Year: 2024

Course Redesign in Higher Education: Linking Student Content Creators with Local Non-Profit
Higher education faculty are tasked with providing students with unique and creative opportunities to explore real-world exposure and experience. Content creation puts students in the driver’s seat for learning and application of course content. This paper discusses the redesign of a senior-level Business Communications course at a public four-year institution in Hawaii through project-based learning …

ChatGPT’s Impact on Education: Increasing Student’s Learning Interest
ChatGPT has become a popular tool because of the ease it offers to obtain a variety of information. However, the decision of users such as students to use ChatGPT in the world of education and increase interest in learning can be influenced by several factors. In this research, researchers want to test variables in the …

Social Media Usage Patterns and Predictors: A Comparative Study of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
This study employs the symbolic interactionist approach to examine demographic influences on social media usage, aiming to explore differences in consumption patterns and predict associations between demographics and interactive and active use across three leading social networks. A representative sample of 501 participants completed an online survey distributed by a research institute adhering to international …

Mentoring in the Design and Facilitation of Workshops to Promote Professional Well-being in Child Care and Protection Workers
The study examines a training program aimed at equipping coordinators and managers of childcare and protection services working with families in a vulnerable situation in a region of central-northern Italy with the skills to design and deliver workshops aimed at improving the quality of working life (Stamm, 1999; Figley, 1993). This program, which lasted from …

Experiencing Group Development and Its Impacts Among Tertiary Students: A Qualitative Inquiry
Tertiary students are often exposed to group academic activities to learn critically important skills that contribute to student success. While navigating groups and working towards group goals, these students also learn valuable lessons and insights that lead to the development of 21st century skills like communication, collaboration, social skills, and social responsibility which are crucial …

Development of Training Curricula to Improve Engineers’ Learning Capacity in Manufacturing Facilities Using the Production Support System Based on DAPOA
To provide training experience for engineers working in industrial plants, this research developed and evaluated a training model for industrial production support systems using the DAPOA learning framework. The five steps of the DAPOA project learning model were used to organize teaching and learning for the academic year 2023–2024. These steps are topic identification, analysis, …

Effect of Developing Multimedia for Three Phase Induction Motor Rewinding Using ADDIE Model
Motor rewinding skills are one of the practical skills of an electrician. Generally, it will be organized as a vocational certificate program, emphasizing practical training in disassembly and reassembly motors, form coils of copper wire and electrical circuit connections. Over the course of the last few years, there has been a there has been a …

Development of the Multimedia Modules for Interactive Online Learning to Enhance Understanding of Principles of Graphic Design on Packaging
Currently, the packaging industry is experiencing a shortage of graphic designers and the lack of interactive learning materials about graphic design. The purpose was to design motivational videos and audio in 7 modules to enhance understanding of graphic design using Adobe Illustrator. Each video clip for few minutes duration was produced with Adobe Premiere Pro …

Pedagogy in Higher Education: Paradigmatic Reinvention of Learning Processes
In a context of major transformations affecting higher education, it is important to (re)think about pedagogical environments that enable students to reflect critically and autonomously on their learning processes, in the context of their initial training. This study is an opportunity to identify students’ perceptions of the methodologies implemented by a group of initial teacher …

Childism and Maternal Dysfunction in Tatsushi Ōmori’s “Mother” (2020)
Tatsushi Ōmori’s Mother (2020) vividly portrays the harrowing realities of childism through a profoundly dysfunctional maternal relationship. The film centers on Akiko and her son Shuhei, showcasing how childism manifests in their tumultuous family dynamic. Akiko’s manipulative and neglectful behavior starkly represents childism, exploiting and mistreating Shuhei to serve her own needs while disregarding his …

Revolutionizing Newsgathering: The Impact of Digital Media and New Technologies
The rise of digital media and new technologies has fundamentally changed news gathering, allowing journalists to gather, analyze and share information with unprecedented speed and accuracy. This article explores the integration of tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics into journalism, improving the ability to process large data sets, identify trends and …

Gender Roles Perceptions Among Preteen in Bali: A Phenomenological Study
Gender roles are one of the constructs within gender that are typically socialised during childhood through various sides such as family, social environment, culture and media. Balinese culture holds distinctive concepts of gender roles known as purusa and pradana, where a misunderstanding of these constructs has led to a perception that males are more dominant …

