Teaching Implementation and Innovation of Design Practice Course With Application of ARCS-V Motivational Model


In response to the changing internet era, teaching strategies must adapt. Particularly, students in design programs must not only possess creativity and practical design skills but also demonstrate social empathy and the ability to solve real-world problems. In past teaching scenarios, it has been observed that students, influenced by digital technology, often lack observation and experiential understanding of the surrounding world. This deficiency leads to a lack of empathy in the conceptual development process of design and a gradual loss of the ability to explore and analyze user needs. Therefore, this study introduces the ARCS-V motivation model into design courses, aiming to enhance students' four key abilities: "Adaptation to Learning," "Exploration of Learning," "Observation in Design," and "Application of Learning." Through methods such as pre-and post-course surveys, non-participant observation, and focus group interviews, the study evaluates students' learning outcomes. The results indicate that the ARCS-V motivation model improves students' learning motivation and the four key abilities mentioned. During interviews, students expressed that the engaging nature of the design topics significantly enhances their learning focus, increases practical design skills during the course, and is perceived as applicable in future workplaces. Eventually, the results obtained through this research, it is not only can improve students' learning initiative and learning effectiveness, but also can cultivate students' perception in the living environment, thereby solidifying the foundation of students' design practical ability. It can also be used as a reference for design practice teaching of other related design education fields and curriculum planning.

Author Information
Luo ShiChen, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Tu Jui-Che, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2024
Stream: Teaching and Learning

This paper is part of the ACAH2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
ShiChen L., & Jui-Che T. (2024) Teaching Implementation and Innovation of Design Practice Course With Application of ARCS-V Motivational Model ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 453-462) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2186-229X.2024.40
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2186-229X.2024.40

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