Results for: Номер№1 Эксперт Дизайн Человека Human Design Виктория Джем ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА


Lensing the Impact of English as a Lingua Franca

We are living in the first quarter of the 21st century, which has made tremendous progress in transforming the lives of human civilization in every sphere of life from science and technology to medicine, space, and communication, to name a few. However, the century will be remembered in history for the setbacks to civilization in


Communication of Cultural Heritage Through Performing Art: Theatre and Memories of Former Mental Asylums

Traditional theatre performances contain many other arts such as singing, acting, and dancing, consisting of diverse design processes including masks, costumes, people, stories, and place settings. They are perfect examples of synthesis of arts that create a perfect dialogue between space and body helping people to feel, empathize, and experience the culture, history, and the


GPT and Its Implications for Assessment in University Language Courses

This presentation considers the impacts that GPT is having on the assessment of non-native English speakers at a language centre in a university in Hong Kong. This presentation starts with a brief summary of how computer assisted language learning (CALL) has developed over the last few decades to bring us to this point in mid-2023


The Place of French in Botswana’s Language in Education Policy: Contradictions and Paradoxes?

Society prospers on education to shape the individual; formal or informal. In modern times where governments are responsible for the organization of society, education serves as a developmental tool for the citizenry. The choices that a country makes towards developing its nation are very important, Botswana is a case in point with her Vision 2036


Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Towards ChatGPT Among University Students and Faculty: A Preliminary Exploration

Launched on November 30, 2022, ChatGPT has taken the world by storm with its ability to generate human-like text in a conversational style. The reactions varied from enthusiasm about its potential to enhance learning to concerns about its threat to students’ cognitive development and academic integrity. This exploratory study aims to (1) gauge the level


Rejuvenating English Literature with German Humour: De Quincey, Jean Paul, and Thomas Carlyle

In an article published in London Magazine in December 1821, De Quincey begins by stating that French literature is now in ‘the most abject state of senile . . . imbecility’ because of having isolated itself from any intercourse with foreign literature. To rejuvenate itself, English literature should implant into itself German literature after 1789,


The Recollection of Khun Yuam: Music Evokes Memories

Khun Yuam, a small district in Mae Hong Son, northern Thailand, is known as a wood and border trade area. From 1943-1945, the Japanese army retreated to Khun Yuam, and this period became part of the local people’s memories. Furthermore, during music fieldwork in 2021, the researcher interviewed the Ruam Dao Khun Yuam Ensemble, a


Emotion Detection in the Middle Eastern Classroom: Implications for Instruction

The detection of emotions in people’s faces is key to human communication. As such, it is a relevant aspect of instruction in classrooms across the globe where cultural differences exist. Is judging people’s emotions from facial expressions shaped by cultural dichotomies, such as individualism and collectivism? Findings of research using cross-country samples had shown that


Study of Career Education in Global Society

The diversification of employment has progressed, and the practice of lifetime employment, which is a characteristic of Japan, has decreased sharply by the impact of declining birthrate, aging society and structural changes in economy. Under these influences, the environment surrounding employment has been changing. The number of young people who leave their jobs within three


Research on Intensive Development Mechanism of Land Use in Small and Medium-sized Cities in Western China Based on “the Yangtze River Conservation” Strategy

As a crucial national strategy of Chinese national ecological civilization construction, “the Yangtze-River Conservation” aims to achieve the overall planning and balance of ecological protection and urban spatial development at the macro-scale of the entire river basin. In practice, there are significant differences among cities along the Yangtze-River. Different from the central large cities which


Examination of Commonality of Policy Issues Related to AI Development and Dissemination in Major Developed Countries

Artificial intelligence (AI) will rebuild the economy, increase productivity, improve efficiency and reduce costs, contribute to making informed decisions. There are great expectations for AI to drive innovation and growth. As the effects of AI permeate society, the power of change must be exerted for society. On the other hand, AI also raises ethical concerns.


Bridging Social and Environmental Sustainability: Instigating Solidarity through An Eco-friendly Public Art

Although there is a plethora of what sustainability is, approaches tend to address its dimensions separately. The concept of sustainable development originally included a clear social mandate, for two decades the human dimension has been neglected. However, it is clear that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance


Masked Intimacy as New Dating Culture: The Cultural Identity and Gaze in Masked Dating During Post-COVID-19 in Hong Kong and Taiwan

While the world is getting into the post-COVID19 era, the social structure has been reconstructed in many forms, particularly shifting everything into virtual. Precisely, it would be essential to digest the changes of human culture under various regional public health policies implemented. Started with masks shortage at the beginning of 2020, “Mask” has turned into


Strength Through Poetry as We Regain Our Balance in the Cinematic COVID Aftermath

Drawing on aforementioned Seamus Heaney and his symbolic reference to a great sea change or tidal wave indicating that a new chapter is about to begin, and “The City” by contemporary writer Ted Hughes ̶ where a life is read like a poem and in fictional dark [Parisian] city centres the writer roams “my own

ISSN: 2186-2311 The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

ACSEE2021 Online from Tokyo, Japan
Monday, November 1 – Tuesday, November 2, 2021
ISSN: 2186-2311


Education Resilience in Facing Pandemic Covid-19 (Study Case: Batam City, Indonesia)

The pandemic covid-19 in Indonesia had an impact on the education system. The Ministry of Education has produced the policy regarding the acceleration of coronavirus spread prevention in form of policy Number 3/2020 and Ministerial Order of 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 by conducting online learning. The use of technology will be needed to support the policy. However, many


