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To Give is to Receive’ The Merits of Ka-Upod: An Investment with Bountiful Gains

‘To give is to receive’ – a phrase that everyone is familiar with. In the case of minor seminarians, it may be a way of life for them. They are being molded as they aspire to devote their lives to be ministers of the Lord. A contextualized Peer Facilitation Program entitled Ka-UPOD was facilitated to


Implementation of Problem-Solving Instruction in a Global Education Course and Visualizing Japanese Undergraduate Students Learning

The world has been globalized at an unprecedented speed in that everything from people to information moves across nations more quickly and intensely than ever. In order to prepare the youth to effectively and responsibly live in such a global society, global education was born in the U.S. in the late 1960s and has developed


The Correlation between Work and Family Balance and Quality of Life, with Gender as Mediator Variable among Java Ethnic Group

The economic burdens has forced some families all around the world to have dual carriers. In such situation, having work and family balance (WFB) becomes crucial, since men and women, unlike the old days, are expected to be successful in both areas: family and work, in order to achieve their quality of life. Earlier studies


Old Communities, New Buildings: Decoding the Home-imagining Narratives of Taiwan’s Military Communities

After WWII, the Chinese civil war had caused over six hundred thousand military soldiers and their dependents to immigrate to Taiwan, led by the Kuomintang (KMT) government. In order to settle those Chinese soldiers and dependents, the KMT established 886 military communities around the Taiwan island and other off-shore islands. These military communities had become


The Rise of Western Pop Music and Pole Dancing in Taiwanese Traditional Religious Festivals

In traditional Chinese religious festivals, a procession in which the participants, prior to returning home from a holy pilgrimage, would tour to and visit the neighboring villages. This is called raojing _�__�_ (patrolling tour). The detour is to share the blessings from the pilgrims in order to bring good luck and prosperity to their fellow


IDC Learning: Artificial Neural Networks … and our LMS gets “intelligent”!

The wide spread of online courses, both in academic and business field, helps reducing the costs of training, but has negative effects. The indiscriminate and redundant delivery of digital contents and questionnaires, together with standardized rigid tutoring actions often implies a deterioration of the quality of the courses and a growing disaffection of students towards


Analysing Politeness Changes when Speaking Indonesian and English: A Case Study of Indonesian-English Multilingual

Being fluent in English as a foreign language in Indonesia is not as easy as learning the language itself since English is not common to use in Indonesia. However, there are some Indonesian speakers who are able to speak English fluently. Considering cultural native background and the target language cultural background, it will create different


A Brief History of the Chinese Interior During the Early Imperial Times (221 BC-589 AD)

This article explores and examines the Chinese interior during the imperial times in a sequential order, that is, the portrayal of various interior styles from the Qin to the Northern and Southern dynasties (221 BC-1912 AD). It focuses on the process of how the Chinese perceived, constructed, and maintained their inner space through dynastic succession.


Peoples’ Engagement With Renewable Technologies – Roadblocks and Triggers

Peoples’ Engagement with Renewable Technologies – Roadblocks and Triggers research aims at developing of new insights in relation to how existing familiar technologies influence peoples’ engagement with, and adoption of renewable technologies. The goal is to inform on potential ways of changing peoples’ behaviour and attitude towards adopting more sustainable practices in terms of producing


Improvement of the Logistics Operations of an Integrated Waste Management Company – Application to a Real Case in Portugal

One of the strategies of companies today is, instead of directing their investments on expanding the business, focus more on cost rationalization and business transformation, in order to improve performance and reduce operating costs. In this sense, logistics represents a key function in improving the operations related to the transportation and storage of materials, always


Global Cinema as Environmental Ambassador

This argument connects several international cinematic shooting locations to ecological states of affairs that reside there in order to imagine how viewing audiences worldwide might better connect to environmental issues through film. Drawing on theories of agency that inform the environmental humanities, I suggest that the material particulars of life in the biosphere have a


Teacher Candidate Support and Resiliency During a Global Pandemic

The global pandemic has disrupted the classroom experience of teacher candidates and for students with disabilities in their P-12 school environment. This presentation will describe how one education preparation program (EPP) had to shift their cohort model from face-to-face to virtual instruction in two weeks and simultaneously support their teacher candidates’ mental health needs and


Developing a Knowledge Based Economy Through Enhancing Management of Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria

The need to enhance management of vocational and technical education (VTE) and developing a knowledge based economy in Nigeria need not be over-emphasised. A knowledge based economy has four (4) key elements namely; economic and institutional regimes, education and skills, innovation system and information and communication technology (ICT). This paper brings to the fore a


Interrogating International School Teacher Precarity: The Short-term as Opportunity for Developing Resilience

Whilst the popular image of the international school teacher as the globe-trotting explorer is still prevalent in the popular imagination, recent research has started to explore the precarious nature of teaching in international schools. Examples of international school teacher precarity include short-term contracts, which are typically 2-3 years in duration, unfair dismissal, and potential marginalisation


Development of Learning Modules for Enhancing Classroom Action Research Skills of Student Teachers

A crucially important quality student teachers preferably possess in order to facilitate their own learning and career relates to classroom action research skills. This study aimed to design learning modules for enhancing classroom action research skills among student teachers. This design-based research was divided into three phases. The first phase was the development of the


Imitation and Self-imitation Practice on L2 Pronunciation Progress

The major aim of the current study is to investigate the outcomes of computer-assisted L2 pronunciation training to verify if there is a positive correlation between self-imitation practice and L2 pronunciation improvement in the process of second language acquisition. 35 Polish students of Applied Linguistics (at English level B2+) divided into two groups did imitation


How Can We Encourage Students to “Interact” and “Produce” In English Classes?: Voices of Japanese EFL Teachers

The newly revised Course of Study for high school English education in Japan (MEXT, 2018) demonstrates the importance of fostering students’ productive skills. Students will be expected to “interact” and “produce” in English by engaging in a variety of oral communication activities such as speech, presentation, debate and discussion. However, as great emphasis has long


Job Satisfaction and Employee Creativity and Innovation for Student Affairs Practitioners

Student affairs and services play an important role in the success of educational institutions in carrying out students’ holistic development and as a support to academics in order to facilitate learning. The student affairs administrators and practitioners contribute a lot in ensuring the delivery of dynamic programs and services that are responsive to the needs


Learning Promotion Trends Based on Problem and Need of Thai Farmers

Since Thailand has been applying green resolution which is development path, Thai farmers are unsuccessful in term of stable income. Objective of this research is studying farmer’s situation both current problems and needs, objective lead to learning promotion trends in order to build success in occupation. This research is studied by survey research with Thai


An Idea of Justice in the Platonic Tradition of Russian Religious Philosophy

The Platonic tradition is very strong in the ontology and cosmology of Russian religious philosophy. The concept of Sophia as the foundation and the final goal of mankind, as well as the idea of the celestial and terrestrial hierarchies, and the ascent of the creation toward the creator established in classical Greece, are remarkably developed


The Characteristics and Essence of Multiculturalism in Greater Khingan Mountains

Greater Khingan Mountains region is a relatively independent geographical area, which can be regarded as a cultural region. There are many ethnic groups such as Han, Mongol, Daur, Ewenki, Oroqen, Manchu, etc. distributed in the region. These ethnic cultures interact with specific environments. They not only form a cultural region at the macro scale, but


Weaving the Traditions for the Future: Building a Sustainable Support Framework for Iranian Traditional Hand-Woven Textile Arts

Iran has been notably applauded for its luxurious hand-woven textile art of the Persian carpets which has been a tremendous part of Iranian art, heritage and export. However, little attention has been paid to other kinds of Iranian hand-woven textile traditions such as Kaarbafi, Daraibafi and Shaarbafi to name a few both domestically and internationally,


Hate Speech in Reader Comments Made on News Regarding the Turkish General Elections of 2015

The main problematic of this study is to reveal how the political hate speeches directed to a political opinion or to its supporters are regenerated through reader comments, and to make the analysis of discursive practices generating the hate speeches in reader comments made on the news. In order to reveal the way in which


The Concordance Between EFI Learners’ Linguistic Sequential Development and the Curricula of Formal Learning Settings: An Analytical Study

Do EFL curricula best tackle the learners__ needs and are adhere to the linguistic sequential development? This research explores the extent of appropriateness of content in EFL curricula to our learners__ linguistic development. English as a foreign language (EFL) programs offer their courses with a diversity of textbooks and methodologies. This diversity creates, in some


The Representation of Women Warrior in Zhang Che’s ‘Golden Swallow’

Zhang Che, the late master of Hong Kong action cinema, has been seen as an important industrial player that influenced the landscape of popular cinema in negotiating, redefining and formatting the representation of gender identity since the 1960s. The achievement of Zhang has always been associated with his portrayal of male heroism in action films.