Freedom of Speech? Coverage of Indonesia’s “Information and Electronic Transactions” Law in Indigenous Online News Media
Since its enactment in 2008 and amendment in 2016, Indonesia’s Information and Electronic Transaction law (ITE Law) has been problematic. Critics argue that the Defamation provision of ITE Law has vague interpretations and has been used disproportionately to threaten freedom of speech on the Internet (SAFEnet, 2021). In response to this controversial law, the Indonesian …

Embracing Communicative Activities on the Way to Becoming Creative Thinkers
This interactive session aims to address the importance of communicative activities in promoting creative thinking in the classroom and beyond with an understanding that these two are profoundly intertwined. In essence, creative thinking and communication skills are symbolic – they support one another to achieve maximum influence. While creative thinking produces ideas, communication skills enable …

New Comedy Paradigm: The Ascendancy of Stand-Up Comics in Indonesian Film
This study examines the trend of stand-up comedians entering the Indonesian film industry, particularly focusing on their influence on the comedy genre. Over the past few years, comedians like Ernest Prakasa, Muhadkly Acho, and Bene Dion Rajagukguk have become prominent filmmakers and actors in Indonesian cinema. The aim of this research is to investigate the …

The Unspoken Voices: Access to Food Choices and Implications Among International Graduate Students at the University of British Columbia
The number of international graduate students enrolled at Canadian universities has continuously increased, indicating the importance of their cultural and economic contributions. The difficulties international graduate students encounter in obtaining food, which have an impact on their academic performance and general well-being, have received little attention. This study investigates how University of British Columbia (UBC) …

The Influence of Makeup on Individual Self-Identity: An Exploratory Study
Makeup has increasingly become an important factor affecting self-identity and social interaction among college students. With the popularity of social media and the rise of the beauty industry, more and more young people are using makeup to shape their social image and express their personalities. The purpose of this study is to explore the Chinese …

Soft Skills in a Multicultural Society Context: A Case Study of Teaching Profession Students in the Southern Border Provinces of Thailand
Developing soft skills in the teaching profession students is important for teachers to facilitate the learners to learn to live together peacefully in the society. This research aims to investigate the soft skills in a multicultural society of the teaching profession students in the southern border provinces of Thailand through a qualitative method using the …

Student-Faculty Partnerships in Asia – Exploring Possibilities, Challenges, and Examining Values: A Case Study
The evolving landscape of higher education emphasizes the transformative role of students as partners (SaP) in the learning process, challenging the consumption model with a participatory one. The concept is more mature in Western settings and this paper seeks to provide an Asian perspective. The study is situated in one of the top Asian universities. …

e-Training With AI Prompts on Preparing Articles for International Academic Conferences and Publication in International Journals
This research aims to create e-training with AI prompts for international academic conferences and publication in international journals. To determine the efficiency of e-training. Find the effectiveness of the Learner’s success through improved e-training and find satisfaction with e-training. The methodology used in the research consists of 5 main steps: analysis, design, course development, e-training …

Ethnography of Nationalism on the Indonesia-Malaysia Border: Dynamics of Transnational Identity in the Study of Culture, Art, and Citizenship
This study investigates identity transnationalism and nationalism along the Indonesia-Malaysia border in West Kalimantan. Residents with familial ties in both nations face challenges in maintaining their cultural, artistic, and tribal identities across national lines. Despite their common ancestry, these individuals remain politically divided but culturally unified. Our research explores how transnational communities manage their complex …

Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexual Life: Does Sociodemographic Characteristics make a Difference?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, measures of quarantine, physical and social distancing impose restrictions on personal mobility and social interaction. The restrictions may result in psychological distress, mental health problems, and negative outcomes of sexual life. This study evaluated the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on sexual life and examined whether sociodemographic characteristics would moderate the effects. …

Facilitating Students for an English Course: A Teacher’s Journey
Internationalization and globalization enable positive returns in a wide range of human activities. The affected sectors include education and industry. English language is critical to Malaysia’s ability to become a global player in education and encourage the internationalization of higher education. As a result, there has been a greater emphasis on improving graduates’ language proficiency. …

