Category: Cultural Sustainability: Protecting, Preserving and Conserving

Rural Culture Preservation in Rural Tourism Development in Suburban Villages of Large Cities in China: Case Studies of Nanjing
In the context of rapid urbanization, many suburban villages in China have started the tourism-orient transformation by virtue of supporting policies and individual advantages. However, rural cultural decline under disruption and ignorance has become a major pressing issue limiting the rural tourism development and the urban-rural integration process. Recently, scholars and practitioners have drawn attention …

Developing a Cultural Ecosystem Services Valuation Framework for Enhanced Natural Resource Management for Bangladesh’s Forests
From till-date literature review it has been found that there is no universally accepted definition of cultural ecosystem services (CES) and as a result there is no agreed model to incorporate CES valuation into policies. The main reason for this gap is the subjective nature of the sub-categories that make up CES’s definitions. Also, such …

Role of Traditional Market as a Main Component of Javanese Cultural City Space Study Case: The City of Surakarta
Traditional market does not only function as a mere trading place; moreover, it functions as a place for life conception and socio-cultural interaction. In the scope of traditional Javanese city, traditional market is a part of basic component of typical city and an ever-existing part of the spatial arrangement pattern of cities in Java, e.g., …

Concept and Practice of the Cultural Heritage Conservation after Flood Disaster: A Case Study of Ayutthaya, Thailand
Following the flood in 2011, the historical monument sites of Ayutthaya were also affected and damaged, the threat posed to cultural heritage by flood disaster analysed for six zones in Ayutthaya, Thailand. The vulnerability of 84 historical monument sites has been evaluated through a conservation calculation based on the approach conducted is based on previous …

The Dynamism of Old Wooden Houses within the Chiang Mai City Wall
Cultural sustainability is one of the key factors for sustainable development apart from economic growth, environmental stewardship, and social inclusion. It is also associated with protecting, preserving and conserving tangible and intangible heritage. Architectural conservation, giving a sense of identity, spiritual and symbolic as well as functional and economic values, plays an important part for …

Capacity Building towards Improvement of Energy, Environment, and Community Development Compliance in Indonesia: A Case Study of Pesanggaran Power Generation
Gas Fired Power Plant of Pesanggaran is one of power generation unit that currently operated by PT. Indonesia Power – Generation and Service Unit of Bali. Having vision to become World Class Services Company, Pesanggaran Power Plant contributes to Environmental Compliance (PROPER) Awards by Ministry of Environment. PROPER clustered into compliance and beyond compliance assessment …

Ecocinema in the Anthropocene Era
The concept of mind-body dualism rests in the various distinctions human thought has made between the conscious mind, represented as spirit, soul and self, and the seemingly mechanistic actions of the human body and the natural physical world in which it inhabits. It represents a movement of cosmological thought away from animist beliefs which regard …

Natural Ventilation as a Passive Cooling Strategy Aimed at Summer Overheating Reduction in Heritage Buildings: The Case Study of Vleeshuis Museum in Antwerp, Belgium
The challenge of reducing energy demand while improving people indoor comfort also for historical and heritage buildings is becoming an European economic and scientific interest. Historic buildings are not always equipped with mechanical systems for indoor microclimatic control, therefore the indoor climate is strongly dependent from outdoor environmental parameters and specific building dynamic behaviours. Due …

Decreasing the Residential Energy Consumption: Habitual Behaviours of Occupants
In the residential sector, energy demand may be divided mainly into six different types of final energy use: cooking, air heating, water heating, air cooling, lighting and other electric equipment. The energy consumption associated with the different energy services is influenced by the way consumers use each of them, making consumers playing an important role …