Category: ACSET2016


Effectiveness of a Blended E-Learning Approach in a Flipped Classroom Environment

Researchers have persuaded educational institutions that there is a new set of vital skills that students are required to have, thus giving rise to a new trend in education called Blended Learning. An example of this is a Flipped classroom where the traditional in-class and out-of-class activities is switched. The purpose of this study is


Investigating The Effective Use of Online Course Tools for University Athletes in Japan

University athletes tend to achieve lower academic performance, often due to their less interest in academics and extensive time commitment to sports (Miller & Kerr, 2002; Adler & Adler, 1985). The authors of this study believe that online course tools can be effective for supporting these university athletes if both teachers and students use these


“I’m a Different Person Now”: Online Learning as a De-Facto Higher Education Equity Pathway to Transforming Lives

In line with global trends in higher education, many Australian universities are energetically embracing the concept of flexible online learning, which has significantly increased the number of students studying university courses through online and/or open-access delivery. This mode is highly utilised by non-traditional students, and is therefore an important avenue to fulfil Australian government policies


The Role of International Student Mobility in Hybridized Stem and Interdisciplinary Programs in Japanese Higher Education

The task of producing students who are global citizens confronts Japanese higher education as a path to domestic and international success. I use the University of Tsukuba’s example to demonstrate and analyze of current trends in international student mobility in Japanese STEM research programs. The Japanese government’s “Global 30” program aims to expand internationalization at


A Mobile Software Development Using Aspect Orientation Approach

Today mobile devices are widely used everywhere, and have rapidly changed. One of the major characteristics of the mobile software is to continuous need and demand for faster development. Separation of concerns in the mobile software development is essential for adaptability and extensibility. An adaptability is a capable to adapt with respect to the environment


Electronic Learning for Preschool Preparation Under Parental Guidance: A Case Study of Thai Educational System

Failures in human development lead to many problems in many countries. Effective child development is a cornerstone of human resources and useful knowledge and skills gained during childhood will be the foundations of later learning. But preschool education is not available in every country. Some countries still lack good systems for child preparation before elementary


The Development and Evaluation of a Dual Play Online Virtual Reality Game that Incorporates Collaborative Problem-Solving Mechanism for Physics Education

Compared to the traditional lectures and practice in science education, educational games that integrate simulation and manipulation with game-based learning theories may enhance learners’ understanding of abstract scientific concepts and their learning motivation. Collaborative problem-solving, CPS, is one teaching strategy that has been emphasized by many learner-centered instructions. The scientific educational games that incorporate CPS


A Basic Study on a Task-based Style Foreign Language Learning Environment Using RFID and a 3DCG Character

This paper presents a method of integrating RFID tags and a 3DCG character into a foreign language learning environment, mainly focusing on the following two objectives: (1)The application of RFID tags to the use of cards or realia as learning materials in task based-style foreign language activities; (2)The use of template programs to support TVML


The Effects of Stem Integrated into Marine Science Issues on Junior High School Students’ Learning Motivation, Learning Interest, and Learning Achievement

STEM education is an integrated concept of mixing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of STEM integrated into marine science issue on junior high school students’ learning motivation, learning interest, and learning achievement. The experimental research method was employed. Two classes of ninth graders were


The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Evaluation of Imaginative Teaching Strategies

As the advocacy for and importance of imagination is increasingly emphasized around the world, a mass fervor for imaginative education has sprung up in Taiwan. In the domain of arts and design education, imagination means the source of creative designs; a variety of teaching plans that arouse and promote imagination are required to enhance students’


A Reader of Gesture-Based Accessibility User Interface Design for Visually Impaired Children

A mobile application, called READ, is developed in this paper to provide visually impaired children more friendly way of reading. This system includes an accessible mobile app and a book library in the cloud. In Taiwan, there is a special kind of books designed for children, which contains both braille and print characters on the


Development of an Introductory Programming Education System by Automatic Generation of Lecture Slides

It has become increasingly easy to learn programming because online learning for programming has spread globally. These e-learning systems execute and evaluate programs that students create as programming exercises. However, such systems have not been able to evaluate programs while they are being coded. This paper describes a system that was developed to evaluate students’ programs as they


