Category: Social Media and Communication Technology


It’s Time to Podcast: Hype or Here to Stay? A Pre- and Post-pandemic Trend Study

Podcasts represent a significant media trend due to their accessibility, variety of content, and ability to reach niche audiences by offering a personalized listening experience. A scholarly study of podcast usage is critical as it provides insight into changing media consumption patterns. This study integrates Uses and Gratification Theory, which has been applied by many


In Birth Control We Trust: Analyzing Modern Contraception Behavior and Parasocial Relationships With Health Personalities Online

Family planning in the Philippines is a complex topic because of difficulties in accessing modern contraceptives exacerbated by various external factors. Because of this, Filipinos go to social media to seek reproductive health information, especially among health professional content creators. To further bridge the gap between health communication and social media, this study aimed to


Mental Health Consultation Through Telemedicine, Does it Work? A Case Study of Psychologists and Patients in Online Consultation

The advancement of technology has brought a significant impact to our lives, including in the health sector. The presence of telemedicine allows us to access health information and health services very easily. It enables users to communicate with doctors virtually via chat consultations and video calls. Halodoc, a telemedicine platform from Indonesia has been providing


Co-creating Media Innovation for Social Value: The Thai Media Lab Model

This research explores a collaborative approach between academia and media professionals for media innovation with social value. The data collected from the “Thai Media Lab” process (2021-2023) served as a model for this “co-creation media innovation research network.” The lessons learned from the media development process between academia and media professionals were analyzed. The study


The Integration of Cross-Cultural Communication in Performing Arts: A Short Video Making Project

Recently, under the influence of the internationalization of universities, many international students have been attracted to study in Taiwan. Therefore, the opportunities for students to interact and communicate across cultures on campus have gradually increased; however, most Taiwanese students still have insufficient cross-cultural experience when facing international students. Due to the above problems, the purpose


Understanding the Role of Personal Motivations in Social Media Use and Choices for Interpersonal Communication

The public introduction of social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook and exponential growth of social media as a medium in the last twenty years has been unprecedented, revolutionizing interpersonal interactions between people, marketing communication and driving up internet growth rates. The ongoing changes in preferences, uses and gratifications of SNS need to be examined,


The Role of Social Media In Government Communication During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of KSA

The objective of this study was to examine the role of official government social media accounts as a reliable source of information during the COVID-19 epidemic. This thesis was developed and refined to understand the significance of social media in enabling government communication in Saudi Arabia during the pandemic crisis. The investigation examined the nature


Virtual Confessions: Understanding the Needs and Functions of Israeli Confession Pages on Facebook

This study investigated the attributes of confession pages on Facebook, their role within social networks, and their impact on society. It also explored the themes of posts uploaded to confession pages, their defining traits, the need for confession pages as a means for authors to evoke responses and support, and the effects of anonymity on


Tele-Presence: A Critical Study of Telematic-Art in the Context of Dromology and Spatio-Temporal Perception

This research takes the current background of “telecommunication-based digital performance” as its context, analyzing how digital performances transform the concept of “physical presence” into “mediated presence” through remote connections under driven of telecommunications by utilizing Paul Virilio’s theoretical concept of “Dromology.” Three Taiwanese famous government-funded pieces of digital performance titled “Lunatic Town” (2021), “Turn Left,


Empathy in Action: Fostering Digital Empathy Through Intergenerational Activities Among Online Users

With the widespread adoption of online media technology, all generations have become active online users in the digital world. However, each generation’s unique experiences and perspectives can create challenges in intergenerational online communication due to a lack of digital empathy – the cognitive, emotional, and social skills to be sensitive and supportive of others’ feelings,


Presentation Sequences and Styles of Educational Bite-Sized Content by The Indonesian TikTokers

This research delves into the presentation sequences and styles adopted by Indonesian TikTokers in the creation of educational content on the TikTok platform. Employing a qualitative content analysis methodology, we analyse 140 TikTok videos from prominent Indonesian creators, categorising the content into themes and identifying prevalent presentation styles and sequences. Our findings shed light on


Media Exposure and Health Behaviors of Menopausal Woman in Ranong Province, Thailand

This study examines the relationship between media exposure and health behaviors among menopausal women in Ranong Province, south of Thailand. The primary objectives of the research involve analyzing the association between media exposure and health behavior among 375 menopausal female patients who sought medical assistance at Ranong Hospital, Thailand in 2022. The results indicate significant


