Category: Video Available

International Law & Sovereignty: A Divisive Concord of Paradigms in the South China Sea
The contemporary system of interdependent states, driven by the continuous demands of globalization has led to the ever-increasing relevance of international law in governing over the comity of nations. The adherence to international law was understood as the basis for peaceful coexistence and the viable recourse for dispute settlement among sovereign states in the international …

The Analysis of China’s Soft Power in Africa (1978-2015)
The main purpose of this paper is to examine China’s soft power in Africa (1978-2015). Coincided with seizing power by Chinese reformist elites headed by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, China prioritized economic development as its main goal. This trend has been continuing till now and by gaining stunning achievements, has turned China into the second …

A Study on the Effectiveness of the Education Development Fund as a Post-Colonial Strategy to Control Non-Tertiary Education in Macao SAR
As a former colony of Portugal, Macao has experienced slack control on education, which resulted in the diversity in it today. After its return to Chinese sovereignty in 1999, educational legislations and subsidies have been gradually introduced to schools in an attempt to subject the system to a more public and centralized form of control. …

Examining Effects of Two Computer Programming Learning Strategies: Self-Explanation Versus Reading Questions and Answers
The current study explored the differential effects of two learning strategies, self-explanation and reading questions and answers, on learning the computer programming language JavaScript. Students’ test performance and perceptions of effectiveness toward the two strategies were examined. An online interactive tutorial instruction implementing worked-examples and multimedia learning principles was developed for this study. Participants were …

School Bullying: Its Influences on the Academic Performance of the Basic Education Students
Bullying has already been a pervasive problem across Asia. It has been noticed as a school nuisance causing harm to students that could potentially affect their physical and psychological conditions. Most of its victims are powerless and taciturn. As observed, students who are bullied cannot concentrate well in the class. The grades may be a …

Implementing Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education in an Area of Armed Conflict in Southern Philippines: A Case Study
With Philippine schools adopting the use of mother tongue as the medium of instruction from Kindergarten to Grade 3, this case study looked into how the Mother Tongue Based- Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) programme was implemented in an area of armed conflict. The study answered the following questions: 1) How is MTB-MLE implemented in an area …

Classroom Climate: Implications to Students” Academic Achievements
This descriptive-correlational study determined the relationship between classroom climate and student’s academic achievement measured in terms of their general average grade in all general education subjects. Purposively sampled, 500 students from the different programs enrolled during the Academic Year 2014 – 2015 in Lourdes College participated in the study. My Class Inventory (MCI) questionnaire by …

School Engagement: It’s Influence on the Academic Performance of College Students
Academic success is influenced by many factors, one of which is student engagement that this study explored in relation to the academic performance of 2nd year college students of Lourdes College. Specifically, the study determined the students’ level of affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement using a standardized assessment tool; their level of academic performance measured …

Investing on Preventive Diplomacy: How ASEAN can Generate Soft Power through Its Peacemaking Mechanism
Preventive diplomacy is defined by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum as diplomatic or political action used by states to avert disputes that has the possibility of threatening regional peace and stability. The 2015 ASEAN integration offers possibilities for the establishment of ASEAN soft power. Soft power is the ability to attract …

The Global and Local Urban Identity
The notion of urban identity has been the subject of many researches. In the era of globalization, the impact of urban change and the challenges which faces the local urban identity of the city increases. Some cities are experiencing a serious struggle with the issue of identity in various ways while they are exerting a …

Unjust Identity Quest: Sahar Khalife’s the Inheritance: A Post-Colonial Study
In Sahar Khalifeh’s novel The Inheritance, the reader is immersed in a hysterical world of various Diasporas revealed between the US and Palestine. Most characters are in the process of identity quest; a journey that acquires a greater importance and difficulty in this novel because it mirrors the Palestinians’ search for home and national existence.The …

Talk Little and Know How to Listen’: Women’s Magazines as Moral Judges
Even though women’s magazines do not escape the general malaise affecting journalism today, they have always managed to captivate a large audience of women. One of the keys to their success lies in the fact that women’s magazines try to establish a personal, intimate relationship with their readers, who are addressed as a single community. …

Domestication and Foreignization in the Revolt of the Young: Essays by Tawfiq Al-Hakim
The Revolt of the Young is a collection of essays originally published in 1984 by one of the most distinguished Egyptian writers of the twentieth century, Tawfiq al-Hakim. The English translation appeared in January 2015 done by the present researcher. Al-Hakim (1898-1987) muses on the cultural, artistic, and intellectual links and breakages between the old …

