Category: Design for Society


Design Research as an Instrument of Empathy and Resilience: A Case Study in Porto on Reclusion in a Collective House

Considering the reality of international students who were quarantined in Portuguese student halls of residence during the initial confinement period of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020, this article argues for the role of design research as an instrument of empathy to foster resilience in situations of heightened emotional stress such as the reclusion lived during


Designing an Adrenaline Auto-Injector: The Perception of Shape as an Affordance of Use

Adrenaline auto-injectors are considered an effective and immediate emergency treatment for severe allergic reactions that may result in potentially fatal anaphylaxis if not treated on time. These auto-injectors are designed to be self-administered intramuscularly by the patient or the carer, who are generally instructed on how to apply them; however, studies indicate that these are


Generative Design: Co-Creation Process Between Designer and Computational Thinking

Generative design is a projective tool that allows designers and creators from other areas of knowledge to have applied innovation approaches. It is currently an emerging exploration process that integrates artificial intelligence and parametric design processes, consolidating itself as a milestone in the construction of alternative design proposals. This research analyzes the potential value of


The Need for Socially Responsible Design in a Dynamic Society

In the light of social change diversification, the importance of shaping connections between people and products for more resilient ways of life is growing. The purpose of this paper is to uncover the importance of responsibility and self-cultivation of designers in social change diversification. For this aim, this paper reflects on a case study of


The Role of Design: A Humanitarian Approach and an Opportunity to Prepare Students for the Real Working World

This study aims to contextualise and describe a pedagogical practice developed in the Academic curriculum at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP) in the first semester of 2021/22 with students from the 2nd year of Communication Design bachelor. A pencil for a school is a solidarity campaign to help build a school in the village of