A Collaborative Online International Learning Case Study Between the University of Hawai’i Hilo and Hong Kong Baptist University

With continuous globalization and technological improvements, today’s marketers need to effectively design marketing strategies for global markets that companies of various sizes can pursue. An effective way for students to gain this experience without spending money on travel is to conduct COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) classroom experiences. COIL was first established in 2006 and


Cultural Identity and Home in Randa Jarrar’s A Map of Home

As an estranged Egyptian, Palestinian, and Kuwaiti, Randa Jarrar had a tough upbringing. In her novel, the protagonist ‘Nidali’ somewhat reflects her life. Nidali was smart for her age, rebellious, studious, and curious and like any other kid, she longed for a place she can call home forever. Yet, that was complicated due to the


“Three Little Maids” in Occupied Japan: Domestic Things, The Mikado, and Navy Wife

This study explores the embedded subplot in a forgotten Hollywood film titled Navy Wife (1956), a comedy about three maids in Japan under American occupation. Starring Joan Bennett, Navy Wife depicts American domesticity in Occupied Japan, which the three maids undermine. By adopting Robin Bernstein’s theory of “scriptive things,” this paper examines how a comic


MMORPG Games as a Way of Coping During the Pandemic: A Study on World of Warcraft

Negative effects of coronavirus expand from physical to mental health, thus finding methods for emotional coping and wellness has become crucial. The act of play is a way to improve one’s wellness and it has been discussed as an intrinsic human activity nested in the culture. During quarantines “play” was in the virtual form more


Disparities in Access to Basic Education in Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The purpose of this article is to identify the implications of inequities in access to basic education (SDG 4) during the Coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, and their reflections on structural inequalities. The H-D method is used, focusing on early childhood education, since its deficits reflect on human development and the social exclusion of historically marginalised


Enhancing Undergraduate Cell Biology Learning Through the Application of Gamification

Learning cell biology presents challenges for undergraduates due to its intricate nature, demanding comprehension of complex cell structures and functions within the human body. To address this, the integration of game design principles into non-game contexts, known as gamification, offers an innovative solution. While traditional learning methods encompass lectures and tutorials, the introduction of gamified

ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

BCE2021 Online from Barcelona, Spain
December 8-10, 2021
ISSN: 2435-9467


Homosexuality and African Criminal Justice System: Exploring the Current Laws and Enforcement Regimes in Nigeria

The discussions surrounding the position taken by the various legal systems towards the lifestyles and activities of homosexuals have gained notoriety and remained topical within and outside the academic space. While some nations have reviewed their criminal laws to decriminalize homosexuality in the recent past, others have re-hardened their criminal justice system against it. Most


Liminality in Inclusivity: Faculty Perceptions Towards an Inclusive Educational Community

As Singapore lives with COVID-19, the notion of an inclusive educational community is imperative to enhance the engagement of persons with diverse learning abilities. Over the course of eight months from February to September 2021, concepts of human-centred design, disability through the lens of inclusion, and principles of Universal Design for Learning were examined in


Violence for Self-respect in the Indian Socio-political Context: The Psychological Intricacies Perpetuating Yellow Journalism in Siddhartha Deb’s Surface

This article will read Siddhartha Deb’s novel Surface (2005) to illuminate how an unsuspecting individual becomes prey to yellow journalism. And which Deb imaginatively presents through a diffident journalist’s desperate effort to bolster self-respect by achieving an admirable professional standing among his peers. In the process, to gain readers from the Western countries, Amrit Singh


Historical, Cultural and Religious Aspects of Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Novels

Investigating literature and its interconnection with culture, history and religion is a crucial part of the discussion in contemporary world literature studies. The present research focuses on historical, religious and cultural specificity in “Paradise” (1994) by Nobel prize winner Tanzanian-born English writer Abdulrazak Gurnah. The main focus of the novels concentrates on searching for an


Navigating the Impact of Social Media on Cross-Cultural Learnings and International Mobility: Students’ Perception

In an era marked by the pervasive social media, its evolution transcends from mere communicative instruments to becoming synonymous with communication. Considering that human existence today is heavily characterized by cross-cultural intersections, the present study discusses the transformative influence wielded by social media on the perceptual landscape of cultural distinctions. The study, therefore, is a


Gender-Responsive Library Using Classical Music: An Intervention Tool to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension

The purpose of this research study is to determine and analyze if classical music can help make the library be gender-responsive place and can help improve the reading comprehension of the students. Due to covid-19 pandemic, the research team was not allowed to travel to gather data. So, qualitative design was used in this study


Differentiating Indigenous Career Education in a Canadian Post-Secondary Institution

Developing skills to navigate career development and management is critical to a student’s long-term success and overall well-being. However, Indigenous students do not access career education at the same rate as non-Indigenous students. A 2010 report from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada documented a high unemployment rate for Indigenous youth between ages 15 and


Bridging the Digital Divide: Empowering Ghanaian Youth Through Prudent Internet Usage and Social Media Training

The use of the Internet has significantly influenced modern human interaction and life as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp have become the dominant media for communication and business. Ghana, along with other countries, has witnessed a surge in Internet users, with over 23 million people accessing the Internet by the beginning of 2023. Current scholarship


The Clarinet as a Tangible Acoustic Interface: New Features

This article supports the concept that a clarinet can be transformed and considered as a Tangible Acoustic Interface (TAI), when under the influence of new media art or digital components, and several approaches to achieve it. The traditional instrument, developed over centuries by luthier´s handcraft in collaboration with instrumentalists and composers, underwent an evolution triggered