Educational Practices Between Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University and Lipa City Colleges: A Comparative Study
The study determined the difference between the educational practices of Lipa City Colleges (LCC) and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University (BSRU) such as their educational goals and objectives, their partnership with the community and with other schools, their services to their students, their financial resources, their facilities and laboratories, and lastly, their teachers’ strategies and methodologies in …

Easy-To-Read Books for Children with Dyslexia in Public Libraries
In Japan, most public libraries do not provide sufficient easy-reading materials or make available reading facilities suitable for Japanese children with dyslexia. Public libraries in the Netherlands almost always have “easy-to-read squares” (Makkelijk Lezen Plein, MLP). The MLP is a special provision for children with reading difficulties, allowing them to see, read, and listen to …

Educational Planning: Dropout of CWSN and SLD Children in India
India is striving for universal enrolment up to secondary level in schools. The planning documents reveal that Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) is more than 100 percent whereas Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) is less than 100 percent in elementary education. The paper analyses the data on disability in schools as reported under Unified District Information System …

Justice for Psychopaths: Punishment or Therapy
Psychopathy is one of the most dangerous mental disease and provides a theoretical and practical challenge to the Criminal law and the Criminal Justice System. Mental diseases need to be explicable in reference to their severity and gravity specially having the instinct towards crime. Psychiatry and law approach the problem of human behaviour from different …

Acquisitive Prescription ss a Mean of Acquiring Ownership: An Albanian Perspective on the DCFR
Acquisitive prescription has been for centuries a consolidated institute through which becomes possible the acquisition of ownership. The goal of this article is to analyze the real impact of DCFR (Draft of Common Frame of Reference) in creating a uniformity for acquisitive prescription rules in European Union (with a special emphasis in Albania.). After the …

Migration Flows and Municipal Waste Analysis Using the Spatial Panel Durbin Model – The Case of Poland
The aim of the paper is to examine the impact of migration processes (mainly the emigration and immigration) and economic prosperity on the quantity of municipal waste. The data used in this research concerned the quantity of collected mixed municipal wastes during the year (an endogenous variable), the number of registrations and deregistrations (to and …

Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development the Case of the Niger Delta
In recent years, multinational companies operating in developing countries have come under increased pressure to engage in community development as stakeholders and as a consequence the activities of these companies have been subjected to greater public scrutiny. The multinational companies have responded by ensuring that global corporate social responsibility strategies are incorporated into their larger …

Path Analysis of the Effects of Science Literacy and Science Process Skills on Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs
Behavior of teachers in the achievement of educational goals has invisible complement known as teacher beliefs. In science education, the teachers’ beliefs are not left out in leading the students to have a strong belief of succeeding in scientific processes which includes; observing qualities, measuring quantities, sorting/classifying, inferring, predicting, experimenting and communicating. These skills involves …

Embedding and Assessing Compassion in the University Curriculum
Psychology, anthropology and neuroscience are currently researching compassion – how it can be defined and understood, and how compassion can be applied into world and local social systems for building more co-operative and integrated societies. Disappointingly, it appears that so far, education has, on the whole, struggled to translate this research and scholarship into practical …

Social Media in Sport Coaching: Knowledge, Attitude and Use of Information and Communication Technology in Service Delivery among Tertiary Institutions
Social media is undoubtedly making significant impact across the globe. Interconnectivity and social links are gaining ground every day. Apart from chatting for entertainment, social media is being used for educational and professional development. It is not clear if coaches in tertiary institutions have started using social media for their service delivery. This study therefore …

A Service Oriented Perspective in Higher Education Curriculum Evaluation
The work being done to evaluate higher education curriculum covers a wide area, but this study will focus on the service perspective, in which higher education organizations evaluate the important holistic factors in higher education curriculum evaluation. The aim of this paper is to highlight the gap between the traditional knowledge – including skills and …

Digital Funds of Identity: Funds of Knowledge 2.0 for the Digital Generation
The question of teaching and researching for social justice has been explored in relation to the Funds of Knowledge approach which involves researchers and teachers undertaking ethnographic research in disadvantaged students’ households (Moll et al., 1992; Gonzales et al., 2005). The notion of household knowledge has subsequently been extended to include hybrid spaces that transcend …

