Category: ECS1 2016

Gauging the Effectiveness of Diagramming and Scratching an Outline for Small Size Classrooms of English As L3 Users
Writing is one of the most important and challenging skills in the English Language that learners often find difficult to master. Brainstorming is a strategy that is considered effective in facilitating learners with their writing tasks. The present action research focused upon the impact of two brainstorming techniques – diagramming and scratching an outline on …

The Situation of Media Literacy of Physicians in Iran
Media literacy is a set of views that addressee use it actively when confronting to Medias messages to interpret and analyze the meaning of received massages. In this research situation of media literacy of physicians in Kerman, especially general physicians and also the relation between media literacy of physicians in Kerman, their personal features, the …

Art: A Conversational Centerpiece
Inhibitors to foreign language learning can evolve from learning expectations and how language policies are incorporated within the curriculum. First this presentation will address the importance of understanding how learning expectations of both the instructor and students is of importance in a situation where instructors and students grew out of different learning paradigms. This influences …

Path Analysis of the Effects of Science Literacy and Science Process Skills on Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs
Behavior of teachers in the achievement of educational goals has invisible complement known as teacher beliefs. In science education, the teachers’ beliefs are not left out in leading the students to have a strong belief of succeeding in scientific processes which includes; observing qualities, measuring quantities, sorting/classifying, inferring, predicting, experimenting and communicating. These skills involves …

The Effect of Teachers Code-Switching on Students Achievement in Speaking in the EFL Saudi Context
This study mainly aims to identify if the teachers code-switching to Arabic language affects students performance in the speaking skill in the EFL classroom. The study also investigates the functions of teachers CS in the EFL classroom as well as students attitudes towards teachers CS. The sample of the study is comprised of 20 teachers …

Foreign Language Homepages: Representations of Internationalization
The marketing techniques of higher education institutions (HEI) are evolving due to pressures from an administrative system that closely responds to the business ethos of competition. Currently many HEIs are in the process of internationalizing their programs, due to pressures from the economic sectors and educational policies administered from the government. However, just how a …

Research or Rhetoric? Deconstructing the Norms of Young Language Learning
The legacy of being a native speaker of English is that we have very little exposure to the spoken form of other languages. Our struggle to promote language learning in primary school, despite low teacher confidence, tends to rely on subject knowledge learned in secondary school, which focuses on literacy skills of reading and writing. …

Promoting Self-Competences and Life Skills of Children Coming from Vulnerable Groups: Research-Based Development of an Inclusive Education Programme
The presented paper combines research and development in the area of cultural diversity and inclusive education. It addresses the improvement of self-competences and life skills of Roma children in Romania by specific teaching and learning programmes. The presented study and programme FACE Families and Children in Education focuses on promoting the pre-existing competences of primary …

How Does the Government Construct the Pedagogical Relationship between Teachers and Children in Saudi Preschool Education?
Pedagogy is understood as being embedded in the relationship between teaching and learning. How the teaching-learning relationship is understood, recognized and developed is important, especially in the case of cross-cultural educational reforms (Nyland & Alfayez 2012). Reforms to the Saudi Early Years curriculum are based on the American High/Scope Model and the idea of Developmentally …

The Idea of Autonomy in Child-Centered Education: The Preschool in Saudi Arabia as a Case Study
The Saudi Self-Learning Curriculum for Kindergarten is based on Western models of child-centered education. It is a reformed curriculum that was designed within the frameworks provided by the UNCRC, Education for All (EFA), Millennium Development Goals Program and Saudi Arabia’s National Development Plans (UNCCSF 2012). These reforms have created the need for pedagogical practices that …

The Proposed Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF): A Formula for Teaching Excellence’
The authors assert that they have identified a formula which addresses the three main aims of the TEF, and seeks to answer crucial questions in Part A, chapters 1-4 of the green paper, entitled: ‘Teaching Excellence, Quality and Social Mobility’. The authors argue the following: (i) That the key transferable skill, which leads to enhanced …

Modular Learning Design
Current technology integration process in education substitutes tools in the classroom and changed the way pupils reflections about learning, however woefully lacks the aspects which technology can be useful in the whole learning progression, especially, analyze, deciding, applying, collaborative working, peer learning; shortly, when learning is happening. This presentation proposes a new paradigm for schools …

Encouraging the Creation and Adoption of Reading Culture: Panacea for Effective Language Learning
Central to every learning environment and by extension every community is how enlightened its members are. Reading is considered as one of the ways by which every member or community members get enlightened. A society that places premium on reading is a society that achieves greatness. Reading is embedded in a complex cultural network system …