Digital Connections: Pandemic Affinities of Single Filipino Women Formed Through the Ikemen Series Games

The Philippines was the worst place to be during the peak of COVID-19 (Bloomberg News in Business Mirror, 2021): the pandemic surfaced several inadequacies, including meeting basic physiological requirements. As social connection is a fundamental need (Gadais, 2021), individuals suddenly locked up resorted to different means to keep themselves together. At its height, engaging in


Communicating Online Counseling for Mental Health: Awareness and Perceptions of PSAU Students

The general objective of this paper was to determine how online counseling for mental health is communicated to the Pampanga State Agricultural University (PSAU) students by knowing its influence on their awareness and perceptions. In determining this, 380 college students at PSAU were surveyed online using the quantitative research method. The results of the study


Health Beliefs of Fathers on Vasectomy as Influenced by Social Media

The study generally aimed to determine the health beliefs of fathers on vasectomy as influenced by social media. A survey questionnaire was disseminated to 230 fathers aged 25-45. Pearson Chi-square test was used for the relationship between the respondents’ socio-demographic profile versus health beliefs, and psychological factors versus health beliefs of fathers on vasectomy. Findings


#gradschoolproblems: Understanding Communicative Aspects of Memes on PhD Students’ Shared Experiences

This paper primarily discusses the challenges faced by PhD students as they face limited communication space for expressing and sharing their issues within the higher education system. The rigorous demands of PhD programs, coupled with external stressors, contribute to mental health issues and feelings of isolation. Memes have emerged as a significant mode of discourse


Indian Government’s Use of Social Media During the Russia-Ukraine War

This study analyses the Indian Government’s usage of Twitter during the crisis. This study looks at the Indian Government’s evacuation operation of its nationals residing in Ukraine during the Russia – Ukraine war outbreak. It was one of the biggest evacuation operations by the Indian Government wherein the updates were shared live on social media


Using a Smart Chatbot System as a Communication Tool for Campus Navigation

First-year students and visitors to South African universities often lose their way. This is due to widespread areas and complex routes or pathways on campuses. The experience can be intimidating and confusing to students and visitors who ask for directions from senior students or university personnel at helpdesks. This paper presents a potential answer to


Bouncing Back From Adversity: Thriving During the Pandemic Through Mindfulness Meditation on the Plum Village App

This study explores the difficulties college students have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and how mindfulness meditation, practiced through the Plum Village App, helped alleviate them. Sixty Marist College students were assigned to try the app for two weeks, and 28 of them stated the intention to continue using it. Transcripts of in-depth interviews with


From E-Government to Social Media: An Analysis of Political Communication in the Xuzhou Eight-Child Mother Incident

New media platforms have the characteristics of fast speed, a wide range of communication, and multiple subjects (Li, 2022). The government uses social media to communicate with people and releases government-related information through e-government (Graham, 2014). New media platforms change the original top-down agenda setting, making the dissemination of events and information on the web


How Does Government Social Media Platform Play Its Role in Chinese Digital Government: Focusing on the Three Cases of Local Government Social Media Platform

Rapid digital transformation and the use of digital technology and social media platforms in government are utilized across the world. The Chinese government is also attaching great importance to adopting social media platforms to create its own Government Social Media Platform (GSMP). The GSMP created by the government has gone through three stages of social


Uses & Gratifications of Social Media: Survey of YouTube Viewing among College Students

Taiwan is the most mobile country in the world with the highest smartphone user penetration of any country. College students grew up with smart phones, using mobile applications or social media apps, in Taiwan in particular, 84.2% of the population used Youtube as a major source of video platform, providing users to watch, create and


Faith on Facebook: A Replication Study Exploring the Effects of Church Communication on a Social Media Platform

This study is a replication of the study When Facebook Becomes Faithbook: Exploring Religious Communication in a Social Media Context by Henrik Åhman and Claes Thorén (2021). In the original study the authors analyzed the Facebook posts by the Church of Sweden and the comments that they generated. The Covid-19 pandemic closed a majority of


Examining the Impact of Social Media Use on Inter-family Communication: A Study in Family Communication Patterns Theory