Assessing the Feasibility of a Neuromotor Movement Programme in a New Zealand Early Childhood Centre: A Pilot Randomised Control Trial
Primitive reflexes are automatic stereotyped movements, present in the first year of life aiding birthing and development of motor, sensory and visual systems. Prolonged presence of primitive reflexes indicates an increased risk of neuromotor immaturity. Interventions to reduce primitive reflex involvement lead to improvements in children’s motor coordination, pro-social behaviour, and academic learning. This study …

Bridging Technical and Academic English Studies in the Online Course for Post-graduate Engineering Students
Foreign languages for academic purposes prepare students for the specific academic requirements at the tertiary level of education. English as the language of international exchange aims not only to improve students’ level of English, but also to develop the language skills necessary for the academic environment. Post-graduate and doctoral engineering students in Latvia are required …

“Mosaic Landscape” of Teaching and Learning Professional Vocabulary at English for Specific Purposes Studies at University
A university is a higher educational institution where students acquire professional and communicative competences, developing 21st-century skills. These competences are acquired through English for Specific Purposes (ESP) study course designed for landscape architects. The university curriculum includes content-based ESP studies, with the overall objective of teaching and learning professional vocabulary across all study courses for …

Intangible Heritage of Aci Trezza: Historical Reconstruction of the Rodolico Shipyard and its Living Human Treasure
In the seaside village of Aci Trezza, in Sicily, the Rodolico family’s shipyard has been building boats since at least 1808. They use the “mezzo garbo” construction technique passed down orally. In 1960 the golden age for the shipyard began, Salvatore Martino, assisted by his sons and over thirty workers. He began building large wooden …

A Framework for the Exploration: Video Adaptations
The reproducibility and boundaries of art are discussed in a wide range of theories. With both modernism and postmodernism, the artists involved in these art movements. Artworks like painting, craft-based work, conceptual art, installation art, photography, and more concepts of art have been produced and reproduced within different times and forms. Postmodernism is controversial in …

Decoding the Meaning of Gemoy as a Political Gimmick: A Semiotic Analysis Approach to Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto
This research focuses on exploring the meaning of gemoy as a political gimmick in Prabowo Subianto’s 2024 Indonesian presidential election campaign. It investigates how this term is strategically employed in the campaign to influence public perception and voter behavior. The proposed assumption is that the term gemoy functions as an emotional and cultural trigger, designed …

Chinese Independent Documentary Cinema in the Age of New Media From 1990 to 2020
The purpose of this study is to take new media as an entry point to discover the development of Chinese independent documentary cinema from 1990 to 2020. It will be divided into three main sections, and each section will have different historical contexts. Section one will explore how the introduction of Digital Video (DV) changed …

Exploring the Community Health Needs and Assets of the Koryoin Community in Hambak Village, South Korea: A Qualitative Study
The Koryoins, a small diaspora group from the post-Soviet states, have been returning to their historic homeland of South Korea over the past few decades. Their immigration backgrounds are diverse and have been of interest to Korea due to labor shortages and a declining birth rate. The Koryoins have settled across various regions of Korea, …

Natural vs Unnatural: Art in Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn
The research intends to make a comparison between the “natural” artistic representation in Ode to a Nightingale and the “unnatural” one in Ode on a Grecian Urn by justifying the sense in Ode to a Nightingale to be hearing and the sense in Ode on a Grecian Urn to be sight, so as to illustrate …

Exploring and Analysing the Achievements of Religious Patriarchs From the Historical Guiguzi
During the Warring States period in China, there emerged a strategist, Guiguzi. It is said that he had over a hundred disciples, including notable figures such as Su Qin and Zhang Yi. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Guiguzi was regarded as a hermit and Taoist priest, residing in the Ghost Valley area, which contributed …

Disjointed Interludes: Countercultural Practices in Juju Music Performance
The Juju music genre is a syncretic brand of Nigerian popular music which originated from the South-Western part of Nigeria in the early twentieth century. The genre is widely known and appreciated for its boisterous delivery in Yoruba language. The performance of the genre is accompanied by traditional instruments and foreign appropriations. The genre’s popularity …

Addressing Waste as an Educational Matter: The Remida in Reggio Emilia Case Study
The large waste material generated by production systems is part of the environmental emergency affecting the planet. While governments address the issue in technical and mechanical ways, the humanities and ecological sciences question what pedagogies can support a paradigm shift in educational thinking and practices. New feminist materialisms put matter, care, and the concept of …

