Month: July 2014

The Fiction of Fernanda Dias and Senna Fernandes Revisiting the Colonial Macau Through the Lens of Ethnicity, Gender and Patriarchy
Senna Fernandes and Fernanda Dias are outstanding fictional voices from Macao, the last colonial settlement of the Portuguese empire. Being a Macanese, term locally reserved for Eurasian people of Chinese, Portuguese and other descent born in Macau, Fernandes chronicles his own community, picturing the processes of the construction of identity and otherness along multiple lines …

Subjects, Nationalism, And Citizenship in Spivak, Butler, And Balibar’s Dialogue
The present political situation shows the fresh wave of nationalisms, of speeches and practices headed for reaffirm closing off identities (cf. Weitekamp, E.G.M.; Kerner, H.-J. 2012). Barriers ready to be radically rethought until some years ago, nowadays they are again sought and contended instruments. This situation produced some relevant theoretical reactions. Some searchers returned to …

Parental Socialization for Emotional and Social Development of Children in Urban Slums
This study aims at understanding the parental socialization practices, behaviors and beliefs for their child’s emotional and social development, as a result of being situated in the urban slums of Mumbai. As an ethnographic study, the objectives of understanding the context and its influence on the parental socialization behavior have been carried out using ‘spot …

Boundary Line of the Life: Belonging or Not Belonging to the Culture
It is one of important matters for people in Japan whether they belong to their culture or not. There are some expressible and inexpressible cultural standards, which people need to have or achieve until some certain ages. Although such age categories (e.g. to be a full-time employee, to get married, or to have children) have …

Folklore As a Reflection of a Society: Black Pete and Cheoyong
Folklore is not genuinely false, in that it is originated from facts in the history, and history cannot be completely invariant in that it is often tailored to serve a certain group or nation. In such a sense folklore and history are closely related each other, which serve to engender the national identity. It is …

The Hunger Games: Designing the Girl As a Spectacle
Since Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games was published, much attention has been given to the bravery of the young heroine. Overlooked, however, is the subjection of Katniss Everdeen to the image-obsessed Capitol. In the televised world of Hunger Games, Katniss is commodified by the Capitol to be stripped of her young innocence and changed into …

A Socio-Cultural Explanation for the Difference Between Development Trends of Iran and Japan
A socio-cultural explanation for the difference between development trends of Iran and Japan In this research, Iranian and Japanese societies were compared by using comparative method in order to study the issue of underdevelopment of Iran. Historical studies have shown that Iran had a higher ranking than Japan in internal development in terms of economy …

Diaspora and the Politics of Difference and Sameness
Diaspora has established itself as one of the major topics in the literary and cultural studies of the twenty-first century. What is conspicuous about contemporary studies on this topic is that diaspora is regarded either as a liberatory space unmoored from the repressive national identity-formation or as a state pregnant with challenges against the authority …

Pushing Ethnoscape Identity Through Taiwanese Movie Box Office after the Popularity of Cape No. 7
New Media offer Taiwanese as an alternative media to explore their ethnic group identity when other mainstream media fail to present their image and imagined community as the way they want to be presented. After the popularity of Cape No. 7, Taiwanese Movie Box Office shows that almost only movies with good quality which can …

Moving Toward a Better Business Model for the Millenial Generation
Moving Toward a Better Business Model for the Millenial Generation Abstract By Dr. Koushik Ghosh, Professor, Economics, Central Washington University, and Dr. Dipankar Purkayastha, a Professor, Economics, California State University, Fullerton Recent literature, which focuses on the millennial generation, finds that their attitudes towards the banking industry make it number one on a list of …

The Social Protest Ethical Challenges of the Political Leadership
Inspired by the Arab Spring, a series of transnational social movements, such as the Indignants and Occupy Wall Street, began gathering speed in 2011 in Europe, Turkey, the U.S., and South America, Ukraine. The protest, as � form of mass opportunism against political practices and behavior, questions the status-quo and evokes the need for revision …

The Globalization War Can Ethics Bring Peace?
In a recent talk on Capitalism, Bruno Latour argues that economic globalization is at war with the Globe and that the Globe is losing. Humans can expect to suffer great loses as our life support systems erode and crumble from the relentless attacks of economic aggression. How paradoxical, that it is easier to see the …

Autonomy and the Demands of Love
J. David Velleman has argued that what it makes sense to care about out of love for someone is the unimpeded realization of her autonomy. Although Velleman refers to both Kantian and perfectionist notions of autonomy, a close look at his argument shows that the form of autonomy that he employs actually amounts instead to …

Roald Dahl’s Problematic Gender Characterization of Miss Trunchbull in Matilda
Despite the popularity of Roald Dahl’s last major work, Matilda (1989), there seems to be comparatively few scholarly criticisms about the main antagonist figure of Miss Trunchball.Matilda is a story about the struggle against tyranny, specifically Miss Trunchball. Trunchball is “monstrous” but is also a woman of significant positive assets such as her excellence in …

Parenting Style Preferences in Malaysia
This is a cross sectional study that investigated perceived parenting styles and its effect on social skills development among 500 young adults in Malaysia. Parenting styles was investigated from two dimensions (responsiveness and demandingness) and was measured with the parenting style Index by Steinberg and Darling (1992), while social skills was measured with the life …

Namibia’s Emergent Transculturalism: Dissolving Boundaries and Contestation in the African Global Borderlands
Gloria Anzalduá’s (1999) idea of ‘borderlands’ is stated representationally as “the lifeblood of two worlds merging to form a third country—a border culture.” This depiction extends conceptualisations expounded in ‘third space’ postcolonial studies, and has interesting implications for countries like Namibia on the western edge of the southern African continent, which are beginning to share …

The War 2003 Aftermath Post Traumatic Growth Among Iraqi Students
Background: Iraqi society has suffered from several wars and violence over three decades, the worst is after 2003. Post traumatic growth has not been received attention. There is a clear gap in understanding the nature of PTG in Iraq. Aims of study: a) examine the factor structure of the PTGI in a sample of Iraqi …

Political Moralism As an Illness in the Church?
In his homily on October 17, 2013, Pope Francis set a new tone for opposition to what is generally referred to in US politics as “the Religious Right”: “The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology. […] [W]hen a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: …

The Impact of Learning Skills Instruction on Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem of Female High School Students
Objective: The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of social emotional learning skills program on the emotional intelligence and self-esteem of female high school students. Method: 64 students of Behshar Schools were randomly chosen from female first year high school students of Behshar city, and were placed in experimental and control groups. …

Divided Presentations in History Textbooks in Three Ex Yugoslav States Discussing Implications for Identity Development
Main aim of this study is to determine the differences in the presentation of significant historical events during Yugoslavia war in history textbooks used in high schools in three ex Yugoslav states: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. Historical events that were analyzed are disintegration of Yugoslavia and the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. Three different …

The Development of Resilience Quotient (Rq) Promotional Model to Apply for the Flooded Community by Using the Community Participation Activity, Case Study District, Lampang Province
This research had the objectives to analyze the resilience quotient (RQ) promotional method, develop the RQ promotion format for flooded communities to be used to promote the RQ of flooded communities and to assess the RQ promotional operations for flooded communities in Mueang Lampang district, Lampang province. The research sample group consisted of three RQ …

Motivation Among Engineering Students: A Qualitative Analysis
In recent years, it has emerged that the UK Engineering sector continuously experienced a low turnout of engineering graduates. Elucidations on this issue vary; yet most have been ambiguous. This is particularly noticeable among students belonging to minority groups. A matter that has the potential to shed light on this issue would be to understand …

Evaluation of Consumers Awareness on Importance of Reading Food Labling in the Kumasi Metropolis (Ghana)
Many diseases are diet related and can be managed or prevented by eating the right food. To change eating patterns, sufficient information is needed at the point of purchase to serve as the most immediate and direct source of information which should guide the consumer. But how many people read food labels and check nutritional …

Cognitive Functioning of Patients with Chd After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting with Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Recent researches have shown significant and persistent cognitive impairment in cardiac patients undergoing myocardial revascularization. At the same time, mild cognitive dysfunction, more amenable to prevention and correction, is less studied. For this reason, we aimed at analyizing the postoperative dynamics of cognitive functions, dependent on biomedical and psychosocial factors, of patients with CHD undergoing …