The Night of Science: Optics and Photonics for All
Today, optics and photonics are widely regarded as among the key technologies for this century. Many experts even anticipate that the 21st century will be the century of the photon – much as the 20th century was the century of the electron. Optics and photonics technologies have impact on nearly all areas of our life …

Racism in Canada: First Nations Education in Canada
Canada has two very different systems of education. The Constitution Act, 1982 gives responsibility for education to both the provincial/territorial and the federal government. Each system is responsible for education within their areas of constitutional responsibility.The first one is the thirteen provincial/territorial education systems. These systems have a legislative base, policies, programs & services, personnel, …

Social Media in Sport Coaching: Knowledge, Attitude and Use of Information and Communication Technology in Service Delivery among Tertiary Institutions
Social media is undoubtedly making significant impact across the globe. Interconnectivity and social links are gaining ground every day. Apart from chatting for entertainment, social media is being used for educational and professional development. It is not clear if coaches in tertiary institutions have started using social media for their service delivery. This study therefore …

Embedding and Assessing Compassion in the University Curriculum
Psychology, anthropology and neuroscience are currently researching compassion – how it can be defined and understood, and how compassion can be applied into world and local social systems for building more co-operative and integrated societies. Disappointingly, it appears that so far, education has, on the whole, struggled to translate this research and scholarship into practical …

Decoding of Irony in the Process of Intercommunication
This article is dedicated to the problems of irony decoding in the process of intercommunication which is based on the examples obtained through our three-year research. Learning a language is not only a simple combination of grammar and vocabulary knowledge but also a mixture of cultural, historical, emotional and social aspects, which irony belongs to. …

Faculty Competency Systems: An Empirical Case Study in Business School Education
In this paper we identified the faculty competencies in business schools and proposed the faculty competency framework and model based on the theory of (Wrsesniewski and Dutton, 2001) and (Foyol, 2000). Another objective of this study was to examine the role of faculty competencies in business schools and extend the theory of (Wrsesniewski and Dutton, …

Planning and Building Wooden Houses with, and for, Refugees and Residents
In this paper we present the project “Building as Integration” by the students of HTL Rankweil (higher level secondary technical and vocational college). The project was initiated to help the integration of young refugees and immigrants in the most western part of Austria called Vorarlberg. Throughout the course of this project, a construction engineering class …

A Comparative Analysis of Virtual and Traditional Grammar Approach in Teaching Use of English at College of Education, Ikere, Nigeria
This study aims to compare the pedagogical feasibility of two distinct approaches in teaching Use of English to freshers in College of Education, Ikere Ekiti, Nigeria: the Virtual approach and traditional grammar method. Furthermore, the study aims to discover which one of these approaches is relevant and rewarding to the communicative and linguistic needs of …

Effectiveness of English Song Activities on Vocabulary Learning and Retention
The main objectives of the study were to study the effectiveness of song activities on vocabulary learning and retention and to explore students’ opinion towards song activities. The sample of the study was 40 first year students from English for International Communication major. The research instruments of the study were song activities, pre-test, post-test and …

The Contribution of Multicultural and International Education to the Creation of Sustainable Learning Environments Which Support the South African Struggle
This paper conceptualises how an expanded notion of multicultural education could support the achievement of a socially just, diverse and cohesive South African society. Rising ethnic tensions and renewed manifestations of xenophobia are a constant reminder that South Africa has to intensify its efforts to achieve a society which is united in its diversity. In …

Students with Foreign Origins in Italian IVET – Initial Vocational Education and Training: Pathways for Integration
The article presents the results of the research: ‘Second-generation youth, vocational training, employability and active citizenship, 2013, developed through a quantitative survey with the self -administration of a questionnaire to an audience represented by 1840 pupils with foreign origins and 1835 native pupils, aged 14-19, in 124 Centers for Initial VET in Italy. The presence …

A Study of Factors Affecting Undergraduates’ Anxiety with Foreign Language Communication at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
This study aims to (1) analyze the correlation of factors affecting undergraduates’ anxiety with foreign language communication, and (2) to study factors affecting undergraduates’ anxiety with foreign language communication. The 200 undergraduates at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, who enrolled in Chinese and English courses in the 2nd semester of …

Language in Future World: New Sprouts
Day by day social network media are becoming an indispensable part of people lives affecting the daily routine of them. Due to the advent of ICT, the world has become SMART. Developments in communication technology affect the style and type of language used by the society. There have been new sprouts in the matter of …

