Experiencing Desired Outcomes of Adult Education Through Participatory Practice Design


The need for direct relevance, be it for academic, professional and/or self-actualisation purposes, has added impetus for higher education institutions focusing on adult education to ensure its programmes enable lifelong employability in order to achieve economic and social goals. As such, the desired outcomes of a programme cannot remain lofty, but be actualized in the teaching and learning (T&L) interactions the learners experience. SIM University in Singapore, with a focus on adult education, has over the years required its programmes to provide her learners with practice intelligence, social consciousness and the life-long learning skills of self-directed and collaborative learning. Recent curricula efforts have focused on redesigning the T&L interactions with the goal of having learners experience these desired outcomes. In this paper, we first explain the undergirding principles of the desired outcomes as educational provisions in enabling lifelong employability. Then, we describe the redesign framework that was largely informed by the notion of participatory practice (Billet 2010, Lave 1990). In particular, we explicate how this framework is enacted in different pedagogical ways in three different disciplines namely, Marketing, Counselling and, Aerospace Management. Following that, we report the reflections of the instructors teaching those courses. To conclude, we draw on our experience of this redesign exercise and outline the implications that we may face when this intervention is scaled to the other courses of the degree programmes.

Author Information
Wei-Ying Lim, SIM University, Singapore
Horn-Mun Cheah, SIM University, Singapore

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2015
Stream: Adult and lifelong learning

This paper is part of the ECE2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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