Mindfulness Training in Nigerian Schools: A Belated Hitherto Welcome Development
There is a growing interest in the use of contemplative science particularly mindfulness based practices in schools around the world (Albrecht, Albrecht & Coben, 2012). Preliminary research have demonstrated how mindfulness can be used to increase the ability to concentrate and sustain attention, reduce stress and anxiety among school aged youths, increase awareness of and …

Promoting Interculturalism Through Non Formal Education. An Evaluation Procedure.
Interculturalism is an area that was officially recognised as a teaching subject in formal education in several countries all over the world just over the last decade. This research paper focuses on the results of evaluating a non-formal education process. The general objective was to promote intercultural and intergenerational dialogue through cooking within a group …

Causes and Consequences of Acid Attacks on Women: A Case Study of District Lahore, Pakistan
The current qualitative study explores the psychological, economic, social and cultural aspects of acid attacks on women in District Lahore. The study aims to investigate the causes of acid attacks as well as their consequences which have become serious threat of our society. Purposive sampling is used to approach 10 respondents (married and unmarried females). …

Scaling Protected Western Fence the Fate of Nigeria Immigrants to Europe
The world is gradually shrinking that at the press of a button events happening in far-flung part of the earth could be followed live via cable network. Globalization or capitalist penetration of every economy is the new phenomenon. Industrialized nations of the West are growing richer and having access to natural resources of the third …

Narratives of Mothers Who Mother in a Foreign Environment
In the last three decades there has been a growing number of mothers’ own narratives of mothering in contemporary women’s writing throughout Europe and North America. Narratives of mothers who mother in a culturally and linguistically foreign environment are part of this trend, they are also relatively recent and can be seen as both a …

People Power PR: Recasting Activists as Practitioners in Turkey’s Gezi Park Resistance
This paper examines the use of public relations tactics (traditionally associated with corporations) by activists and protesters during the 2013 Gezi Park uprising in Turkey. The author traveled to Istanbul in August 2013 and conducted interviews with mainstream and alternative journalists covering the unrest, as well as protesters and academics involved in the Gezi Park …

Solving Problems and Pleasing Patrons: The Case Study of the Egyptian Artists Who Decorated the Xviiith Dynasty Private Theban Tombs
This study is focused on the artists involved in the decoration of the private Theban tombs of the nobles of the Egyptian XVIIIth Dynasty, who were part of the court and usually had a close relationship with the king. These private tombs, full of vivacious and original decorations, have been a focus of attention for …

“Dancing Boys to Dancing Men Danicng Their Differences” Using Critical Events, Critical Reflection and (Auto)Biography to Inform Us of the Lives of a Community of Male Dancer/Choreographers.
Boys and men do not dance – it is not perceived as a masculine characteristic or trait in a culture that is deemed masculine. For the boys who grow to men and choose a career as dancers, life can be difficult, problematic and at times traumatic. This is further heightened by their having to negotiate …

Using Local Content Teaching Visual Narrative in the Gulf
Visual communication is a global activity and often demands using visual language that will be understood across cultures. Lack of place specificity is often considered desirable in design. But the trend toward visual globalization can have the disadvantage of taking students in many regions away from the visual language they are familiar with, leaving them, …

Interdisciplinary Art Approach Collaboration, Equal Partnership and Common Language
Visual artists no longer dwell in the ivory towers, which isolate themselves from the existing world, thus creating artworks based on their personal interests and beliefs. Such mode of creative engagement has been overridden by an interdisciplinary approach that encourages visual artists to leave their comfort zones to collaborate with people from non arts disciplines …

Semantic Gaps Are Dangerous
Semantic gaps are dangerous Language adapts to the environment where it serves as a tool to communication. Language is a social agreement, and we all have to stick to both grammaticalized and non-grammaticalized rules in order to pass information about the world around us. As such language develops and adapts constantely. Recently both media and …

The Reproduction of the Image of Traditional Turkish Womens Role in Commercial Television ( A Study on the Expectations of the National Television Channels Imposed Upon Female Workers)
The national television channels strengthen the current perception about Turkish women. Gender discrimination can be observed when the presenters of a variety of television programs are examined on the basis of gender. When programs are examined in detail, it is notable that women are generally hired to present programs based on magazine press such as …

Citizen Journalism and News Credibility: BBC and Al Jazeera Networks. A Comparative Study
In a world facing rapid technological advancements and a continuous occurrence of events, citizen journalism has become widely used in the news business. Many news agencies are actually implementing citizen journalists and depend upon their reports on breaking news as they are faster and less expensive. There is a plenty of confusion regarding this concept. …

Modern Communication: Judgement of the Past
The ideology of modern communication that is represented in the current digital era includes highly active participation with online social communication platform and computerised methods. Looking at the perspective from the early 1990’s, the idea of communication perhaps is a subject to differ in comparison with the current practice. However, do these differences occur without …

Indian Woman’s Search for Identity Vis-A-Vis Mainstream Bollywood Cinema
Bollywood cinema, while entertaining India�s millions, plays an important role in reinforcing cultural stereotypes. The Indian Woman�s �drama of self-formation� (John Storey) is best understood through a deconstruction of the representation of the hero, both male and female, in Bollywood cinema. This research proposes to problematize the continuing abstract identities of Indian women who are …

Minorities’ Stereotypes in Pakistani Films
The media provide distorted representation of women and minorities and exposure to these distorted images can have a negative effect on users’ perception (Yi Mou &Wei Peng, 2009). Albert Bandura “Bobo” doll study and further social learning theory explained that human behaviors are modeling behaviors and mainly result of observing and replicating. George Gerbner’s cultivation …

The Film is the Story: Story-Extension in Digital Distribution of Independent Films
Independent films have always found themselves at the margins, most even completely outside of popular film culture. Traditionally, only a small number of filmmaking centers, most notably Hollywood, controlled film production, distribution and exhibition. Digital media and the Internet are often celebrated as enabling what some have termed ‘truly’ independent filmmaking, with individual filmmakers not …

Showing Conflict on the Screen: Film Festivals and Cinematic Events Bridging the Gap between the Individual and the Community. Cinema and Social Function in Conflict Resolution.
Out of the many roles that a film festival and other forms of cinematic events can play within the community, that of mediating site for debate and reflection on conflict resolution is perhaps one of the most remarkable ones. Film as a medium of reflection on human nature is at its best when accompanied by …

Respecting Human Rights with Individuality and Flexibility for Creating Better Society
Considering individuality, having disagreements each other is normal. The majority in the world treat conflict as one of common consequences by disagreements. These people seek better solutions through their conflicts. By contrast, Bruce Bonta�s essay introduces peaceful societies, where people try to avoid conflicts and solve through peaceful manners. Such people believe conflict as negative …

George Lathrop’s Short Story “Left Out” and Its Unknown Translations
The journalism boom in the nineteenth century facilitated not only development of a new literary genre, the short story, but also its exchange among various cultures. Magazine editors in different countries were searching for new interesting short stories to translate and publish. In most cases, these translations were carried out in a very short time. …

Ambivalence of Monstrosity and Sense of Reality Discourse of Humanity and Pacifism in the North Korean Film Bulgasari
As in the Western world, Korea has a variety of mythical monsters. Among them is Bulgasari, a iron-eating monster and bizarre hybrid of animals, which will be the main topic of this paper. The monster��s name ��Bulgasari�� has a paradoxical meaning in Korean which is ��cannot be killed but can be killed by fire,�� which …

Contemporary Japanese Defence Strategy: Towards Conflict or Resolution?
Japanese defence policy under the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is accelerating its post-Cold War shift in direction. From a Cold War strategy of anti-Soviet ‘Northern’ defence, Japanese strategy is increasingly towards a ‘southwest’ approach, to potentially deter China, particularly following the increase in tensions over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. …

A Contrapuntal, Ecocritical Reading of Abysmal Return in Contemporary Middle Eastern and Native American Fiction.
The research offers a contrapuntal, eco-critical and comparative reading of contemporary Middle Eastern and Native American Fiction. Nature is emblematic of socio-political, psychological, archetypal and historical issues in David Grossman’s novella “Yani on the Mountain”, Murid Bargouti’s I Saw Ramallah, and Louis Erdrich’s Love Medicine. The reading is also informed by Edward Said’s contrapuntal approach …