Readiness in English Speaking Skills of Engineering Student at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya before Entering the ASEAN Community
The main purposes of this study was to investigate engineering students’ readiness in speaking skills concerning three aspects: 1. fundamental grammar knowledge, 2. patterns and functions of language for communicating in certain situations, and 3. socio-culture of native speakers before entering the ASEAN Community. Participants were 142 fourth year Engineering students studying in eight departments …

Exploring Non-Formal Educational Experiences from Adaptive to Transformative Responses
This paper examines the non-formal educational experiences from those of adaptive to transformative responses. Adaptive responses focus on achievement of immediate outcomes as a makeup of what is missing. Similarly, transformative responses address the medium to long term outcomes that focuses on making a difference in individuals and societies in general. Based on interpretive paradigm …

Using Learners’ First Language in EFL Classrooms
This paper aims to explore the attitudes of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers towards using learners’ first language (L1) in their classes. It also considers the frequency and the functions of using L1 in EFL classes. Monolingual teaching and minimising the use of learners’ L1 are traditionally promoted in English language teaching (ELT) …

A Service Oriented Perspective in Higher Education Curriculum Evaluation
The work being done to evaluate higher education curriculum covers a wide area, but this study will focus on the service perspective, in which higher education organizations evaluate the important holistic factors in higher education curriculum evaluation. The aim of this paper is to highlight the gap between the traditional knowledge – including skills and …

A Survey of the University Students’ Perspectives About Using Digital Technologies in Education: Zimbabwean Case
This study investigated the perspectives of university students about the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning. Due to the benefits from digital technologies both the Governments and higher learning institutions the world over have made significant progress towards increasing their access. Nevertheless, existing literature show that despite the wide adoption of digital technologies, …

Can MOOC’s be a Model for Providing Quality Higher Education to Refugees? Lessons from the First Experiment
The literature on refugee studies thus far has explored the role of education in the settlement of refugees in their host countries (Rek 2005). Efforts to integrate them through various socio-economic programmes have met limited success with millions forced to work illegally in the informal economy (Orhan 2015). Although holistic assistance is required to ensure …

Massive Multiplayer Online Games Communities: Lessons for Diversity in School Classrooms
Computer gaming is often seen as a barrier to good performance at school. It is claimed that young people are becoming more obese, demonstrating poor psychological adjustment and developing addictions to video games (Kulman, 2015). However, by using a systems approach to the understanding of group dynamics, based the Hackman and Morris (1975) Input-Process-Output Model …

Call to Arms: Generations Clash Over Digital Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom
Is a smart phone a toy or a tool? Students can’t get enough of it – after all, social media notifications and viral videos do take time to reflect on – while teachers, quite understandably, are dismayed to see an excellent educational tool used purely for entertainment. This paper posits that these two concepts and …

Ideal L2 Self and Ought-To L2 Self: A Study in the Thai Context
The study of motivation has been one of main interesting areas in second language teaching and learning. The integrative and instrumental motivation proposed by Gardner and Lambert (1972) has been challenged by the rise of global English and the changing purposes of English language teaching, learning, and using worldwide. In this study, the new theory …

Five Years of Online Instruction: Lessons Learned
This paper outlines the researcher’s individual growth and evolution of online instruction over the span five years. The details of this paper include a synthesis of recent research combined with online teaching experience. The method used is autoethnography in which the author seeks to analyze personal experience within the cultural context of teaching in the …

Augmented Reality Applied to the Teaching of the Descriptive Geometry
Augmented reality allows students to visualize tridimensional shapes by turning and handing them in the palm of their hand. Taking objects “away” from the computer improves the students’ perception of the three projection planes. A pedagogical application was designed with this new representation tool. Tridimensional models were made using the Google Sketchup open license software …

Digital Funds of Identity: Funds of Knowledge 2.0 for the Digital Generation
The question of teaching and researching for social justice has been explored in relation to the Funds of Knowledge approach which involves researchers and teachers undertaking ethnographic research in disadvantaged students’ households (Moll et al., 1992; Gonzales et al., 2005). The notion of household knowledge has subsequently been extended to include hybrid spaces that transcend …

Towards Building Authentic Understandings of Contemporary Science Practices for Science Educators
ReMSTEP is a collaborative initiative involving 4 partner universities funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The project aims to promote the reconceptualising of Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Programs by fostering partnerships between scientists and educators to improve confidence and competence in teaching STEM education. One response developed by the Faculties …

Applying CREAM Strategy to Coach Teaching
Being in charge of monitoring and evaluating Foundation Program staff tutors necessitates constant follow-up to make sure that they are in line with the University’s mission and vision. This has raised a fundamental educational question ‘how to coach rather than monitor the tutors’. To answer this question, Cottrell’s (2008) CREAM strategy was applied to coach …