Measuring the Use of Twitter in Education

The educational environment is affected by the transformations of new technologies, virtual communities, and social networks, and especially by the creation of social knowledge. In this frame, students show a greater tendency to use ICT tools, inside and outside academic settings, a fact that is transforming their process and the ways of learning. To copy


The Factors Affect Work Performance of Public Health Personnel Affiliated with Network Institute of Public Health & Medical Technology College toward ASEAN Communities

As the Network Institute of Public Health and Medical Technology College is going to take part in ASEAN community, it is important for the public health personnel to improve their potential so that they can fit into life within ASEAN. The research was aimed at studying the factors that affect the work performance of public


Conceptual Framework: A Mobile Software Model for Web Based Learning

Currently, mobile devices are very extensively used in our society as we have realized the large number of brought mobile devices in each recent year. With rapid advancing evolution of wireless networking technologies and innovation in mobile devices, a mobile learning has become another alternative learning. This article presents an innovative software development of a


A Software Model Design for Examiner Personal Verification Systems

Nowadays the examiner personal verification system in most universities uses a comparing methodology to match a physical appearance of an examiner to a student ID card. This methodology is simple but it easily leads to an examination cheating. For instances, some students face has been changed during study but his/her student ID card is not


The Reading Habits Among Library Users in Rural and Urban Areas of Sarawak, Malaysia

In 2014, Pustaka Negeri Sarawak commissioned a research to investigate library users’ reading habits and leisure time activities in the state of Sarawak. The study was conducted at seven town and fourteen village libraries, involving 843 respondents of various socio-economic, cultural and demographic backgrounds. This study found out that 81% of the library users in


Using SQL in CBR for Similarity Retrieval: The Case of the TQF Advisory System

Case-Base Reasoning (CBR) is a methodology that stands out as one the most useful artificial intelligence techniques. The essential idea of CBR is to answer user�s queries by comparing them with problems in the case base that have been solved and determine the most similar one. Case retrieval is a procedure that a retrieval algorithm


A Study of the Online Learning Environment in the B.A. (English) Program of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand

STOU (Thailand) has launched the B.A.(English) online program in 2010 and the first group of students graduated in 2013. This study aims to study the interactivity patterns of online learners, as well as the factors influencing interactivity patterns based on the principles of constructivism theory. It makes use of a survey, which stresses that the


The Applications and Effectiveness of Smart Campus in Taiwan Thematic Research Plan

In recent years, many countries have introduced ICT-related applications in learning, energy saving, management and others on campus in attempt to alleviate the burden of teachers and administrators and to improve the effectiveness and results of learning. To help Taiwan’s enterprises to provide products and services in line with the international development and to meet


An Interactively Application of Fairy Tales for Preschool Children

There are many classics fairy tales, the Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, etc. which are well known by every child across the world. These stories not only are interesting, but also have educational value. The rapid development of mobile devices and the increase in their use by preschool children, revealing how technology


Collaborative Construction of Advance Organizers as a Learning Event for Online Instruction

Instructional strategies for online learning vary from face to face learning in many aspects. However, only a few studies suggested appropriate strategies for online learning. Classic instructional theories such as advance organizer has been proofed to be effective for teaching. It is traditionally developed by professional instructional designers. But in a collaborative construction online learning


Exploring Learning Performance of Using Different Scaffolding on Problem-Based Learning

The essence of Problem-based learning is to construct knowledge, to share knowledge, to approach their goal, and to solve the problems. However, in online collaborative construction environments, environmental changes and personal characteristics will considerably affect the effectiveness of the problem-based learning. Therefore, online instructors need to provide facilitations to help learners completed their learning tasks.


Designing the Multimodal Network in an Agriculture Supply Chain in Thailand

In terms of economic situation towards logistics implementation, it is found that one of the most important factors to consider about is transportation costs which need to be handled in many ways in order to get the best effectiveness and the lowest costs for the best profitability. For land transportation, rail transportation costs cheaper when