Category: ACLL2016

Form-Focused Grammar Instruction: Effects on Grammar Accuracy and Oral and Writing Proficiency in English
One of the main goals of second language learners is to develop awareness of the structure of language (Bialystok, 1989). To achieve this goal, there has been a paradigm shift from form-focused to meaning-focused type of instruction over the years. However, in the recent years through a number of research, some researchers have explored the …

Scaffolding Oral Presentation Instruction to Improve Communicative Competence Across Differing Student Levels and Disciplines
With increasing globalization, student acquisition of oral presentation skills has become more important than ever. For students to meet the demands of their future academic and professional roles, they must be taught to give effective oral presentations (≈Ωivkoviƒ_, 2014). As such, instructors have a lot of responsibility to meet the diverse needs of their students …

The Convergence of Last and First-Mile: Practicum Curriculum Redesign for Language Majors
This on-going research intends to explore how Flipped Learning (FL) can be applied to a practicum course design for tertiary-level language programs in Taiwan. Foreign language/literature programs in colleges and their students’ employability are under severe scrutiny and face social criticism. This study incorporates FL framework in an innovative practicum course titled Workshops of Bilingual …

An Interlanguage Pragmatic Study on Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Email Requests
This study aims to investigate EFL learners interlanguage pragmatic development through the elicited request emails addressed to the faculty in an institutional setting. Sixty Taiwanese students of two linguistic levels (i.e., high-intermediate, and low-intermediate) were included and different email tasks with varied imposition levels were designed to examine if and how students use of request …

Teachers’ Beliefs, Practices and Challenges in Using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in an ESL Context in the Philippines
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has as its fundamental goal the promotion of communicative competence. Over the last two decades, many ESL classrooms have adopted CLT into their curricula. Much of this research notes that teachers’ beliefs play a critical role in their understanding and their implementation of CLT in their classrooms. There were however, only …

Videos as a Final Project for Assessment of Spanish as a Foreign Language in High Education Context
The present article shows how we are using audiovisual projects to assess different skills in the Spanish language of a Spanish beginner¬¥s group of students that are learning Spanish as a Foreign Language in a College context. We are using midterm and final projects to evaluate their learning process. It is a variant of Project …

Exploring EFL Learners’ Strategies of How They Improve the Process of Their Writing Assignments
Feedback on EFL/ESL learners’ writing products plays an important role for learners to improve their writing final production (Nicol 2009; Hattie & Timperley, 2007). The authors of this study teach English in a Japanese university and give writing assignments for EFL learners as one of assessments. Although EFL learners are given enough time to finish …

The Moral Imperative of Bi-Cultural Leadership: The Leader Laid Bare
This paper explores my journey as a High School principal as I explore culturally appropriate leadership styles that will ensure equity of educational outcomes for Maori students at Rangiora High School, a large state secondary school in the South Island of New Zealand/Aotearoa. This study was prompted following an analysis of our student achievement data …

Helping Students to Write an Overview for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1
More universities and third level institutions now require at least an IELTS Band 6 for entry into courses of study for non-native speakers of English. This presentation focuses on the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 and in particular on the marking criterion of Task Achievement. A requirement for candidates aiming at Band 6 and above …

Sing and Move – Removing Static English Language Classroom
Often in Taiwan, elementary students learn passively within the English language classroom. The learning environment is static and students appear to be shy, quiet and intimidated. Nevertheless, once outside the classroom, they become energetic, physical active and talkative. Young children’s characteristics might need to be considered in a language classroom to maximize their engagement in …

Language Learning Strategies: The Case of Foreign Multilinguals in a Philippine Secondary School
Studies focused on learner-related factors have grown greatly through the years. However, local research directed on foreign language learners and their language learning styles have remained scarce. It is with this reason that this study was conducted. Using Rebecca Oxford’s study on language learning styles and strategies (2003) as framework, the paper aims to identify …

Enhancing Students Willingness to Communicate in English through Korean Pop Culture: A Case Study
In recent years, Korean pop culture such as Korean drama, pop singers and TV programs have gained popularity in Taiwan, particularly among teenagers. The aim of the present study is to find out whether students_øΩ_øΩ will be more willing to use English to communicate with topics they are interested in.The participants were 37 students from …

A Corpus Stylistics Study of the Mental Clauses and Speech and Thought Presentation of Gilbert’s (2006) ‘Eat Pray Love’
Elizabeth Gilbert’s (2006) memoir Eat Pray Love depicts her journey of self-discovery in her trips to Italy, India and Indonesia following a difficult divorce. Among the three phases of the author’s journey, the ‘eat’ and ‘love’ aspects have received far more responses from readers, but, overall, the author’s experiences with love, loss and the pursuit …

Developing an Instructional Model to Teach Periphery Researchers to Write English Scientific Research Articles for Scholarly Journals
Periphery researchers in sciences have been found to have problems with publications of their research articles (RAs) in scholarly journals. However, the corpus-based studies available tended to focus more on RAs’ features than on the development of pedagogical practices aiming to enhance researchers’ writing ability. Having witnessed these problems among Thai researchers trying to publish …

An Evaluation of Students’ Oral Fluency to Identify Ways to Help Them Improve Their English Speaking Skills
Most English medium institutions in Hong Kong, from kindergarten to tertiary level, are using the Content-and-Language-Integrated-Learning (CLIL) approach to teach. Students have to use English in all the subjects except the Chinese course. The definition of CLIL is that L2 is used in all classes as the teaching and learning medium. In Hong Kong, Chinese …