Psychological Distress and Self-evaluation of Students with and Without Disabilities in Tertiary Education
Backgrounds: Students in tertiary education experience tremendous stresses in their academic study. Academic stress was associated with depression, anxiety and stress. It may also lead to poor academic performance, which in turn result in low level of self-efficacy and poor self-esteem. Objectives: This study compared the psychological distress and self-evaluation of students with and without …

Pre-Service Teachers and Instructor Perspectives on the Practicality and Effectiveness of an Oral Evaluation on Teacher Competencies
This practical action research (Cresswell, 2012) is an analysis of pre-service teachers demonstrating efficacy in the teaching practices and skills they acquired in a two-year elementary teacher preparation program (TPP). In their fourth and final semester, they are required to exhibit proficiency in educator competencies. This includes the planning and implementation of a unit plan …

Enhancing Tacit Knowledge Acquisition in Advertising Design Through Case-Based Learning
Design disciplines contain a range of tacit knowledge that is difficult to articulate and deliver, such as the professional practices in the advertising design field. The research examined the acquisition of tacit knowledge among advertising design students, focusing on the challenges of articulating and transmitting professional practices within the industry. The research seeks to improve …

Peer Teaching to Improve Student Construction Cost Estimation Learning Outcomes in Differences of Cognitive Style
The implementation of Peer Teaching (PT) is carried out by appointing students as tutors and tutees to improve the learning outcomes of construction cost estimation. Improved learning outcomes are needed to produce competent planners in construction cost estimation as one of the keys to the success of construction. In this study, the effect of PT …

Exploring English Language Learning Practices Among H’Mong Children in Sapa: Insights From Social and Cultural Perspectives
This study explores the dynamics of English language learning among H’Mong children in Sapa, focusing on the influence of cultural traditions, community involvement, and technological advancements. Through qualitative analysis of interview transcripts and quantitative assessment of teacher perceptions, the study elucidates the interplay between social, cultural, and technological factors in shaping language acquisition experiences. Findings …

Active English Language Classes for Working Students in Blended Learning Environments
Since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, one important challenge for educators has been to find the right mix of face-to-face classes and virtual environments. Especially mature working students in master programs who are on a career path at their company and who may have to commute more than 100 kilometers between home, workplace, and …

Laboratory and Projects Workshop in Chemical Engineering Degree Program in Mexico
A diagnostic study of the subject Laboratory and Projects Workshop (LPW) of the degree in Chemical Engineering taught at the Faculty of Highest Studies – Zaragoza of the National Autonomous University of Mexico is presented, based on the perception of the professors, the graduated students and the companies that hire them, to realize the applicability …

Investigating the Effects of Differentiated Learning on Primary School Students’ Literacy Competence: A Multi-Site Comparative Study
Advances in technology and information, which are growing very rapidly, affect all areas of human life, so literacy skills are needed as one of the skills of the 21st century. However, the literacy of primary school students in Indonesia is still in the low category. The results of the 2022 national assessment show that 50% …

A Comparison of Teacher Professional Identity in Indonesia and South Korea: An Analysis Based on Gender and Amount of Experience
The purpose of this study is to describe the tendency of teachers’ professional identity based on length of service and gender. This study used a cross-sectional survey method. The research participants comprised 105 teachers of Technical High School, South Korea, whose data collection was assisted by partners from Hyupsung University and 91 teachers of State …

Forbidden Art: Dancing in Iran
Purpose: Due to the prohibition of dance in Iran since Islamic republic in 1979, and the interest of Iranians to the dancing art since ancient times; the shape and manner of its presentation has been changed. We tried to follow the changes of this art during different ages of the country, especially during Islamic republic …

The Meaning and Perception of Korean-Style Flower Arrangements: A Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behaviour Pattern in Florist Business Development
This study is important to determine the influence of Korean-style flower arrangements on the development of marketing communication strategies to support the development of florist businesses. Flower marketing activities using the Korean waves approach are the idea in developing a florist business. In this study, the interaction between humans uses the exchange of symbols that …

Reimagining the Classics: Ink Art Meets AI Innovation
The convergence of Ink painting and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened up new avenues for creative expression, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms. This study explores the experiences of AI and Chinese art, examining the potential of AI-driven visual design in transforming the classic aesthetic of Ink art. A case study is presented, featuring …