Videogame Technologies for a Neurosciences Program
In this paper we present the advances corresponding to the implementation of a laboratory for neuronal rehabilitation using videogames technologies. In this laboratory we develop interactive technologies (videogames, virtual reality material, specialized devices, etc.) to be used and introduced in the Neuroscience bachelor’s degree program, which will be offered by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México …

Resource and Profitability Assessment of Transition to Flipped Video-Based Lecturing
In the current digital era, competitiveness of educational institutions is defined by the ability to satisfy the needs of smart video-learners. It explains active transition to video-based knowledge sharing, like substituting traditional lectures with ‘flipped classroom’ approach. However, creating video materials consumes huge amount of resources hindering adaptation of this practice by universities. This paper …

Teaching and Learning: The Approaches of a Modern Environmental Regulator
Established in 1971, the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA Vic), located in Melbourne Australia, is the world’s third oldest environment protection agency. Like any organisation operating for in excess of four decades, EPA Vic has had to change and consider contemporary approaches to its teaching and learning practices for those staff engaged in regulatory or …

How the Conceptualization of Refugees Impacts Their Capacity to Fulfill Their Social and Economic Agency
By the end of 2014, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) had identified 14.4 million refugees globally (UNHCR Global Trends 2014). The growth of the refugee population is an increasing concern that affects origin countries, host countries, aid organizations, and, most importantly, refugees themselves. The tendency of governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), aid agencies, …

Rites of Passage in Japanese Traditional Culture
The paper examines the rites of passage in Japanese traditional culture from the perspective of semiotic method, a study of signs, symbols and significations. Sign systems of traditional customs and rituals ensure transmission of cultural values and information between and within generations. Based on the analyses of concrete elements and symbolic content of life-cycle rituals …

A Proposal for Information Dissemination of Regional Culture for the Purpose of Multicultural Coexistence: Based on Japanese Local Government Plans
Japan has witnessed a considerable increase in the population of residents with multicultural backgrounds (MCR), especially around urban areas. A majority of these MCR have nationalities of other Asian countries, many of whom, although an integral part of the Japanese labor force, do not speak the Japanese language.The aim of this study is to propose …

Information Sharing Between the Civil Administration and Citizens: An Implementation Proposal of Open Data Strategy in Japanese Local Governments
Administrative services in Japan have become diversified as a result of economic growth. However, as this growth has slowed down in recent years, there is now a need to review such conventional administrative service. Hence, in light of such a social climate, the Japanese government has been advocating an open data strategy (ODS) for administrative …

Politeness Strategies Among Japanese College Students: Discussion of the Acquisition of Honorifics and Onomatopoeias
In general, learning the proper use of parts of speech peculiar to the Japanese language, such as honorifics and onomatopoeias, often becomes a problem in Japanese language education. Honorifics are considered to be difficult by many Japanese and are used incorrectly on many occasions. Also, onomatopoeias are frequently used in various cartoon and comic books, …

The Use of MARIE CPU Simulator in the Computer Architecture Course: A Brief Exploratory Study of the Students’ Perception Learning
The teacher has to always bear in mind that he/she has to present educational contents regarding his discipline always trying to present it an attractive way through new teaching dynamics. The challenge is to not to distance from the curricular content by using a broader educational proposal, intensifying the interaction with the students with the …

A Corpus Stylistics Study of the Mental Clauses and Speech and Thought Presentation of Gilbert’s (2006) ‘Eat Pray Love’
Elizabeth Gilbert’s (2006) memoir Eat Pray Love depicts her journey of self-discovery in her trips to Italy, India and Indonesia following a difficult divorce. Among the three phases of the author’s journey, the ‘eat’ and ‘love’ aspects have received far more responses from readers, but, overall, the author’s experiences with love, loss and the pursuit …

Internships in French-Speaking Environments: First Steps of a Thai University
Internships in French-speaking environments are transformational learning opportunities (TLO) that often contribute to enrich and broaden student learning and personal development. In a Thailand-centric context where the learning of French is losing momentum, it has become necessary over recent years to implement various tools to encourage our learners. Three different internships programs were implemented to …

Role of Televisual Literacy in Second Language Teaching
In non-native English speaking countries like Asian countries, where English is learnt as second language, teachers explore innovative practices for SLT. Televisual aids are really helpful as teaching tool. The present paper is writer’s endeavour to know how and why they work. Television, in present days, is used in social system by 95%. Although in …

