will bring forth the best possible outcomes for one’s community. In this paper, advancing inclusive


Learning Management Outcome from an Integrated Instruction between Authentic Learning and Community Academic Service for Nursing Students in the Human Society Environment and Health Subject

This descriptive research aimed to study the learning outcomes from the use of a student centered instruction by mean of integration between authentic leaning and community academic service in a subject called Human Society Environment and Health run during the academic year 2011 with 100 first year students at Boromarajonani Nakhonratchasima Nursing College. The data


When The Whale Talks Back: An Interspecies Cultural Dialogue in Zakes Mda’s The Whale Caller (2005)

The paper explores the ways in which the narrative perspectives relate the interconnectedness between human characters and nonhuman characters, Saluni the human and Sharisha the whale in particular, through the process of ‘intra-action’. In contrast to ‘interaction’ which assumes that there are separate agencies that precede the interaction, ‘intra-action’ recognizes that distinct agencies do not


Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Practices and Quality of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Delhi

The stage of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is globally acknowledged as crucial in the life of a child as the brain develops rapidly during this period. Thus, an enabling and stimulating environment in these foundation stages makes a positive impact in the child’s long-term development and learning. When the workforce in the education


Comparing Robot Embodiments for Social Human-Robot Interaction of a Health Coach Service

As robotics technologies are advancing at an ever increasing rate, various types of service robots have emerged in the market and focused on assisting people through social interaction. This study aims to investigate the effects of robotic platforms on users’ perception of a socially assistive robot. A three-condition experiment was constructed, by using a commercially


Essential Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Towards Sustainable Rural Tourism After the Tsunami in Aceh

The study investigated the rural tourism in Aceh after a decade of the tsunami. Reports revealed that tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world that benefits a country’s economy and local communities. Thus, the main concern should be the human capital and human resources to ensure successfulness and the sustainability of the rural


Linking Supply on Demand of Indonesia Human Resource in Science and Technology on Perspective Black Swan Phenomenon

This paper discusses how the influence of the phenomenon of black swan in the development of human resource on science and technology (HRST) in Indonesia. The Black Swan phenomenon is highly improbable that is unpredictable and carries a massive impact. In fact, Indonesia was predicted to become a developed country in 2025 with GDP growth


Light Pollution Mapping of Urban Human Activity and Land Zoning

Sky glow, a kind of light pollution, which brightens the night sky significantly results from the spill light of inappropriate or over-designed artificial lighting. It not only affects astronomical observations, but disturbs ecology system and wastes lighting energy. In fact, urban light pollution is related to artificial lighting made from human activities and nighttime urban


ASEAN Student’s Reflection: The Role of Japan’s Higher Education in Fostering Global Human Resources Through the Twin College Envoys Program

There is no doubt that education play a vital role for development of a nation. Countries around the world are struggling to enhance their development in different aspect through education, particularly to foster competitive human resources. A phenomenon famously called ‘globalization’ has triggered this initiative become more internationalized and borderless, especially to encourage higher education


Human Capital and Technical Efficiency: An Analysis of the Stochastic Production Frontier and Inefficiency Effects Model for Thai manufacturing SMEs

This paper employs the World Bank�s 2006 Enterprise Survey and the stochastic production frontier and inefficiency effects models to empirically investigate the significant impact of human capital, such as i) skilled workers’ years of education, years of tenure and age, ii) workforce’s education and iii) unskilled foreign workers, as well as iv) in-house and outside


Individualised Delivery of Content and Human Connection in Online Educational Environment: A Case from an Award-winning Course for Excellent Student

The presentation reports some the findings from an action research project in an online foundational course over a period of 2 years to enhance student engagement and satisfaction. The course, Tertiary Learning Strategies, was offered by the University of South Australia to students enrolled in Open Universities Australia (OUA), an online higher education organisation in


Cultural Impediments to the Domestication of Women’s Rights Instruments in Nigeria

Nigeria ratified a number of International human rights instruments aimed at recognizing the rights of women. These include the Convention on the elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Optional Protocol to CEDAW and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa


Exploring the Mediating Role of Employee Motivation in the Relationship Between Post-Selection Human Resource Management (Hrm) Practices and Organizational Performance

The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to explore the meditating role of employee motivation in the relationship between post-selection Human Resource Management (HRM) practices (training & development, performance evaluation system, career development system, extrinsic and intrinsic rewards) and perceived performance of Islamic Banks operating in Pakistan. This study was based on primary data collected


Teaching the Notion of ‘Civil Society’ Through Classroom: How Can Teachers in Tajikistan Use the Ethical Pathways to Human Development Module to Instil the Notion of ‘Civil Society’ Amongst Secondary Students?

It has been proved over the past that civically active youth have been a potent force for change. Yet, youth in newly established democratic regimes frequently suffer as a result of their civic participation. In order to help the younger generation, select safe chances for their civic involvement, it is necessary to explain the concept


On the Free Choice of the Will in Faith or Reason: A Study of Augustine of Hippo

This article is about the phenomenon of will in Augustine of Hippo’s ontology. According to On Free Choice of the Will, Augustine considers that the origin of sin in human beings must not be given by God because He is omni-benevolence. In that case, God has not created any badness in the world, but has


Social Capital and Human Well-Being: A Southeast Asian Country Perspective

Developing countries in Southeast Asia have suffered from growth without development for a long time. This paper aims to address the contingent nature of public policy on community development. We insist that the effects of public policy depend upon several factors – particularly the various characteristics of the local community. State and market mechanism often


Environmental Intensity of Human Wellbeing in Bhutan : Evidence from Regression Analysis

