Social Bond of Indonesian Higher-Education Students Who Access Facebook


Along with technological advances and the rapid flow of information, people's need to access the Internet is increasing. According to data held by, a site that continues to monitor internet usage in the world of on-line, internet users in Indonesia, in 2008, reached 25 million people. This is because apart from being a source of information, the Internet also serves as a tool for learning and recreational facilities. In this study, the researcher wants to see the picture of social bond on the Indonesian student who has experienced Facebook addiction. It happens because Facebook is a growing phenomenon in the community, especially for students, who have a tendency as a substitute container with increasingly tenuous psychological bonds among the people. Therefore, for individuals who have weak social bonds, Facebook can cause addiction. Social bond itself is the relationship of the individual with society. Social bond has four elements: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. This study aims to see the picture of social bonds of Indonesian students who access Facebook. The research method is carried out by quantitative and qualitative research. From the quantitative study, we found 214 respondents, grouped into three: (1) who have a Facebook addiction, (2) users who have had problems due to the use of Facebook, and (3) the average Facebook user. For qualitative research, conducted interviews with two respondents, first responders have a Facebook addiction with high social cohesion and second respondents have a Facebook addiction with low social cohesion.

Author Information
Azalia Primadita Muchransyah, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

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Conference: ACP2013
Stream: Psychology

This paper is part of the ACP2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Muchransyah A. (1970) Social Bond of Indonesian Higher-Education Students Who Access Facebook ISSN: 2187-4743 – The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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