Category: Environmental Sustainability and Human Consumption: Food and Water, Hunger and Thirst


Soil Water Repellency a Global Problem: Impact, Measurement and Mechanisms

Food security and production is a major global issue faced by society. It has become essential to work the land efficiently, through better soil management and agronomy whilst protecting the environment from air and water pollution. The reduced ability of some soils to become wetted and absorb water – soil water repellency – is a


Sustainability of Local Food Supply Using New Agriculture Theory in Organic Farming Context in Uttarakhand, India

The purpose of this research was to explore the changes in livelihood of group of farmers in Dehradun, Uttarakhand India that had converted from conventional to organic farming. This research also based on secondary data using New Agriculture Theory (NTA) as a guideline of proper resource management in land and water. The research was inductive


Climate Variability and Food Security in Tanzania. The Case of Western Bagamoyo

Among other factors, climate variability is the most influencing factor that affects food security for sustainable development. The second idea is that, food production is necessary but not sufficient to ensure food security in the context of climate variability. This paper considers climate variability, as an indicator of climate change, on food security, hunger and


Human Right to Water: Public Policy and Guarantee Adequate Food in Brazil

The study addresses the human right to water, taking it as an essential component of adequate food, given that the lack of access to clean water reaches more than 1.4 billion people worldwide, according to the United Nations (UN), of which 36 million only in Latin America, according to the World Bank, in 2014 .