Transformation from a teacher to a learning facilitator is a challenging task; the essence of learning is complex, because at the center of it are sets of actions and thoughts interrelated to each other in different ways. There are various ways for the learning facilitator to support the learner depending on the educational design and the personalities involved. This transformation is needed because the world is becoming more interconnected and its problems are more complex. The skills to support learning of problem solving and development are essential in preparing students to develop solutions for changing needs of the society. This study describes experiences of teachers who are developing skills from instruction-based teaching to facilitation-based learning to be able to coach students in interdisciplinary project studies. Data has been collected in Nepal during BUCSBIN-project (2017-2020) which is a Finnish capacity building project to support Nepalese HEIs to transform their education and support entrepreneurship. Multiple data collection methods have been used; feedback surveys, interactive feedback methods, in-depth interviews and written self-evaluations. Data was collected from 105 respondents between April 2018 May 2019. Results show that most participants identify finding a new framework for their work. A considerable amount of the respondents are also reflecting on their professional and personal development. This study focuses on examining the results more closely and reflecting on the trainer’s own experiences. Both qualitative and quantitative data is used when reporting the results.
Author Information
Ulla-Maija Seppänen, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Janne Karjalainen, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2019
Stream: Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New
This paper is part of the ACE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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