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ISSN: 2432-4264 The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2016: Official Conference Proceedings

CITY2016 NH Collection Barcelona Constanza, Barcelona, Spain
CITY2016 Conference Theme: “The City: Site and History”
Saturday, July 16 – Monday, July 18, 2016
ISSN: 2432-4264

ISSN: 2432-4264 The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2018: Official Conference Proceedings

CITY2018 University of Barcelona & NH Collection Barcelona Constanza, Barcelona, Spain
CITY2018 Conference Theme: “Fearful Futures: Cities in the Twenty-First Century”
Friday, July 13 – Sunday, July 15, 2018
ISSN: 2432-4264

ISSN: 2432-4264 The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2017: Official Conference Proceedings

CITY2017 NH Collection Barcelona Constanza, Barcelona, Spain
CITY2017 Conference Theme: “Cities of the World. World Cities.”
Friday, July 14 – Sunday, July 16, 2017
ISSN: 2432-4264

ISSN: 2188-9635 – The European Conference on Cultural Studies 2016: Official Conference Proceedings

ECCS2016 The Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront, Brighton, United Kingdom
ECCS2016 Conference Theme: “Cultural Struggle and Praxis: Negotiating Power and the Everyday”
Monday, July 11 – Thursday, July 14, 2016
ISSN: 2188-9635

ISSN: 2188-9643 The European Conference on Media, Communication and Film 2015: Official Conference Proceedings

EUROMEDIA2015 Thistle Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
EUROMEDIA2015 Conference Theme: “Human Rights, Justice, Media and Culture” & “Power”
Monday, July 13 – Thursday, July 16, 2015
ISSN: 2188-9643

ISSN: 2188-1146 – The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2015: Official Conference Proceedings

ECSEE2015 Thistle Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
ECSEE2015 Conference Theme: “Power”
Thursday, July 9 – Sunday, July 12, 2015
ISSN: 2188-1146

ISSN: 2188-9627 The European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2015: Official Conference Proceedings

ECP2015 Thistle Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
ECP2015 Conference Theme: “Power”
Monday, July 6, 2015 – Wednesday, July 8, 2015
ISSN: 2188-9627

ISSN: 2186-4705 – The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2016: Official Conference Proceedings

ACTC2016 Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Convergence and Divergence”
Thursday, April 28 – Sunday, May 1 2016
ISSN: 2186-4705

ISSN: 2432-1222 – The IAFOR International Conference on Technology in the Classroom – Hawaii 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

IICTCHawaii2017, The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Conference Theme: “Educating for Change”
Sunday, January 8 – Tuesday, January 10, 2017
ISSN: 2432-1222

ISSN: 2186-4705 – The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2017: Official Conference Proceedings

ACTC2017 Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Educating for Change”
Thursday, May 11 – Sunday, May 14 2017
ISSN: 2186-4705

ISSN: 2435-7030 – The Asian Conference on Language 2020: Official Conference Proceedings

ACL2020 Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 30 – Wednesday, April 1, 2020
ISSN: 2435-7030

ISSN: 2435-7030 – The Asian Conference on Language 2022: Official Conference Proceedings

ACL2022, Online from Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Friday, March 25 – Sunday, April 27, 2022
ISSN: 2435-7030

ISSN: 2435-7030 – The Asian Conference on Language 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

ACL2021, Online from Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Thursday, March 25 – Saturday, April 27, 2021
ISSN: 2435-7030

ISSN: 2186-4691 – The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2018: Official Conference Proceedings

ACLL2018 Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Surviving and Thriving: Education in Times of Change”
Friday, April 27 – Sunday, April 29 2018
ISSN: 2186-4691

ISSN: 2186-4691 – The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2017: Official Conference Proceedings

ACLL2017 Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Educating for Change”
Thursday, May 11 – Sunday, May 14 2017
ISSN: 2186-4691

ISSN: 2189-1044 – The IAFOR International Conference on Language Learning – Hawaii 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

IICLLHawaii2017, The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Conference Theme: “Educating for Change”
Sunday, January 8 – Tuesday, January 10, 2017
ISSN: 2189-1044

ISSN: 2186-4691 – The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2016: Official Conference Proceedings

ACLL2016 Art Center of Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Convergence and Divergence”
Thursday, April 28 – Sunday, May 1 2016
ISSN: 2186-4691

ISSN: 2758-0989 – The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

ECADE2022 – Held onsite and online from the University of Porto, Portugal
Thursday, July 7 – Sunday, July 10, 2022
ISSN: 2758-0989

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2021 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2021, Online Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 29 – Wednesday, March 31, 2021
ISSN: 2187-4743

ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2021 Official Conference Proceedings

ACERP2021, Online Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 29 – Wednesday, March 31, 2021
ISSN: 2187-476X

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2021 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2021 – Held online from Tokyo, Japan
Monday, May 24 – Wednesday, May 26, 2021
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2021, Online from Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 21 – Wednesday, March 23, 2022
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

ACERP2022, Online Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Tuesday, March 29 – Thursday, March 31, 2022
ISSN: 2187-476X

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2022, Online Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Tuesday, March 29 – Thursday, March 31, 2022
ISSN: 2187-4743

ISSN: 2435-1202 – The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation: 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

ERI2022, The Inn at Virginia Tech, Virginia, United States
Conference Theme: “Learning Beyond Boundaries”
Thursday, May 05 – Saturday, May 07, 2022
ISSN: 2435-1202

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2022 – Held online from Tokyo, Japan
Wednesday, June 1 – Saturday, June 4, 2022
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2758-0970 The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities 2022 Official Conference Proceedings

PCAH2022 – La Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France
Thursday, June 16 – Sunday, June 19, 2022
ISSN: 2758-0970

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2024 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2024, Onsite and Online from the Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 25 – Friday, March 29, 2024
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2023 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2023, Onsite and Online from the Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 27 – Thursday, March 30, 2023
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2023 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2023, Onsite and Online from the Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Friday, March 31 – Monday, April 3, 2023
ISSN: 2187-4743

ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2023 Official Conference Proceedings

ACERP2023, Onsite and Online from the Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Friday, March 31 – Monday, April 3, 2023
ISSN: 2187-476X

ISSN: 2435-1202 – The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation: 2023 Official Conference Proceedings

ERI2023, Virginia Tech Executive Briefing Center in Arlington, United States
Conference Theme: “Learning Beyond Boundaries”
Thursday, April 21 – Monday, April 24, 2023
ISSN: 2435-1202