The Interpretation of Literary Images of Feminized Nature From the Perspective of Ecofeminism
In this paper, I will compare the gendered landscape or the image of feminized nature in Wordsworth�fs poem �gNutting�h to Whitman�fs �gPioneers! O Pioneers�h and Cather�fs �gO Pioneers! �hfrom the perspective of ecofeminism. Ecofeminism is one of the most important concepts in ecocriticism, which shares the same characteristics as ecocriticism and concerned more with the …

Role of Religion in Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve and Farah’s Sweet and Sour Milk
The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the role religion plays in the lives of the characters in the Indian Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve and the Somali Nuruddin Farah’s Sweet and Sour Milk. The paper will trace the influence of Hinduism and Islam in the lives of people in post-colonial …

Gynos-Synthesis En Route From Conflict to Harmony a Psycho-Spiritual Re-Reading of Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf
That ‘Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains’ is true of men and women today, greatly owing to the unresolved conflicts, intra-, inter-, and trans-personal in nature. A logical derivation from this truth is that a resolution of the conflicts would regain freedom for Man, and, that the process of conflict-resolution could …

Reflection of Fate in Epic – Mythological Heroes: Beowulf and Rustam
This paper examines the effect of fate on epic-mythological heroes in the west and east societies. This research also investigates to determine the archetypal form and function of two epic works from two different literatures and societies that the texts meaning are shaped by cultural and psychological myths. The mythological basic forms of epic heroes …

Racial Tensions and Identity Conflicts in Hanif Kureishi’s Major Works
In the twentieth century British society, one-sided racist social policy that excluded diasporic people from social life started to change and British society transformed into a racially mixed one by dealing with immigrants from different parts of the world. In this multicultural society language was a means of power and shaped the identity. The Buddha …

The Influence of National Classical Literature on Moulding National Identity
An intense interest in national identity is a paradoxical but an utterly human reaction to globalization. The paper considers the role of national literature in shaping and preserving national identity with Russian classical literature as a source material. The word classical is pivotal here because it implies that a work of literature has been read …

The Nfluence of International Art Market on the Art Management Education
Art is a phenomenon that transforms itself along with the society while also reflecting it. With the development of technology, communication facilities and transportation, a new world order has come into being and this has resulted in contemporary art being influenced by other forms of art. New forms of art have come into stage along …

Literature As Content vs Literature As Container: The Case of Sherlock Holmes
The presenter teaches literature in English in a city where English is not the first language. In the processes of course design, material search, assignment setting, assessment strategy and the actual classroom interaction with students, the presenter has been made aware of the constant decisions and adjustments necessary as students respond to the materials and …

A Proposal for Teaching the Literary Essay through a Rhetorical Analysis
The literary essay is a heterogeneous genre that may contain expository, narrative, descriptive and argumentative types of text. Due to its indefinite nature, it is difficult to find critical studies that develop an accurate understanding of the essay that may lead to an objective teaching of this genre. However, as an exemplar of the argumentative …

Supervision Matters Teenagers’ Perception of Parents’ Involvement in Their Internet Use
With the growing popularity of digital devices, such as smart phones, iPads, laptops and computers, Internet can now be accessed with almost any content, from anywhere, at anytime. For teenagers, Internet has become an integral part of their daily life for information, education, entertainment and socialization. As teenagers are in a complicated period of development, …

Media Construction of Apocalypse Halleys Comet and the End of Mayan Calendar through the Lens of Discourse Analysis
The research paper deals with media representation of apocalyptic predictions. It aims to describe how the apocalypse is represented / constructed in media discourse and what functions can the apocalyptic predictions perform. The theoretical background is highly interdisciplinary: the research was formed and inspired by concepts of Carl Gustav Jung´s analytical psychology and by the …

A New Method of Resistance to the Political Power: Social Media
Does social media have a voice of authority over the political power? Nowadays, one of the most controversial issues in modern societies is social media. Social media sites used for sharing content such as music and videos, for finding friends, for following current events, have transformed into a tool for struggling with the political power. …

Development of a Survey Based Tool to Measure Digital Literacy in Arabic Speaking Internet Users.
Many countries have embarked on ambitious programs to make the resources of modern information technology available to their citizenry to eliminate the digital divide both within their countries and to catch up with others. However, for this strategy to succeed, it is not sufficient simply to make Internet connectivity available. US research demonstrates that Internet …

Problems Regarding the Invasion of Privacy on the Internet in Japan.
The simple law that people imitate the desires of others, which Sigmund Freud asserted was at the base of all consumption, helps us to understand how media is successfully supported by advertising revenue. Therefore, successful advertisements must imply popularity. We inhabit a world centered on fashion and social order, which originally included deviation or ambiguity, …

Toward Authentic Language Assessment: A Case in Indonesian EFL Classrooms
Meaningful assessment in Indonesian newly-instituted curriculum (the 2013 curriculum) of EFL now shares a more central position as the curriculum requires that the classroom instruction and learning has to be conducted in thematic integrative approach where authentic assessment is a core; while assessment practice has long been widely traditional where quantitatively-oriented tests are dominant, mostly …

Grammaticality Judgement Test: Does it Reliably Measure English Language Proficiency?
Language assessment is an important activity in any language classroom. Out of the various tests or measurements of grammatical competence, one method known as grammaticality judgement is by far the most controversial albeit its advantages in gauging linguistic competence. Research studies on grammatical judgement tests (GJTs) are still getting contradictory research results since its introduction …

English Language Vocabulary Usage of Indigenes of Ede a Predominantly Yoruba Speech Community
The presence of an institution of higher learning in an indigenous town has impact on the social, political and economic lives of the people of such a community. More importantly, the language use of the people is very much impacted upon since one of the linguistic outcomes of the sustained contact of a target language …

Bridging the Gap in the West African Native Language Learning What Need to Be Done
This paper examines learning and usage of indigenous languages in speech communities to preserve the languages from endangerment. Threats to West African indigenous multi-lingual nature necessitates the learning and more usage of the languages among native speakers. This is because every language encapsulate its realities and models of how the world works differently. Regrettably, there …

Addressing Cultural Diversity in the International Classroom: A Challenge or an Opportunity?
Composition of classrooms in higher education is evolving as universities become more accessible to students from different social and cultural backgrounds. This change has led to an increase in campus diversity among faculty members as well as students. The diversity among students challenges instructors to examine their previously uniform, teaching practices. To address this issue, …

Mainland Chinese Students in Canadian Undergraduate Programs:An Exploratory Study on Students Experiences, Identities and Career Aspirations
This paper examines the experiences, identities and career aspirations of mainland Chinese undergraduate students in a small number of universities in Ontario, Canada. Through surveys and focus group interviews, the study illuminated students�� understandings of their international experience and aspirations. Beyond these more concrete dimensions, the study also analyzed the impact of their international experience …

Learning with the Tide : Enhancing ESL Education with CALL
This literature review will examine current trends in the use of online resources to enhance the English reading skills of elementary-aged ESL students in the United States. The ultimate goal of this review is to make a case for the introduction of ESL technology into elementary schools in Saudi Arabia, where its not currently utilized …

Asking Effective Referential Questions in an EFL Classroom
Through language interaction in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom, the teacher and students co-construct the activity of teacher questioning and student responding as a source for negotiation, construction, and assessment of language knowledge. Referential questions have been referred to as one of the effective language tools to help develop complexity …

How Far Does the Influence of Cultural Differences Go on the Implementation and Outcome of a Pedagogical Approach? Implications from Two ESL Classrooms
While contextual influences on teaching and learning are now widely recognized, it is interesting to see how far such influences may go. To investigate how far cultural differences may affect the implementation and impact of a pedagogical approach, a study was conducted in the naturalistic settings of two ESL writing classrooms at the same grade …

Redesigning Tertiary Level Efl Courses through Connecting, Learning and Growing
Despite attempts over the last decade to standardize EFL teaching practices in Israeli Higher Education (HE), no overarching guidelines relating to course design have been imposed, leading to ambiguity and lack of mutual recognition between institutions. For over thirty years, the generally accepted approach to English language studies has been to focus on reading skills, …

Development of Computer-Based Experiment in Physics for Free Falling Objects
The purpose of this research was to create and to develop the computer-based experimental set for physics labs. With the developed experimental set, learners will have an easier way to study the motion of free falling object without air resistance and easier way to measure the acceleration due to gravity which makes learners get their …