The Relation between Justice and Martyrdoms in Religious Art: The Paintings in the Church of the Gesù Depicting Japanese Martyrdoms
Martyrdoms are powerful political instruments that convey different aspects of the concept of justice. Legally speaking, they refer to public executions carried out as punishment for breaking the law. However, they are usually regarded as unjust acts performed by a ruling class which, ultimately, strengthen the martyr’s righteous cause. This multifaceted relationship between the concepts …

Archival Institution as Agent of Representation of Religious Plurality in Indonesia
Using qualitative research through literature analysis, this paper hows archival institutions could act as a strategic agent of representation to develop a network with religious communities in Indonesia. Thus, they all together could collect, preserve, and exhibit religious archives. Through that action, religious archives collection in the archival institution could represent the plurality of religions …

Experts Collaboration: Improving Information Services for Maritime Community in Indonesia
Maritime people’s livelihood is selling processed marine products. They need some information to produce variety commodity and improve the quality. Moreover coastal people is difficult to have freshwater because of sea intrusion into wells. They have to get water from distant places. However some of them have low level of information literacy. Furthermore some are …

Meeting the Information Service Needs of Researchers: A Case Study of the Research Center for Science and Technology Area (Puspiptek – Indonesia)
Research center for science and technology, known as Puspiptek area, is the name of the Largest Research Area in Indonesia. In this area there are three research institutions under the coordination of State Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Information services to support research activities in this region provided by Center for Scientific Documentation …

Leading Change Together: A Pitch for Education, Community Engagement, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development
Leading Change Together is the powerful idea of impact behind the mission of Global Tassels, a registered 501(c)3 international organization focused on alleviating poverty in the most severely- impacted communities around the world . Global Tassels’ signature mission is to provide access to college education with the goal of permanently empowering the sustainable development of …

Asoke Buddhist Education in Thailand
This paper looks into the Buddhist community-based education in the Asoke Buddhist villages in Thailand. The Asoke Buddhist movement has been running its own schools for the last thirty years. Thousands of young people have been trained in these samma sikkha schools. Many of the young people subsequently stay in the Asoke groups and may …

Justice in Measure for Measure: An Approach through Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga-Psychology
The theoretical approach applied in this paper is based on the ‘consciousness investigation’ of Sri Aurobindo( 1872-1950), who gives us a detailed map of human consciousness using his own terms for the different areas of our being, like the Physical, Vital, Mental, Psychic(in the Upanishadic sense), their various sub-divisions and the blend of those planes …

Image of ‘Justice’ in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment (1860) is a psychological novel, which has been subjected to various interpretations by the scholars worldwide. Dostoevsky has aptly dealt with the problems of the concept of justice and human existence. The protagonist is suffering from an acute psychological crisis after committing the dual murders. He has his own vision of …

The Practice of Language Advising at the School of Modern Foreign Languages (Falem) at the Federal University of Para (UFPA)
This presentation aims at defining language advising, as well as informing how the practice is done, and who is involved in the process. Studies have shown the importance of language advisers in teaching and learning a foreign language (GARDNER; MILLER, 1999; MOZZON-McPHERSON, 2007; RILEY, 1997; VIEIRA, 2007). One of the goals of language advising is …

Including Students with Disabilities: Attitudes of Typically Developing Children and of Parents of Children with and without Special Educational Needs
The present paper constitutes a literature review research, discussing issues of inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Inclusive education refers to the appropriate response to the diversity of students with disabilities, addressing their Special Educational Needs (SEN) as equal members and as stakeholders of the culture of the school learning community. These inclusive educational environments both …

Comparing Labour Market Expectations and VET Qualifications in the NecVET European Project
This paper presents the results of research in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) undertaken with respect to the framework of the EU project __New approaches to strengthened cooperation facilities for VET institutions and labour market__ (NecVet). The NecVET project has the aim of setting up a network between vocational education institutions and …

News Framing of the Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Coverage: A Comparative Study of the Philippines Inquirer and the Wall Street Journal News Sites
Natural disasters, which strikes without warning and leaves limited scope of preparedness, is a potentially traumatic event that is collectively experienced with severe consequences. With its high news values, natural disasters gains attention of the media, and therefore is given foremost and extensive coverage, particularly on news sites which allow readers to access to the …