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2023 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2023 – Held in Tokyo, Japan, and Online
Friday, May 26 – Monday, May 29, 2023
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2758-0970 The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities 2023 Official Conference Proceedings

PCAH2023 – La Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France
Friday, June 16 – Monday, June 19, 2023
ISSN: 2758-0970

ISSN: 2758-9374 APISA 17th Annual Congress (APISA2023) Official Conference Proceedings

APISA2023 – Warmadewa College, Bali, Indonesia
Thursday, June 29 to Saturday, July 1, 2023
ISSN: 2758-9374

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2024 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2024, Onsite and Online from the Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 25 – Friday, March 29, 2024
ISSN: 2187-4743

ISSN: 2432-8642 – The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment – Hawaii 2021 Official Conference Proceedings

January 06-10, 2021 | Held online from Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
ISSN: 2432-8642

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2024 – Held in Tokyo, Japan, and Online
Thursday, May 23 to Monday, May 27, 2024
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2758-0970 The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities 2024 Official Conference Proceedings

PCAH2024 – La Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France
Thursday, June 13 – Monday, June 17, 2024
ISSN: 2758-0970

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2021 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2021, Online from Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 22 – Wednesday, March 24, 2021
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2019 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2019, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Themes: “Value and Values”
Thursday, March 21 – Saturday, March 23, 2019
ISSN: 2187-4743

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2020 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2020, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Sunday, May 24- Wednesday, May 27, 2020
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2018 Official Conference Proceedings

ACERP2018, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Themes: “Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change”
Thursday, March 22 – Saturday, March 24, 2018
ISSN: 2187-476X

ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

IICEHawaii2017, The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Conference Theme: “Educating for Change”
Sunday, January 8 – Tuesday, January 10, 2017
ISSN: 2189-1036

ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

ACERP2017, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Themes: “Identity” & “History, Story & Narrative”
Wednesday, March 22 – Saturday, March 25, 2017
ISSN: 2187-476X

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2017, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Themes: “Identity: Personalising & Situating Psychology”
Wednesday, March 22 – Saturday, March 25, 2017
ISSN: 2187-4743

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2017, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Educating for Change”
Sunday, March 26 – Wednesday, March 29, 2017
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2186-2281 – The Asian Conference on Literature 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

LibrAsia2017, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “History, Story, Narrative”
Sunday, March 30 – Tuesday, April 2, 2017
ISSN: 2186-2281

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2017 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2017, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “History, Story, Narrative”
Sunday, March 30 – Tuesday, April 2, 2017
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2018 Official Conference Proceedings

IICEHawaii2018, The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Conference Theme: “Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change”
Thursday, January 4 – Saturday, January 6, 2018
ISSN: 2189-1036

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2018 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2018, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Themes: “Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change”
Thursday, March 22 – Saturday, March 24, 2018
ISSN: 2187-4743

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2018 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2018, Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Surviving and Thriving: Education in Times of Change”
Monday, March 26 – Wednesday, March 28, 2018
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2020 Official Conference Proceedings

ACERP2020, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Friday, March 27 – Sunday, March 29, 2020
ISSN: 2187-476X

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2018 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2018, Hyōgo Prefectural Museum of Art & Art Center Kobe, Kobe, Japan
Conference Theme: “Recentering: Asian Spaces, Cultures and Ideas in the 21st Century”
Friday, March 30 – Sunday, April 1, 2018
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2019 Official Conference Proceedings

IICEHawaii2019, The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Conference Theme: “Independence & Interdependence”
Friday, January 3 – Sunday, January 5, 2019
ISSN: 2189-1036

ISSN: 2187-476X – The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2019 Official Conference Proceedings

ACERP2019, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: “Value and Values”
Thursday, March 21 – Saturday, March 23, 2019
ISSN: 2187-476X

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2019 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2019, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Monday, March 25 – Wednesday, March 27, 2019
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2019 Official Conference Proceedings

ACAH2019, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Friday, March 29 – Sunday, March 31, 2019
ISSN: 2186-229X

ISSN: 2435-1202 – The IAFOR Conference on Educational Research & Innovation 2019 Official Conference Proceedings

ERI2019, The Inn at Virginia Tech, Virginia, United States
Conference Theme: “Learning Beyond Boundaries”
Monday, May 06 – Wednesday, May 08, 2019
ISSN: 2435-1202

ISSN: 2432-8642 – The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment – Hawaii 2020 Official Conference Proceedings

IICEHawaii2020, The Hawai‘i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Friday, January 10 – Sunday, January 12, 2020
ISSN: 2432-8642


Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Fall Risk for Older People – Community Setting (FROP-Com) to Thai Version: Psychometric Properties

Fall Risk for Older People – Community Setting (FROP-Com) was developed in Australia. It has the ability to predict falls in older people through 13 risk factors being rated on a graded 0-3 scale. We needed a qualified Thai-version FROP-Com questionnaire to assess multifactorial risks of falls in our community-dwelling elderly and this could lead

ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2020 Official Conference Proceedings

ACEID2020, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Tuesday, March 24 – Thursday, March 26, 2020
ISSN: 2189-101X

ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences 2020 Official Conference Proceedings

ACP2020, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Friday, March 27 – Sunday, March 29, 2020
ISSN: 2187-4743


Navigating Indonesian Media Independence: An Analysis of’s Framing of the Government’s Physical Distancing Policy

Government power and control of the media are two things that always go together. The government must continually exert control over the media to retain its hegemony. As a control node, the concept of laws and regulations arises. This event makes the media a supporter and agent of the government’s interests. This paper aims to


Language Use and Identity within the Virtual Community of

This paper introduces the virtual community of the website, a global community of 1,261 web forum posters, where globalizing and localizing techno-linguistic trends are simultaneously manifested by web forum posters who strategically select between English, Arabic, and 3arabizi, an online Arabic-English hybrid language, in order to project different online identities. To illustrate these trends,


Transmedia Adaptation: A Content Analysis of Audience’s Perception of Chinese Intellectual Property TV Series—“The Bad Kids” on the

This research paper aims to explore the audience’s perception of the “transmedia adaptation” of the Chinese intellectual property (IP) TV series “The Bad Kids” on the popular Chinese social media platform, The study utilizes a quantitative content analysis approach to examine audience comments and sentiments regarding the adaptation. The research question focuses on how


Developing a Textbook of Writing Pantun, Syair, and Acrostic Poetry by Using the Website and