Understanding the Role of Personal Motivations in Social Media Use and Choices for Interpersonal Communication
The public introduction of social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook and exponential growth of social media as a medium in the last twenty years has been unprecedented, revolutionizing interpersonal interactions between people, marketing communication and driving up internet growth rates. The ongoing changes in preferences, uses and gratifications of SNS need to be examined, …

One Program, Two Pathways: The Transformative Learning Journeys of 2 Adult Learners in Graduate School
This paper documents the transformative learning of 2 working women adult learners who returned to higher education for the Master of Education (Teaching and Learning). This graduate degree offers two different teaching and learning pathway; the traditional pathway comprising on-campus classes with 11 modules to complete and the APEL Q pathway which requires learners to …

Challenges and Opportunities of AI in Revitalizing and Preserving Endangered Languages in Kenya
Kenya’s rich variety of languages carries important cultural and traditional knowledge. However, many of these languages are disappearing because of the growing influence of English, Kiswahili, and other challenges. This language loss threatens cultural identity and the preservation of traditional knowledge. This study aims to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help revitalize endangered languages …

Analysis of Academic Total Quality Management in Bangladesh
This paper attempts to spotlight the general principles of enhancing quality in educational institutions the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) here is a great concern to point out how this approach has been and can be used to improve the quality of the academics. This work has been specified for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) …

Evaluation of a Financial Education Board Game Integrating Historical Contextual Events and Simulated Trading Mechanisms
The key to financial education is not merely financial knowledge, but more importantly, the skills of money investment and management. Without simulated financial operations and experiencing the effects of social contextual events on the market, learning transfer becomes challenging. Game-based learning provides a solution that motivates learners to engage actively, while also simulating contextual events, …

Reliability and Validity of Academic Motivation Scale Among Secondary School Students
Background: Academic motivation refers to the processes that influence the initiation, direction and persistence of behavior related to knowledge acquisition and achievement in learning environments A measure named Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) comprising three subscales was developed to assess intrinsic motivation (pursuing a learning activity because of the pleasures and satisfaction derived from the activity …

Implementation of EMI in Taiwan’s Higher Education: Exploring Students’ Perspective on the Challenges and Their Needs
Taiwan’s recent bilingual education policy has driven universities to promote English-medium instruction (EMI) courses. While research has explored teacher perspectives on EMI implementation, student experiences remain understudied. This quantitative study addresses this gap by investigating the perceptions and self-reported experiences of 1,137 Taiwanese Mandarin-speaking university students enrolled in EMI courses, whose first language is Taiwanese …

Data Analytics in Nigerian Tertiary Institution Management for Global Competitiveness: A Case Study of University of Lagos, Nigeria
This study explores the transformative potential of data analytics in enhancing educational management within Nigerian tertiary institutions to achieve global competitiveness. It aims to demonstrate how data-driven decision-making improve educational outcomes. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. Two research questions were posed, and two research hypotheses were formulated. The population for the …

Developing English Language Proficiency in Young Learners Through Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning is a process including a set of skills like recognizing and controlling one’s own emotions and attitudes, setting and achieving goals, making independent decisions about personal behavior and social interactions, and leading healthy and supportive relationships with peers and adults. It has long been believed that SEL occurs naturally as children grow …

Combining Realistic Story Situations and GPT-Based NPC Framework for Historical Knowledge Problem-Solving Games
In recent years, the application of generative AI’s (GAI) adaptive characteristics in education has rapidly emerged. However, general GAI in educational games often lacks realistic situations and operational fidelity, leading to limited authentic experiences and difficulties in learning transfer. Additionally, GAI frequently produces inaccurate or off-topic responses. To address these limitations, this study designs a …

An Alternative Reality Museum Tour Game Integrating Realistic Historical Storyline and Role-Playing for Learning Cultural Heritage
Although museums converted from cultural heritage are of high historical value, they may not be able to retain the old historical elements due to changes in business strategies and lose the historical value of the original scene. Museum tour guides can still take visitors back to the past through oral tours, there is still limited …

Effectiveness of Qanaah Coping Technique in Enhancing Psychological Well-being Among Students in Islamic Boarding Schools
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of qanaah coping as a training method to enhance the psychological well-being of students. Qanaah in Islam means an attitude of being willing to accept and feel satisfied with the results of what one has worked for and distancing oneself from feelings of dissatisfaction and feelings of lack. …