An Assessment of the Socio- Economic Impact of Medical Tourism on the Mauritian Community.

Medical tourism is also known as medical travel, health tourism or more recently, global healthcare; which in a broad sense, means seeking for medical wellbeing by travelling to a foreign region. However, this is not new; for thousands of years, people have traveled to foreign lands for healing purposes. This form of health travel has


Development of an Automatic Multiple Choice Question Generation System to Promote Understanding of Programming Concepts

Gagné, a learning psychologist, defined four hierarchical elements of learning skills: problem-solving, rules, concepts, and discriminations. These intellectual skills form a hierarchical structure with problem-solving at the top, followed by rules, concepts, and discriminations. Mastering lower-order skills is essential for higher-order skill acquisition. We apply this theory to programming education. In programming education, students are


Complex Mathematics Tools in Urban Studies

During centuries, the Theory of Architecture and Urbanism has been trying to describe and understand complex realities: the concept of beauty, how creative process are develop, or the meaning of a city, for example. In order to achieve explanations, sometimes we have built theories based in social issues; in other occasions we turn to Art


An Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Thinking Through Task Sequence on Division in Classroom Using Open Approach

The purpose of this research aimed to analyze students’ mathematical thinking that occurred in task sequence on division. The participants were 9 students in grade 4. The research methodology was qualitative method based on Lesson Study processes: collaboratively plan 5 research lessons, collaboratively do with include 4 steps of Open Approach: 1) posing open-ended problems,


Levelling the Score – The Role of Individual Perceptions of Justice in the Creation of Unethical Outcomes in Business

Rationalist models of ethical decision making assume that higher order conscious reasoning dominates the ethical decision making process however research shows that psychopaths have a similar capacity for ethical decision making to the rest of the population. In contrast research from the fields of social psychology, criminology and neurocognitive science shows that personal and contextual


The Effect of Level of Parenting Stress towards Mother-Child Interaction Quality: A Study on Mothers with Toddler from Poverty Family

This research was conducted to explain the effect of level of parenting stress towards mother-child interaction quality in mothers with toddler form poverty family. This research used the mixed method design for collecting data. Quantitative method used in order to analyzed the effect of level of parenting stress towards mother-child interaction quality. Level of parenting


Educational Approach of Leprosy in Primary School Students: An Approach to Social Stigma Reduction

The effort of eradicating leprosy in Indonesia has taken place for a long time, but new cases are detected up to now. The government has launched numerous efforts in light of eliminating leprosy. However, the results were not satisfactory. Medical and community approaches are equally important to be carried out simultaneously, in order to obtain


Relationship Between Ability to Endure Depression and Acceptance of Comfort

A high “ability to tolerate depression,” which is the ability to adaptively handle emotions that are unacceptable to oneself, is effective in recovering from negative situations. However, there are times in life when we encounter serious negative situations from which we cannot recover on our own, and we need to receive comfort from others. In


Technical Efficiency of Micro and Community Enterprises: Evidence from Dok-Kham-Tai District, Phayao, Thailand

This study is to find what are key factors contributing efficiency of the Dok-Kham-Tai community enterprises. In order to meet this objective question, first Data Environment Technique (DEA) is applied to calculate the community enterprise efficiency scores. Then, the calculated efficiency scores will be linked and explained by financial and non-financial factors. According to this


The Importance of Process Mining in Enhancing Process Performance in Organisation

The development of business intelligence allows organisations to manage and enhance the decision-making process by providing methods and tools for analysing data. Process mining in organisation is needs to develop connection between data mining as business intelligence method and Business Process Management. Its main purpose is the discovery of process model based on existing event


A New Standard for Doing Agile Scrum Team Work in Education

Scrum is increasingly becoming an essential product development methodology for project education in modern curricula, however, individually assessing students that work in scrum projects as applied in the professional work field remains extremely challenging until date. In scrum, students team up in order to deliver high-quality products in projects that are directed to real business


“No One Left Behind” – A Training Framework for a Data-literate Mindset in Higher Education Administration

In order to leverage the advantages of digitalization, many Higher Education Institutions have initiated transformation towards data-informed models, and attention has been paid to competency-based data literacy among a selective group of administrative team. However, often underrepresented in the discussion is the importance of a data-literate administration as a whole, as further data efforts are


The Development of the Basic Arduino Test (BAT)

Educational robotics has a promising impact on students’ learning which triggers educational institutions around the world to include it in their curriculums. In the Philippines, educational robotics is relatively new, and as of writing the Department of Education has yet to deliver a dedicated robotics curriculum. However, some public and private schools have already designed


Engaging With (Renewable) Technologies – Roadblocks and Triggers

Engaging with (Renewable) Technologies – Roadblocks and Triggers research aims at developing of new insights in relation to how existing familiar technologies influence peoples’ engagement with, and adoption of renewable technologies. The goal is to inform on potential ways of changing peoples’ behaviour and attitude towards adopting more sustainable practices in terms of producing energy


Constructing and Practicing Rights: A Perspective of Female Factory Workers in Bangladesh

In this paper, I analyze the citizenship of female workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I discuss how rights are built in response to dynamic powers and authorities in the context of local governance. For female workers, claiming rights often imply stepping out of a familiar social-cultural framework with the goal of pursuing the attention of state.


Post Pandemic Resilience: A Transition From Learning at Home to Hybrid Learning at Abstract School in Malaysia a Case of SMK Dato Seri Maharajalela, Perak, Malaysia

Pandemic COVID-19 gave an impact to the whole world including education and training sector focusing in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) at Malaysia. With the current challenges we must face volatile and uncertainty situation across the globe. Malaysia Education system especially TVET at every level from secondary to higher TVET sector adjusted from


Students and Teachers Training Program Effects in an Underprivileged School in Rural Areas in Lebanon

This study is based on the findings of a teaching training project the authors conducted in a semi-subsidized school in the Beqaa plane.The purpose behind this research is to train the students and teachers in underprivileged school in rural areas in Lebanon in order to spread awareness of the importance of reading in Cycle 1


Mantle of the Expert: the Versatility of Dorothy Heathcote’s Dramatic-inquiry Approach to Teaching and Learning

In the 1980s, Prof. Dorothy Heathcote MBE (1926-2011) developed the ‘Mantle of the Expert’ approach (MoE) during her work at the University of Newcastle. The basic concept of MoE is that children study the school curriculum as if they were a group of experts: they can be scientists in a laboratory, archaeologists digging out a


A Brief History and Systematic Review on Editing Techniques for Film Making

Film making is a dominant art form among all the art forms, which is able to combine the features and abilities from other art forms and affect the large audience. The features of the ideal film are that it must not confuse the audience and must be able to convey the message it is intended


Revisiting Collective Memory of the Nation Through Cartoon Violence

Rendang of Death is a short animated film that contains 38 scenes of violence, which take place in 3:30 minutes from the whole duration of the film, 6:13 minutes. Violence scenes are visualized vulgarly as well as hilarious to local audiences in Indonesia. This paper examines the function of cartoon violence in the animated short


Challenges Singapore Early Childhood Centre Leaders Face

In accord with emphasis made by the local government authority for early childhood services and education in Singapore, namely Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) on the importance of effective leadership in early childhood settings, this research investigated the challenges that a sample of centre leaders faced in accomplishing their roles and responsibilities. Thirty experienced centre


Equipping Adult Learners with Basic Literacy Skills for Cognitive Sustainability

The non-literate adults in Nigeria are often faced with the inability to apply mental intelligence in their lifestyles which is reducing their relevance in the 21st century society. The study therefore, seeks to equip adult learners with basic literacy skills for cognitive sustainability in Lagos state, Nigeria. Four research questions were raised and answered; and


The Role of Omani Women’s Associations in Preserving Women’s Creative Industries

The government of the Sultanate of Oman has been keen to preserve the entity of Omani women and their families through stability and cohesion in the light of the changes in life, whether it was material stability or moral stability. Since the establishment of the first branch of the Omani Women’s Association in 1972 AD