Belonging Blurring the Boundaries
This paper explores Whitchurch’s (2008) notion of the ‘third space’ in the context of articulating students from Further Education to Higher Education. This research appropriates the term ‘third space’ and applies it to the emergent territory occupied by college students ‘crossing the boundary’ to university. The concept of the ‘third space’ allows us to explore …

Unchaining Computer Science Students from the Desktop
Prompted partly by potential space release and reuse, and also by international trends in moving away from desktop computer learning environments and traditional classroom set-ups, this project has explored alternatives to requiring computer science (and other) students’ use of fixed desktop computers in rows facing the front of the computer laboratory. Although many studies and …

Engineering Co-Curricular Role Model Interventions to Develop Women Engineering Students Self-Efficacy at a South African Comprehensive University
Women engineers face often negative stereotypes regarding their competence in the workplace. In the same way, women engineering students face various identity and professional obstacles in their study environment that may affect their feelings of self-efficacy. Furthermore, as the engineering environment is often described as �a man�s world�, engineering is often perceived as a man�s …

T-Story: Storytelling Applied to Training
The project is financed by the Transversal Actions (Key Activity 3 � Information and Communication Technologies) under the Lifelong Learning Programme from the European Commission. Between November 2012 to October 2014, seven institutions from seven European countries (Italy, Portugal, Romania, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Greece) will be carry out the intent to promote a …

Learning from Eliciting Questions in Exploring Global Knowledge
Twenty first century learning is characterized as a technology-supported, student-centered, collaborative, context-based, and globalized learning. Higher education emphasizing various practices for incorporating learning experiences serves a means to prepare students for professional development. Advances in information and communication technology are influencing instructional formats and delivery modes in library and information science professionals. Integrating ICT (Information …

The Effect of Constructivist ICT-Mediated Instruction and Programmed Instruction on Children’s Learning Outcomes in Science
ABSTRACT This paper studied the effect of constructivist ICT-mediated instruction and programmed instruction on the learning outcomes of children in science. The research employed a quazi-experimental design using a 3x2x2 factorial method. The design involved three groups; pretest, posttest and control group. Forty (40) pupils from both MOCPED International Nursery and Primary school and SPEB …

Putting Object Before or After Verb the Acquisition of VO and OV Word Orders in Mandarin Chinese
Mandarin Chinese canonically uses SVO word order. However, a definite object can precede the verb, yielding OV order. While previous studies have established SVO order as Mandarin-speaking children�s earliest and most frequent, little research has explored how they acquire OV order. The current study investigated this acquisition by analyzing Mandarin-speaking children�s OV utterances. We analyzed …

Active Learning Spaces in Schools and Higher Education
In today’s world, globalization, technological and demographic changes make necessary and essential lifelong learning, while it is cooperative, global and universal. To achieve this challenge, is strongly required that schools and universities radically transform their educational systems and meet the demands to acquire the twenty-first century competencies. However, this can not be achieved without the …

The Correlation Between Personality and Gender in Second Language Acquisition: A Case Study.
Whilst it has been long accepted that personality plays a pivotal role in successful Second Language Acquisition, the role of gender remains somewhat shrouded in mystery. It remains impossible to examine the influence of each factor in isolation; however, it is the contention of the author that pairs of factors may be analysed in conjunction …

A Case Study of Japanese Language Teaching in a Multicultural Learning Environment Where Different Students Expectations May Exist in Teaching and Learning
The increasing number of international students whose teaching and learning practices are very different from the UK, is studying in the U.K. This study poses the question of whether Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is still the most effective and appropriate approach in today’s multicultural society regardless of cultural differences. The Japanese teaching method (Japanisation) was …

Implementing Environmental Sustainability Issues in English Language Teaching for Schools
This presentation outlines the ongoing development of a teaching project entitled English Language, School and Sustainability – Consciousness and Citizenship Relationship. The program underpinning this project is the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Service – Programa Institucional de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) and sponsored by CAPES. The aim here is for undergraduate students to …

The Spirit of Post-Method Era Produces Innovative Methodologies and Successful Learners
In ELT, transition from Grammar Translation Method to Direct Method was considered revolutionary. Every new method or approach was seen as path breaking. The ELT specialists agreed that there was no such thing as ‘one size fit for all’ in ELT. The spirit of post method era is indeed a paradigm shift. If the methods …

Rural Basic Education for All: the Impact of the Language of Instruction on the Quality
The paper discusses the issues related to the use of English as Language of Instructions (henceforth LoI) in rural Twelve-Year Basic Education (henceforth 12YBE) in Rwanda: Quality questions in education through English as LoI. The use of English emerged as a political and educational solution at improving the quality of education to meet the labour …

Encouraging Young Learners to Speak and Write
Speaking and writing in a foreign language isn’t always easy for children who have only just started to learn it. Like the mother tongue, the primary school children imitate and repeat what the teacher says. In addition, English is only taught two or three lessons each week. Therefore, the progress is very slow and independent …

Computer-Mediated Lessons for the Development of Knowledge of Rehabilitation for Patient Undergone Laminectomy for Nursing Students in Thailand
The purposes of this study were to develop and test computer-mediated lesson efficiency in relation to laminectomy knowledge for nursing students. The investigator developed the computer-mediated lessons utilizing 7 steps: (1) preparation; (2) instruction design, based on the concept of the interaction between the learner and the lesson; (3) development of a flowchart lesson; 4) …

South Algerians’ EFL Errors
In Algeria, an Arabic-speaking and francophone country, it is a foreign language taught as a compulsory subject matter in public schools and universities. In higher education, particularly in the departments of English, EFL students write essays, exposés and memoirs/research papers in that foreign language. However, the Algerian learners of English face several difficulties at the …

Constructing a Democratic English Language Classroom
Teaching English to immigrant students is a trending issue in the US as well as in other English-speaking countries. This paper examines how the language of an ESL teacher functions in classroom interactions. The data came from an ESL class for immigrant students in the United State. The analytical framework of the paper is based …

Curricular Design for English Extension Courses at Universidad Libre, Bogota-Colombia
The proposal deals with an ongoing research project at the English Extension Courses at the Faculty of Education at Universidad Libre in Bogota, Colombia, that are developed by some pre-service language teachers of the BA Language Program, as part of their pedagogical research practice. It is an Action Research that develops the three main functions …

The Effects of Input Type and Tasks on Vocabulary Learning
This paper discusses the effects of various types of vocabulary lists and tasks on L2 vocabulary learning. Two studies were conducted in 2013 and 2014 with 29 Japanese students who are native English speakers. In study 1, three different vocabulary lists containing 37 verbs were presented to three groups: words in alphabetical order, words with …

If at First You Don’t Succeed…
This research focusses on how errors are generally regarded in the process of language learning, and more specifically in the written production. The starting point of the present work is the existing debate on the subject between Truscott and Ferris. While the former defends the necessity of abandoning all grammatical correction, the latter stands for …

TESOL Teachers’ Reflections on their Language Learning Experience: A Case Study of Six Primary English Language Teachers in Vietnam
Given that language learning experience in the past has great impact on TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) teachers’ beliefs and practice today, this research study explores Vietnamese TESOL teachers’ learning experience of English or other foreign languages during their school time and its impact on their construction of teacher identity. Data were …

Linguistics and L1 Transfer in the Service of Pre-Service L2 Student Teachers
In my talk, I will establish the unique contribution of integrating two major perspectives into Foreign Language (FL) teacher education, particularly to Student Teachers (ST’s) who are training to teach a FL that is NOT their native language. The first is based on insights from modern linguistics; the second adopts the concept of first language …

To Educate Itself to Educate: The Non-Profit Sector Recognizes and Rethinks Itself in the Light of Third Millennium Challenges
Throughout the past decades, the non-profit sector has known a significant growth. Globalization, technological progress, economic crisis are factors that oblige individual practitioners and their organizations to face new professional challenges. To grow and expand, NGOs should be able to learn how to think in a strategic way; how to turn intuitions into out-and-out activities; …

Developing a Reflective Teaching Practice Based on Student Voice: Some Changes Experienced from the Point of View of Teachers
Overcoming certain perspectives of teaching that have interpreted teachers as technician, now we consider the teacher as an agent that makes decisions and judgements , does research on his practice, etc., where reflection is an integral part of his daily work (Marcelo, 1987) . Thus, situations that influence educational practice are complex and genuine and …

