Category: Dubai Conference Series 2017

Future Indian Citizens’ Position of Intention Towards Nuclear Power Plants Influenced by Beliefs and Understanding: An Intervention Study
Nuclear energy is considered as a future sustainable energy resource in power hungry and fast developing Indian economy. Public understanding of advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power is a key for governments to make informed decisions and actions. Too there are propaganda, misconceptions and politics for and against installing nuclear power plants in India. This …

The Critical Success Factors of Strategy Implementation in Large Service Industry Organizations
Several studies have noted that the strategies often fail mainly at the implementation process. However, most of the research addresses the formation of strategy. The importance of strategy formation is not of lesser important. This paper addresses the implementation aspect of strategy deployment. Strategy execution is selecting a strategy for organizational action to accomplish specific …

The Syntax and Semantics of the Benefactive Applicative in Temne
The benefactive applicative in Temne is typologically unusual for an applicative in that it has a variable, but regular syntactic effect on the valence of the verb. It can add one applied object, a beneficiary or an instrument, and two applied objects, a beneficiary and a substitutive or a beneficiary and an instrument to the …

Analysis on Bataan Tourism Industry: Bases for Extension Activities of Faculty and Students of Bataan Peninsula State University
This paper entitles “Analysis on Bataan Tourism Industry: Bases for extension activities of selected faculty and students of Bataan Peninsula State University”, aimed to assess and evaluate the knowledge ability and level of appreciation of the selected barangay officials and residents equally distributed in the 11 towns and 1 city in Bataan, Philippines. Study used …

East Meets West: A Glimpse of the Globalization and Internationalization of Innovation and Discovery
Whether be the politicians, businessmen or academics, “globalization” is such a term that is largely used by everyone in the discourse of development. In McLuhanean view, the result of advent of electronic media can be seen as the creation of “global village”. In contemporary political and academic sphere, globalization stands for little more than a …

The Influence of Political Economy Context on Policy Reform: Primary Education Curricula Reform in Egypt
The main research statement the current paper will try to examine is; how the turbulent political and economic conditions that Egypt has been passing through since 25th January 2011 affected the trends of reform in primary education? more specifically curricula reform trends.The main hypothesis of this research is that the Egyptian successive governments perceived curricula …

Ethnomathematic Concepts in Yakurr Culture: Applicability of Ethnomathematics Concepts in Conjunction with Conventional Method of Teaching Geometry
This study sought to explore ethnomathematics concepts that exist in the culture of the Yakurr people of Cross River State of Nigeria. It also aimed at determining the applicability of ethnomethematics concepts in conjunction with conventional methods in teaching geometry in junior secondary school one (JSS1). Three research questions and one null hypothesis were used …

Public Relations Education in an Arab/Islamic Context
Numerous scholars consider the discipline of public relations a western construct, infused with classic Greek rhetoric and Judeo-Christian tradition. In fact, public relations education in many Arab and Islamic countries continues to be based on Anglo-Saxon concepts and knowledge generated by US-UK scholars. A number of critical scholars have referred to the need of addressing …

Learner Perceptions of Good Teacher Attributes: Japan and Other Asian Contexts
Teacher quality is an integral component of a learner’s educational experience and development. Positive teacher influences can contribute to learner knowledge, skill acquisition, and a positive learning environment (Jahangiri & Mucciolo, 2016). An absence of contemporary research into Japanese learner perceptions of positive teacher attributes was the catalyst of the present study. An initial pilot …

Identity Quest: When East Meets West in Bahaa Taher’s Sunset Oasis: A Post-Colonial Reading
The cultural representation of the Western Other in modern Arabic fiction is a formidable body of texts that stretches over a span of almost one hundred years – from the beginning of the twentieth century until the present. Emerging out of the experience of colonization, most of these fictional narratives have asserted themselves by foregrounding …

Lifelong Learning From the Early Stages of Life
The concept of Lifelong Learning, generally used in reference to in-service training, vocational retraining for the labour market, post-university specialised training, and cultural and spiritual enrichment in adulthood and old age, assumes that lifelong learning starts only when school finishes, thus overlooking the great importance that educability and education in the first stages of life …

Music Education, Legality and Social Inclusion in Italy
The rising of foreign children who arrive in Italy, requires research and realization of host locations, aimed at guaranteeing rights such as: the protection, education, housing and education. This as required by the International Convention on the rights of the child of 1989, ratified by the Italian Government in 1991 and subsequently saw its application …

Flipped Classroom: The Case of Professional English Writing Course
Recently the teaching trend is to keep up-to-date with the boom in technology. Flipped teaching, which is rated as one of the “top trends in educational technology” (Watters, 2012), has gained foot in the EFL/ESL classrooms only recently (Fahim & Khalil, 2015; Bauer-Ramazani, Graney, Marshall, & Sabieh, 2016). To follow the teaching trend, the researcher …