This study was aimed to develop a textbook of writing pantun, syair, and acrostic poetry by using the website and The researcher used the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model (Branch, 2009) which the steps were Analyzing, Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating. The results of the need analysis with a closed

ISSN: 2186-4691 – The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2012 – Official Conference Proceedings

“Globalization, Culture and Society: What role does language play?”
April 26-28 2012, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2186-4691

ISSN: 2186-5906 – The Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings

MediAsia 2013, Osaka, Japan – Social Media and Responsibility; Globalization and Internationalization; Connectedness, Identity and Alienation
Osaka, Japan
November 8-10, 2013

ISSN: 2186-5892 – The Asian Conference on Education 2012 – Official Conference Proceedings

“Learning and Teaching Through Transformative Spaces”
October 24-38 2012, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2186-5892

ISSN: 2187-5294 – The Asian Conference on Film and Documentary 2012 – Official Conference Proceedings

‘Exchanges and Encounters’
‘Journeys and Discovery’
‘Elation and Despair’
November 2-4 2012, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2187-5294

ISSN: 2186-5906 – The Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication 2012 – Official Conference Proceedings

1: Social Media Usage, Over-Usage and Addictive Patterns
2: Globalization and Internationalization: Performance and Outlook
3: Communication Ethics and the Media’s Social Responsibility: Power & Responsibility in an Era of Change’
November 2-4 2012, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2186-5906

ISSN: 2186-5914 – The Asian Business & Management Conference 2012 – Official Conference Proceedings

Negotiating a Way Forward: Asia Post Crisis and Post Catastrophe
November 16-18 2012
Osaka, JapanISSN: 2186-5914

ISSN: 2186-4705 – The Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2012 – Official Conference Proceedings

Globalization, Culture and Society: What role does language play?
April 26-28 2012, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2186-4705


Connectedness, Identity and Alienation and the Japanese 2012 Election

The Japanese 2012 election on December 16th saw the defeat of the centre-right Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), returning the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to power, with its leader Shinzo Abe returning as Prime Minister for a second term. However, the election exposed the extent of voter alienation, the weak sense of party identity,


A Novel Process Framework for Digital Forensics Tools: Based on ISO/IEC 27037:2012

Digital crime has reached unprecedented proportions nowadays. In order to assist digital forensics specialists, many digital forensics tools have been designed from open source programs or business software, which are based on law, policy and practice. Digital crime investigators often encounter a dilemma in choosing proper tools on the workflow of identifying, collecting, acquiring and


Association of Engagement, Drive and Self-Beliefs to Academic Resilience: An Analysis of Data from PISA 2012

This article explored the association of three broad themes ‘students’ school engagement, drive and motivation, and self-beliefs, dispositions and participation in mathematics activities – to academic resilience. The analysis was based on the mathematics performance of students in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012. Academically resilient students (RES) were disadvantaged in terms of


The Impact of Health on Labour Productivity in Nigeria From 1970 to 2012, Applying the Standard Neo-Classical Growth Framework

This study estimates the impact of health on labour productivity in Nigeria from 1970 to 2012, applying the standard neo-classical growth framework. Using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique, Cointegration and Granger Causality test procedures, the Unit root test result shows that five of the variables, PERCAPITA, LABFORCE, EDUCATIO, AGRICULT and HEALTH are not stationary at


Facebook : Communication Behavior of Thai Teenagers in the Public Sphere

Currently, young people are increasingly using the Internet, especially social networking sites. has grown dramatically with many researches showing that the largest group of Facebook users are adolescents. The research of “Communication Behavior of Thai Teenagers in Public Sphere: A Case Study of Social Networking Website Facebook” conducts three methods: an informal interview of


Identity and Values of Malaysian Muslims among Women and Their Metaphors in Fashion (2000-2012)

Identity of the Malays refer to three phases, which are myth, philosophy and functional. The myth reflects the “Malay world”, religion and politics are philosophical and functional reflects the metaphors that visualise identity. Malay when paired with women becomes another 3 identities which are Muslim, Malay and Malaysian. Since Malaysia is a country that clearly


Wiwat Meesuwan (2012) Development of the Instructional Package Together with Augmented Reality, Pitsanulok, Naresuan University

This study included four objectives; 1) to examine the components of the teaching and learning package together with the Augmented Reality, 2) to develop the teaching and learning package together with the Augmented Reality based on the components studied, and 3) to compare the pre-learning and post-learning achievement of the learners, 4) to explore the


Village Voiced, Village Empowered: A Case Study of the Citizen Journalism Practice Using New Media as a Medium of Empowering the Villagers at Banyumas Regency in 2012-2013

Village is basis of the poor in Indonesia. This condition has placed Village as the main target of the poverty-eradicating program. Unfortunately, the development program that has been implemented in Village is ineffective. So far, Village is viewed more as passive object with limited authority to manage itself independently. The condition above encourages a group


Flipped Classroom: The Case of Professional English Writing Course

Recently the teaching trend is to keep up-to-date with the boom in technology. Flipped teaching, which is rated as one of the “top trends in educational technology” (Watters, 2012), has gained foot in the EFL/ESL classrooms only recently (Fahim & Khalil, 2015; Bauer-Ramazani, Graney, Marshall, & Sabieh, 2016). To follow the teaching trend, the researcher


Perceived Barriers to, and Benefits of Physical Activity Among Injured or Sick British Military Veterans: A Behaviour Change Wheel Perspective

Background Physical activity (PA) has been shown to have many positive benefits for wounded, injured, and/or sick (WIS) British military veterans. Before PA is promoted in this population, however, it is important to understand the perceived barriers to, and benefits involved. Yet, to date, research has not explored this topic; despite many WIS veteran PA


Representation of Chinese-Sundanese Ethnic Identity in Suryakencana Bogor through Code Switching and Code Mixing

Indonesia has 1340 ethnic groups with 300 different ethnic groups recorded ( According to Hasbullah (, there are around 726 regional languages in Indonesia, but only 456 regional languages have been successfully mapped. Indonesian language as a national language is use when one ethnic group wants to communicate with another ethnic group. Language according to


Student Voice’s Experiences for the Teacher Development an Analysis of Best Practice Guidelines.

