Category: Adult and lifelong learning
The Necessity of Shifting the Emphasis in Japanese Lifelong Learning: How to Survive in a “Super-Aged Society”
Japan has been experiencing an unprecedented demographic upheaval of rapid aging and extremely low birth rate over the last decades, together with a dwindling population. In fact, people 65 and over accounted for 25.9 percent of the population, as of 2014, and the total population is expected to fall by almost a third within the …
Alternative Education in Thailand
Alternative Education also known as non-traditional education or educational alternative, includes a number of approaches to teaching and learning separate from that offered by mainstream or traditional education. They are rooted in a number of philosophies differing from those of mainstream education such as Summerhill, Montessori, Waldorf and Homeschool, which aim to holistically develop learners …
An Analysis of the Characteristics of Self-Directed Learners and Strategies to Enhance Self-Directed Learning in Education Systems: Transcending Boundaries
Education can allow individuals to transcend boundaries of space, identity, and culture by empowering learners with the ability to pursue self-directed, lifelong learning. Valuable new meanings and understandings can be created by the interaction between self-motivated, self-directed learners, communities, and a wide range of organizations (Rogers, 2004). A shift away from traditional, teacher-centered power relations …
The Relationship between the Motivation for I-Ching Learning, Life and Family Satisfaction in a Lifelong Learning Program of I Ching University
Individuals facing the competitive environment will need to learn how to live together, to know, to be, to do, and to change. The foundation of philosophy for Chinese culture is I-Ching. The theory of I-Ching emphasis on the rule of harmony and balance, it will meet these learning goals. The purpose of this study is …
The Development and Application of E-Learning on Elderly Education in Taiwan
The transformation of the country development in the 21st century, it depends on the supplementary promotion of country competition. The future competition of the country will be rich in todays educational investment and technical level, effectively promote the citizenship intelligence by computer and web technology development, and improve the country competition by e-learning to further …
How to Make Differences a Value and not a Barrier in International Business/Management and Education: The Case of the Global Village Program
A major challenge of both International Business/Management and Education is the current increase in environmental, organizational and group spaces and diversity. Potential benefits as well as criticalities emerge when people are engaged in differentiated global contexts with regards to age, background, experiences, race, nationality, social status, and cultural aspects. Furthermore individuals are increasingly investing in …
Experiencing Desired Outcomes of Adult Education Through Participatory Practice Design
The need for direct relevance, be it for academic, professional and/or self-actualisation purposes, has added impetus for higher education institutions focusing on adult education to ensure its programmes enable lifelong employability in order to achieve economic and social goals. As such, the desired outcomes of a programme cannot remain lofty, but be actualized in the …
Shining Stars amidts Dark Clouds: Enhancing Positive Aging through a European Project
Statistics show a generalized aging in populations for the most industrialized countries. Absence of policies on aging, like in Portugal, change in the household composition, negative age stereotypes conveyed by the media, the post-modern individualism and consumer mentality contribute to marginalize the elders, considered a burden to society, relegating them to isolation that often causes …
Training on Demand in the Context of the Ongoing Training of Teachers: An Original Design in an Inclusive School Setting
This research studies the specifications of the practices related to the conception of training on demand in the field of continuous training of teachers. Training on demand, has the particularity of adapting itself to the problems of professionals. The analysis of the demand faces the inherent complexity of the different contexts as well as the …
The Main Components of Self-Development Model to Enhance Non-Formal Education Facilitators’ Potential in Lifelong Education Management
Recently, lifelong learning has been essential in knowledge-based economy and learning society. Thai laws and policies indicated lifelong learning was one of the ways to sustain community development.Thus the non-formal educators had to acquire knowledge and skill by self-development in lifelong learning management. The purpose of this study was to find the main components of …
Narration as a Means of Formulating and Transferring Tacit Knowledge
The goal of this study is to highlight the importance of the narrative type of knowledge, its relation to tacit knowledge and to outline the specifics of tacit knowledge in the narrative form in the context of teaching. Stories are parts of our identity and culture. We assume that social knowledge (skills) are a specific …
Developing Sustainable Thainess Indicators for Promoting Sustainable Thainess of Non-Formal Education Students
The purpose of this study was to develop sustainable Thainess indicators for promoting sustainable Thainess. Thai non-formal education had to promote sustainable Thainess for Thainess enabling to exist in the world society with dignity. But there is no apparent pattern to promote sustainable Thainess manner for non-formal education students in serious condition of Thainess consists …
Learning Promotion Trends Based on Problem and Need of Thai Farmers
Since Thailand has been applying green resolution which is development path, Thai farmers are unsuccessful in term of stable income. Objective of this research is studying farmer’s situation both current problems and needs, objective lead to learning promotion trends in order to build success in occupation. This research is studied by survey research with Thai …
Case Study: University of Experience and New Technologies Subject
The University Program of the Experience (UPE) at the University of Salamanca (Spain) includes three courses that consists of three obligatory subjects of 10 hours each one, three optional subjects of 10 hours each one and a minimum of 15 hours for complementary activities (conferences, monographic courses, cultural trips, etc.). The University for mature students …
Collaborative Becoming Engaging in ‘Guided Reflexivity’ to Develop Teaching Practices in the Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) Sector
Based on the journeys of transformation towards becoming teaching practitioners in the Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) sector, this paper discusses ways in which interactions between trainee teachers and established teaching community members may be utilised as opportunities for collaboration and development. Beginning with a brief critical reflection on trainees’ accounts of their experiences …
Educational Practice and Professional Identity among Volunteer Correctional Educators: Becoming a Teacher Behind Bars
This case study examines the experiences of 8 volunteer educators working in a rural county jail in the northeastern United States. More specifically, it explores the challenge of developing a critical educational practice and nascent professional identity in a context otherwise alien to them and on the “borderlands” of contemporary educational practice It is well-documented …