Category: Arts – Other Arts

Bridging Tradition and Innovation: Transforming Omani Hand Weaving Motifs Into Contemporary Fiber Art
A creative strategy for protecting and reviving cultural heritage is the investigation and conversion of traditional Omani hand weaving motifs into contemporary fiber art. This article explores the rich history of Omani hand weaving, looking at the customs, patterns, and motifs that are used. Artists are able to create visually striking and culturally significant works …

Art Intervention’s Role in Emotional Resilience Among Myanmar’s Adolescents
This study focuses on the relationship between the impact of art interventions on the emotional wellbeing of Grade 9 and 10 students living in conflicted-affected areas of Myanmar. The study employs a quantitative experimental methodology to examine emotions visually through students’ drawings following the 2021 military coup that has affected every aspect of everyday life, …

Plaster Casts of the Sculptural and Architectural Heritage in the Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts was the first and is the only museum in Croatia to specialize in the collection of plaster casts. It was founded on the principles of and in the spirit of a European-wide phenomenon, the collection of plaster casts that led to the foundation of numbers …

A Study of Literary Characters Who Knew How to Dress Up
Fashion and Literature are two primarily different mediums though they do intersect each other and deviate in their own historic and contemporary times. Fashion in fiction is explanatory, illuminating, symbolic and full of visualization. Some of the best scenes in the literature are braced with fashion. It is assumed that fashion is only about clothing …

From Madeira to Hawaii: Augmented Reality Enhancing Creative Historical Education
The project ‘From Madeira to Hawaii’ stands as an innovative educational initiative that has stimulated creativity and historical research among students. It explores the late 19th-century migrations from Madeira Island to Hawaii. Grounded in the principles of Action Research (Elliott, 1991), the pedagogical process culminated in the creation of an Augmented Reality (AR)-enhanced comic book. …

Revealing the Significance in Liminal Period Through Art Expression Extending the Rubber Band Model to Multi-Dimensional Limitations
It has been stated that severe or long-lasting negative stress, for instance, failure of, or rejection from, valuable events or a person that exceeds the individual’s competencies and capacities to mitigate the impact of loss which happens alongside our lives, is able to trigger depression. Whereas before jumping into the hardly irretrievable depression directly, a …

Hunting Scenes and the Zodiac Signs in the Medieval Georgian Sculpture
Images of hunting scenes play an important role in Georgian cultural heritage. We find these themes, in various forms and interpretations, in almost every century from V to XVIII. There is an interesting aspect of medieval relief sculpture – the “hunter” involved in hunting compositions often. Reveals a connection with the zodiac Sagittarius (e.g., Oshki). …

Adaptation of Barrier-Free Design Approach to Abilities of the Blind and Visually Impaired People With a Tactile Art Space
China has the most significant number of visually impaired people globally, and the disease is increasing every year. With China’s urbanization and steady economic development, people with visual disabilities’ basic living needs can be solved through government security policies. However, only a few long-term museums, art galleries, and public art space resources can provide them …

A Strategy for Resilience: Developing a Narrative of the Imagined Future
Using motifs from the 1484 Jan van Eyck, “The Arnolfini Portrait”, I draw parallels with the processes of narrating an imagined future and of art-making to develop a strategy that has the capacity to navigate through clinical depression and suicidality. Both art-making and creating a narrative of the imagined future call on the imagination to …

Schubert: The Strange and the Supernatural
This study aims to comprehend better the culture surrounding Romantic aesthetics of fantasy and the uncanny during the nineteenth century (c.1800-1890) and evaluate how their expression in Schubert’s music can be understood. Initially, it will examine philosophical writings (Chander 2015; Ffytche) artwork (Crane 2013; Dunekacke 2016) and literature (Geistfeld 2015; Smajic 2003) of the period, …

Soft Heroes and Unusual Detectives: Researching Bodily Parody by Reading Itxaro Borda While Staring at Ana Laura Aláez
The body has become a central element in the Basque cultural production, even if it arrived with some delay in relation to the international practices. Within this context, this case study research examines the use of parody as a strategy to put the female body in the centre. For this purpose, this communication analyses works …

Arts beyond the Patterns: Integrating Illustration and the Cultural and Creative Industries in Digital Evolution for the Masking Tape Design
A second major milestone occurred in 1925 when Richard G. Drew, a young lab assistant, invented masking tape for 3M Company. In the following years, technical progress and graphic design influenced, the masking tape for stationery was born in 2008. Masking Tape comes in a variety of colors and patterns that allow people to decorate …

Power in the Discourse of Art: Ephemeral Arts as Counter-Monuments
This study investigates how transience is articulated in contemporary sculpture. The term, process art was first used in the late 1960s to refer to art made from ephemeral materials. Such ephemeral art changes form over time and its existence is often brief. Observing the effects of time on the materials is usually the essence of …