Category: Educational Technologies

Exploring Augmented Reality Instruction in the English Language Classroom
The ever-evolving world of technology has penetrated many aspects of our lives including the way of language teaching and learning. Learners are not easily sufficed with traditional classroom practices and there is an ongoing demand for reconstruction and enrichment of current curricula and teaching approaches. Augmented Reality (AR) is one of these technologies that has …

The Effectiveness of Self-Paced Online Language Courses With Gamification Elements in the University Setting
Self-paced learning is a crucial approach for fostering students’ intrinsic motivation to delve deep into understanding a given subject. However, motivating students to learn through self-access online courses outside the classroom is not an easy task. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of two self-paced online language courses offered to all undergraduate students at …

Uncovering Students’ Perceptions on Using Interactive Writing Tools
Selecting the right medium for teaching writing is an essential task. Increasingly, research on language instruction is focusing on the integration of various writing tools to enhance student engagement in writing. Despite numerous efforts to motivate students, writing remains a challenging task for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. This paper explores reimagining writing …

Does Technology-Based Neuro-Research Inform Foreign Language Teaching and Learning?
Foreign language (FL) learning is a cognitively complex process requiring the involvement of different brain regions. Consequently, FL teaching should reflect the neuroreality of language learning. Teachers, however, do not seem to be adequately equipped to either acknowledge the neurolinguistic aspects of language learning or interpret and apply the results obtained in neurostudies. Teaching strategies …

Incorporating Blended Learning to Improve Reading in English Language as a Foreign Language in Lesotho
In Lesotho, a country characterized by a diverse population speaking various languages, where English serves as the official language for instruction, students often face challenges in reading English due to limited resources. Despite previous examination reports indicating that students’ failures are not due to a lack of subject understanding but rather an inability to comprehend …

Factors Influence Saudi Females’ Attitudes Towards the Use of E-learning for Continuing Education
This research aimed to investigate the relationship between self-determination and Saudi females’ attitudes towards the use of e-learning for continuing education, as well as the moderating effect of perceived ease of use and usefulness of e-learning on the self-determination and attitudes relationship, and the mediating role of subjective norms in the relationship between self-determination and …

Exploring the Integration of Sociocultural Theory and Self-Determination Theory in Blended Learning: Implications for Language Education
Blended learning, which combines traditional classroom teaching with online learning, is a popular educational trend. This study explores the integration of Sociocultural Theory (SCT) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in blended learning environments to enhance language learners’ motivation, autonomy, and learning outcomes. This article provides an overview of blended learning in second/foreign language contexts, followed by …

Semiautomatic Study of Handwriting Development in Basque Children at Primary School
The aim of this case study is to understand the connections between process factors of writing, such as bursts and fluency/speed, and product factors related to linguistic complexity and the quality of the final text. With this purpose, we conducted a (pilot) study with 13 developing writers in Basque from the second year of Primary …

Using Blended Learning for EAL Interventions With Elementary/Primary Students
This paper puts forward a case for the use of blended learning as a form of pull-out intervention, specifically for EAL (English as an Additional Language) elementary students who need to rapidly catch up on basic interpersonal communication skills. Practical suggestions are provided. This approach is based on both quantitative and qualitative data from a …

High School Preparatory Class Students’ Digital Reading Culture and Their Engagement With Interactive English Graded Readers
Fast-growing technology of the 21st century has led to an overwhelming desire for its constantly use in educational areas where the learners are overrashly perceived as digital natives. Bearing in mind that “One size does not fit all”, this study focused on High School Preparatory Class (HSPC) students’ attitudes towards digital reading and their use …

Digital Gender Gap at the High School Level: The Case of Computer Technicians in Mexico
The gender gap has generated inequalities in women due to barriers that limit their progress and participation in various areas of their lives. Barriers and inequalities that bound women within the digital world have been identified, generating a fracture called the digital gender gap or gender digital divide. This phenomenon can be maximized or decreased …

The Development Multimedia for Learning to the Achievement of English Grammar for Senior High School Students in Lampang, Thailand
This research is an academic service project for schools in the service area of Lampang Rajabhat University. The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop multimedia for learning to the achievement of English grammar for senior high school students to be effective. 2) to compare the learning achievement of English grammar by using the …

Pros and Cons of Learning Latin Vocabulary Using Duolingo
In 2019, the language-learning website and app Duolingo released a Latin course that currently has almost 1.5 million learners. Despite its potential, Duolingo has already received several criticisms regarding other languages for what are considered unrealistic goals. Furthermore, it was pointed out that the proposed method might be helpful for vocabulary but only in addition …