Based on the idea of inclusive education, a lot of initiatives are being carried out in order to improve the presence, participation or success of students at school, paying especial attention on those who due to gender, age, ability or ethnicity have been traditionally marginalized, silenced and have been suffered a process of “disempowerment” (Fielding,


An Intersectional Understanding of International Female Doctoral Students’ Narratives

Many Australian universities engage in significant efforts to recruit international students (Adams, Leventhal, & Connelly, 2012), but comparatively hire less in strategies to ensure their academic and social adjustment (Pekerti, Fons, Moeller, & Okimoto, 2020). In seeking strategies for enhanced student experience, Australian University Quality Agencies offers supports across universities in planning models for identifying


“Sorry, My Birthday Party Has Been Cancelled.” – Considerations of Puppetry and Conscious Literature Education on Serious Themes of Covid-2019 and Climate Exchange in Early Childhood Education

This presentation will focus on the possibilities of puppetry and conscious literature education (bibliotherapy approach) in early childhood education teacher studies (ECE), and thus later, also among children in kindergartens. Students (200) are in the middle of a process in puppetry and children’s literature. Process is about strong emotions (see Trevarthen 2012, 263), and puppetry


News Framing of the Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Coverage: A Comparative Study of the Philippines Inquirer and the Wall Street Journal News Sites

Natural disasters, which strikes without warning and leaves limited scope of preparedness, is a potentially traumatic event that is collectively experienced with severe consequences. With its high news values, natural disasters gains attention of the media, and therefore is given foremost and extensive coverage, particularly on news sites which allow readers to access to the


Massive Open Online Classes (MOOCs) are Not Dead: An Overview of Geographic and Degree Trends in MOOCs

In 2012, the New York Times proclaimed it was the year of the MOOC. By 2015, most academics in higher education in the United States and Europe were saying MOOCs are dead. During this presentation, I will present an overview of MOOCs from 2012 through 2019. I will walk through different product developments with a


Luang Prabang Film Festival: 3 Years of Strength with the Power of Movie Fanatics to Enhance Filmmaking in Southeast Asia

The Luang Prabang Film Festival was founded in 2010 by Gabriel Kuperman, an American expat who had a strong passion for both film and this old capital city. The festival was run by an organized group called The Not-For-Profit Luang Prabang Film Festival (LPFF). The 3rdyear of this festival was held in December 1-5, 2012.


Development of Teach by Social Networks

The objectives of this research were to compare the achievement of students’ learning through Social Networks ss to study the students’ recommendation of studying through Social Networks ss. The sample of this experimental research was 60 students in Communication Research Course, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, 1st Semester, Academic Year 2555/2012. The 30-student random sampling group taught


Media Websites and Their Visitors’ Choices on Cookies

Cookies are small bits of data that are being sent from the websites a user visits and downloaded to their computers.They appeared immediately after the introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW) and are now widely used.By using these particular pieces of information, websites have the capability to offer customized services covering the personalized needs


Increasing ESP Student Engagement through a Process of Structured Feedback

Student engagement is a common concern among many instructors in higher education (Fraser, 2012). This is particularly true relative to student feedback. Indeed, of all the responsibilities inherent in university teaching, grading papers and offering feedback is considered one of the most important, yet least enjoyable among instructors. There are numerous reasons for this, including


Bilingual Language Production: Shared or Separate Processing?

Language production processes have recently been of interest to many psycholinguistic researchers. While human beings are able to acquire multiple languages at the same time, this has pointed to the fact that different mental cognitive processes may be involved in multilingual language production. An existing debate in bilingual research is the question whether the mental


A Case Study in Complexity and Accuracy in Development in ESL Academic Writing: A Dynamic Perspective

This presentation is a case study on the development of complexity and accuracy in an advanced English learner’s academic writing over one semester. Studies on complexity and accuracy measures in second language (L2) development have shown diversified results. While some studies suggest a trade-off relationship between complexity and accuracy (Skehan, 1998, 2009; Skehan & Foster,


Study on Quality Parameters of Raw Natural Water for the Production of Tap Water at Bangka Sub-District, Ratchasan District, Chachoengsao

The study of water quality in Bangka Sub-District, Ratchasan District, Chachoengsao Province, Thailand used the survey research approach. The study was undertaken to determine the quality of raw natural water before use as raw material to produce tap water. The findings would be submitted to the Provincial Authority of Waterworks to consider changes to the


Migration in Context of Academic and Career Aspirations Among Senior Secondary School Students of Punjab

Educational and occupational aspirations are universal traits (Kriesi,2019). The formation of aspirations is a central developmental task in adolescence (Hegna,2014). In the Indian context, these aspirations are linked to different social status positions and opportunity structures (Rani,2012). Both types of aspirations are influenced by academic achievement, which varies according to social origin (Sewell et al.,


A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students’ Perception of the Impact of Parent Involvement on Academic Intrinsic Motivation

Motivation plays a crucial role in student’s academic growth and research shows that students who are intrinsically motivated tend to achieve higher academic growth (Mendoza, 2012). Self determination theory (Gagne & Deci, 2005) proposes a continuum that shows the connection of intrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation. Studies show that parental involvement is one of the


School Websites as Mechanism for Good Governance Basis for E-Governance Initiatives

Websites are believed to be the central public information sharing networks which potentially involve the public in communicating, participating, and sharing public information and services (Sandoval-Almazan & Gil-Garcia, 2012); hence, the crafting of the national government’s E-Government Master Plan (EGMP) in 2012. In compliance with EGMP, the Schools Division Office of Imus City implemented Project


Curriculum Review of the BS Pharmacy Program of a Local University in the NCR, Philippines: A Mechanism for Quality Assurance

The Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy program at a local university in the NCR was officially approved on February 10, 2012 by virtue of the Board Resolution No. 2012-029. Curriculum enhancements were made in order to align with the thrust of the local university. On December 2021, the new PSGs for BS Pharmacy program was


Envisioning a Healthier Build Environment for Elderly People with Dementia in Denmark – A Conservatory for People and Plants

Recent scientific research has shown how exposure to daylight, clean air and continual contact with greenery, natural elements and habitats are crucial factors for human well-being (e.g. Gonzalez & Kirkevold, 2014; Detweiler et al, 2012). In the wake of these findings, it is highly important to improve access to facilities that enable and promote these


The Impact of Camera Innovations on Visual Aesthetics in Documentary Films – A Filmmakers Perspective