Literature Review of the Impact of Strength Training and Plyometric Training on Basketball Performance
This paper aims to provide an extensive literature review of academic papers written in English about the impact of strength exercises on basketball performance across different educational and training institutions. Resistance training, also known as strength training or weight training, involves using resistance to muscle contractions to enhance strength, anaerobic endurance, and muscle size, and …

For Seeing the Sea Sometimes Is Better to Close One’s Eyes: Tongues to Name the Landscape that Grows Unseen
On the island of Arousa, in Galicia, the BioCost research group is trying to grow the Himanthalia Elongatha seaweed, which is endangered in the area. However, the rock on which they carry out this procedure is covered by the sea depending on the tidal movements, making it difficult for scientists to access the evolution of …

Unveiling Valor: Local Resistance Movements Against Japanese Occupation in Siquijor
The island of Siquijor is known for its rich historical and cultural heritage, manifested in Spanish-era churches situated in its five municipalities. Despite the presence of many historical landmarks, little has been written about the island during the Spanish and Japanese eras. Therefore, to further enrich the historical and cultural heritage of Siquijor, this study …

Exploring the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence to Create Digital Vocational Training Courses for Students in Kenya: A Conceptual Approach
This concept-based paper seeks to identify new methods for content development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses in the Global South. Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa countries include a lack of VET institutions, qualified teachers, and learning resources. In addition, there is a lack of electricity and limited access to internet connections. However, …

A Generative AI Puzzle Educational Game for Decision Making Skill Training With a Clue Exploration Mechanism
Decision making is an increasingly valued skill in both schools and workplace. Lectures and case analysis remain limited in fostering decision-making skills due to a lack of contextual simulation, insufficient interactivity, and low learning motivation. Utilizing game-based learning to develop decision-making skills may help overcome these limitations. Therefore, in this study, we designed a decision-making …

Investigating How AI Technology Can Enhance Instruction of Future Teachers
In this qualitative study, the authors investigated how the use of AI technology, specifically Magic School AI, in a STEM methods course for secondary teachers in the southern United States impacted a class of 10 preservice teachers’ opinions about using such technology to create lesson plans and assessments. Data collection included analysis of Google Form …

National-Level Cross-Cluster Rotation Training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Through the Looking Glass of Residents
In Singapore, there are 2 sponsoring institutions (SI) under the Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBGYN) residency program, namely SingHealth and National University Health System. The compulsory cross-cluster rotation training (CCRT) exercise was introduced in 2023 as an additional component to the six-year OBGYN residency program. Thirteen fifth-year residents (R5) in both SI underwent CCRT in the …

Characteristics of Dropout Indonesia’s Online Students at Universitas Terbuka
This study investigated some characteristics of dropped out online learning students within the first year. It used interview data from 16 participants from three dissimilar locations: Jakarta (metropolitan), Palembang (urban), and Ambon (rural). Purposive sampling was used in this study. It was expected that they would be a reliable source of authentic information. To ensure …

Exploring the Relationship Between Realistic Optimism and Big Five Personality Traits Among Indian University Students
This study explores the relationship between realistic optimism and the Big Five personality traits among Indian university students, offering insights into these constructs in a non-Western context. Realistic optimism, emphasizing a hopeful yet grounded perspective toward the future, was measured using Nishaat’s (2018) Realistic Optimism Scale, while personality traits were assessed using the Ten-Item Personality …

The Role of Social Media In Government Communication During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of KSA
The objective of this study was to examine the role of official government social media accounts as a reliable source of information during the COVID-19 epidemic. This thesis was developed and refined to understand the significance of social media in enabling government communication in Saudi Arabia during the pandemic crisis. The investigation examined the nature …

Your Justice Is Different From My Justice: Quantifying Mental State Variation of Identical Words Through a Case Study of Korean Newspaper Corpora
This study offers a quantitative investigation of a well-established question in theoretical linguistics: how identical words can carry subtle semantic variations across different contexts. While linguists have long recognized this phenomenon, empirical measurement has been elusive. Using computational linguistic techniques, this research analyzes politically contrasting two Korean newspapers as corpora to demonstrate and quantify how …

Socioeconomic Status of Bamboo-Based Handicrafts Producers: A Case Study in Handessa Grama Niladhari Division, Kandy, Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, the production of bamboo crafts and utensils largely relies on local knowledge specific to the regions where bamboo plantations are situated. The bamboo-based handicraft industry in Sri Lanka comprises semi-skilled, unorganized, disintegrated, and economically disadvantaged workers who face notable social discrimination. However, the industry has the potential to improve the socioeconomic status …