Revisiting Industrial Policy and Strategic Coupling Strategy Under the Era of Hyperglobalization

In a more independent and interdependent world, some suggest that in order for states to be successful in economic development, one must connect with the world capitalist economy. Although there is no explicit law enforcing this rule, Khong (2018) argues that the experience of the last sixty years provides a clear answer, and even a


Empowering Self Regulated Learners: Embedding of IB ATL Skills Through Digital Literacy in Primary Students

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a turning point of creativity in the field of education with the abrupt commencement of remote learning in March 2020 via online platforms. The ongoing digital transformation was accelerated and forced students to drastically adapt and adopt new approaches to their academic learning. In order for teachers to support


Effect of Handedness on the Completion Rate of Chemistry Timed Tasks by Left-Handed Learners

Handedness affects left-handers’ performance generally and specifically during laboratory work in chemistry. This is because of learning difficulties associated with handling and manipulating right-handed instructional resources. The study aimed at investigating whether left-handed learners’ use of right handed instructional resources has any significant effect on task completion rate in chemistry. Data was collected from 17-20


Actual English for Hospitality Industry From Foreign Hotel Guests in Thailand: A Case Study of Ayutthaya Province

Effective and appropriate communication in the hospitality industry needs more than language knowledge. This study aims to 1) explore the needs of conversational English of front office staff in Ayutthaya Province, Thailand; and 2) analyze the expressions spoken by foreign tourists in Ayutthaya. To discover the needs of English language learning, the questionnaire has been


Internal Audit in Philippine Provincial Government Office

The study evaluates the internal audit of Provincial Government Office (PGO) in terms of the organizational attributes and functions to identify the demographic profile of respondents, its organizational perspective and the internal audit activities perform by the office. Results show that most of respondents have taken Accountancy course with professional licensure of Certified Public Accountants


A Comparision between School Life Activities and GPAs under a New Educational E-portfolio System in University

To clarify relationship between GPA (Grade Point Average) and usual school life activities, we have developed a new educational e-portfolio system environment including not only conventional education data but also school life data in our university in Japan. School life data means non-lectures activities such as job hunting, club activities, home study, hobby, and part


Krashen’s Monitor Model Theory: A Critical Perspective

Krashen’s Monitor Model Theory is grounded on his view of language acquisition. Apart from being a seminal work in the field of Second Language Acquisition, the theory has addressed various issues relating first language acquisition. Krashen expounds his theory with five central hypotheses that respectively deal with what distinguishes language acquisition from language learning, what


Professional Development of Teachers: Comparison of Czech and Russian Educational Systems

Being a part of a larger research, this study focuses on the Czech and Russian educational systems in terms of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). It is a secondary data analysis which draws a comparison between Czech and Russian teachers and puts an enlarged interpretation of the results on lower-secondary school teachers’ CPD from the OCED’s


Foster Critical Thinking Skills through Movies and Multimedia

The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate how to foster students’ critical thinking skills by adopting multimedia and film in the classroom. In the current practice of the learning and teaching paradigm of student-centered approach, creating an environment to promote the learners’ critical thinking abilities by actively engaging them in the processes of analysis,


Construction of Churches and Townbuilding. A History of the Dominican Experience in Cagayan Valley: A Travelogue

Located in the northeastern most part of the Philippines is a valley between the Philippines longest mountain ranges, the Cordillera and the Sierra Mountain Range. The valley is crossed by the Philippines longest river, the Rio Grande de Cagayan. When the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines, the Vatican recognized the value of the friars to


The Level of Mass Media Usage of Electors in Political Enlightenment: A Fieldwork with University Students

Electors, one of the most important actors of elections, want to have a deep knowledge about alternative parties and candidates in order to decide which party or candidate to vote for before acting voting. For this reason they head towards their families, circle of friends, social groups they belong to, opinion leaders and mass media.


The Development of Lesson Plan Based on CIPPA Model in Principles of Guidance Course

The aim of this study was to develop the pedagogical approach under the concept of CIPPA instructional model in order to enhance the 26 students’ logical and rational skills that enrolled in The Principle of Guidance course of the first semester in 2019. Classroom research was utilized for this research. The three significant research instruments


Parallel Importation and Intellectual Property Law in Thailand

Parallel importation normally occurs when the goods produced under the protection of intellectual property (IP) laws are placed in one country, and then imported into another country without authorization of the local IP owners. The unclear laws and the lack of harmonization on laws related to parallel importation in ASEAN countries make it possible for


Faceless Blogging and Gatewatching on Social Media: A Study of Selected Ghanaian Blog Pages on Instagram

The advent of the internet and social media has brought about a change in news production and dissemination. There has been the emergence second-order journalism practiced by bloggers and citizen journalists as a result of the participatory nature of social media which has further changed the traditional news ecology practiced by professional journalists. This paper


Sex Education: Level of Knowledge and Its Effects on the Sexual Behavior and Opinions Among the Government Senior High School Students of Vigan City SY 2018-2019

The Philippines, being a Christian country, finds Sex Education a sensitive topic to discuss with. But, with the increasing cases of pregnancies, sexually-transmitted diseases and other forms of sexually-related violence, the Philippine government raised their vote to integrate and teach sex education in the curriculum. After recognizing the vital role of education on the rising


Environmental Challenges and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Indonesian Perspective

Economic growth has become an objective of developing countries, including Indonesia. The sustainability of economic growth in developing countries depends on the sustainability of natural resources. Hence, it is very important to apply sustainable development principles to boost economic growth in developing Countries. The concept of sustainable economy should be integrated in the economic growth,


Characteristics of Executive Function and Its Relationship With Mastery Motivation in Young Children With Global Developmental Delays

Executive function encompasses multiple functions of brain related to cognitive constructs such as self-regulation and mastery motivation. Whether there was group difference executive function between young children with global developmental delay (GDD) and with typical development (TD) was unclear. The relationship of child mastery motivation with executive function has rarely been examined by previous studies.


Speaking Anxiety: Japanese Students in the EFL Environment

The present study was carried out as a means of investigating and understanding the nature and sources of speaking anxiety in the EFL classroom. In order to determine which speaking activities students find to be the most anxiety producing, a qualitative questionnaire was administered. Participants consisted of 140 Japanese students in the first and second


Integrating Independence & Interdependence: Education Beyond Dualism

We must realize that the current needs of society are due to how we have developed the minds of our society within our educational systems. In order to create a path of peace and wisdom in the world, we must understand how the stagnation of education and narrow-minded socioeconomic pressures have misguided students, teachers, and


REFLECT: Engaging and Empowering Critical Thinking Through Creative Process Journals

Disruption is not only changing the landscape of businesses and the workforce but also pushing learning and teaching approaches to re-evaluate themselves in order for educators to motivate learners to learn in a digital world. In Singapore’s tertiary education, learners have moved from the proponents of STEM to STEAM, where an integration of the arts


Survey on Whether The Sri Lankan Pre-Service National Diploma In Teaching Programme Addresses the Learning Needs of Diverse Learners

This study sought to identify the state of prospective teachers’ knowledge about differentiated instruction; how often prospective teachers differentiate instruction in specific subject areas; and the differentiated instruction factors that are implemented during the internship practicum period in the pre-service National Diploma in teaching program in order to meet the needs of diverse learners in


Implementing Second Life in Higher Education: A Literature Review

Many educators around the world have shown an interest in three-dimensional virtual world such as Second Life in order to increase the level of student engagement. This paper aims to study on the implementation of second life in Higher Education. The research methodology was analyzing and synthesizing the literature review. The literatures were reviewed to


The Evolution of the Technological Characteristics of Media Websites

This paper discusses technological characteristics and tools offered by Web 2.0 which can be employed in media websites. The aim of this study is to explore possible methods which could be applied in web media companies. By this way the usability and the interaction of the media websites can be improved significantly by using social


Diversity and Assistive Technology: Focusing on the analysis of special education magazines from 1999 to 2009 in Japan and The United States

People with disabilities who are able to make use of adequate Assistive Technology (hereafter referred to as AT), are more able to participate in society. Moreover, there needs to be an improvement made in the circumstances and environment of people with disabilities to enhance their usage of AT. Therefore, in order to clearly understand the


Keeping Tabs on Reading: Comparing Reading Comprehension Scores of E-Text Readers and Physical Text Readers in Senior High School

Technology plays a powerful role in the field of education (South, 2017), and with digital integration inside the classroom, scholars debated in the use of these e-texts since issues regarding reading comprehension surfaced as researchers tried to tackle new forms of digital learning (Moran et al., 2008). This research aims to compare the pre and


Millennialism Scale: A Measurement of Thoughts and Feelings on the Millennium

Amongst many Christian denominations is the belief in a millennium, which is a period of 1,000 years either directly preceding or following the second coming of Jesus Christ. There are two differing perspectives based upon the millennium, separated by those who are premillennialists and postmillennialists (Mason, 2004). Premillennialists believe that people do not have the


The Innovative Arrest Warrant Tracking System

There currently remain 152,148 warrants in the database of the Royal Thai Police (data as of 28 March, 2013, Royal Thai Police, 2013). This staggering amount of remaining warrants reflects the high number of wrongdoers on the loose. The prominence of the aforementioned problem has led to the study on escape behavior of warranted suspects.