Innovations in camera technology often have a direct impact on the moving image aesthetics. This is especially true for documentary film productions, where cheaper camera models from the consumer and semi-professional sectors are frequently used (Ellis, Documentary: Witness and Self-revelation, 2012). Documentary filmmakers have strongly responded to the new possibilities of portable camcorders and other


Mapping Narrative Trajectories in Documentary Films

Documentary films may set out to be objective but most end up advocating a point of view (Fox 2011, Taibbi, 2013). This seems to be true even of films attempting to follow a cinéma vérité style. The approach may be subtle and well-meaning as in the films of National Geographic, or openly confrontative as in


Implementing Second Life in Higher Education: A Literature Review

Many educators around the world have shown an interest in three-dimensional virtual world such as Second Life in order to increase the level of student engagement. This paper aims to study on the implementation of second life in Higher Education. The research methodology was analyzing and synthesizing the literature review. The literatures were reviewed to


The Influence of Advertising in Thai Local Cable TV on the Audience’s Attitudes and Behaviour

This study examines the approaches of advertising in Thai local cable TV by in-depth interviews with key informants to assess types and forms of advertising broadcast during January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 and to determine whether the advertising contents violate the Food and Drug Administration Act and the Consumer Protection Act B.E. 2522.


Investigating Farm Land Ownership: Farm Land Owner’s Response to Regional Growth and Sustainable Agriculture in Indonesia

In Indonesia, farmland is necessary to meet increasing food demand caused by continuing population growth (WFP, 2009). Import restriction of rice (Kemendag, 2008) and progressive farmland conversion (BPS, 2003) have made the achievement of self sufficient rice so challenging. To secure rice production, farmland as main production capital must be preserved. In addition, sustainable agriculture


Surrogacy on Stage. Theater, Movies and Documentaries about Assisted Reproduction, Kinship and (be)longings

During the last decades, India has become a popular destination for fertility tourism and a growing number of Indian fertility clinics offer treatments and surrogacy services to both Indian and Western customers at prices very competitive to a Western marked. Also artists, theater- and film producers have taken interest in the complex phenomena. This paper


Curriculum Enhancement Through Learning Partnerships

The aim of this paper is to discuss an Aston University (Birmingham, UK) model for programme enhancement offered to international partners through programme diversification and student engagement in curriculum design (QAA,2012). One of the main reasons for enhancing a primarily English for Academic Purposes programme, such as the International Year Abroad Programme, has been to


Verticality of Space in Japanese and English with Image-Schema in Cognitive Linguistics

The purpose of this study is to analyze the reconceptualization of lexicon-grammar in a linguistic category of vertical space from Japanese to that of English with image-schema. Talking about space substantially differs among cultures, despite the fact that physical space is the same everywhere (Bowerman, 1996; Levinson, 2003; Pederson et al. 1998). Primary differences between


Dominant Multiple Intelligences among Students of Medical and Health Sciences

Unlike in the past, studies on learner’s performance are now attributed to the dynamics of Teaching-Learning Process and not only on lack of motivation on the part of the learner. The major challenge for the Outcome Based Teaching (OBT) is that of selecting teaching methods that encourage all students with different cognitive abilities to achieve


Grammaticality Judgement Test: Does it Reliably Measure English Language Proficiency?

Language assessment is an important activity in any language classroom. Out of the various tests or measurements of grammatical competence, one method known as grammaticality judgement is by far the most controversial albeit its advantages in gauging linguistic competence. Research studies on grammatical judgement tests (GJTs) are still getting contradictory research results since its introduction


Administrative Support and Teacher Efficiency: A Study of Teachers’ Perspectives from Pakistan

Implementation and enhancement of learned teaching methodologies depends on the support teachers receive from the administration. (Cavanagh and Silcox as cited in Rawat, Thomas and Qazi, 2012). This study articulates the opinion of trained secondary school teachers graduated from Notre Dame Institute of Education (NDIE) about the “Administrative Support and Teacher Efficiency” school teachers during


When an Adjective Behaves like a Verb: Adjectival Verbs in Mandarin Chinese Maternal Input

The distinction between adjectives and verbs in Mandarin Chinese is not as clear as that in English. Adjectives in Mandarin share more similarities than differences with verbs, and most of them may function as verbs (Tang, 2012; Chu, 2010). Thus, they are termed adjectival verbs, which are translated into adjectives in English (e.g., zhe4hai2zhi cong1ming2,


Explaining ESL Chinese Students’ In-Class Participation Using the Theory of Planned Behavior: An Exploratory Study

Chinese demand for American-style education is on the rise as many Chinese students seek opportunities to gain a true global education in China. However, importing US education style to China is in many ways challenging. If we consider at a micro-level the instructor-students interactions, Chinese students’ reluctance to communicate in class is in fact particularly


Re-Thinking on Public International Law

Today, human being, global environment and natural resources are suffering from the extended and endless national, regional and global conflicts, wars, political violence and terror attacks. From 1950-2007, there was an average of 148000 global battlefields deaths per year, and from 2008-2012 the average was 280 000. Total terror attacks and internal conflicts in 2013


Classifying and Defining Heterogeneity within Antisocial Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour is often classified into physically aggressive and non-aggressive behaviour with respect to the aetiology, correlates and development trajectories (e.g. Burt, 2012; Maughan et. al., 2000). However, every research uses different terminologies for certain types of antisocial behaviour. For instance, one research (Fassnacht, 2010) uses relational versus instrumental whereas another one (e.g. Pardini &


Teaching Experiences, Pedagogies, Practices and Praxes in Subject of Applied Geo-information System Technology

This paper is presented as an important point for teaching experiences from 2012 to 2019 based on pedagogies and praxes in subject of applied geo-information system technology (AGST) for graduate students, is under Master of Science Program in Applied Information and Communication Technology, Faculty of Sciences and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology ISAN, Thailand.


