This paper will examine the international management of culture and human resources communication. The various movements of human resources and competencies have implicated the phenomena of culture exchange worldwide. Intercultural conflicts, intercultural competencies, and intercultural management are topics humans did not face decades ago. Researchers worked on these differences and how we can accept and cultivate the cultural differences in society. The modern globalized world is in motion, flows of goods, capital, services, people, information, and ideas. In this context, whenever the issue of economic globalization is addressed, the word always refers to economic globalization, the one that finds its expression in global markets, capital, the flow of products and information, global media operations. In this paper we want to show that globalization will produce universal attitudes, practices, and institutions or a new birth of global culture. Inevitably and most of the time, organization personnel are going to be separated geographically. Organizations also are unable to identify regional, international, market and subculture differences. Companies and international structures operating in different zones and geography will be a determinant for their development. Start with the regional, national international and intercontinental cultures to adapt the product and human resources. In a period of expansion, we need to find new opportunities. Weaknesses in cultural management can limit everyone to their own culture.
Author Information
Geoffrey Ditta, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Spain
Paper Information
Conference: EuroMedia2021
Stream: Critical and Cultural Studies
This paper is part of the EuroMedia2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Ditta G. (2021) Culture and Human Resource Management: Understanding Communication in the Ages of Globalization ISSN: 2188-9643 The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2021: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 69-78) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-9643.2021.7
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-9643.2021.7
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