Category: Linguistics, Language and Cultural Studies

Traditional Knowledge, Culture and Ecology of the Kajang Custom Area: An Ecosemiotics Study
The modernization of society may corrode and influence the culture prevalent in general, but it will not have the same effect on the culture of the Kajang traditional community. The urgency of this inquiry is prompted by the fact that Kajang remains unaffected by the passage of time. This research aims to explain (1) the …

Unveiling the Invisible Cocoon: Learning Experiences of Chinese International Students in a UK University
This research explored the impact of Chinese international students’ cultural values on their study in the UK. It was designed to reveal patterns in the challenges and experiences encountered by Chinese international students as they adapted to the English-speaking academic environment in the UK over time; and look into the relationships between these experiences and …

Gender-Differences in the Use of Communication Strategies in Romantic Relationships
This research explores gender differences in communication within romantic relationships, focusing on university students due to a literature gap in this demographic. The study investigates how they endorsed communication strategies for conflict resolution and expressions forgiveness. Online questionnaires were distributed over three months, with 200 Taiwanese university students participating in this survey. Using independent-samples t-tests, …

Non-English Major Undergraduate Student’s Perception of How Speaking Anxiety Interacts With Socio-Cultural Factors
Speaking is a crucial component of human language. Language learning and acquisition allow individuals to engage, share knowledge, and communicate with one another. Until now, using English as a second or foreign language every day might be difficult. Uneasy feelings, nervousness, or a sense of fear caused by a person’s perception of learning or using …

Empowering Academia Through Self-Narratives for Professional Development in Synthetic and Human-Generated Podcasts
Social and emotional learning are defining characteristics for mapping identities not only in personal schemata but also professionally speaking. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are driving principles for students as well as teachers. A person who is heard, understood, and included will bring forth the best possible outcomes for one’s community. In this paper, advancing inclusive …

Marked Lexis in Specific Religious Texts
Sermons are characterised by a well-thought-out formal composition and detailed content argumentation. The study aims to interpret linguistic devices from selected rhetorical speeches, which influence the addressee persuasively, didactically as well and aesthetically. Special-occasion rhetorical speeches have a more complex linguistic-compositional structure; a certain degree of subjectivity and expressiveness is applied in these speeches (cf. …

The Invisibility of Translator’s Presence
“I see translation as the attempt to produce a text so transparent that it does not seem to be translated. A good translation is like a pane of glass. You only notice that it’s there when there are little imperfections— scratches, bubbles. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any. It should never call attention to itself.” Norman …

Heritage and Non-Heritage Arabic Learners: Towards an Inclusive Arabic Curriculum
Research on Arabic as a heritage, critical, and foreign language in the US context has enriched the field of language acquisition and other fields (Albirini 2018; Benmamoun 2015). Most of that research studied each group of students (heritage, non-heritage/foreign) in isolation. However, Arabic classrooms in the US are populated by diverse students including those from …

A Multimodal Analysis of An NGO’s Promotional Video
Resolution: Possible is an NGO that makes efforts to remind people of the impact their actions and choices have on this planet and explore how to prevent this impact from being a negative one. In the analysis of this video in this study, I will investigate how the environmental discourse is represented and communicated with …

The Differences of Online Dating Profiles Between Gay Adults of Younger and Older Age Ranges
Recently, the use of online dating appears to be an increasingly common and effective means for single gay adults to pursue online dating for the hope to build romantic relationships. Yet, little is known about the strategies of their self-presentations for the purposes of marketing themselves and the intentions underlying the designs of photos and …

Unveiling the Pragmatics of Maguindanaon Greetings
This study examines the pragmatics of Maguindanaon greetings using the S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G. tools of situation, participants, ends, speech acts, key, instrumentality, norms of communication, and cultural or traditional speech genres, drawing from the theory of Dell Hymes’ ethnography of communication (1974). This uses an ethnographic research tool to investigate how greetings function among the Maguindanaon as …

A Corpus-based Study of Sexist Language in the Hashtag #everydaysexism on Twitter
This paper examines the Twitter hashtag #everydaysexism as the discourse of sexist language about the digital feminist movement, focusing on the fourth wave of feminism. Twitter users use #everydaysexism to “shouting back” and expose their experiences relating to sexism in daily life. The corpora consist of 1118 tweets in the hashtag #everydaysexism that include all …

Cross-cultural Language in Clint Eastwood’s Western
This is a corpus-based text analysis of some of Clint Eastwood’s Western movies. Eastwood starred in and directed numerous Westerns. The present study looks at cross-cultural language used in four of his films; Unforgiven, High Plains Drifter, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Gran Torino (which is not strictly a Western) using the full movie scripts. To understand …

The Analysis of Cultural and Visual Symbols in the Political Campaigns of the Right-wing Populism in German Speaking Countries
The growing importance of the right-wing political parties in the central and eastern European countries in the 21th century shows, that our present is determined by the atmosphere but also by the fear of rising nationalism. The paper would like to help to understand the strategies and techniques of the political campaigns, which lead to …

An Analysis of Pembayuns Speech Acts in the Sorong Serah Ceremony of Sasak Marriage: A Ritualistic Discourse Study
This study investigated the Pembayuns speech acts in Sorong Serah ceremony of the Sasak marriage. As such, it examined the speech events that occurred within the ritual of the ceremony. It was designed as a descriptive qualitative research of the ethnography of communication type and employed observations and interviews as methods of data collection. Video …