Technohumananistic-Based Character Education (A Perspective for Indonesian Educational Policies to Face the Global Challenges)
Technohumanistic-based character education is an approach in teaching character developed by Dantes (2012) which involves three dimensions namely mastery of science and technology, mastery of moral values (moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action), and wisdom. To know whether the approach is effective for character building, a post test-only control group design of quasi-experiment has …

Heraclitean Thinking For a Philosophy of Education in the 21st Century: Towards an Ontology of a New Mode of Change
Heraclitus does not pin down Βeing, does not separate Being from Becoming. Being simultaneously changes and is identified with itself. The inherent multiplicity and variability of Being, namely the multiple facets of the self, this Being and Becoming is the idiosyncratic nature of world and man, time and energy that lasts, change and decay. Therefore, …

Emerging Into a Different Way of Becoming and Belonging. A School’s Journey in ‘Living and Sustaining’ Transformative Pedagogy. A Case Study of a New Zealand Primary School
Every school has an organisational storyline that relates to people, objects, relationships and experiences. At a deeper level, a school’s storyline might be retold in terms of the aspirational intentions and achievements towards such aspirations. Deeper still, a school’s storyline can be told ideologically in terms of the shared understandings, shifting discourses, and the construction …

The Role of Higher Education in Economic Transformation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria
Higher Education has a high public value in terms of its contribution to economic transformation and sustainable development through articulated learning and teaching programmes. The paper examined the economic insecurity challenges, its implications for economic stability and the role of Higher Education in ensuring sustainable development in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design …

Peace Education for Iraq’s Population
Iraqi education has for long been suffering from an out-dated curriculum, poorly qualified teachers, overcrowded classrooms, lack of exposure to developments, but above all an environment that is not conducive to prepare children to be peace loving global citizen. Bearing in mind the diversity of ethnicities, religions, minorities and languages that live in Iraq, what …

Learning and Teaching Transformative Processes
Scientific studies never replace or supplant subjective theories, but, in the best case, enter a productive symbiosis; they can contribute to reflecting on and understanding one’s own assumptions and thereby making them available to change. Therefore, it is pedagogically sensible to address this tension between scientific and subjective theory, and thereby making pedagogical reflection accessible. …

Student Voice’s Experiences for the Teacher Development an Analysis of Best Practice Guidelines.
Based on the idea of inclusive education, a lot of initiatives are being carried out in order to improve the presence, participation or success of students at school, paying especial attention on those who due to gender, age, ability or ethnicity have been traditionally marginalized, silenced and have been suffered a process of “disempowerment” (Fielding, …

Learning Skills in Journalistic Skepticism while Recognizing Whistleblowers
This paper explains a didactic program of blending provocative teaching method with experiential learning – within the third year of the Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies – University of Wollongong, Australia. There are pedagogical imperatives for developing the professional ‘self’ in respect to citizenship, journalistic values and practice. The challenge …

Education After the Arab Spring: Alternative Philosophy to Develop Awareness Towards the Other
Young children of Arab countries after the Arab Spring are experiencing great political pressure, conflicting ideologies, and are becoming a laboratory for violence and warfare, lacking positive relationships and community participation. These children instead of growing in maturity and spiritual insightfulness are overwhelmed with various hedonistic pursuits. What is needed is a foundational system of …

Examining and Determining the Effect of the Research Methods Used by Teachers on their Educational Performance
This research is done to examine and determine the impact of the research methods used by teachers in their educational performance. The Statistical Society is all of the researcher teachers in the Tehran city Educational organization whose researches have been chosen by the Organization and relative departments. The tool used in this study is researcher …

Case Study: University of Experience and New Technologies Subject
The University Program of the Experience (UPE) at the University of Salamanca (Spain) includes three courses that consists of three obligatory subjects of 10 hours each one, three optional subjects of 10 hours each one and a minimum of 15 hours for complementary activities (conferences, monographic courses, cultural trips, etc.). The University for mature students …

Collaborative Becoming Engaging in ‘Guided Reflexivity’ to Develop Teaching Practices in the Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) Sector
Based on the journeys of transformation towards becoming teaching practitioners in the Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) sector, this paper discusses ways in which interactions between trainee teachers and established teaching community members may be utilised as opportunities for collaboration and development. Beginning with a brief critical reflection on trainees’ accounts of their experiences …

Educational Practice and Professional Identity among Volunteer Correctional Educators: Becoming a Teacher Behind Bars
This case study examines the experiences of 8 volunteer educators working in a rural county jail in the northeastern United States. More specifically, it explores the challenge of developing a critical educational practice and nascent professional identity in a context otherwise alien to them and on the “borderlands” of contemporary educational practice It is well-documented …

Contests As a Way for Changing Methodologies in the Curriculum
Digital Competence involves the confident and critical use of Information Society Technology for work, leisure and communication. It is underpinned by basic skills in ICT: the use of computers to retrieve, assess, store, produce, present and exchange information, and to communicate and participate in collaborative networks via the Internet. Some arguments cited for promoting the …

Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception and Attitude about Service-Learning in Social Studies Curriculum in Nigeria
Nigeria at centenary is dwindled with poverty and high illiteracy rate, where there is corruption and corresponding increase in unemployment, ineffective governance and apathy on the part of the citizens among others. As a result of these situations, there seems to be a paradigm shift to envisioning many new approaches to educational system to bridge …

Dominant Multiple Intelligences among Students of Medical and Health Sciences
Unlike in the past, studies on learner’s performance are now attributed to the dynamics of Teaching-Learning Process and not only on lack of motivation on the part of the learner. The major challenge for the Outcome Based Teaching (OBT) is that of selecting teaching methods that encourage all students with different cognitive abilities to achieve …

Realising Teacher Quality at the M-Level
In Brunei Darussalam the national university is the main provider of initial teacher education. In 2009, undergraduate initial teacher education formerly provided by the University ceased and was replaced by graduate provision through a Master of Teaching (MTeach) degree programme. The goal was to improve the quality of teaching to achieve the national aspiration for …

The Role of Teacher’s Written Formative Feedback on Students’ Critical Thinking
In higher education formative feedback has positive effects when it facilitates the development of students’ reflection and self-assessment in learning (Nicol, Thomson, & Breslin, 2014). Nevertheless, an increasing pressure of workload on university teachers makes the design of formative feedback strategies more difficult to implement (Yorke, 2003). This study shows innovative ways for promoting written …

Remarkable Experiences in a Narrative Memoir of a Student of Portuguese/English Teaching Practicum From the School of Education at UFRJ
From a socio-interactional perspective of discourse, this research aims at investigating the written narrative of a student of English and Portuguese Teaching Practicum from a Letters undergraduate Course at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), in which she displays some of her remarkable experiences in the supervised teacher education course. The research involves multiple …

Critical Thinking As a Tool for the Development of Interdisciplinarity in University Education.
An interdisciplinary approach is a synthesis of two or more disciplines that result in establishment of a new scientific discourse, while the knowledge that results from it has an integrative character. For example, Galileo’s method of applying mathematics to scientific explanation amounted to the establishment of a new interdiscipli¬nary platform for the scientific objectivity and …

Best Practices of School Inclusion for Pupils with SEN
Throughout the last 40 years, there has been an increasing need to implement effective inclusive school models, and these are often based on the principles emerging from the Salamanca Conference (1994) and the UNESCO Guidelines on Inclusion (2005). Although the current trend is to include students with special education needs (SEN) in a common school …

A Global Learning Experience Narratives of European Immersive Clinical Nursing Exchanges
Lifelong learners such as nurses require skills to flexibly respond to change, proactively develop their competencies and participate successfully in society (Redecker et al 2011). European placement exchanges can provide this and support Leuven’s 20/2020 target to increase student mobility (Sweeney 2012). Learning in placement provides 50% of the educational experience for pre-registration nursing students. …

Neuro-Teaching in Primary School. The Principles of Feuersteins Mediated Learning Integrated into School Curriculum
The aim of this experimental research is to examine Prof. Feuerstein�s educational theory. By developing Piaget and Vigotskij�s theories, Professor Feuerstein has elaborated a method to teach students how to learn through the development of an active structural approach, which is effective for learning and to build habits for a continuous research for flexible strategies …

