Analysis of Factors Influencing Dropout Among Adult Learners in Korea: A Study Utilizing the Nontraditional Undergraduate Student Attrition Model


This research aims to investigate the relationship among factors affecting dropout of adult college students in Korea. Nowadays, with a decline in the traditional aged students (age range of 19 to 24), there has been a significant rise in the proportion of nontraditional, older, part-time adult university students in Korea. Many of these non-traditional learners pursue higher education for career development, re-skilling or reemployment purposes. Nevertheless, a number of adult college students choose dropout due to insufficient motivation or barriers to sustain academic commitments. Despite the growing prevalence of adult learners in Korean universities, there is a limited amount of research analyzing the factors influencing dropout considering the context of Korean adult learners. Therefore, this study aims to utilize Bean & Metzer's (1985) Nontraditional Undergraduate Student Attrition Model to analyze the factors influencing student departure (stop-out and dropout) among adult learners in Korea. For the analysis, this study utilized Korean Educational Longitudinal Study (KELS) which is one of the most representative national longitudinal panel data collected by Korean Educational Development Institute. According to Bean & Metzer' (1985) and previous studies about student attrition, the influence of background characteristics, academic variables, environmental variables and academic and psychological outcomes were analyzed. The results showed that the influence of academic variables had significant influence on the dropout intention. However, the influence of student engagement or social integration had no significant effect on the dropout intention. Based on these results, theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

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Inseo Lee, Halla University, South Korea

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Conference: ECE2024
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the ECE2024 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Lee I. (2024) Analysis of Factors Influencing Dropout Among Adult Learners in Korea: A Study Utilizing the Nontraditional Undergraduate Student Attrition Model ISSN: 2188-1162 The European Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 427-438)
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