Exploration in the Mist of the History: Review of Blind Spots in Research on History of Taiwanese Cinema

Past discussion on the history of Taiwanese cinema rarely focused on the Japanese colonial period. By literature review and new findings of historical data, this study explores past arguments on the history of Taiwanese cinema from three dimensions in order to probe into the mist and perspective of the research on the history of Taiwanese


Assessment Patterns in Computing Education

Computing education aims to develop computational thinking skills in students. It requires many higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, logical thinking etc. Quality and effectiveness of computing education is achieved by focusing these skills in the three stages of education – planning of learning-objectives, teaching and assessment. Assessment is the most important stage


The Common Edible Shellfish Recognition System Applying Laser Measurement

Image recognition has been widely applied to sorts of fields. Nevertheless, the most common characteristics of image recognition, such as color, corner and texture, are liable to be affected by illumination and the light of background leading to bias the recognized consequences. In recent years the technology of three-dimensional scanning has developed increasingly mature which


The Research of Taiwan Virtual Idol Design Factor Analysis

In December 2014, Kaohsiung MRT works with creator to launch ‘K.R.T. GIRLS’ in order to attract young people’s attention, it received a great response. In addition, Taiwan professional baseball team Uni Lions also established girl idol group ‘Unigirls Junior’ at June 2016, the group also has three virtual idol to serve as its corporate image


Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis of Modal Auxiliary Verb Usage by Japanese Learners of English in Argumentative Essays

This research concludes that Japanese non-native English speakers (JNNSs) use modal auxiliary verbs in a way that differs from what native speakers (NSs) use from two perspectives: frequency of occurrence and verb phrase structures (VPSs) where modals occur. To lead this conclusion, JNNSs’ usage of nine central modals (‘can’, ‘could’, ‘may’, ‘might’, ‘shall’, ‘should’, ‘will’,


A Survey of the Problems, Wants, and Abilities of Writing Skill of Secretaries

English language becomes an obvious key tool for success in international businesses. Secretaries play a crucial role to manage company administrative duties. Although they are exposed to the target language daily, writing problems in various types of documents still occur. Besides, the needs of English for their profession have scarcely been revealed. Specifically, only a


System Innovations in Design for Aging – A Research-driven Multi-stakeholder Approach for Transforming Health Systems

In many cases design approaches use a systemic point of view in order to gain insights that inform the process of developing new products and services or improve existing ones. At its best, design uses research methods as well as scientific evidence and creativity tools to tackle wicked problems in fields such as sustainability or


The Necessity of Shifting the Emphasis in Japanese Lifelong Learning: How to Survive in a “Super-Aged Society”

Japan has been experiencing an unprecedented demographic upheaval of rapid aging and extremely low birth rate over the last decades, together with a dwindling population. In fact, people 65 and over accounted for 25.9 percent of the population, as of 2014, and the total population is expected to fall by almost a third within the


Peace Comes About in Your Honour’: The Arts, Migration and Reconciliation

This presentation illustrates how a multimodal and transdisciplinary project brings together dance, music, poetry and historical and natural settings, with the ultimate aim of raising awareness about issues of migration. The mixing of Maltese poetry translated into English, with corporeal gestures and movements allows the interpreter of the work to experience and embody social, historical,


In Pursuit of Latvian-Lithuanian Federation: Jonas Šliūpas in Hawaii

The collapse of the tsarist regime in the Russian Empire was a window of opportunity to seize independence for the Lithuanian nation. Following the February Revolution of 1917, Jonas Šliūpas (1861-1944) was charged by the Lithuanian Independence Fund to visit Russia, in order to ascertain the conditions of Lithuania war refugees, and determine what assistance


Design and Implementation of “Spoc Teaching Mode” for Fostering Creativity

SPOC (Small Private Online Course) has been widely used in higher education all over the world for its ease of access due to advanced information technology. Pursuing a successful future career, students in higher education need to develop their creativity and professional knowledge. Therefore, higher education should focus on the cultivation of creativity and professional


Mapping the Convergence of Communication Disciplines: A Conceptual Study

A positive reputation of an organization is needed in order to ensure the organization sustainability. Therefore, communication with internal and external stakeholders become important. The main objective of this paper is to visualize how the concept and practice of organization-communication, corporate-communication and public relations are combined in the process of organization reputation development. Focus group


A Proposal to Develop Explicit Grammar Knowledge as an Expansion of the Presentation Stage in the Three P’s Framework

From a theoretical point of view in second language learning, it is crucial to understand the importance of explicit knowledge and learning when teaching adolescents and adults to develop automatization of abstract grammatical structures. Dekeyser (2008) acknowledges this idea, claiming that “the instructional approach should be different depending on age: full-scale immersion is necessary for


Low Proficient Students’ Oral Interaction with Native Speaker of English as a Language Assistant in the Classroom

There are many students in Indonesia who are afraid of speaking in English. The lack of vocabulary, fluency, accuracy, and also exposure makes it difficult for students to be confident speaking English. This study entitled ‘Low proficient Student’ Oral Interaction with Native Speakers of English as a Language Assistant in the Classroom’ is aimed to


Literacy Learning Program Using 3D Kanji Models for Children with Developmental Dyslexia

A unique program for the 3D representation of letters (including stroke order and structure) has been developed to support intelligible understanding of written Japanese kanji by children with developmental dyslexia using a tablet computer. The 3D kanji consists of ordered pairs of strokes with distinctly different depths. This study, therefore, aims to test the efficacy


Marketing Mix to Promote Tourism in the Nature Education Center for Mangrove Conservation and Ecotourism in Chonburi Province

This study specifically aims to investigate appropriate marketing mix model to promote tourism in Chonburi province. It consists of three main objectives: (1) to explore the components of the Nature Education Center for Mangrove Conservation and Ecotourism in Chonburi, (2) to study marketing mix in order to promote tourism, and (3) to study a model


Exploration of Students’ Learning Experiences in a Course Developed With TPACK and Design Thinking

In recent years, scholars have placed more emphasis on teachers’ technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) and Design Thinking (DT) abilities in order to promote students’ learning experiences. Accordingly, this mix-method research aims to: (1) develop the Integration of Technology into Design Thinking Questionnaire (ITDTQ) and (2) explore the instructor’s TPACK and students’ learning experiences


Analysis and Improvement of Distribution Routes and the Associated Vehicle Fleet – Application to a Real Case in Portugal

Logistics management plays a key role in improving business efficiency, since it is the part of supply chain management that plans, implements and controls the flow of goods, services and information between the point of origin and the point of consumption. Customers are more demanding and want the right products, in the right place, at the


Design Thinking and Creative Group Engagement in the EFL Classroom

Research has questioned the ability of our educational systems to prepare students for the increasingly uncertain and complex nature of the modern world. The need to rapidly predict trends, and find solutions to complex problems has increased the importance of empathy, creativity, cognitive flexibility and critical thinking in the workplace. In order to prepare students


Stories on YouTube: Can This Be an Effective Learning Tool to Improve Listening and Reading Comprehension Skills?