Strategies for Digital Inclusion towards a Pedagogy for Embracing and Sustaining Student Diversity and Engagement with Online Learning
This working paper reports on a PhD research study that aims to develop a conceptual framework for effective learning approaches that influence digital inclusion and exclusion of diverse students. The study will move away from the traditional definitions of diversity and explore the different characteristics of a varied learner population in a modern-day setting using …

Implementing Incidental or Intentional Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Estimating the Receptive Vocabulary Size of University Level English Language Learners in Malaysia
The notion that we can acquire most of our vocabulary – a core component upon which language proficiency is reliant – through extensive reading (ER) is now entrenched within second/foreign language teaching. The reported benefits of ER are encouraging, specifically in the areas of reading comprehension, grammatical competence, and vocabulary knowledge development. ER on its …

Done with the Do’s in a Venn
Taking the challenge to engage ESL (English as a Second Language) learners in settling a confusing language structure in English language teaching,the researcher applied the set theory in the Venn Diagram. With college students in three (3) ESL classes as participants in the study, the uses and correct usage of the do-support verbs in sentences …

The Attitude toward the English One Course by First Year Students
English 1 is a compulsory subject that all first year students in Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Songkhla have to study and pass. The achievement of the students each academic year was not satisfied. It was found that there are a large number of the students who did not pass in this course. The information …

Multivariate Gradient Analysis for Evaluating and Visualizing a Learning System Platform for Computer Programming
This paper explores the application of canonical and gradient analysis to evaluate and visualize student performance and acceptance of a learning system platform. The subject of evaluation is a first year BSc module for computer programming. This uses ‘Ceebot’, an animated and immersive game-like development environment. Multivariate ordination approaches are widely used in ecology to …

The Common Semantic Feature of ‘Irregular’ Noun Plural Forms in English
There is only a limited number of Noun Plurals like foot-feet, goose-geese and Past Tense verb forms such as sing-sang, win-won that are produced by Internal Vowel Alternation (IVA) and today these forms are considered to be irregular in Modern English, i.e., they do not follow the rules of Past Tense /+(e)d/ and Noun Plural …

Place-Name Target Multi-Source Metaphor and Metonymy
The paper considers metaphorical and metonymical descriptions of places when a place-name target domain correlates with two or more source domains. It is argued that the target and the sources are united by means of some common element, which provides wholeness of the multi-source metaphor/metonyny. Such metaphors and metonymies are represented by the structure ‘A …

Tablet Reading Bridging the University and Children in Remote Areas
Faced with limited resources and human support, children in remote areas encounter many difficulties in learning and reading with the use of modern technological devices. To help these children experience mobile reading activities with innovative technology, donation of tablets from the industry was initiated. Follow-up services to learning sites were provided by the university library. …

Language Learners Perceptions and Experiences on the Use of Mobile Applications for Independent Language Learning in Higher Education
With the widespread use of mobile phones and portable devices it is inevitable to think of Mobile Assisted Language Learning as a means of independent learning in Higher Education. Nowadays many learners are keen to explore the wide variety of applications available in their portable and always readily available mobile phones and tablets. The fact …

Cool Informatics: A New Approach to Computer Science and Cross-Curricular Learning
Children grow up as “digital natives“, but nevertheless, they don’t know the concepts behind technology and they don’t choose technical careers because of different reasons. In many countries there is a lack of experts, particularly females, in technology and computer science. Reasons for this situation may be missing interest or the belief that technology is …

Contrastive Analysis of French and Yoruba Language
Language as an instrument of communication tends to produce divers effects through linguistic structure. All communication is grammatically governed by certain rules that have to be internalized in the listeners and speakers subconscious. It is evident however, that the grammatical analyses of words are of importance in the study of language. This paper tends to …

Social Media in the Classroom: Facebook vs. Wiki
Undoubtedly, social media have been revolutionizing students’ ways of communication and interaction with others. The increasing popularity and influence of social media provide opportunities for instructors to leverage the power of new technologies, applications and platforms to improve teaching and student performance. In particular, students are increasingly relying on social media to facilitate their communication …

Parental Concerns Towards the Use of Social Networking Sites Among Adolescents and the Impact on the Family
The study aims to focus on the perception of parents towards the use of social networking sites (SNS) and its impact on the family. The research employed a descriptive survey design and the data of 150 parent and 100 adolescents from tertiary institutions in Lagos state. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Two sets of …

Interlanguage (Il) Development and Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Proficiency Levels in Sardinian High Secondary School Students
This paper is part of an ongoing larger study, whose general goal is to identify, classify and explain features of Italian-Sardinian/English interlanguage (IL) of second-language English learners in samples of written language, against the CEFR levels of language competence. The research questions to which the paper will try to answer are as follows -Is there …

Meaning for Meaning: Applying the Theories of Dynamic Equivalence and Contextual Correspondence in Language Translation
The effectiveness of “dynamic equivalence” and “contextual correspondence” as theories/approaches in language translation was tested in two translation contexts: (1) applying and testing the theories in translating scientific articles on food biotechnology, and (2) using the theories to analyze the cultural meanings of “storm surge” in the context of the super typhoon “Haiyan” (“Yolanda”). For …

Tweeting the Disasters: A Sample from Geography Course
It has been a necessity to select and use popular information technologies depending on the content of the course in order to meet the learning needs. In this study, the following of up-to-date information about disasters was ensured in “Geography of Disasters” course during a semester by using Twitter, some information, precautions and news about …

The Effects of Wiki-Based Recursive Process Writing on Chinese Narrative Essay for Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Students in Singapore
This paper reports on the effects of using wiki-based process writing in Singapore’s Chinese as a second language (CSL) scenarios. A group of 32 Secondary 1 (Seventh Grade) students (“Students”) had been receiving various forms of online scaffolding at different steps of writing process over two years. A whole set of teaching materials on 45 …

Case Study: The Use of Wikis As a Teaching-Learning Tool in Science Subjects
In recent years the university studies have change, at all Spanish Universities, together with some other universities from 45 European countries. The Bologna Accord made us change our qualifications and the educational system at the same time. We moved away from a teaching-as-instruction system towards a student-centred system. That has led us to modify the …

Language, Culture and International Communication
We start by reviewing the relevant literature on World Englishes which proposed any form of English for international communication, considering it as the contact language with the broader level of meaning of all speakers irrespective of their English language acquisition history. Based on that input we first bring evidence of the cultural aspect of language …

Native English Speaker Teachers Versus Non-Native English Speaker Teachers in King Khalid University: Myths and Realities
Native English Speaker Teachers versus Non-Native English Speaker Teachers in King Khalid University: Myths and Realities A small number of studies have addressed the debate comparing native English speaker teachers (NESTs) and non-native English speaker teachers (NNESTs). However, most of the studies focused on teacher rather than student opinions. The present study examine ESL Saudi …

Palestinian Liberation Theology. Seeking Social Justice through a De-Zionization of the Holy Scriptures
This proposal focuses on the development of a Palestinian Liberation Theology as a consequence to the establishment of the sovereign State of Israel. In particular, the paper examines the ecumenical efforts set forth by Sabeel a liberation theology movement established in 1990 near Jerusalem. This center addresses both the question of promoting an inclusive non-Zionist …

Gender Dynamics and the Sacred Space of Goa
Goa, an idyllic state on the West coast of India is dotted with Hindu temples that were created in the ancient times by the village communities popularly known as Gãonkaris. The primacy of the Mother Goddess in the ritual worship is a clear indication that the local community was following the Fertility Cult. The belief …

Role of Community in Strengthening Identity of Cultural Tourism Resource in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Nakhon Pathom is an important city in central Thailand that has historical and Buddhist significance. This culturally diverse city is known as the home of the biggest pagoda in Asia. Within this context, this research aimed to: 1) study the potential for cultural tourism at Klang Khu Wiang Temple; and 2) investigate the problems and …

Is there any Connection/Relation between Ad Creativity and “Old Brain”? Analyzing Awarded Advertisements through Neuromarketing
Creativity is a central component of advertising success and in a close relation with the other components like getting interest and attention. Many awards in the advertising business focus on creativity, only a few focus on the effectiveness of advertising. Neuromarketing is a new field of advertising research which tries to understand consumer’s mind. It’s …