A special volume on ‘Absolute Reductions’ in the Journal of Cleaner Production (Akenji, Bengtsson, Bleischwitz, Tukker, & Schandl, 2016) emphasised the need for a radical socio-technical transformation that can bring material, energy and emissions within the ecological limits. Economic activities are at the heart of consumption of materials and energy and emissions being the waste


Love, Suffering and Conflict: Some Lessons from Freud’s Civilization and its Discontents

In Civilization and its Discontents, Freud suggests that interpersonal relations constitute one of the three main sources of human suffering, the other two sources being the superior powers of nature and the pains arising from our own bodies. Taken together, these three sources undermine the possibility that human beings can achieve happiness: ‘Life, as we


Curriculum Development in Industrial Design Education in transition: Challenges and issues in a Thai university

In Thailand, it is widely accepted that development in education is lagging behind the progress of the economy and industries. During the 2018 Transition Discussion in KMUTT, Industrial Design (ID) education received a call to reconsider reforming the traditional teaching style. Discussion among international scholars from the field formed the direction of ID curriculum development


The Gestalt of Book Design

A book is more than the sum of its parts. The main ingredients of a book ‘the text, image and paper, or other materials’ are combined by designers in various ways. The book as an end product, provides a further experience than the sum of these raw ingredients. The Gestalt Theory was introduced by Wertheimer,


Interior Environmental Design Conveying Local Socio-Cultural Identity

Interior Environmental Design Conveying Local Socio-cultural Identity explains the importance of local identity linked to society and way of life in the past which is a heritage of remaining faith. Especially, reflecting the plan can be transferred to the interior environment design process and pattern allowing for communicating the emotion and unique atmosphere of the


Exploring Physical Stores in Omnichannel Retail Strategy: How Interaction Design Is Changing In-store Behaviour

The research investigates the use of interaction design in retail environments in the current omnichannel scenario, where many different coordinated retail channels operate simultaneously.The growth of online shopping forced retailers to look for a new meaning of brick-and-mortar stores in which customer experience is more relevant than making a purchase. Where the transaction happens is


Curriculum Design and Development for Undergraduate Literacy Courses

The purpose of this virtual presentation is to provide participants with an overview of curriculum design and development as it relates to undergraduate literacy courses at one United States Midwest liberal arts university. Presenters will outline the purpose and process of curriculum alignment with state standards, national standards, and university course assessments. Major design and


Using ChatGPT for Course Curriculum Design: A Systematic Review

Large Language Models (LLMs) based on artificial intelligence, specifically Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs), have experienced an upswing since the publication of ChatGPT in 2022. Numerous studies and stakeholders have already investigated the application of ChatGPT within the educational sector. However, the diversity of the settings studied, and the methods used have led to heterogeneous results


Research on the Training Mode of Indoor Design Majors Based on the Integration of Industry and Education

In China, the integration of industry and education refers to the close integration, mutual support, and mutual promotion of industrial practice and school education emphasized by schools in accordance with the needs of their students. It is a significant initiative to adapt applied majors to social and economic development, realize high-quality teaching, and enhance the


Tragedy to Triumph: Utilizing a Graphic Novel and Instructional Design to Sustain the Culture, Heritage and Resilience of a Community

Arts, design and education can powerfully combine to create relevant and impactful place- and community-based educational resources that engage interdisciplinary approaches and perspectives. This study will discuss the multiple setbacks, including COVID-19 upon a community, and explores how an original graphic novel about a 19th century labor advocate is utilized to educate and promulgate the


Effects of Capstone Design Achievement on Employment: A Case of Industrial & Management Engineering

This study is to analyze the performance of the Capstone Design course and the impact of multiple factors on the learner’s job hunting activities and initial job satisfaction. Among the factors influencing employment, capstone design achievement, gender, GPA, Capstone design project passing, age, major-related employment, multidisciplinary course, other knowledge, internship experience, language scores, etc. have


Applying Teaching Strategies for Design Students’ Learning Effectiveness on Blended Learning

Flipped teaching has been going on for a long time in various ages and academic fields, and the learning effectiveness have been affirmed. This project is based on the flipping teaching strategy of design education to improve students’ performances. The concept of this study is based on design education is no longer learn the overall


Images As Catalysts: A Pedagogical Exercise Enhancing Writing Skills for First-Year PhD Design Students at the University of Porto

This paper introduces a pedagogical exercise that employs images as catalysts to facilitate the writing process for first-year PhD Design students at the University of Porto. The exercise pursues two fundamental objectives: firstly, to aid students in refining their research scope into a manageable territory, and secondly, to empower them to articulate the boundaries and


The Mediating Effects of Green Product Design on Economic Performance of Reverse Logistics: A Conceptual Study

The dwindling of natural resources and higher demand for landfill space fuelled the concept of sustainable consumption. For decades, buy and throwaway society created a string of negative environmental consequences and a positive change is taking place as developed nations take the lead in closing the supply chain loop via extended producer responsibility (EPR). Returns


Creating Interaction: A Storytelling Framework for Arts and Design Referring Quantum Theories

In art practices, the challenge of enhancing practitioner’s creativity is the most important topic in the filed of arts and design. As once assumed, the creativity is the most vital ingredient as its appearance is unpredictable just like quantum leaps (Koyama and Niwase, 2017, p.3). Referring to the String Theory, the eleven dimensions of space-time


Homeostatic Designs: How the Theories of Antonio Damasio Can Inform Design Thinking

This paper discusses the role of homeostasis through the lens of the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio and its potential relation to design. The understanding of physiological regulation has evolved from the Greek idea of body humors, through Claude Bernard’s “milieu intérieur”, to Walter Cannon’s formulation of the concept of “homeostasis. This evolution was important to the