Use of online learning opportunities among language teachers and learners has become one of the commonly utilized tools as they provide effective means (convenient, accessible, authentic and sometimes free) to learn a foreign language. Research shows that online learning opportunities, particularly YouTube – a popular video sharing and viewing platform creates more meaningful and independent


METAssemblage: Meta, Privacy and the Meaning of Faces

Revelations regarding major tech companies and their collaboration with government have opened up a new dialogue regarding online monitoring, adding to preexisting concerns over self-presentation and access to personal information. There is a new awareness of “dividuals” and “data doubles” online, as in the work of scholars such as Andrejevic, Murakami-Wood and others. Users of


Remote Teaching and Learning: Resilience and Academic Voices

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been driven to rethink, redesign, and respond overnight in the COVID-19 pandemic. The instantaneous closure of education institutions in South Africa, and worldwide raised several questions in terms of the adaptability and readiness of the HEI sector to adapt and respond to the changes. The changes called into question issues


Rethinking Work Integrated Learning Pedagogy: Reflections Post COVID-19

The consistent battle to ensure quality outcomes in work integrated learning (WIL) experiences has been an ongoing matter for higher education institutions. For universities that offer WIL modules, it is essential to ensure consistency from one year to the next concerning student experiences, as well as outcomes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities moved to emergency


Using Blogs for Real World Writing: Encouraging Learner Independence

This study aimed to investigate students’ opinions on using blogs for writing and giving comments among classmates outside class. Results from a questionnaire show that students consider the act of giving comments on Blogs helped them to improve their critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills. Some students felt uncomfortable to give comments when others


Transforming Education in the Digital Age: Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Learning and Engagement

Digital technology has established itself as a crucial element in contemporary education in a society that is becoming more interconnected. Digital tools that provide fresh ways to interact with educational content are being integrated into traditional pedagogical practices. This integration is not only aiding the education process, but also transforming it as a whole. This


Language-Specific Gesture Patterns in Bilinguals: Differences Between L1 and L2

Bilingualism involves mastery of both speech and gesture patterns in a second language (L2). Previous studies on first language (L1) production have shown that speech and co-speech gesture form a tightly integrated system, with co-speech gesture mirroring the patterns observed in speech. However, less is known about the online effect of language on gesture in


Political Parties Re-Disconnected? Websites and Social Media of Indonesian Political Parties

Political parties of Indonesia nowadays have created their own websites (Hameed, 2007) in which the patterns of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) by political parties are much affected by the political and media system (Anstead and Chadwick, 2010; Ward and Gibson, 2010). What are the patterns of Indonesian political parties in utilizing


Pushing Ethnoscape Identity Through Taiwanese Movie Box Office after the Popularity of Cape No. 7

New Media offer Taiwanese as an alternative media to explore their ethnic group identity when other mainstream media fail to present their image and imagined community as the way they want to be presented. After the popularity of Cape No. 7, Taiwanese Movie Box Office shows that almost only movies with good quality which can


Can Blended Learning Replace Face-to-Face Teaching in Machine-Knitting Courses?

Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has made unprecedented impacts on teaching and learning (T&L). In tertiary education, face-to-face classes were replaced by online teaching, while most of the hands-on classes and practicums were suspended. The transition was challenging yet it gave us a chance to rethink about the pedagogy and T&L direction


English Language Learning Anxiety in East Asian Classrooms

Second language anxiety is a known barrier to English language learning for tertiary students in East Asia. This study compares the experiences of students from three different countries in East Asia; Japan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Each of these countries has had different exposures to English language use, with Japan being the least, and Malaysia the


University Students’ Perceptions of Using a Communication Platform for English Speaking Courses

Attributable to the fast pace of globalization, demand for effective English speaking skills has been growing rapidly. It is clear that a greater enhancement of the communication skills of university students is a critical mission of English educators. At the current time, an array of communication platforms is being used across different education levels. The


Perceptions of TVET Students Regarding the Integration and Accepting of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Teaching and Learning: Situation Analysis of TVET College in South Africa

Emerging digital technologies in education are changing the traditional institutions by providing new possibilities for learning online and integrating technology for pedagogical innovation. Higher institutions such as universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges have implemented and adopted the learning management system (LMS) as an innovative alternative digital technology for online teaching


The Development of a Malay Language Pretend Play Assessment Kit for Assessing Malaysian Children’s Pretend Play

Pretend play involves representation of objects or individuals as another for amusement seeking and one of the multifaceted play activities that children engage in for fun, yet promotes a myriad of skills development and learning including cognitive, language, social, and emotional skills. Children across gender, geographical and cultural backgrounds engage in pretend play, however, there


Learning to Test With Robots Collaboratively in Our Homes: “Mum/Dad, When Can I Play With It?”

Teaching postgraduate systems engineers, project managers or cybersecurity managers to test and evaluate modern complex systems requires them to evaluate a system with a degree of autonomy, some internal programming variables and some external mission and environment variables. Prior to COVID-19, students did this in collaborative groups in intensive attendance classes with a small line-following


Student Violence in Schools – An Emerging Challenge for Educators

Teacher well-being continues to gather increased attention in the contemporary educational scenario. School-based violence is a significant contributor to the detrimental experiences of educators, including various forms of violence perpetrated by students. Even though research in this area has received global attention over the past decade, the paucity of ample evidence- base for strategies for


India’s Digital Divide and Kerala’s ‘First Bell’: A Radical & Alternative Form of Digital Education During COVID-19

Education suffered one of the biggest blows due to Covid-19 in 2020-22. As educational institutes moved to digital-online teaching and learning, ‘digital divide’ or the unequal access of the internet and other digital tools among students, turned out to be a major impediment in its proper conduct & success. In India, caste, class and gender


Where Do Digital Natives Start and Finish? Lecturers’ Use of Technology in Three Thai Universities

Teachers’ ownership of technology devices, their access to software and Web-based utilities, and their preferences when using technology are the subject of this ongoing research. The devices that instructors’ use in the classroom, how teachers use online learning systems as provided by the university, and teachers’ skill levels when using technology for learning are also


Multimedia Application for Improving Chinese Language Skills for International Students

In the last decade, research on Chinese as a second language teaching and learning has yielded significant advancement through state-of-the-art technology. This paper addresses the major difficulties that students face in recognizing Chinese characters. To solve the problems, the study proposes the online multimedia application for teaching Chinese characters. The needs analysis was conducted beforehand


Being at Home in Transnational Spaces: Conceptualizing the Lifeworld of Chinese Migrants Abroad

In the scientific discourse in China, overseas Chinese are usually represented as constitutive elements of the Chinese nation-state. In contrast, Western migration studies tend to analyze Chinese migrant’s identities only in the context of their relation to the host country. In a way, both approaches fall into the trap of methodological nationalism and thus fail


Exploring the Impact of iPads in Teaching Introductory Physics Courses at UAEU

This study investigates the impact of iPad usage in teaching introductory physics courses at United Arab Emirates University. Four first year physics sections were selected to apply this study. Two have used iPads to view their lecture notes, taking online quizzes, online homework, accessing few interactive apps. The other two sections have used the traditional


Remote Experiment for Electrical Engineering

Handson experience is mandatory for engineering courses such as electrical power system, and power electronics. However, the laboratory is not accessible during lock-down period. In such case, remote experiment setup is required. This work shares a laboratory setup is assisting the remote experiment for electrical engineering instructors and students. The setup involves electrical training equipment,


A Shifting Gender Regime in Contemporary China? Fans’ Queer Readings of the Film Ne Zha

The animation film Ne Zha was a hit in the summer of 2019 in Chinese cyberspace. The film generated a lot discussion and user generated content from online fans. This is due largely to the film’s nuanced depiction of the relationship between its protagonist Ne Zha and his friend/enemy, Ao Bing. The homosocial/homoerotic undertone in


Internationalization at Home through the Pandemic Era: A Qualitative Study on Tertiary Students in Hong Kong and Japan

Internationalization has become a key priority of many higher education institutions across the globe to enhance the intercultural capabilities of their students. With the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, Internationalization at Home (IaH) has provided invaluable opportunities for students to develop and improve their global outlook and cross-cultural competencies ‘at home’ during these challenging times


Assessing Full-time Undergraduate Student Segments: Public Higher Education Enrollment in Hawaii

Distinct competition for full-time student enrollment in higher education is evident. Students are increasingly considering themselves in the position of a consumer of higher education. Reaching prospective undergraduate students highlights the importance of market segmentation as a vital step towards increasing full-time enrollment. A crucial step to reaching potential undergraduate students to increase student enrollment


Using Biometrics to Fortify E-learning Platforms Security

E-learning is here to stay. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 1.2 billion students were educated through online learning. Platforms such as Zoom, Webex, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc. were among the most popular ones during that period. However, these platforms suffer from various vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to cyberattacks, including Man-in-the-Middle attacks


The Use of Virtual Tabletop for Revising Electron Counting in Inorganic Chemistry

Electron counting of metal complexes is an important skill for chemistry undergraduate students learning inorganic chemistry. As part of game-based learning, we have developed a card game termed “CountQuest” for students to revise electron counting after learning this concept from conventional lectures. In this proceeding, we describe the use of a free web-based virtual tabletop


A Brief Report Regarding a Relationship Between Specification of BYOD Devices and ICT Proficiency Test

In this information society, information literacy and computer skills are one of the most important factors in higher education. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning was widespread and became a general way of learning. Sendai University introduced a curriculum based on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in 2023. The university presented recommended minimum specifications;


Mapping the Research Field of Moodle: A Bibliometric Analysis Using Bibliographic Coupling

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the shift from conventional education online. In supporting this new norm, learning management systems (LMS), which are web-based platforms providing a holistic environment to deliver and manage the educational experience, has become a central aspect in online education. In this context, this study aims to investigate the trends


Different Histories, Different Narratives: ICT Uses as “Habitus”?