The Effect of Metalinguistic Feedback and Recasts on Learners’ Uptake and Subsequent Production of Past Simple
This study aimed to investigate the effect of metalinguistic feedback and recasts on learners’ uptake and subsequent production of past simple while engaging in controlled oral tasks. Firstly, related articles on corrective feedback on oral errors are reviewed and the effects of the two feedback types on learners’ accuracy of past simple are discussed. A …

Cooperative Learning in the University EFL Classroom in Japan: A Brief Analysis
Many EFL classrooms at Japanese universities still adopt the traditional ‘teacher-centered approach’, where authority belongs to the teacher and who is the active entity in the classroom. In many cases, the role of the student is a passive one. Many students expect to be ‘spoon-fed’ in their learning process; not speak, but listen and therefore …

Recommend Video Materials to Enhance Language Learning Motivation by Collaborative Filtering Method
Learning English on Internet has become increasingly common, where Internet movies for learning English are also booming. For instance, the VoiceTube, an Internet video platform for learning English, has pluralistic free videos with both Chinese and English captions. Meanwhile, VoiceTube can combine social media to create a learning network community. However, a good recommendation system …

The Role of Duolingo on Foreign Language Learners’ Autonomous Learning
Duolingo, a free language learning software, is lessoned by units semantically and grammatically with different activities (translation, matching, speaking and listening), and available both on the computer and on the mobile phone. As language learning software like Duolingo becomes more and more popular in language learning, Benson (2013) suggested that the modern concept of learner …

The Study of English Listening and Speaking Skills Development by Using Computer Assisted Language Learning of Primary Students in Lampang Province
The purposes of this research were: 1) to study English Listening and Speaking Skills of using Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) for Primary students 2) to study the Primary students’ satisfaction towards the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) program. The target group was 60 grade 4-primary students of Anubanmaemoh School Lampang Province during the first …

General Education with a Purpose: Theme-Based Approaches for Academic Literacy in English
The internationalization of higher education in Thailand has necessarily seen English as a General Education (GE) requirement as it is widely accepted as the medium of academic and vocational instruction. While internationalizing education is important for preparing students for the employment opportunities that globalization has brought to Thailand, it is also about instilling cross-cultural values …

A Dynamic Usage-Based Approach: Using Video Segments in Teaching Listening Skill
In order to achieve the goals of National Foreign Language 2020 Project, the Ministry of Education and Training advocates a shift from traditional Grammar-Translation Method to innovated language teaching methods in the light of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) such as Blended learning, Story – telling, Learn English by Games and Activities, etc. The CLT is …

Effect of Imposition on Refusals of Requests by Vietnamese ESL Learners in Speaking and Emails
This study investigated effect of imposition on how Vietnamese learners of English at different levels of language proficiency refuse requests in speaking and emails. The comparison between two modes (speaking and writing) was also performed. The data was obtained with the support of 24 Vietnamese students in Melbourne, which comprise three groups of eight. Using …

Internships in French-Speaking Environments: First Steps of a Thai University
Internships in French-speaking environments are transformational learning opportunities (TLO) that often contribute to enrich and broaden student learning and personal development. In a Thailand-centric context where the learning of French is losing momentum, it has become necessary over recent years to implement various tools to encourage our learners. Three different internships programs were implemented to …

Psychosociological Predictors of Maritime Students’ English Proficiency
Due to the differing abilities of ESL students in learning a language, many language teachers are prompted to investigate the students’ proficiency in English and its relationship to some selected variables. Most of these inquiries are geared towards the uncovering of insightful facts useful in the teaching of English. This article presents a descriptive-correlation study …

A Comparison of English Textbooks from the Perspectives of Reading: IB Diploma Programs and Japanese Senior High Schools
The Ministry of Education (MEXT) is promoting International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, aiming to increase the number of IB schools in Japan to 200 by 2018 (MEXT, 2012). Although IB programs are recognized as awarding an international qualification, not many educators in Japan are familiar with the programs and there have been few studies conducted to …

Learning Strategies and Learner Attitudes in the Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game Cube World
The rapid progress of technology has revolutionized learning and in the field of computer assisted language learning, use of digital games has expanded significantly. One type of game that has been attracting interest is massively multiplayer online role-playing games (henceforth MMORPGs). Recent research has drawn attention to the potential of these games as arenas for …

A Semantic Study on Verbs of Human Senses in English under Cognitive Linguistics (Versus Vietnamese)
Cognitive Linguistics is a recontextualizing approach. In contrast with formal semantics, the conception of meaning that lies at the basis of this approach is not restricted to a referential, truth-functional type of meaning ‘ the type of meaning that you could express in logical terms.In contrast with formal semantics, the conception of meaning that lies …

The Discourse Strategy of Code Switching on SNS Texts: Focusing on the Case of Chinese-Korean and Chinese
This study aims to figure out the discourse functions of code switching which appears in the texts chatted on SNS, especially Kakaotalk(Korean Mobile Messanger) and Wechat(Chinese Mobile Messanger). In order to satisfy this purpose, this study observed and analyzed several dialogues of 10 Chinese Koreans and 10 Chinese people living in Korea. The results are …