Customer Reactions to Service Providers Assertiveness
Despite the acknowledged important of interpersonal interaction in the service encounter, there remain gaps for further investigation particularly on uncovering dimensions of service quality pertaining to behaviors during the interpersonal interaction and the resultant responses from customers. The study investigates customer responses to service encounters characterized by a high degree of service providers�� assertiveness, and …

Natural Ventilation as a Passive Cooling Strategy Aimed at Summer Overheating Reduction in Heritage Buildings: The Case Study of Vleeshuis Museum in Antwerp, Belgium
The challenge of reducing energy demand while improving people indoor comfort also for historical and heritage buildings is becoming an European economic and scientific interest. Historic buildings are not always equipped with mechanical systems for indoor microclimatic control, therefore the indoor climate is strongly dependent from outdoor environmental parameters and specific building dynamic behaviours. Due …

Decreasing the Residential Energy Consumption: Habitual Behaviours of Occupants
In the residential sector, energy demand may be divided mainly into six different types of final energy use: cooking, air heating, water heating, air cooling, lighting and other electric equipment. The energy consumption associated with the different energy services is influenced by the way consumers use each of them, making consumers playing an important role …

ISO 14001 as a Tool to Reduce Carbon Emissions – A Case Study From an Electronics Manufacturer
The concern over climate change and its impact on society is steadily increasing with specific warnings from the IPCC about global warming and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally. To achieve the targets of Kyoto Protocol, governments and organisations have aspired to adopt more sustainable business models and promote low Carbon economies. The …

Russia and UK: Studying the Problem of Energy Efficiency in Household Sector
Energy efficiency in household sector has recently become an issue of pressing topicality according to the latest studies and reviews in this domain. The issue can be found in numerous publications of the renowned scientists of the past and nowadays it is still receiving a wide support. There is a number of circumstances connected with …

Evaluating Material Flow Cost Accounting Method for Energy Efficiency in the Forest Sector
Resource efficiency is one of the crucial aspects in the production process of public and private sector and it affects society on the road to sustainability. Forest sector, as a sector which works for producing environmentally friendly products through sustainable forest management, is responsible for taking into account the negative environmental impacts produced in its …

Energy Reduction in Wastewater Treatment Plants
According to the Water and Environment Research Federation, wastewater and biosolids have ten times as much stored energy as that which is needed for treatment. For wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) that incorporate anaerobic digestion, one significant way of capturing this energy is through combined heat and power (CHP). One factor that has slowed the growth …

The Co-Benefits of Energy Efficiency Policy to Manage the Electric Load in Delhi
Delhi’s power demand has been increasing continuously and the dependence on the power from outside has been increasing simultaneously. Satisfying this rapidly rising demand requires huge investments, and these investments usually have significant social, and environmental consequences. The supply-side measures of meeting the growing demand for electricity will require not only increasing generating capacity, but …

The Effect of Temperature and Biodiesel Fraction on the Viscosity of Biodiesel-Diesel Fuel Blends
This study aims determination of viscosity of the corn oil biodiesel and its blends with petrodiesel fuel at different temperatures. For this purpose, corn oil biodiesel was produced by using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst and methanol (CH3OH) as alcohol. To produce the lowest viscosity corn oil biodiesel, many production parameters such as catalyst concentration, …

Promotion of Energy Saving Behaviours within Businesses
Energy conservation can be achieved through both, the adoption of technical measures and the changing of behaviour. Consequently, energy conservation and related environmental issues are of increasing interest for psychological research .At present most studies, (89%*), focus on energy saving behaviour in households. Employees constitute an important target group for energy saving, but only a …

The Role of Wetland Ecosystems as Critical Infrastructure for Climate Change Adaptation
Approximately $3.2 trillion USD will be spent globally on transportation, electricity and sanitation infrastructure in 2013, with an estimated $57 trillion USD investment needed by 2030 to accommodate growing populations. Natural areas are increasingly being recognised for their ability to act as infrastructure, while also providing a range of ecological, economical and social benefits. Wetlands …

EAPM-CW:’ An Ecosystem Approach Framework for Planning and Management of Coastal Wetlands
This paper presents the ‘EAPM-CW’ as a new methodological framework for planning and management of coastal wetlands, which was developed mainly upon principles of the Ecosystem Approach. The EA ‘Ecosystem Approach’ is the most internationally recommended to meet sustainable development especially in such sensitive ecosystems, as it has been recommended by several international organizations such …

Eco-Efficiency Assessment in Apple Production and Storage in the Northeast of Portugal
Cost reduction, product quality, and customer demands have been pressing the agro-industrial sector to adopt more sustainable practices. Assessing the environmental performance of the food sector worldwide is crucial to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural and industrial practices. This study focus on the assessment of the eco-efficiency of the apple production and storage in …

Biochemical Effect of Antioxidant Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods on Hematology and Serum Lipid of Healthy Wister Rats
Scientific Research supports biological activity of antioxidant Nutraceuticals and Functional foods. The study compared effect of these two antioxidants in healthy opposite sex eighteen albino rats of the Wister strain, weighing between 150 and 300g. They were randomly assigned to three groups of six animals each. The control- Group A were fed with nutraceutical supplements …

Degradation of Cyanide to Ammonia and Nitrate by Mixed Culture of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Suts 1 and Pseudomonas Monteilii Suts 2
The production processes of many industries such as those for petrochemicals, synthetic fuel processing, mining, and cassava starch use many cyanide compounds and generate high concentrations of cyanide. Cyanide can enter the human body by inhalation, ingestion, and adsorption. Moreover, cyanide is toxic to most species in freshwater or marine environments at a level of …

Notions of “Home,” “Nation,” “Identity,” and “Belonging”: A Study on Filipino Migrant Workers in Asia
Drawing on the literatures on diasporas and transnational migration, this paper is a theory-focus article that discusses the notions of “home”, “nation”, “identity” and “belonging” using the case of Filipino migration. While looking into the earlier models of migration still offers discussions that are of interest to academics, scholars, policy makers, and other stakeholders to …

India-ASEAN Trade Relations
Regional Trading Blocs are established on the premise that free trade leads to greater efficiency and higher growth. Regional Trade Agreements vary widely, but the fundamental objective is to reduce or eliminate trade barriers between member countries in order to reap the benefits of increased economic co-operation and strengthen regional solidarity. It is considered to …

Legislation of Open Source Usage in Public and Private Institutions in Comparison in Developing Countries , Existing Legislation and New Challenges
Since 1837 , when Charles Babbage discovered his machine of data analysis , until 1886 , where in Berne , the Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works was signed , the protection of intellectual property developed at a frantic pace until now . The revolution in this field took place during last …

Establishment of Economic Courts in Egypt
No one can deny that “the phenomenon of the slow pace of litigation” expands to include all wings of the judicial system , civil , criminal , and administrative issues. And extends deeper to affect all categories of litigants: rich and poor, men and women. To paint a dark picture of what could be called …

The Sponsorship Contract and New Contract Tools for Valorising Cultural Heritage
Scope of the review is the predisposition of contractual tools for protecting and valorising cultural heritage by comparing German and Italian law, contributing to the development of the society. Cultural heritage has an economic value, because it becomes one of the most important conditions to attract activities, investments, inhabitants, and tourists. In Italy Public intervention …

Appraising the Appraisal Remedy: Is it Really the Best Option for Dissenting Shareholders?
The availability of appraisal as a remedy for dissenting shareholders in a country�s statute places an obligation on corporations to repurchase the dissenters� shares at a fair value, where it appears that their rights or interests are about to be adversely affected. Appraisal therefore provides a �buy-out� option for both sides of the divide i.e. …

Mining in Rajasthan (India) and Effects on Earth -Environmental Issues, Affecting Human Rights and Burning Legal Aspects
In Rajasthan (India) mining is being conducted since ancient past. The Rajasthan produce 42 varieties of major minerals and 23 varieties of minor minerals. In Rajasthan most mineral deposits are concentrated all along the Aravali range that runs through large parts of the state and, mining activity is wide spread here. The environmental impact of …

The European Doctrine of Margin of Appreciation: What Asean Can Learn from its Concept and Application in Universalizing “Controversial” Asean Declaration of Human Rights?
The European Court of Human Rights has developed the doctrine of Margin of Appreciation in supervising when member states of the Council of Europe breach the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). This paper argues that the margin of appreciation is not a particularity in the traditional sense; it is a moderate way to bridge …

