Category: Energy: Environmental Degradation

Make-Up Water Utilization Using WWTP Effluent Recycle: A Case Study of Grati Combined Cycle Power Plant, East Java Province, Indonesia
In 2013, average waste water production of Grati Combined Cycle Power Plant is about 3,801 m3/month within only less than 8% (eight percent) has been reused for reboisation. It requires more effort to recycle effluent of Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in order to fullfil water conservation program and zero waste water of power plant …

Evaluating Material Flow Cost Accounting Method for Energy Efficiency in the Forest Sector
Resource efficiency is one of the crucial aspects in the production process of public and private sector and it affects society on the road to sustainability. Forest sector, as a sector which works for producing environmentally friendly products through sustainable forest management, is responsible for taking into account the negative environmental impacts produced in its …