Category: Psychology & Social Psychology

Investigating the Impact of User-Friendly Video Guides on Emotional States During Hospital Navigation
One problem for hospital visitors is getting lost in the hospital, especially when visiting for the first time because of its large size, complex layout, and many sections. This research focuses on decreasing the way in the hospital by developing video clips and maps for navigation by using the concept of User Experience (UX)). Fifty …

Psychological Distress and Related Factors Among Parents Having Children With Cleft Lip and Palate Disorder: Evidence From Sri Lanka
Background: This study investigates the psychological distress (PPD) experienced by parents of children with cleft lip and palate disorders in Sri Lanka. The challenges associated with societal perceptions, medical interventions, and emotional impact on both parents and the affected child are explored. The research aims to assess PPD prevalence and associated factors, emphasizing the need …

Psychologically Sound, Academically Round: Psychological Well-being as a Predictor of Academic Success of College Students
As the academe transitions back to onsite set-up of teaching and learning, students face not only the challenging nature and amount of course requirements, but also the various educational dynamics including issues on mental health brought upon by the pandemic. Considered as one indicator of an individual’s mental health, psychological well-being is associated with relationships, …

Emotional Stability as Predictor of General Coping Among Engineering Students
Emotional stability is defined as the ability of an individual to keep one’s emotional balance under pressure. At the same time, coping allows an individual to grow and move forward when dealing with stress. With the academic demand of engineering courses, it is essential to understand emotional stability and general coping, as education can also …

Sources of Anxiety Among Freshman College of Science Students and their Coping Skills to Manage Life Difficulties
College is an educational milestone that can be exciting and challenging incredibly for freshman students. Creating a new start may also entail adjusting to the new environment, building positive interactions with peers and professors, keeping up with academic demands, and balancing personal and social life. However, these normal developmental experiences during college may not be …

A Validation Study of the Savoring Beliefs Inventory in Taiwan
Research has shown that savoring, a capacity of perceived control over positive emotions, is largely independent of the capacity about coping (Bryant, 2003). Although the concept of savoring has received more and more attention by the study of positive psychology, relatively little research has focus on savoring in Taiwan. Bryant (2003) proposed a Savoring Beliefs …

Return Migration to Japan: Experiences of Japanese Brazilians
In the emerging literature, research on migration and acculturation has focused on investigating return migration (i.e., migration to one’s ethnic homeland). Since the 2008 economic crisis, the Japanese Brazilian population substantially dropped in Japan. This led to a decrease in the study of Japanese Brazilian return migrants (i.e., returnees). This study aims to fill this …

Relationship between Gratitude and Realistic Optimism: A Study on Indian University Students
In this study, the researcher examined the relationship between realistic optimism and gratitude. Schneider (2001) states that realistic optimism is an outlook of the future by recognizing, inspecting, and flexibly accepting the highly uncertain reality as objectively as possible. Based on the ideas of Schneider (2001), Nishaat & Magari (2018) developed a realistic optimism scale, …

Mediating Role of Resilience Between Health Anxiety and Psychological Well-Being: Study Among Medical Doctors in Aceh, Indonesia During Coronavirus Pandemic
During COVID-19 pandemic, medical practitioners especially doctors experienced a high prevalence of health anxiety. It is undeniable that this condition affects their psychological well-being, therefore they have to be more resilient in facing this high pressure environments. The aim of this study was to verify the mediating role of resilience between health anxiety and psychological …

Reflective Practice and Teaching Postgraduate Counselling Students
In the fields of counselling and psychology, reflective practice is a process where we critically analyse our actions with the aim of improving professional practice. Within a counsellor education setting, the current paper reports on counselling skills lecturers’ engagement in reflective practice during the course of one academic semester. Using a reflective practice approach the …

Do You Believe In Magic? Exploring the Cultural Boundaries of Magical Thinking
Magical thinking has been a topic of interest in the social sciences (Muchow, 1928; Piaget, 1969; Berenbaum, Boden, and Baker, 2009). Meehl (1964) asserted that magical thinking relates to a “belief, quasi-belief, or semi serious entertainment of the possibility that events which, according to the casual concepts of this culture, cannot have casual relation with …

A Structural Analysis of the Social Representations of “Reconciliation” in Cyprus: An Empirical Contribution
In the Cyprus peace process, the practices of co-existence have been centralised in the Nicosia where the intergroup contact is facilitated between Turkish Cypriot (TC) and Greek Cypriot (GC) communities through the existence of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). Considering this context, the original contribution of this study is to employ, for the first time, the …

Tracing the Lifelong Learners in a State University
Lifelong learners are those highly motivated to pursue acquiring skills and values in a formal and informal setting who signified varied personal, socio-economic, and other worthy causes and declared intentions to pursue a college degree of their choice. This descriptive-qualitative research analyzed the profile of students who took the entrance examination at a State University. …

Conceptually-Driven Intergenerational Programming in Singapore: A Case Study
There is scarce information on how and why intergenerational programming (IG) contributes to psychosocial change, and a dearth of conceptually-driven IG in Singapore. Given this, our exploratory study fills a practice research gap by identifying a conceptual basis, theory of change, and translation enablers for psychosocial change in the young. Focus group discussions were carried …