History forms narratives, narratives form media uses? My presentation will address this question drawing on a research conducted on social media. The latter examines the way two LinkedIn discussion groups, held by Greek and French migrants respectively, make use of this platform. The comparative approach raises the question of habitus (Pierre Bourdieu), in its global


Using Decision Tree to Predict Response Rates of Consumer Satisfaction, Attitude, and Loyalty Surveys

Response rate has long been a major concern in survey research. Based on 244 published studies on consumer satisfaction, attitude and loyalty that are predictors of customer retention and behavior, this study aimed to identify predictors of response rates. A decision tree analysis (using the C5.0 algorithm on 70% of the studies as the training


Research of Primary School Students’ Knowledge and Attitude to Internet Tolerance

Internet tolerance is a very relevant problem in the context of the 21st century, when a greater percentage of communication between people, including children, occurs precisely in the virtual space. The survey included 230 girls and boys from Primary school. The research is conducted through a questionnaire, which includes 20 questions and explores student’s opinion


Perceived Risk and Trust Influence the Privacy Abuse Concern and Enjoyment on Social Network Sites for Shopping Decisions

The development of digital media and technology has a significant influence on daily life. Since the global increase in the use and popularity of Social Network Sites (SNS), many researchers focus their attention on user attitude and adoption intention. As users rely increasingly on social networks as part of their social life, concerns about the


The Topsy-Turvy World of the University Classroom

This paper will review how the Global Pandemic starting in 2020 has affected classes at a typical Japanese university. Initially, the university students at an all women’s college were considered to be passive and not willing to take risks. However, as the instructor was forced to switch from face-to-face to online classes using the university’s


Perceptions and Processes of Virtual Teamwork Involving Japanese Undergraduate Students

In this presentation I will examine the virtual teamwork processes by focusing on the perceptions of undergraduate students when they transition, take action and build interpersonal relationships during an intensive learning project carried out at the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The participants (n=20) were Japanese undergraduate students from three universities enrolled in a synchronous online


The Problem and Satisfaction of Lecturers Towards the Independent Study: Case Study in Indonesia

The aim of this research is to describe the achievement and satisfaction of teachers as users of the Independent Study or Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program in Indonesia. Additionally, this study reveals problems related to implementation, including the benefits, obstacles, and expectations of teachers towards improving future execution of the Independent Study program. Simple


Coverage of Various Communication Platforms: A Guide for Marketing Universities

The digital era has ushered the rise in the utilization of alternative communication platforms in integrated marketing communications (IMC). These include the use by organizations of traditional media and newer online media. The sole or combined utilization is driven by the platform’s coverage, cost, contribution, commonality, complementarities, cross-effects, and conformability. The contemporary business environment necessitates


Animals are Friends, Not Food: the Turning Point to go Vegan

The proportion of individuals desiring to follow a vegan diet has increased in recent years. There was an increased interest in veganism among Thai people, and in 2018, about 7 millions of Thai people identified themselves as vegans. A group of Thai vegans joined the online social media that facilitate the creation and sharing of


Perception of Digital Integration and Companions for Older Communities in China in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the era of rapid aging and information superposition, accelerating the digital integration of the elderly and narrowing the digital divide of the elderly are the new requirements and actual contents of encouraging active aging in the digital society. Due to the ongoing pandemic COVID-19, the majority of the world’s elderly population reported feeling socially


Increasing Student Engagement in a Hybrid Class

Hybrid learning occurs when face-to-face instruction and online instruction are combined and about 30% to 79% of teaching takes place outside of the classroom (Allen, Seaman, & Garrett, 2007). Hybrid courses aim to combine the best features of face-to-face and online instruction; while face-to-face instruction provides social interaction and builds trust, on-line instruction offers convenience


Intercultural Awareness and Competence: Cultural Differences and Challenges among International Students in a Private Malaysian University

In the past, almost the whole university student population in Malaysia comprised three major ethnic groups, namely Malays, Chinese and Indians, as well as other minorities. The make-up of the student population has evolved dramatically and it is common to see students of other cultures in private campuses throughout the country. These students have significant


Knowledge Engineering for Developing Knowledge Management System: College of Arts, Media and Technology, Thailand

Research and Development are crucial to every university aiming at being the world-class educational institute internationally accepted. The College of Arts, Media and Technology is an academic unit of Chiang Mai University, situated in the northern part of Thailand, aspires to reach this goal by combining the best in education with the global-standardized research, encouraging


Preparing Teachers for Rural Schools in Indonesia: A Case Study of Teachers’ Professional Development Program

Schools in eastern rural and remote regions in Indonesia continue to face teacher shortages and poor education quality. Complex rural challenges have become the main reason why many urban teachers are reluctant to apply for rural teaching position or consider as future career. Preparing teachers for teaching position across rural regions through government’s leading program


Bollywood Representations of Kashmir and Kashmiris: Between Orientalist Melodrama and Post-colonial Representation

This paper starts from the ideas that Indian cinema seeks to describe Indian culture (Nandy, 1995) and that filmmakers’ use of intertextuality makes them the discernible conscience of the Indian nation (Thomas, 1995) in order to explore the depiction of Kashmir and Kashmiris in Bollywood films. It argues that these films portray a kind of


Self-esteem, Readiness for Self-improvement and Subjective Well-being in Women from Collectivistic and Individualistic Cultures

The question of how collective self-esteem and personal self-esteem are linked to readiness for self-improvement and subjective well-being in women from individualistic and collectivistic countries was examined. Indian and Polish women were surveyed in order to measure personal and collective self-esteem, readiness to self-improvement and subjective well-being. The results allowed to distinguished three groups of

“Our Fear Has Taken on a Life of its Own”: The Monster-Child in Japanese Horror Film of The Lost Decade

The monstrous child of Japanese horror film has become perhaps the most transnationally recognisable and influential horror trope of the past decade following the release of “Ring” (Hideo Nakata, 1999), Japan’s most commercially successful horror film. Through an analysis of “Ring”, “The Grudge” (Takashi Shimizu, 2002), “Dark Water” (Nakata, 2002), and “One Missed Call” (Takashi


Applying an Evaluation Model for Media Performance On Taiwanese Cinema

The rise of huge Chinese markets leads to many movie entrepreneurs and professionals in Taiwan and Hong Kong transferring their stages to Mainland China. To satisfy the Chinese Cinema market, Taiwan’s movie industries and their local audience have been encountering social phenomena such as local audience’s maladjustment to movie text produced by China, local movie


Social Green as a Strategy to Design Sustainable City in Developing Countries a Case Study of Surabaya

Designing city with minimum ecological foot print is necessary. However, most cities in developing countries have lack ability to design it. Lack of budget, lack of technology, urbanization, rapid population and economic competitive pressure has created slum and waste (Zarsky & Tay, 2000). Article argues that environment policy should meet five criteria. It should have


Key Issues on Designing and Implementing Emissions Trading System in China

The mitigation of carbon emissions has been the subject of gradual policy development in the international community during recent years. China, as the world’s most populous and largest developing country, is a large greenhouse gas emissions source that grows rapidly in line with its industrialisation and urbanisation. Extensive air pollution within China today, however, is


Parental Support, Cooperative Learning, and Peer Awareness in Students’ Exposure to School Bullying: Predicting Bullying in China