Understanding Visible Learning Through a Brain Targeted Teaching Framework

Content Standard(s): The content standards or success criteria for this session encompass the following objectives: 1. Understand what Visible Learning is2. Know the main implications of Visible Learning3. Understand the attitude of expert teachers4. Prepare lessons for Visible Learning5. Analyze learning and feedback6. Investigate your Mind frameLearning Workshop Overview: Teachers taking this session will know


The Syntax and Semantics of the Benefactive Applicative in Temne

The benefactive applicative in Temne is typologically unusual for an applicative in that it has a variable, but regular syntactic effect on the valence of the verb. It can add one applied object, a beneficiary or an instrument, and two applied objects, a beneficiary and a substitutive or a beneficiary and an instrument to the


BME Higher Education and Social Justice

This presentation will explore the idea of educating the BME population and try to question what drives education- “borders of power” or “borderlands of being and becoming”. Black and minority ethnic students and their educational achievement has been researched for a while now and HEA (2012) report shows that there is a huge attainment gap


Kirishima: Reflections on Humanity and Nihility

The Kirishima Thing is a 2012 Japanese film, which was awarded Excellence Film at the 67th Mainichi Film Awards as well as Best Director at the 37th Hochi Film Awards in 2012. The film won Japan Academy Prize for Picture of the Year as well as received several nominations. It has been screened worldwide, including


Japanese Attitudes about Home and Children in Relation to Marital Happiness across Time

The current study analyzes marital happiness in conjunction with attitudes about home and children within a Japanese population over the span of 18 years. Data was taken from the International Social Survey Programme from 1994, 2002, and 2012 with a total number of 3651 participants. Research on Japanese couples demonstrates a shift in individuals marrying

ISSN: 2187-4735 – The Asian Conference on Asian Studies 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings

‘Encounters and Exchanges’
May 24-26 2013, Osaka, Japan
ISSN: 2187-4735


Left Behind: The Rural Children of Chinas Alternative Cinema

Against the narrative of success propagated by the Chinese government, China’s independent filmmakers have committed themselves towards articulating an alternative vision of her phenomenal transformation in recent years. One important subject is that of rural children being left behind by parents who go in search of better job prospects and lives in the city. Using


Spatialization of Ownership in Indonesian Broadcast Industry: Study on Media Division of Kompas Gramedia Group

Spatialization is part of the political economy and has now become one of the trends in media industries which eventually will lead to concentration of ownership. This condition happens because the owners consider to expand to a larger media bussiness with minimum efforts. Spatialization refers to the term “the proccess of overcoming the constraints of

ISSN:2188-2738 – The Asian Conference on Politics, Economics and Law 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings

ACPEL 2013, Osaka, Japan
Conference Theme 2013: Trust: Governance, Society and Sustainability
Osaka, Japan
November 21-24, 2013

NA conference series week 1 cover

ISSN: 2189-1095 – The IAFOR North American Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2014: Official Conference Proceedings

NACSEE 2014, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Conference Theme 2014: “Individual, Community & Society: Conflict, Resolution & Synergy”
Thursday, September 11, 2014 – Sunday, September 14, 2014
ISSN: 2189-1095


An Education Model for Coding and Software to Improve Computational Thinking

The regular coding (programming or software) education in elementary, middle and high school has been begun in Korea since this year (2018). Many models for efficient coding education have been proposed, and Scratch is widely used as acceptable easy tool. However, under previous education models and tools, the computational thinking capability of the students does


Three Approaches to Cultivating Academic Honesty and Fighting Plagiarism

Academic honesty is a critical concept for students who are enrolled in university studies; however, many of these students have at best a loose understanding of what academic honesty entails. Plagiarism comes in many forms, including verbatim plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and self-plagiarism. Even those students who do have some awareness of plagiarism may only recognize,


A Preliminary Report of the Use of Piazza for a Language Class

This paper presents a preliminary report of the project that investigates the impact of using an online forum for language teaching. The online forum used for this project is “Piazza” (, which has been widely used in science and engineering courses at MIT. The goal of the project is to learn how digital natives behave


Educational Practice and Professional Identity among Volunteer Correctional Educators: Becoming a Teacher Behind Bars

This case study examines the experiences of 8 volunteer educators working in a rural county jail in the northeastern United States. More specifically, it explores the challenge of developing a critical educational practice and nascent professional identity in a context otherwise alien to them and on the “borderlands” of contemporary educational practice It is well-documented


Real Science in Clear English

Real Science in Clear English The Issue English dominates the world of science. In order for students in countries such as China, India, Asia and the Middle East to compete globally in their fields, an increasing number of their tertiary institutes use English – rather than local languages – as the medium of instruction. However,


Drawn In

Art, has always been about reflecting and interpreting the world. It also appears that much of today’s output seems directed towards highly individual, so artists seem to demand an intimate, and personal engagement with their art. Drawing has become such perfect platform to accommodate the artists’ personal, intimate and direct experiences of belonging in transcultural


Determining Demand in Thai Job Market for Communications-Related Degree Title: A Survey of an Online Job Website

This study sought to determine the extent of the demand for graduates of communication-related academic degrees in the Thai job market. To accomplish this, the study utilized content analysis, which involved monitoring on a weekly basis (for six consecutive weeks) the number of available job ads that require a communications-related academic degree in the Thailand


Social Bond of Indonesian Higher-Education Students Who Access Facebook

Along with technological advances and the rapid flow of information, people’s need to access the Internet is increasing. According to data held by, a site that continues to monitor internet usage in the world of on-line, internet users in Indonesia, in 2008, reached 25 million people. This is because apart from being a source


The Evolution of the Technological Characteristics of Media Websites

This paper discusses technological characteristics and tools offered by Web 2.0 which can be employed in media websites. The aim of this study is to explore possible methods which could be applied in web media companies. By this way the usability and the interaction of the media websites can be improved significantly by using social


A Study of an Online Community of Practice for EFL Learning in a Chinese University

The aim of this paper is to report the investigation of an online communication group as a supplementary media for student learning English; and to report how communication online facilitated student learning and student-teacher relationship. Drawing literature on reflection and Communities of Practice (CoPs), a case study was undertaken involving 30 students in an online


Local Tourism Destination Content in Online Travel Agency Promotion

Online Travel Agency (OTA) had an impact on making people ease to travel, through their mobile devices without any extra charges. Based on Alvara Research Foundation, Indonesia’s Top 5 online applications are Traveloka,, Blibli, KAI Access and, Airy. This paper is aim to describe how local tourism destination content in those application and their


Storytelling with Multi-media Technologies

Storytelling is considered one of the most effective ways for teaching a foreign language, and it enables learners to build greater confidence in their target language fluency through improving their presentational skills. Furthermore, storytelling sparks learners’ curiosity about the target culture while stimulating learners’ creative thinking and active learning processes. This paper investigates how the


Cross-cultural Language in Clint Eastwood’s Movie Scripts

This is a study of cross-cultural language use in Clint Eastwood’s movie scripts. Eastwood, the renowned film director, starred and produced numerous movies in a variety of genres. The study focuses on the language of the movie scripts used in Eastwood’s War films and Western. Scripts were downloaded from a website “The Web’s Largest Resource