Campus Cinema: University Portrayals in Contemporary Films
This research analyses English-speaking films made from 2014 to 2024 that are primarily set in university environments. The main aim is to investigate the role of universities in these films, focusing on how these institutions are depicted and whether they adhere to stereotypical representations. By examining a diverse selection of movies, this research also seeks …

Exploring Physics Concepts on the “Fahombo” Stone Jumping Tradition in Nias Tribe, Indonesia
Physics learning in Indonesia is still regarded as a subject that students fear and find boring. One way to address this issue is by integrating local culture with physics concepts. This study investigates the physics concepts embedded in the traditional stone-jumping tradition, “Fahombo,” practiced by the Nias tribe in Indonesia. Fahombo is a cultural ceremony …

Discursive Representation of Older People in Taiwanese Newspapers on the COVID-19 Pandemic
News representation of older people has been observed to stigmatize or stereotype them in ways that raise concerns about the reinforcement of social ageism, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent Western literature (2020-2021) has revealed that, in the context of COVID-19, older people are primarily depicted as a vulnerable, homogeneous, or misbehaving group. Such discourses …

Social Media Use and Body-Shaming as Predictors in Possible Development of Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms Among Filipino Bodybuilders
Muscle Dysmorphia, a sub-type of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, is influenced by biological, psychological, cognitive, and sociological factors. This study explored the predictive effects of social media use and body shaming on muscle dysmorphic symptoms among non-clinical Filipino bodybuilders. It examined the prevalence and relationships between these variables. Using General Linear Model Regression analysis, social media …

Exploring the Relationship Between Thai EFL Learner’s Communication Competence, Gender, and Extramural English: A Study in Teacher Training University
The L2 communication competence is a vital skill for enhancing learners’ global communication, academic and professional opportunities, cultural understanding, cognitive development, and social integration. This study investigates on the level of Thai EFL learner’s communication competence and what relationship between Thai EFL learner’s communication competence, gender, and extramural English. The research method is deemed a …

Cross-Validation of Perception of Inclusion Questionnaire in Higher Education
Background: A measure named Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire (PIQ) was originally developed to assess primary school students’ perception of inclusive education. It measures students’ school well-being, social integration, and academic self-concept. Objective: This study cross-validated the PIQ for application to students in higher education. Methods: A questionnaire consisted of items of sociodemographic characteristics, PIQ, and …

Comparative Study of Minjung Theology and Kierkegaardian Philosophy: Toward Emotion of Han and Hope
South Korea has had the stigma of having the highest suicide rate among OECD countries for 20 years. The suicide problem in South Korea is very complex, involving social and personal reasons. This paper aims to analyze the concept of han (恨), or suffering experienced by South Koreans, from a theological and philosophical perspective. The …

Developing a Course in a P-12 Educational Leadership Doctoral Program to Support Disability Education
Educational leaders can be the biggest support and resource in schools and districts for special educators who teach students with disabilities in preschool-12th grade settings. Although candidates in preschool-12th grade doctoral leadership programs assume assistant principal, principal, and director positions in public school settings that service students with disabilities, many have not had a single …

ADHD Prevention through Mandatory Suicidal Prevention Education in Korean School
Background: The prevalence rate of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) consistently increases in Korea, and the suicide rate is higher in older agegroups. Recent studies indicate that suicidal behaviors and ADHD share common genetic factors related to impulsivity, leading to suicidal behavior. The Ministry ofHealth and Welfare has initiated suicide prevention education which students and …

Comparative Analysis of Traditional Method of Teaching Academic Writing vs ChatGPT-Method
This study provided a comparative analysis conducted to determine the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods for teaching academic writing versus AI-assisted teaching using text bots such as ChatGPT, where students learned autonomously with pre-prepared prompts. As for a pre-test session, 60 students from Maqsut Narikbayev University were randomly chosen by their intermediate English knowledge. They …

Vocal-Performance Curriculum Development and Praxis in Romanian Higher Education
The current paper is an analysis of vocal performance curriculum development within the core of bachelor’s degrees in Romania as they transitioned to the Bologna Process to ensure credit transferability within EU higher education institutions, worldwide accepted quality performance standards and, ultimately, to provide marketable professional singers for the international stages. The study includes teaching …