This study examines the potential impact of social media use on inter-family communication from the perspective of family communication patterns theory (FCPT). Using the assumptions of the FCPT, The study attempts to investigate the impact of social media on two dimensions that determine family communication patterns, namely conversation orientation and conformity orientation, as well as


KOL Training on Live-Streaming Platform in Taiwan

Recently, with the coming of multimedia and technology development, new-type industries come out. In addition, live-streaming industries are the crucial milestones in 21st century. We can combine videos, short clips and online community to develop new business model. Through online community and social software, people can share their daily lives online with their creativity to


Detecting Political Secession of Fragmented Communities in Social Networks via Deep Link Entropy Method

Breakdown of global connectivity in social networks trough disintegration of fragmented but interacting communities leading to political secession is a major source of forming and strengthening echo chambers and political polarization. Hence, quantifying the significance of each edge (the connection or relationship between two particular nodes, for example two friends on Facebook, or two follower/followed


Art and Self-expression on Social Media: The Recreation of the Historical Value During the Pandemic State in 2020

In this paper I discuss from an ethical and aesthetical perspective how a specific account on Instagram has changed the relationship between people and famous paintings. The Instagram account Tussen Kunsten Quarantaine has become a collaborative space with thousands of people across the world sharing pictures, including personal recreations of masterpieces of art. The account


Children’s Motivation for Digital Media Use

This paper aims to explore motivations for digital media use among Croatian children aged 4 to 14 years, from the perspective of children and their parents. Since the use of digital media has become a significant part of children’s and parents’ everyday life, and digital devices are a common part of every household, one of


Digital Game Habits and Motivations of Youth in The Context of Uses and Gratifications Approach

In today’s digital world, individuals deal with different activities to spend their free time. One of these activities is undoubtedly digital games. The aim of this research is to reveal the digital gaming habits and motivations of young people. The theoretical basis of this research conducted for this purpose is the uses and gratifications approach.


The Use of Emotional Artificial Intelligence in Social Network Journalism: Possibilities and Limits of a New Communication Paradigm

Gamification, understood as the use of ludic mechanisms in non-ludic contexts, is seen today as a practice ingrained in new medias. The shift of journalism onto social networks has laid the foundations for a ludic communicative paradigm that revolves specifically around gaming mechanisms. Nevertheless, recent developments in artificial intelligence call for a partial redefinition of


Digital Deliberative Democracy in Indonesia: An Analysis From System Theory Perspective

This article aims to analyze the practice of deliberative democracy in Indonesia regarding the use of digital technology. The implementation of digital government at the central and regional levels is one element to assess the extent to which the quality of democracy and policymaking takes place by optimally utilizing digital technology and involving the wider


Viewers’ Attribution of Criminal Acts in La Casa De Papel Series Presented on Netflix Digital Entertainment Platform

In the last two years, there has been a huge investment in entertainment by the Saudi Government. In 2018, Netflix was launched in Saudi Arabia and soon become popular. This study examines Saudi viewers’ perceptions of the Netflix Spanish series La Casa de Papel because this series went viral. The study focuses on Saudi viewers’


How Cultures Matter on the Boundary between “Normality” and “Abnormality”: A Case Study for “Sharenting” in Taiwan

With the recently controversial trend in “sharenting” on social media, the moral judgment of sharing their children online has been debated in Taiwan. This study argued that cultures influence the viewpoint of this moral issue in Taiwanese society. To verify, this paper begins with the original definitions of “normality” and “abnormality” in Chinese, and then


Sensual Social Media Identities: Mobile Dating App Presentations and Attributions Among Young Adults in Manila, Philippines

Communication technologies, through mobile dating apps, have reshaped romantic intimacies. The apps have enabled meaningful interactions that led to relational romantic and sexual relationships. In order for interactions to be created, dating app users curate themselves in based on certain desires and needs. Goffman (1959) claimed that it is the packaging of oneself in a


The Relationship Between Social Support and Self-Esteem to the Self-Disclose of Social Media on Older Adults

Social Media has profoundly changed people’s daily life experiences. Whether it is to collect information, consumer trading, and express their viewpoints, participate in activities or making friends all connected with social media. Social Media is also the future of global mainstream business opportunities, although the elderly is not the main users. During 2009-2010, media survey


Mobile Telephony for Community Networking: A Study of Thai, Rohingya and Hmong Communities in Multicultural Australia