A Glance into the Innovation and Patent Management System of Indian Universities
The patent system has been introduced to encourage innovation throughout global economies. The intention is to promote the development of new ideas and technologies. India, being one of the fastest growing developing nations, is a huge playing field for development of new technologies and sees a lot of innovation at the grass root level, also …

Imperatives of Globalization on Growth of Emerging Economies : Evidence From Nigeria (1980-2013)
Study investigates the impact of globalization on Nigeria’s economic growth. This study covers the periods between 1990 to 2013. Quantitative research methodology was adopted using Augmented Dickey- Fuller unit-root test, to test for stationarity of the variables. The result of the stationarity (unit root) test shows that, the variables were all stationary at first difference. …

The Synergy of Poetic Leadership – How Leading Poetically Bridges the Gaps
We live in a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), where the disparate needs of individuals, communities and society are at times in conflict. There is a growing recognition that traditional styles of leadership are no longer adequate for such a world. Interdisciplinary practices can give us a new perspective on our challenges; …

Conflict Resolution and Crisis of Governnance in Africa the Case of Nigeria
Undoubtedly everyman desires peace on the conviction that it is the secret of development, and self attainment. Yet, societal relationship elicits unprecedented contest which sometimes degenerates into violence at individual and communal levels. Man is therefore faced with the contradiction of desires and reality. The adequacy of a modern government could largely be measured by …

Criminal Networks and Their Influence in Democratic Systems -Baltic States Examples
In recent years, increased attention from the media, the international community and policy makers has highlighted the destabilizing effects criminal networks have on the perceived legitimacy of democratic politics. This is not only a problem for rough and fragile States in Latin America and West Africa, but also an increasing phenomenon in Europe and other …

Governing Transnational Commons through Strategic Technology Associations: A Comparative Study of Radio Spectrum Management in Europe
The proposed paper examines the role of self-regulation in the management of the electromagnetic radio spectrum � the transnational common pool resource utilised for mobile communications worldwide. The article analyses how collective choice arrangements have been negotiated for the management of second, third and fourth generation mobile cellular communications in the European Union. Combining the …

Public Participation in New Local Governance Spaces: The Case for Community Development in Local Strategic Partnerships
Research into public participation in local decision-making has expanded over the past forty years, reflecting increased interest in the subject from academic, policy and practitioner perspectives. The same applies to community development, a values-based profession promoting a transformational agenda. During the New Labour government’s period in office (1997-2010), public participation featured centrally in several policies, …

Development Theory and its Threatening Other
Development’s ‘Other’ is usually assumed to be the undeveloped world. The undeveloped world is portrayed as in some way deficient compared to the West. The need to remedy these deficiencies legitimises Western intervention in the world of the undeveloped Other. This understanding of development theory’s history has informed the discipline’s attempts to reinvent itself after …

Solidarity in Modern Liberal Societies
The question of the relation between the individual and society has recently gathered momentum in the debate on the universality of human rights. Communitarian critics like Charles Taylor — or more recently Otto Depenheuer — argue that due to emphases on inalienable rights of individual freedom, solidarity between members of society is vanishing, as people …

When Judicial Review Becomes a Fading Shadow of Constitutional Democracy: Toward a Comparative Understanding of Judicial Review in Cameroon and Post-Apartheid South Africa
This paper relates to the ineffectiveness of the judicial review mechanism in Cameroon. The Constitutional Council is an organ charged with testing powers of the constitutionality of laws created by the 1996 Constitution. This mechanism is juxtaposed with the same mechanism in post-apartheid South Africa with the intention of demonstrating that while the Constitutional Court …

Reframing the Conflict ‘of Interest’: The Public/Private Interface
The dominant understanding of the ‘conflict of interest’, grounded in a quintessentially Western conceptualization of public and private , has been applied across contexts as part and parcel of the ‘good governance project’ in pursuit of a “better world” . The case of Slovakia illuminates the predicaments of seeking to organize the social reality of …

Emma’s Journey: A Case Study on the Death Penalty and Some Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System
The murder on January 1, 1979 of a prominent white business man in the small southern American community of Lincolnton, GA led to the arrest, trial and death row sentence of a young African-American woman named Emma Cunningham. After an appeal and plea bargain, her sentence was commuted to life with parole. Altogether, she spent …

Methodology Review Making a Case for Grounded Theory in Occupants’ Energy Behaviour Research
It has been recognized by many researchers that social issues, such as occupants’ energy behaviour, play a vital role in reducing energy use. The previous research into the field of occupants’ energy behaviour can be classed into two categories regarding their methodological approaches. The majority of the research has been done using a quantitative approach …

Inclusive Governance by Gender Equality: Innovative Vision to Humanize our Cities
This paper suggests a broad approach to enhance the social sustainability through socially innovative and inclusive governance when planning and regenerating the urban landscape. A comprehensive approach to developing and managing a city requires both “top-down” and “bottom-up” strategies. Inclusive governance and social innovation can be achieved when both genders are equally included and appreciated …

Public Participation in Environmental Conflict Management in Development Projects in Thailand
Over the past four decades, a rapid economic growth and industrialization have been cased natural resource degradation, environmental pollutions and health impacts in Thailand. These create environmental controversies across the country. Presently, Thailand is facing many environmental conflicts from developing large scale project. Many development projects are delayed or postponed because of the public opposition. …

Determinants of Residential Building Occupants’ Behavior in Sustainable Living a Questionnaire Survey in Hong Kong
Green building movement has been playing a major role in sustainable urbanism as well as current architectural development. In addition to its energy achievement, it could be influencing our living style according to some Environment and Behavior (EB) studies. EB research showed that there are transactions between individuals and their physical setting that could change …

Boardgames as a Tool for Teaching Basic Sustainability Concepts to Design Students
One aspect of sustainability that often baffles design students is the need to balance concepts such as the triple bottom line (environment, economy and social issue) with the product’s life cycle in their design process. In some cases, this is a result of a lack of understanding of interactions between these aspects since the theoretical …

Transitional Spaces: Reconciling Conflicts in Dense Sustainable Housing Projects
Density strategies are generally perceived as a powerful leverage for sustainable built environments. Reality unveils however a more nuanced appreciation. While the �Prosperity� pillar of sustainable development is mostly covered, dense building developments tend to lack addressing �here and now� social and environmental aspects of sustainability, which could mortgage the recognition of the embedded sustainability …

An Integrated Study of Corporate Social Responsibility and Relationship Management in China: An Interpretive Perspective
The purpose of this study is to determine how companies in China manage their relations with publics (stakeholders) in China through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. This study is conducted from the interpretive perspective and use qualitative, specifically, interview method. This study explored the current situation of CSR in China. I apply the concept …

Marketing of a Net Positive Future
In many climatic regions, both in Europe and the US, it is possible to design and build homes that can be powered solely from a renewable resource. This paper will present the efforts taken in the US and Europe to aid home builders to quantify the performance of a building envelope and the levels of …

An Assessment of the Socio- Economic Impact of Medical Tourism on the Mauritian Community.
Medical tourism is also known as medical travel, health tourism or more recently, global healthcare; which in a broad sense, means seeking for medical wellbeing by travelling to a foreign region. However, this is not new; for thousands of years, people have traveled to foreign lands for healing purposes. This form of health travel has …

“Just Ask Me”: Mechanisms for Being Together in Fragile Communities
Communities located in sparsely populated rural areas traditionally rely on prolific social involvement among members to inform decisions and initiate action. A challenge in some communities is that social interactions form strong social bonds between inhabitants that limit the full social participation of other individuals. Where there is a threat to community existence, previous research …

Use of Problem Based Learning to Teach Ethics in Indian Context
Fostering ethical values and its internalization in students’ lives is a daunting process. Mere regurgitation of moral values in classroom does not translate into application. In recent years, the trend suggests that excessive materialism and individualism has led to idea of instant gratification and erosion of ethos. This emerging trend is likely to impact India …

Transformation in Socio-Cultural Identity: Causes and Effects
Political and economic aspects are shaping the built environment and transform the socio-cultural organization of the cities. Cities play an essential role in expanding the opportunities for economic growth, innovation and social development; at the same time, they are also platform for poverty and threats. Thus, it is important to understand the logic of the …