Say What, Steve: Active Learning Activity to Foster Reflective Thinking

The current study discusses a ‘Say What, Steve’ activity designed to engage undergraduate students majoring in Computational Sciences in coming up with meaningful questions based on a motivational lecture given by the late Steve Jobs to MIT students thirty years ago. This teaching method aims to inspire students to generate insightful questions pertinent to their


Exploring the Technology-Writing Connection Through Collaborative Writing in Google Docs

A strong connection between Technology and Writing is seen by many researchers in the field of Foreign Language Learning. They point out the importance of putting the thoughts into words via technology. It provides many tools for students to write online and offline. The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between writing


Technology, Toucan, and Language Education

Globalization and computerization along with the limitations caused by the current pandemic have all moved us towards having more online presence. From online shopping to online learning, all aspects of our lives have been impacted by technology including how we learn and use languages. The goal of this presentation is to discuss various aspects of


Engaging University Students in Designing an E-magazine

Student learning outcomes rely on the depth and quality of their engagement in language learning. Since the early 2000s, the concept of engagement has gained a lot of attention from researchers. They often define engagement as a complex construct that consists of behavioral, cognitive, and emotional components. In addition, students’ engagement is very important in


Motivation in MOOCs: A Qualitative Study on the Design and Evaluation of an Online IELTS Course

Due to the pandemic, 2020 was an unprecedented year, including for online course providers as one-third of the learners that ever registered on a massive open online course (MOOC) platform did so in 2020. This paper focuses on a MOOC course on IELTS, which is the most popular test-prep language course on However, despite


Intermedia Motion Tracking in AR/VR – On Immersive Storytelling and Choreographic Patterns

According to the KAMC Submission Stream “Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music”, we would like to contribute details on our current research project IML – “Immersive Media Lab” ( The project was funded by FFG COIN “Aufbau” and started in 2018 at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences under the leadership of Dr Franziska


Correlation Between Interlanguage and Internalization in SLA

Interlanguage is the type of language or linguistic system used by second- and foreign-language learners who are in the process of learning a target language. Interlanguage is dynamic and permeable as it serves as a bridge between L1 and L2 when learners lack knowledge and fine mastery of rules. They refine certain rules and obtain


A Shifting Gender Regime in Contemporary China? Fans’ Queer Readings of the Film Ne Zha

The animation film Ne Zha was a hit in the summer of 2019 in Chinese cyberspace. The film generated a lot discussion and user generated content from online fans. This is due largely to the film’s nuanced depiction of the relationship between its protagonist Ne Zha and his friend/enemy, Ao Bing. The homosocial/homoerotic undertone in


The Edtech Technologies and Their Impact on the School Performance in Romania

The use of technology and social networks have opened up new possibilities for learning. The data provided by, in 2023 shows that there were 17.82 million internet users in Romania. Also the median mobile internet connection speed in Romania increased by 21.8 % in the twelve months to the start of 2023. Covid-19 and

ISSN: 2186-5892 The Asian Conference on Education 2020: Official Conference Proceedings

ACE2020, Online from Tokyo, Japan
Friday, October 31 – Sunday, November 2, 2020
ISSN: 2186-5892


Value-added Ads: An Analysis of Award-winning Advertisements in the Philippines

Mass media impacts society in many ways – a fact which entails responsibility for practitioners. Advertising, being regarded as major lifeblood of the media industry, is not an exemption. As advertisers seek to gain profit, they are equally expected to adhere to corporate social responsibility or CSR. In the Philippines, the promotion of values has


Total Sulfur Deposition over Forest in Tropical Climatology, Thailand

Sulfur (S) is the key component of atmospheric acid deposition on ecological system. This study, S components were collected by a four-stage filter pack over a tropical forest from July 2011 to June 2012 at Sakearat Environmental Research Station. The experiment was operated under conditional sampling technique or relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) method. This method


A Multi-Sectoral, Multi-Household, General Equilibrium Model to Assess the Impact of a Carbon Price on the Australian Economy

The Australian government announced a tax of $23 per tonne of CO2 as a starting carbon price which commenced from 1 July 2012. The economic implications of this carbon price are projected using a descriptive Computable General Equilibrium model of the Australian economy titled A3E-G. With an explicit tax, the A3E-G model is capable of


How Does the Energy Industry Deal with Climate Change? Perception and Actions of the Energy Industry on Climate Change

The extent and pace of climate change is already beyond our expectation. It impacts are now experienced in every country. There is no time to lose; not only to mitigate green gas emission for slowing down the current pace of change, but also to learn how to live with expected impacts, which were induced by


Green Architecture and Environmental Design using Rapid-Prototyping Social-Networking Sandbox Tools, followed by Professional Architectural Software

In 2012 the United Nations UN-Habitat’s Sustainable Urban Development Network partnered with European Union sandbox-game developers of architectural and social-networking software. The U.N. goal is to upgrade 300 public spaces worldwide by 2016 by joining professional designers with local inhabitants in virtual-world simulations of public spaces so that a collective design experience may be realized.


Engaging while Empowering Community:   A Case Study of Government’s Internet Access Distribution Program to Rural Community in Indonesia

This research examines the implementation of Indonesian government’s internet access distribution program to rural communities in Indonesia. The growing gap of I-poor and I-rich in most countries has brought about higher inequality in people’s literacy, opportunity, and economic achievement (Kagan, 2000). Indonesia, which varies in people characteristics and geographical land scape has experienced this matter


Considering eLearning and Collaborative Learning in Secondary Schools – An Australian Perspective

Drawing upon my experiences as an English teacher in a West Australian public school, this workshop explores a number of case studies in which groups of secondary school students were able to achieve improved outcomes with the support of technology. Australian schools are in the process of implementing the Australian Curriculum – a set of


The Real Cause for the U.S. Subprime, Financial, Economic Crises in 2007-2009

There is general agreement among academics, economists, and policymakers about the U.S. housing market bust having caused the U.S. subprime, financial, economic crises in 2007-2009. However, consensus on what caused the U.S. housing market to burst was not obvious. Now academics, economists, and policymakers have started debating on the impacts of the Global Green New


