Category: International Relations & Human Rights


Decoding Everyday Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia

A central problem in examining multiple insecurities in Southeast Asia is at what level of analysis. Besides the more obvious threats and impediments to human security posed by conflict or natural disaster, countries confront different politics of precariousness. Varieties of intersecting circumstances often render situational day-to-day forms of precariousness difficult to recognise and interpret. Yet,


The Historiographical Turn and Attitudes to History in Japanese IR

In recent years, a “historiographical turn” in International Relations has led to a great deal of excavation and critique of long-standing traditions and stories, as well as a re-evaluation of the role of history in disciplinary history identity formation. One of the main strands has focused on the occurrence of a supposed ‘First Great Debate’


Models of European Integration Enlargement or Neighbourhood

MODELS OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION: ENLARGEMENT OR NEIGHBOURHOOD The European Union is set up with the purpose of ending the wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. Because of the political and economic situations, the six founders have decided to expand the community. At the begining, there were only two important point to


Legislation of Open Source Usage in Public and Private Institutions in Comparison in Developing Countries , Existing Legislation and New Challenges

Since 1837 , when Charles Babbage discovered his machine of data analysis , until 1886 , where in Berne , the Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works was signed , the protection of intellectual property developed at a frantic pace until now . The revolution in this field took place during last