Comparative Analysis of Thinking Process Between Designer and Engineer Based on Case Application of Multispace Design Method


This paper describes each feature of thinking process for a designer and an engineer based on comparative analysis applying Multispace Design method (M method) to the bench design. Additionally, it is indicated that a utility of M method for an unrestricted idea generation and precise design thinking. M Method is a design method that combines idea generation and analysis methods based on the Multispace Design Model, which is a framework to arrange elements used in design. Using the M method, user can derive precise design thinking. In addition, this method aims to correspond to various usages. In the past study, the usage for precise design thinking was confirmed thorough case application by a professional designer. As the result of case application in this research, it was confirmed that a feature of designer's thinking process: multiple and diverse idea deployment in order to derive diverse solutions by obtaining hints from various viewpoints based on active extraction of design elements. Moreover, an engineer's thinking process has a following feature: idea deployment by logical and top-down thinking using classification and arrangement based on extraction of design elements along the lines of a theme. Thus, from the comparative analysis of case applications, it was indicated that each feature of thinking process by different users.As the result, the usage of unrestricted idea generation and  precise design thinking was confirmed, and it was suggested that the design method could perform precise design thinking corresponding to various users.

Author Information
Shuji Takano, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan
Koichiro Sato, Keio University, Japan
Takeo Kato, Tokai University, Japan
Yoshiyuki Matsuoka, Keio University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2013
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the ACE2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Takano S., Sato K., Kato T., & Matsuoka Y. (1970) Comparative Analysis of Thinking Process Between Designer and Engineer Based on Case Application of Multispace Design Method ISSN: 2186-5892 – The Asian Conference on Education 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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