Category: Approaches


Extensive Reading vs. Blended Intensive and Extensive Reading for EFL Students at Korean Science and Engineering Universities

Studies have investigated the effectiveness of extensive reading (ER) for university students (Anindita, 2020; Park, 2016). There are also studies on the effectiveness of blended intensive reading (IR) and ER for university students (Al-Homoud & Schmitt, 2009; Mart, 2015). However, few studies have done on the efficacy of ER and that of blended reading for


Innovative English Language Teaching (ELT) at a Korean Science and Engineering University

This study examines Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE), a dual-focused educational approach that aims to facilitate both content and language learning, at an elite science and engineering university in Korea (Coyle et al., 2010; Wilkinson & Walsh, 2015). ICLHE or Content and Language Integrating Learning (CLIL) in higher education is a popular


Current Trends in ESP Research in China: A Bibliometric Analysis of Chinese Journal of ESP

In recent years, academia and education departments in China have highly valued English for Specific Purposes (ESP). This paper reviewed all articles published in the Chinese Journal of ESP from 2013 to 2022 and selected 309 out of 362 articles as samples to generate knowledge maps using CiteSpace. Based on the bibliometric analysis, this paper


A Corpus-Based Study of the Disciplinary Variations in Lexical Bundles of Maritime English

“Maritime English” is an umbrella term for the language used by seafarers—both at sea and in port—and by individuals working in the shipping and shipbuilding industry (Bocanegra-Valle, 2013). In globalizing maritime contexts, Maritime English as a lingua franca has been essential for multilingual seafarers to ensure safety in ship navigation. Maritime English is known for


Enhancing Students’ Global, Cultural and Social Awareness in East Asian Language Curricula Through the Transformative Language Learning and Teaching

Foreign language pedagogy in the US is facing a paradigm shift, i.e., from communicative language teaching to the emerging Transformative Language Learning and Teaching (TLLT) in response to significant social and political changes (Leaver, 2021). TLLT has the potential to address issues that are important to the field of language education today as it “causes


Developing Language and 21st C Skills Through Problem-Based Learning

Students at the American University in Cairo are expected to be able to work on group projects and produce high quality outcomes. However, coming from a school background where rote learning is stressed, many of the students joining the Intensive English Program (IEP) at the university lack the essential problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills


Developing Descriptive Writing Ability by an Online Video Project

Writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) is often regarded as an unpleasant experience by students due to the complicated mental processes, the contrasts of language features and culture between native language and English, etc. (Brown & Lee, 2015; Harklau, 2002). Not only students but also teachers are struggling in finding an effective way


A Judgement-free Zone to Maximize Target Language Production

The facilitation of a speaking session involves meticulous planning and educational psychology. It has to be effective, and more importantly, motivating and autonomy-supportive. The presenters took an unconventional approach at the Defense Language Institute and used Speaking Clubs as the ultimate hands-on learning in language classrooms. The public speaking club is student-initiated and teacher-facilitated and


Design for Learning: Management Challenges

Employers consistently indicate that university graduates need to demonstrate the ability “to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings” (AAC&U, n. d.). As such, instructors should design experiences that encourage application of learning rather than the more traditional approach of readings, lectures, and tests. One such learning experience is the use of management challenges, or


Actual English for Hospitality Industry From Foreign Hotel Guests in Thailand: A Case Study of Ayutthaya Province

Effective and appropriate communication in the hospitality industry needs more than language knowledge. This study aims to 1) explore the needs of conversational English of front office staff in Ayutthaya Province, Thailand; and 2) analyze the expressions spoken by foreign tourists in Ayutthaya. To discover the needs of English language learning, the questionnaire has been


EAP programme Evaluation: Suggestions from Monolingual Students

This paper explores the quality and effectiveness of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses offered to the first year monolingual students at a private university in Bangladesh. The aim of the study was to obtain feedback from first year (freshman) undergraduate students regarding the EAP courses delivered in the university and utilise the data collected


Supporting 21st Century Skills in Language and Literacy Classrooms with a Multiliteracies Approach

Educational leaders, governments and international organizations have responded to the combined forces of globalization and socio-technological transformation by formulating new education frameworks to attempt to equip young people with an education relevant to the needs of today. Some of these initiatives, such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Education for Sustainable Development


The Influence of Curriculum and Student–teacher Relationships on Academic Writing

Many professors note a decline in students’ comfort with and proficiency in academic writing. Students are certainly comfortable communicating via mobile tools or social media networks, but they tend to find academic writing more difficult. To analyze the root of this issue and possible solutions, this study collected data on the following hypotheses: students gain


Role of Progressive Aspect in the Definitions of Stative and Dynamic Verb

This experimental study aims to find out reasons behind scanty knowledge of stative and its dynamic counterpart among the EFL learners. Firstly, it is focused on to what extent the definitions of stative and dynamic posted in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, which the college students studying at secondary and tertiary level in Pakistan put to