Determining Demand in Thai Job Market for Communications-Related Degree Title: A Survey of an Online Job Website


This study sought to determine the extent of the demand for graduates of communication-related academic degrees in the Thai job market. To accomplish this, the study utilized content analysis, which involved monitoring on a weekly basis (for six consecutive weeks) the number of available job ads that require a communications-related academic degree in the Thailand version of online job search website, The results were tabulated using the SPSS program. This study found that BA Communication Arts is the degree title that job recruiters in the job search website most often sought for vacant job positions in communications. Most of the work functions of said jobs indicated those involving public relations. Almost all the vacant job positions are staff level and are mostly found in private companies.

Author Information
George Amurao, Mahidol University International College, Thailand

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Conference: ACE2013
Stream: Education

This paper is part of the ACE2013 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Amurao G. (1970) Determining Demand in Thai Job Market for Communications-Related Degree Title: A Survey of an Online Job Website ISSN: 2186-5892 – The Asian Conference on Education 2013 – Official Conference Proceedings (pp. -)
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