Category: Education and social and political movements
Policy-Making Process of Higher Education and Vocational Training in the EU
This paper studies the policy-making process of higher education and vocational training in the EU from the viewpoint of norms and legalization. The legal system of the EU is characterized by binding hard law as the legislation and non-binding soft law as the norm. In the field of international relations, the concept of the norm …
Impacts of Educational Macro-Policies on Developing Creativity in Iran
Many educational and training approaches aim at improving creativity in students. In today’s world, tremendous need for individuals who can adapt to rapid changes, and also help bring rapid developments into their societies have made educational systems place more importance on creativity. However, developing creative minds may lead to criticism of the status quo, which …
Education After the Arab Spring: Alternative Philosophy to Develop Awareness Towards the Other
Young children of Arab countries after the Arab Spring are experiencing great political pressure, conflicting ideologies, and are becoming a laboratory for violence and warfare, lacking positive relationships and community participation. These children instead of growing in maturity and spiritual insightfulness are overwhelmed with various hedonistic pursuits. What is needed is a foundational system of …