Category: ECS4 2016 Virtuals

Unjust Identity Quest: Sahar Khalife’s the Inheritance: A Post-Colonial Study
In Sahar Khalifeh’s novel The Inheritance, the reader is immersed in a hysterical world of various Diasporas revealed between the US and Palestine. Most characters are in the process of identity quest; a journey that acquires a greater importance and difficulty in this novel because it mirrors the Palestinians’ search for home and national existence.The …

Mother Goddess in Kerala: Discursive Struggles and Contested Signifiers in a Popular Faith Phenomenon
Mata Amritanandamayi faith is a popular faith phenomenon that began in Kerala, South India during the late 1970s. Over the years, Mata faith has undergone changes informed by and in response to the debates and discussions in the Kerala public sphere, and the sensibilities of an expanding middle-class. The central character of the phenomenon, devotion …

Talk Little and Know How to Listen’: Women’s Magazines as Moral Judges
Even though women’s magazines do not escape the general malaise affecting journalism today, they have always managed to captivate a large audience of women. One of the keys to their success lies in the fact that women’s magazines try to establish a personal, intimate relationship with their readers, who are addressed as a single community. …

Educational Practices Between Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University and Lipa City Colleges: A Comparative Study
The study determined the difference between the educational practices of Lipa City Colleges (LCC) and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University (BSRU) such as their educational goals and objectives, their partnership with the community and with other schools, their services to their students, their financial resources, their facilities and laboratories, and lastly, their teachers’ strategies and methodologies in …

Domestication and Foreignization in the Revolt of the Young: Essays by Tawfiq Al-Hakim
The Revolt of the Young is a collection of essays originally published in 1984 by one of the most distinguished Egyptian writers of the twentieth century, Tawfiq al-Hakim. The English translation appeared in January 2015 done by the present researcher. Al-Hakim (1898-1987) muses on the cultural, artistic, and intellectual links and breakages between the old …

Media Websites and Their Visitors’ Choices on Cookies
Cookies are small bits of data that are being sent from the websites a user visits and downloaded to their computers.They appeared immediately after the introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW) and are now widely used.By using these particular pieces of information, websites have the capability to offer customized services covering the personalized needs …

Illustrating Justice between Literal Representation and Visual Metaphor
Artists have been representing justice as an abstract concept for long centuries, revealing and interpreting its comprehensive meaning through illustrations, taking different forms: as a visual documentary for a situation though treated as a historical evidence, or visual commentary expressing an opinion and treated like an evidence of a special point of an artist view …

Easy-To-Read Books for Children with Dyslexia in Public Libraries
In Japan, most public libraries do not provide sufficient easy-reading materials or make available reading facilities suitable for Japanese children with dyslexia. Public libraries in the Netherlands almost always have “easy-to-read squares” (Makkelijk Lezen Plein, MLP). The MLP is a special provision for children with reading difficulties, allowing them to see, read, and listen to …