Developing Conversation Analysis by Using Video Clips in the English Language Classrooms
This study aims at developing and integrating Conversation Analysis (CA) to enhance the interactional competence of the students and to improve teaching and learning in the English language classrooms. In order to do such thing, two video clips are specifically chosen to teach undergraduate students, majoring in Airline Business Management, in the ‘English for Aviation …

English Language Use among Malaysian Tertiary Level Students: A Case Study of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
While English is widely spoken in Malaysia, there have been concerns about its declining standards, with educationists and employers observing that even graduates are unable to use the language proficiently. The inability to use English or the lack of the necessary language skills has even been said to be the reason for the high level …

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of E-Lectures on Students’ Learning
With the advent of new technologies, “digital learning and teaching” has been gaining more attention and is becoming an inseparable part of new curriculums. Although most of the studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Electronic-lectures (E-lecture) in improving learning and teaching, there experts who warn against the trend of changes claiming that the ‘live’ lectures may …

Videogame Technologies for a Neurosciences Program
In this paper we present the advances corresponding to the implementation of a laboratory for neuronal rehabilitation using videogames technologies. In this laboratory we develop interactive technologies (videogames, virtual reality material, specialized devices, etc.) to be used and introduced in the Neuroscience bachelor’s degree program, which will be offered by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México …

Ethics Issues on Digital Contents for Pre-Service Primary Teachers: A Gamification Experience for Self-Assessment with Socrative
The Internet has brought many possibilities to access information and digital content for reusing in other contexts. This is especially interesting for future teachers of any level, who can create their educational materials readapting the already available resources -images, sounds, videos and so on- on the Internet. However, many students do not respect the licences …

Conceptualizing a Model for ICT Implementation in a Teacher Education Programme in Nigeria
ICT implementation for teaching and learning has been a research topic for many research studies, but there is no generalize process to implement ICT in teacher education. This study aims to examine the variables that influence teacher educator’s intention to implement ICT in classroom. Using Ely’s condition of change (1990) as the framework, a research …

Is Education Transcending the Borders of Space, Identity and Culture?
This paper will explore the achievements of second generation Bangladeshi and Pakistani women in formal education. Education is a formal process that is bound by targets and choices made by students and parents from the curriculum. Formal education delivered through schools is the same for all. Yet we evidence disparities in the educational achievements. Bangladeshi …

Social-Emotional Challenges and Its Impact on Teaching and Learning
The schools these days are facing many challenges in terms of anti-social behavior of children like bullying, verbal and physical aggression. The burden of academics coupled with home environments where both the parents need to work for sustenance has resulted in behavioral and adjustment problems. Many more cases of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are …

Resource and Profitability Assessment of Transition to Flipped Video-Based Lecturing
In the current digital era, competitiveness of educational institutions is defined by the ability to satisfy the needs of smart video-learners. It explains active transition to video-based knowledge sharing, like substituting traditional lectures with ‘flipped classroom’ approach. However, creating video materials consumes huge amount of resources hindering adaptation of this practice by universities. This paper …

Why not Literature?: An Investigation into University Teachers’ Perspectives of Teaching English Through Literature in the EFL Classroom
Though literature has been viewed as one of the best authentic materials in foreign language instruction since the late 1980s, and its linguistic, cultural, cognitive and aesthetic benefits have been confirmed and supported by a growing amount of research, it still plays a marginal role in many EFL/ESL textbooks, classrooms, and curricula, and is seldom …

A Corpus Informed Study of Thai News Agencies’ Evaluation of Two Key Participants Found in Political Conflicts in Thailand
Appraisal has been employed in previous foreign studies focusing on corpus-informed analysis and comparison of news reports. However, the previous work in Thailand has inadequately been concerned with appraisal of news report comparison among news agencies, and corpus analysis. Thus, this paper aims to compare media evaluation of Yingluck Shinawatra and Suthep Thaugsuban between two …

BME Higher Education and Social Justice
This presentation will explore the idea of educating the BME population and try to question what drives education- “borders of power” or “borderlands of being and becoming”. Black and minority ethnic students and their educational achievement has been researched for a while now and HEA (2012) report shows that there is a huge attainment gap …

The Utilization of Water Footprint Education to Build-up the Level of Environmental Awareness
Due to the water scarcity situation worldwide, there are many campaigns introduced to raise the awareness of people for the purpose of saving water. According to the manufacturing businesses, one of the initiatives is the water footprint focusing on the calculation of the amount of freshwater used to manufacture a product. For Thailand, the income …