Student Directed Twitter Usage in Japanese University EFL Courses

The microblogging platform Twitter was used for EFL students in three freshman English communication skills classes, three writing classes, two seminar classes and a presentation class at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University for the 2012 academic year. It was employed not only as a communication tool for the teacher to directly interact with students and manage


Ipads in the University Classroom: Educational Change in The United Arab Emirates

On the 23 September 2012, the UAE Higher Education iPad Initiative was officially launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. This initiative aims to trigger substantive change in the practice of teaching and learning in the three federal tertiary education institutions of the UAE, and is one of a few undertakings worldwide


Exploration of Dynamic Identities in Interaction Design

With a variety of platforms and media vehicles, designers not only have a challenge on new concepts such as varied expression forms, elements, principles, and aesthetic concepts, they also have to take into account users’ cognitive tendencies and social media aspects during the design thinking process, especially in trying to enhance the user experience. Dynamic


A Study of Learning Motivation of Current and Prospective School Teachers in Online Psychology Classes

Indifferent and careless school teachers bring much harm to a society. That is why the study of teachers’ motivation, specifically learning motivation (LM), is one of the key points for educational psychology. This tradition receives a new incentive in the present epoch of intensive development of informational technologies and Internet based distance educational programs. Presently,


The Relationship between Analytic and Holistic Styles of Thinking and Forgiveness

This study examined the relationship between styles of thinking (analytic vs. holistic) and willingness to forgive. Previous research has uncovered a qualitative difference in how individuals attend to their worlds: analytic thinkers focus on objects and their attributes while holistic thinkers focus on the context as a whole in which objects are viewed in relation


Privatisation, Convergence and Broadcasting Regulations: A Case Study of the Indian Television Industry

In India till 1991 there was only one television channel – Doordarshan, the public service broadcaster. With the opening up of the Indian economy in early 1990s this enabled the entry of private broadcasters in India. The number of television channels has proliferated manifold. By 2005 India had more than 200 digital channels. The number


(Inter)disciplinary research and practice with refugees resettling in Europe: the need for a ‘phronetic’ social science

This paper draws on a systematic literature review in the area of refugee resettlement and adaptation and argues against the polarity found between the various disciplines working in this field. The resettlement and adaptation of refugees in Europe is undoubtedly a complex issue which calls for interdisciplinary research and practice. Yet when reviewing the relevant


Task-based Language Learning: An Approach to Help Students to Become Balanced Thai-English Bilinguals

Bilingualism and/or multilingualism have long been praised as an invaluable asset, particularly in the today’s contracted global era or village. Although bilingual behaviors had been harshly criticized as a deficit form of language use in early 1900s, bilingualism is getting more and more important in the current 21st century, especially in business. As Thailand and


Trends and Concerns of Teacher Trainees in Using Game Strategy to Improve Speaking in a Rural/Remote Primary School

This study reports on the trends and concerns of ESL teacher trainees in using game strategy to improve speaking skill in a rural and remote primary school. It is about focusing on improving their methodological and pupils’ speaking skills through games both at the professional and personal/social domains. This study was conducted over three weeks


Note on Publishing Intensity and Publishing Breadth

Given a set of leading scholars, a list of journals and a period of time, publishing intensity (PI) of a journal is defined as the total number of publications appeared in the journal that are co-authored by the leading scholars. Publishing breadth (PB) is defined as the total number of leading scholars who have contributed


The Elements of Creative Culture in Thai Higher Education Institutions

Creative culture is the shared values reflected by the organization’s behavior and attitude in the joint task of the people in the organization that promotes the creativity and innovation.This is a key factor for higher education institutions in the development toward a creative university. This research aims to study the current situations and to analyze


Training of Technical Teachers through Integration of Information & Communication Technology in India

Technology has provided the platform for learning i.e anyone can learn anything, any where any time. The potential of technology was exploited to train technical teachers in order to enable them to understand the quality issues in technical education, plan and deliver instruction effectively, and also to evolve strategies for developing creativity and entrepreneurial competencies


The Innovative Arrest Warrant Tracking System

There currently remain 152,148 warrants in the database of the Royal Thai Police (data as of 28 March, 2013, Royal Thai Police, 2013). This staggering amount of remaining warrants reflects the high number of wrongdoers on the loose. The prominence of the aforementioned problem has led to the study on escape behavior of warranted suspects.


Identity, Responsibility, then Politics: The Uyghur Diaspora, Facebook and the Construction of Identity Online

This paper presents findings from an examination of the use of online social media among the Uyghur diaspora. The Uyghur diaspora has been described as a “diaspora under construction” (Dilnur, 2012, p.2) and this paper examines how transnational Uyghur identity is negotiated through social media use, and inturn how the construction of these identities contributes


Chinese Social Media as a Dominated Public Sphere: A Case Study of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sina Weibo

The Internet has long been the focus of Utopian arguments proposing its democratic potential. Most recently, social media has been proposed as facilitating the Arab Spring and other political changes toward democratic ideals in authoritarian societies. While many observers are fascinated by the revolutionary potential of social media, others are skeptical of this excessive optimism.


The Effect of Negative Emotions on Food Intake and Maladaptive Eating Behaviour: A Literature Review

Taking into account the existing literature, it seems that negative emotions and maladaptive eating behaviour are interrelated and causally linked. Some research suggests that negative emotion decrease after maladaptive eating behaviour (Smyth et al., 2001) while others suggest that it does not decrease (Evers et al., 2018) or continues to increase (Haedt-Matt and Keel, 2011).


Tragedy aesthetics of Ki-duk Kim film

Ki-Duk Kim (1960 ~) is a very well-known film director in Korea that was awarded the best director award at the Venice Film Festival and the Silver Bear award at the Berlin International Film Festival.In 2012, Kim’s 18th works (Pieta) won the Golden Lion Award for best film at the 69th Venice Film Festival. Venice


Being Unreasonable – How to Teach Clinical Reasoning Amongst Medical Students

A poster examining the challenges and common themes across teaching clinical reasoning as well as the difficulties of engaging students during time-limited ad hoc clinical encounters such as the ward round or being on-call. We first explore the process of clinical reasoning, the dual theory of how we acquire it as well as the barriers


Relations Between Intention to Self-Change and Cognitions of Benefit and Cost to Self-Change in University Students

The purpose of this study was to examine relations between intention to self-change and cognitions of benefit and cost to self-change in university students. Although it is well known that many university students desire to change themselves, only few studies have examined how they perceive the benefits and costs to their self-change. The hypothesis of