In situations of displacement from beloved landscapes and acquired tastes to the unfamiliar land, it is common for immigrants to retrieve what they have missed. Their actions may include the potential to recreate the atmosphere of their homeland in their new receiving lands, to maintain strong connections with people of the same groups, and to


Rise of Media Technologies and Emergence of a New ‘Political’ Popular Culture in South Asia

The advent of media technologies changed the whole course of communication and its dissemination. The convergent global media brought a popular culture that provided a ‘third but common space’ to the people of different cultures. Of late, South Asia has been observed as the crucial region for the growth in media technology use with a


Uses and Gratifications of Live Streaming Apps Amongst Indonesian Youth: An Exploratory Study of Periscope

Indonesia, with a total online population of 93.4 million people in 2015, is one of key regions to watch in the development of digital ecosystem. Social media has been an integral part in Indonesian daily digital activity. APJII found that 87.4% of surveyed Indonesia internet users use social networks. That, coupled with the exponential growth


A Study of the Effect of Using Social Networks on the Quality of Family Interpersonal Communication (with an Emphasis on the Relationship between the Couple)

Social networks played an undeniable role in everyday life and human relationships and social networks .Iranian’s interest to join, like the rest of the world is growing. Given the importance of family functioning,present study was to evaluate the relationship between the usage of social network connections rather than interpersonal communication & family functions. The results


Social Media as a Voice to the Voiceless: The Nigerian Experience

Social media as a communication tool has some advantages over the traditional media because of its ability to bridge the gap between the privileged and the less privileged. The study looks at how the social media was used to give voice to the voiceless especially in the 2015 presidential election in Nigeria which led to


Classifying and Profiling Social Media Users: An Integrated Approach

The fast evolving business practice and the continuously changing users’ profiles attract researchers’ interest, such as Brandtzaeg& Heim (2010) and Brandtzaeg et al. (2007), Constantinides (2011), Hsuan (2008). However, the current classification studies allows for users’ segmentation in specific social media application and only one at a time (e.g. SNS, blogs). Thus, Van den Beemt


Social Media as a Game Changer in the 2014 Indian Parliamentary Election: A Study of the Indian Diaspora Society in Canada and Oman

India is the seventh largest democracy of the world. Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Press are its four pillars. So, media and politics have been cheek by jowl from many decades. Since Britishers till now, media is playing its significant role. Its role becomes more powerful with the advent of social media, because people got a


Political Parties Re-Disconnected? Websites and Social Media of Indonesian Political Parties

Political parties of Indonesia nowadays have created their own websites (Hameed, 2007) in which the patterns of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) by political parties are much affected by the political and media system (Anstead and Chadwick, 2010; Ward and Gibson, 2010). What are the patterns of Indonesian political parties in utilizing


Microblogging and Life Changes: An Ethnographic and Statistical Analysis of Young Adults

Microblogging has revolutionized people�s interaction on the web. This paper investigates the changes in the microblogging practices of young adults after they have experienced life changing events associated with studying and working overseas. To test for the presence of significant changes in microblogging behaviour the empirical analysis focusses on young Chinese adults who have moved


Social Media Modi-Fication: Narendra Modi’s Use of Social Media in Indian Elections 2014

Title: Social Media Modi-fication: Narendra Modi’s use of Social Media in Indian Elections 2014 Research objectives: In an unprecedented rise to power Right Wing Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate, Naredra Modi, now Prime Minister of India, used social media strategies to advance his campaign to the masses. From using 3D holograms at political rallies to caller


What’s on Your Mind? Rhetorics of Identity Construction on Facebook

Among young Filipinos, Facebook enjoys wide acceptance, with almost 81 percent of the youth population using the social networking site. With this knowledge, this study, What’s on your mind: Rhetorics of identity construction in Facebook, aims to determine how Facebook features, specifically, status updates and profile pictures, aid in the construction and representation of identities.


Village Voiced, Village Empowered: A Case Study of the Citizen Journalism Practice Using New Media as a Medium of Empowering the Villagers at Banyumas Regency in 2012-2013

Village is basis of the poor in Indonesia. This condition has placed Village as the main target of the poverty-eradicating program. Unfortunately, the development program that has been implemented in Village is ineffective. So far, Village is viewed more as passive object with limited authority to manage itself independently. The condition above encourages a group