Feasibility Study of Teaching Persian Language and Foreign Languages to the Immigrants and Users of Tehran Public Libraries
This research has been done to survey the public library’s function in supporting of the language teaching process for immigrants. It is an analytical survey. A structured questionnaire is used to gather information. The study population includes 100 managers of Tehran public libraries attached to Iranian Public Libraries Foundation. Results revealed that most managers, 85% …

When One Novel Talks with Another: The Dialogue Between Camus’ The Stranger and Kamel Daoud’s the Meursault Investigation
One of the 20th century’s major works of fiction is Camus’ The Stranger, a novel where a French Algerian kills an Arab and is executed for it. Is his condemnation based more on his disinterest in the recent passing of his mother? For many years, Meursault, the protagonist of this novel, beguiled readers with his …

Boko Haram Insurgency and the Specter of Female Suicide Bombers in Nigeria
The encounters between Boko Haram and the Nigerian state have been largely nightmarish and calamitous, making it one of the most talked about phenomenon in the recent times. The violent activities of Boko Haram constitute major disruption to the Nigerian state, especially in its task of achieving peace and development. Apart from persistent threats to …

Assessment of the Results in Teaching of Control Systems Course in the Perspective of Gender
This paper discusses the assessment of the results in teaching the course of Control Systems in department of Electrical Engineering United Arab Emirates University (UAE-U). In this university, there are segregation in the delivering teaching in the class between female and male students. It means that for one course the instructor needs to open two …

Friends with Benefits: Causes and Effects of Learners’ Cheating Practices During Examination
One of the major cognitive contents of educational system concerning examinations is the prevailing fraudulent culture–copying other learner’s answers during examination. (Smith,1994) The impact of this issue is consistently appalling and pervasive in this contemporary setting especially in secondary schools. This alarming kind of culture in the academe makes every learner know and do what …

The Use of Contemporary Video Art Techniques to Convey Buddhist Dhamma Teaching
This research aims to explore the use of video art based on contemporary/western performing art and visual art techniques to convey eastern philosophy of Buddhist teaching of Truth or Dhamma. The qualitative methods were used for data collecting and analysis. It is found in this research that contemporary/western video art techniques could facilitate the artist …

Using ICT for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become indispensable tool for both teachers and learners in various fields and discipline. The aspiration of many in this age is therefore aided by Internet facilities to the extent that ICT is gradually pushing aside the traditional library from educational scene. This paper is therefore an attempt to examine …

Beyt El Hekma’, The House of Wisdom: The Legacy of Arabic Science, Interdisciplinarity and Contemporary Art Practice
The Arab-Islamic Empire historically evidences interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge production and scholarship. This was realised with vast success during a period of intellectual expansion, religious tolerance and philosophical inquiry known as the Golden Age. One of the greatest innovations of this knowledge-based economy was the interdisciplinary approach to knowledge-production, which informs innovative approaches to contemporary …

Bureaucracy in the Power-Dependence of Domestic Politics and Linkage in Foreign Policy
The domestic politics and foreign policy have relevance. The policy-making actors in domestic politics are bureaucracy, party and parliament. Especially, bureaucracy is the most influential actor in policy-making. This paper will discuss how bureaucracy affects foreign policy. This paper consists of three parts. First, described is how various Ministries coordinate with the policy networks. In …

Case Study: Pre-Service Teachers Characterization and Engagement Levels of Critical Reading
Preservice teachers must be critical readers and thinkers if they are to prepare our future generations for the challenges of the 21st Century. Critical reading and thinking skills are essential to the evolution of a well rounded individual who can interpret information, challenge evidence, and assess diverse arguments. The following case study attempts to examine …

Academic Issues and Solution Proposal in a Plurilingual EFL Class in Japan
The purpose of this study is to propose solutions for issues in class of reading and writing English which South Korean, Chinese, and Japanese students attend, which is a typical plurilingual EFL class composition in Japanese universities. In Japan, a class of reading and writing English is requisite to students from Asian countries as well …

The 21st Century Skills in Higher Education
To increase the employability of baccalaureate graduates, tertiary education must include what are known as professional or 21st century skills. While academic programs worldwide strive to develop a solid professional skills base in students, these skills are notoriously difficult to teach and assess. In 2014, Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) began a …

Scenery Changes in Campus Proceeded by Students
University is where students improve their abilities and professors proceed with their research. It is fortunate if their interests coincide with each other’s. However, they are not always the same. In such a case, a seminar in a laboratory might fill the gap between them to a certain extent. In departments such as architecture or …