Computer Adaptive Language Tests (CALT)
Creating a test to adequately assess reading, speaking, listening, and writing proficiency in a foreign language has many challenges. Traditionally, such tests have been paper-based or done by an evaluator in a face-to-face mode. The increasing use of technology in language education has recently shifted the way assessment can be performed. This paper will develop …

Technology, Toucan, and Language Education
Globalization and computerization along with the limitations caused by the current pandemic have all moved us towards having more online presence. From online shopping to online learning, all aspects of our lives have been impacted by technology including how we learn and use languages. The goal of this presentation is to discuss various aspects of …

Utilizing Natural Language Processing to Develop an Interactive Web Platform for Practicing Text-based Conversational English as a Foreign Language
In recent years, as people from around the world become more digitally connected, the importance of communication between people from different language backgrounds is also increasing. Thanks to technologies such as social media, messaging applications, and recent advances in machine translation tools, text-based conversations are one of the most used forms of communication between people …

Use of Infographics in Multilingual Writing: An Analysis From the Critical Digital Pedagogy Perspective
In this case study, we designed a workshop in a college writing course and introduced the principles of turning research papers into infographics. We focused on digital infographics design because scholars have proved its benefits in presenting complex and large information quickly and efficiently (Alrwele, 2017; Barlow et al., 2021). Critical Digital Pedagogy (CDP), introduced …

How Effective is Duolingo in Learning a Language?
The spread of the MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) has been widely studied by linguistics, however, the continuous evolution of the platforms towards new and most effective solutions are leading to challenging products on the web. Duolingo is today one of the most famous apps able to involve students and teachers in a language acquisition …

Engagement and Learning Efficiency in Language Learning: Student’s Perception on the Impact of Smartphone-based Audience Response System
Obtaining a prompt and real-time feedback from students on concepts studied in class enables any teacher to measure his teaching efficiency. Unfortunately, due to genuine shyness or cultural factors, it is not uncommon for learners to be reluctant to actively participate in class in front of their peers or teacher. Consequently, student Response Systems (SRSs) …

Serious Game Design and Integration in English Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching
Interest in using games to impart knowledge has grown tremendously over the past few years. Following a pedagogical shift toward a learner-centered approach, serious games offer new perspectives in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (Reinhardt et al, 2020; Bogost, 2007). This study investigates the design process and use of a digital game for L2 phonology at …

Imitation and Self-imitation Practice on L2 Pronunciation Progress
The major aim of the current study is to investigate the outcomes of computer-assisted L2 pronunciation training to verify if there is a positive correlation between self-imitation practice and L2 pronunciation improvement in the process of second language acquisition. 35 Polish students of Applied Linguistics (at English level B2+) divided into two groups did imitation …

Blended Learning Between Success and Catastrophe in Third World Countries: IKR as a Case
Despite destructive impacts on Health and economy, COVID19 brought humanitarian disaster, especially for education and learning. Social distancing gave prospects to find an alternative method for students to get connected to their academic modules and educational procedures. Educational technology and e-learning are fundamental system to progress controlling over time, place and pace. Blended learning (BL) …

Facilitating Autonomous Learning During a Health Crisis – COVID-19 Contingency Plan in Singapore
As the Singapore government raised its alert level in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, language programmes were urged to step up and offer emergency contingency plan to convert all face-to-face lectures into online lessons. This necessary action, namely a switch from classroom to communication technologies posed a number of challenges for language modules to …

Developing Relationships in an Online Environment
Relationship building is one of the main goals for engaging students in online learning environments. Several research studies have found that student persistence in an online environment is positively correlated to student perceptions of social presence. This presentation will explain and show examples of various tools and techniques that can improve social presence in an …

Engaging and Motivating Foreign Language Learners with Audiovisual Aids: The Case of French in Selected High Schools in Ghana
The integration of multimedia in language teaching and learning has been a subject of interest to many educators in recent times, as research has shown its impact to be outstanding. In Ghana, French as a foreign language (FFL) is the only foreign language, aside English, which is taught from the early stages of the educational …

Writing in English with Help
Writing is one of the most difficult skills for Japanese people to master in English learning. The Ministry of Education held a nationwide English proficiency test for the 3rd year students of senior high school in 2017. In the report, the Ministry pointed out the link between low writing scores and low frequency of employment …

Research and Practice on the Blended Teaching Mode of College English Based on MOOC + SPOC Platform
Based on comparison and contrast between the blended teaching mode and the traditional one, this project takes college English course at Harbin Institute of Technology as an example to design and practice the blended teaching mode based on the MOOC + SPOC platform. This mode aims to develop cross-cultural communicative competence of college students in …