School bullying negatively affects adolescents at both cognitive and psychological levels. In China, a relatively high prevalence of school bullying has been observed with researchers and educators beginning to identify bullying-related factors in order to foster a healthy school environment. However, parental support, cooperative learning, and peer awareness as forms of intervention support, are still


The Consideration of Heat Reduction Hourly Schedule on Front Surface of Photovoltaic Module to Improve Efficiency

The efficiency of the Photovoltaic (PV) are depended on many things, one of them is the accumulative heat on the front surface which related to the operating temperature. The attempt to improve PV efficiency was carried out by reducing the heat on the front surface. The Monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic was used in the experiment. There


Art and Sports Images as an Approach for Teaching and Learning in Art and Physical Education Curricula

Art and sports are two domains that have traditionally been considered separate entities within educational settings. However, by combining these disciplines, educators can create a more holistic and interdisciplinary learning experience for students. This paper examines the potential benefits of using art and sports images as educational tools, including enhancing creativity, fostering critical thinking, promoting


Promoting Sustainability in Selected African Fashion Design Institutions

The period 2005-2014 was identified as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD. The Decade highlighted education and learning as vehicles through which sustainable agenda could be voiced in the common pursuit of sustainable development. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) provides better understanding of the complex interdependence between human needs and the natural environment.


Introducing Artificial Intelligence in High School Curriculum

In May 2019, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), convened the first conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education to reflect on the impact of this emerging technology on teaching and learning. In the history of education, disruptive technologies including electronic calculators, computers, the Internet, and the World-Wide Web have set new


The Effects of Growth Mindset, Multicultural Efficacy, and Peer Relationship on Democratic Citizenship of Elementary Students in South Korea

The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of growth mindset, multicultural efficacy and peer relationship on democratic citizenship of elementary students. The subjects were 212 4th~6th grade elementary students in South Korea, surveys were conducted from November 2022. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis was performed using SPSS 27.0 for


Surveying Historic Buildings: Valuing Sustainability in Historic Large Hall Structures including Places of Worship in the UK

Historic buildings make a positive contribution to all aspects of sustainable development. They are more than an environmental and cultural asset; they are an important driver for economic development and delivering social objectives. This paper looks at the factors that need to be considered in order to assess the sustainable performance of listed buildings. It


Generative AI Tutors and Project-Based Learning: Boosting Financial Literacy in Japanese Students

This research study aimed to investigate how generative AI-enhanced Japanese university students’ financial knowledge, behavior, and attitude following a 15-week course on personal finance. An electronic instrument was distributed to 49 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students in two elective courses focused on teaching the basics of personal finance at a private university in


Role of Progressive Aspect in the Definitions of Stative and Dynamic Verb

This experimental study aims to find out reasons behind scanty knowledge of stative and its dynamic counterpart among the EFL learners. Firstly, it is focused on to what extent the definitions of stative and dynamic posted in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, which the college students studying at secondary and tertiary level in Pakistan put to


Empirical Analysis of Chinese Environmental Citizenship: Citizens’ Awareness of Environmental Issues and Environmental Protection Activities

China has experienced rapid economic growth over the last thirty years. However, owing to such rapid growth, China is facing various environmental issues that need to be addressed. Numerous researchers believe that Chinese citizens’ cognizance regarding pollution can play an important role in protecting the environment by incorporating social changes, which is termed as “environmental


The Impact of a Literacy Strategies Course Taught in a Public-School Setting on Teacher Candidates and Students with Ebd

This study describes the impact of a literacy strategies course taught at a local public school that includes special education teacher candidates working with students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) on literacy strategies that are taught in the classroom portion of the course. Within the framework of the course, participating students with EBD receive 45


What Motivates You towards Academic Success? A Comparative Study

Student motivation is a very difficult element to identify in academic success, has been the focus of many studies in the educational field around the world; the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is no exception. Faculties often find it challenging to align their teaching strategies and course learning outcomes with the factors affecting student motivation. Research


Understanding User Feedback Through Negative Emotions: A Learning Experience

User feedback is an important topic to be taught in Software Engineering (SE) courses. Furthermore, it includes theoretical concepts related to questionnaires, the time elapsed, mouse movements, etc., that are used to understand the topic better. In this context, teaching and learning theoretical concepts in different courses are great challenges in education in universities, particularly


A Survey of Japanese Learners of English With Diverse Proficiencies: What Makes Summary Assessment Difficult?

This study is a part of the four-year-granted project to develop an analytic rubric for EFL learners’ summary writing. The study aims to identify items that raters find difficult to score using the rubric mentioned below. It also examines the reasons for this difficulty, based on interviews with raters using open- and close-ended questionnaires. Seven


Urban Ventilation, Improving the Wind Environment in High Density Cities by Undrestanding Urban Morphology

There is clear evidence that Heat island has changed cities microclimate from their original and it has led to increased overheating risk, longer summer periods and higher energy consumption for cooling. Understanding of the relation between urban morphology and favorable wind conditions could provide a key to avoid such serious episodes and to improve the


Modified Lab Rotation Model: A Blended e-Learning Approach to Improve Student’s Conceptual Understanding of English Verb Tense and Aspect

In language Education, verb tense and aspect is one of the most difficult lessons in elementary grade. For the past three years, S.Y. 2015- 2016,2016-2017 and 2017-2018, English verb tense and aspect is consistently included in the least mastered skills topic in Grade Five English. This study aimed at investigating the use of Modified Lab


An Education Model for Coding and Software to Improve Computational Thinking

The regular coding (programming or software) education in elementary, middle and high school has been begun in Korea since this year (2018). Many models for efficient coding education have been proposed, and Scratch is widely used as acceptable easy tool. However, under previous education models and tools, the computational thinking capability of the students does


Exploring Dimensions of Entrepreneurship Education as Determinants of Entrepreneurial Readiness on Exit Level Students at Selected TVET Colleges in a Developing Context

Entrepreneurship education has continued to gain more global attention due to its pivotal role in the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for economic advancement. The importance of entrepreneurship education has led to discovering its different dimensions. This study aims to examine the link between dimensions of entrepreneurship education and students’ entrepreneurial readiness towards starting a business.


Japanese ESL Students’ Willingness to Communicate in English: The Effects of L2 Self-Confidence, Acculturation, and Motivational Types

This study aimed to identify the factors that affect English learners’ willingness to communicate (WTC) in the second language (L2) (L2 WTC) and particularly focused on self-confidence in the second language (L2 self-confidence), acculturation, and motivational types. L2 self-confidence was hypothesized to predict L2 WTC and to mediate the correlation between acculturation and L2 WTC


MorphoPlay – A Test of Morphological Processing for Developing Children

Morphological Knowledge is a cognitive process that enables speakers to recognize words as composed of smaller units of meaning. This process facilitates segmentation of words into these constituents, identification of relationships between words, and understanding of their grammatical functions. Morphological awareness enhances individuals’ ability to manipulate and reflect on these morphological constituents. Accurate assessment of


Are the Effects of L2-Motivational Change Language-Specific?

This longitudinal study investigates whether Japanese high school students’ L2-motivational changes over the high school years predict achievement in English and overall subjects at the end of high school. A questionnaire was developed drawing on the Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (Gardner, 1985), the self-determination-theory scale (Noels, Pelletier, Clément, & Vallerand, 2000), and the willingness to communicate


A Comparison of the Pedagogical Applicability of Two Approaches to Teaching English Word Stress Patterns

The present study has compared the pedagogical applicability of Dickerson’s (1989) four word stress rules with Yamini’s (1997) three word stress rules in the Iranian EFL context. The two different sets of rules were taught to 64 freshmen in an Iranian university, who were assigned to two homogenized groups of 32 students. At the end


Quality of Life, Perceived Stress and Self-efficacy Among Filipino Students During COVID-19 Enhanced Community Quarantine

Coronavirus disease (COVID 19) is a pandemic infectious outbreak affecting the lives of people across the world. It is a newly discovered virus that disturbs not only the physical aspect but adversely impact the mental health status of a person even those at their homes. With only few literatures in this topic, the objective of


The Influence of Skycourt As Part of A Combined Ventilation Strategy in High-Rise Office Buildings

Skycourts are recognised nowadays as essential transitional, movement and social interaction spaces in high-rise and mid-rise buildings. The paper reports on analytical research into the energy saving promising associated with modification of air movement strategy in skycourt zones. Heating and cooling in office buildings devour a high percentage of the overall energy consumption. Nevertheless, ventilation


Game Based Learning for Raising Environmental Consciousness

This paper presents the results of the European Project GENTLY. Within the framework of the project an educational board game with a complementary digital version has been collaboratively designed, developed and tested with young people across Europe. A multidisciplinary approach with experts from seven European countries has been followed with the goal to raise young


Design as a Facilitator to Changing Mindsets for Craftmanship Enterprises’ Resilience

Craftmanship is currently promoted as a foremost cultural manifestation, as they represent the heritage, diversity, and creative potential of a society. It also favors the generation of jobs, being characterized as an economic activity and not static, which must adapt to contemporary times and respond to the market and consumer needs. There are glaring gaps


The Influence of Educational Psychology Variables on Student Grades in an Introductory Economics Course

Abstract. In the two principles of microeconomics classes that I taught during the 2013 academic year, one hundred seventy students participated in the completion of five questionnaires. The first questionnaire covered determinants of student performance recognized in economic education and they include GPA, student classification, employment status, gender, age, race, and attendance. The other questionnaires


Mortality of the Thai Elderly: Preliminary Findings From HART Panel Survey

The paper reviews the mortality situation of the Thai elderly using the panel data from the second wave of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Thailand (HART) Project. The preliminary results of the mortality situations by variations in demographic characteristics, work status, causes of death, and inheritance, debts, and insurance are explored. To reduce mortality or


The Rise in Television Production Incentives in the United States and Worldwide

There was a time when most scripted television production in the United States was confined to a small radius around Hollywood, but that is no longer the case. There are so-called runaway productions that escape in the service of story as well as natural economic runaways that pursue lower costs. What has changed since the


Critical Thinking As a Tool for the Development of Interdisciplinarity in University Education.

An interdisciplinary approach is a synthesis of two or more disciplines that result in establishment of a new scientific discourse, while the knowledge that results from it has an integrative character. For example, Galileo’s method of applying mathematics to scientific explanation amounted to the establishment of a new interdiscipli¬nary platform for the scientific objectivity and


Business Intelligence and Analytics to Prediction of Going Concern Using Neuro-Fuzzy Approach

Rapid advances in technology, enterprise environmental changes and increasing competition has affected the risk of investment. Going concern prediction (GCP) is an important element in investors’ evaluation. The evaluation of a enterprise ‘s going concern status is not an easy task. To assist auditors, going concern prediction models based on statistical methods such as multiple


The Role of Informant-Context Knowledge in Interpreting Hybrid Texts: A Pragmatic Study

Interpretation of any text depends on the interpreter’s context knowledge, cultural background, memory skills and language skills. Interpretation is one of the most complicated human cognitive activities. The interpreter’s knowledge of the subject (or lack of it) can affect the whole interpretation process, i.e., the process, the transferring process and the reproduction process. The influence


Psychological Wellbeing and Organizational Commitment: A Predictive Study in Algeria

BACKGROUND: Organizational commitment (OC) and psychological wellbeing at work (PWW) are at the grassroots of organizations’ success. The importance psychological wellbeing for individual health and organizational success is well established. (BPS, 2010; Sandilya and Shahnawaz, 2018). Previous research work on the relationship of PWW and OC emphasized that employees’ well-being promotes sustainable engagement and commitment,


Designing an Ambicultural Business Model for Cause-based Partnerships: A Feasibility-study on the First Underwater Museum in Taiwan

How to design the ambicultural business-model for cause-based partnerships (Parker & Selsky, 2004)? We attempt to apply the theoretical perspectives of ambiculture (Chen, 2014) and ambidexterity (Luo & Rui, 2009), in the empirical context of the first underwater-museum in Taiwan. Owing to the richness of underwater-cultural-assets located in the Penghu-islands, about 260-kilometers of land-and-marine distance


Energy Substitution Potential in China’s Non-metallic Mineral Products Industry-based on the Translog Function and Corrected Formula for Elasticity

The non-metallic mineral products industry (NMMPI) of China is the largest in the world and has a character of low energy efficiency, which made this sector energy-intensive and therefore one of leading contributors to CO2 and other pollutants. Therefore, researchers have been paying more and more attentions to the degree of non-energy factors substituting for


Implications of spatial sustainability on the territorial planning framework in a transition country

Sustainable development involves a synergic integration of social, economic, environmental, and cultural issues to a multi-scale hierarchy of territorial systems. This sentence underlines the importance of the territorial dimension of sustainability, in addition to the need for a systemic approach, and has special implications over spatial planning, accounting for the entire process related to landscapes,


University Speaking Assessment as Collaborative and Self-effective Skill Development

Educators generally agree that the mastery of speaking skills is a necessity for most EFL and ESL learners (Ounis, 2017). While scholars debate which aspect of speaking should be a priority, interactional or transactional, Klingen links both usages. 3 of Klingen’s (2000) 12 functions of speaking: personal, descriptive and explanatory are relevant to this project.


Applying DANP to Investigate the Important Constitution Criteria on Effective Leadership Behaviors

Leaders play an important role for subordinates’ job satisfaction and organization performance. This paper adopts the DANP approach proposed by Ou Yang et al. (2008) which combines the DEMATEL and ANP procedures to investigate the important constitution criteria on effective leadership behaviors. The fifteen evaluation criteria for effective leadership behavior are extracted from the past


A Study of Problem of Learning Photography for Communication Module to Develop the Patterns of Teaching Through a Virtual Classroom

One of the purposes of the research on the “The Development of problem based learning model via virtual classroom” was to study the problem of learning photography for a Communication Arts module. The results of this research will be used to create a virtual classroom for photography as part of aCommunication Arts module for the


Exploring the Impact of Teaching Design History on Creativity and Intrinsic Motivation: Curriculum Design and Learning

The history of design is a basic course for design majors in universities all over the world, and is usually taught in a purely theoretical way, This study adjusts the form of teaching, changing the original “linear lecture”-based teaching to an exploratory teaching method centered on “design styles”, using styles as the origin to guide


Modern Forms of University Students’ Extremist Behavior Depending on Cultural and Environmental Factors

Transformations in economic, political, social and cultural life of the modern society are causing an increase in extremist tendencies among the youth worldwide. Based on the anthropological approach, the study was aimed at identifying root causes (axiological, motivational, personal and socio-psychological) and a role of socio-cultural and environmental factors in the genesis of Russian university


Characteristics of Multicultural Workplaces in Local Companies in Japan

This study is part of our research project which aims to design an education programme. Through the programme, students are expected to develop their competence for working in multicultural workplaces in local companies in Japan. Due to expanding overseas business and workforce shortages in Japan, local companies in rural areas have begun to employ overseas


The Construction of Team Paradigm: A Case Study of School Practical in Lopburi Province, Thailand

The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the characteristics of school teamwork 2) study the composition and practical of team building 3) Construct the process of team paradigm. The target group were school director, teachers, and school boards of the best practice school of teamwork in Lopburi province, Thailand (Bandanthailom School, Lopburi Educational


Needs and Health Problems of the Elderly: A Perspective of the Family Care Giver in the Community

Objective: Aging is natural process which unique occurred in the old age population. This study aims to examine the elderly needs and health problems in perspective of the family care givers in the community. Methods: The qualitative study was conducted using the in-depth interview with the family caregiver who experiences to care the elderly for


An Investigation Into ChatGPT Generated Assessments: Can We Tell the Difference?

The impact of ChatGPT has been revolutionary in many capacities however institutions are beginning to see the gradual increase in students passing off AI generated work as their own. This has negative impacts for student learning and academic integrity. One way to help combat this is to understand if we can tell the difference between


Communication Patterns of Leaders of the Provincial Administrative Organization of Sukhothai in a Crisis Situation

The objective of this research was to study the communication patterns of leaders of the Sukhothai Provincial Administrative Organization in a crisis situation in terms of (1) forms of communication; (2) content; and (3) the relationships between forms of communication, local residents’ awareness and their satisfaction with the communication. This was a mixed methods research.


Learning Style Preferences of Entrepreneurial Students in MARA Professional College, Malaysia

The study examines MARA Professional College students’ learning styles preferences. A total of 758 diploma level students of different study years, programmes and gender involved in this study. The study employed a set of questionnaire measuring on students’ different learning styles using five likert scales. The five dimension of learning styles dimension by Dunn and