On the Use of Original Audiovisual Documents and Manuscript to Teach “The Little Prince”
This article introduces several original documents used to teach French and French Literature to Taiwanese university students. The audiovisual documents were made in cooperation with a female French singer and harp player, a former Taiwanese student who studied French and visual arts, and a Taiwanese teacher. The result of our work is a video with …

Issues With Midwife-Obstetrician Collaborations: An Analysis of Three Medical Malpractice Cases
Midwives and obstetricians are involved in making critical decisions regarding the safety of both the mother and child; hence, an adequate collaboration between them is imperative. This study aimed to identify issues in midwife-obstetrician collaborations by examining three representative perinatal medical malpractice court cases between 1999 and 2021. In Japan, researching judicial decisions is considered …

DIMenGeComS in Action: Evaluating its Effectiveness on Grade 8 Mendelian Genetics Education
In the Philippines, creating an innovative and reliable digital interactive resource for Biology teaching and learning is a never-ending task because there aren’t many learning resources available to all students. In response to the lack of dependable visualization resources, researchers developed Digital Interactive Mendelian Genetics Comic Stories (DIMenGeComS) as supplemental learning material for Mendelian Genetics …

Formative Assessment Practices of Middle School Mathematics Teachers in the Dominican Republic
This descriptive phenomenology study investigated middle school mathematics teachers' formative assessment practices in the Dominican Republic. The study explored three research questions about types of formative assessment strategies teachers implemented, how they used formative assessment data to make instructional decisions, and the challenges they faced implementing these strategies. Eighteen middle school mathematics teachers from public …

The Female Gaze and the Middle-Aged Filipino Women’s Reception of Empowered/Disempowered Women in Korean Television Series
Since the 1990s, ‘Hallyu’ or the ‘Korean wave’ has become one of the biggest cultural phenomena across Asia, resulting in a surge in foreign demand for all things Korean. Hallyu first spread to China and Japan, later to Southeast Asia, including the Philippines. The present study delves into ‘Hallyu,’ more specifically, the K-dramas. This study …

Telling Individual Engagement Stories (TIES): Initial Action Towards Family Engagement Program
Parent–school partnership is an essential component to ensure positive students’ academic performance. Parents’ active involvement in their children’s education helps the school for its students to achieve their academic goals. As soon as parents enroll their children and once they enter the physical school, the child’s academic success heavily depends on the teachers’ role inside …

The Relationship Between Secondary Students’ Experiences With STEM Teachers and Their Choice of Postsecondary STEM Major
This study examined the influence of high school teachers’ perceived treatment of students on their eventual choice of college major in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field. Logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with choosing postsecondary STEM majors among students who considered STEM majors while in high school. Data were drawn …

The Evolution of Visual Representation of the Body: From Mirrors to Digital Image
This paper argues that as the mediums for observing our bodies evolve from mirrors to analog photography and eventually to digital images, the increasing roughness of these mediums and images leads to a shift in the relationship between individuals and their self-images. This relationship moves from identification to gradual separation, ultimately resulting in rupture and …

Using Online Resources in Teaching Arabic as a Second Language in Non-Arab Countries
The forms and methods of education are closely related to the primary sources and forms of information transmission because information transmission is also one of the most essential components of knowledge transmission. During the last decade, when the Internet and online technologies and platforms have become available to almost everyone, they have actively penetrated the …

The Influence of Traditional Media and Social Media on Public Agenda-setting: A Case Study of Epidemic
In China’s media environment in recent years, social media is considered to be far more influential than traditional media in setting the public agenda. However, this paper argues that under special circumstances such as the outbreak of a large-scale epidemic, the status of traditional media and social media in setting the public agenda will change …

Social Media Dynamics in Indonesian Politics: Social Media Political Marketing and Branding in the 2024 Presidential Elections
Following the conclusion of Indonesia’s 2024 presidential election, social media’s role as a crucial tool in political marketing has become even clearer. With Indonesia’s vast online population, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, who comprised over half of the electorate, social media platform especially Instagram served as essential channel for candidate engagement and voter influence. This …

The Language of Desire: Decoding the Aesthetic Experience Through Art Festival’s Promotional Materials on Xiaohongshu
Over the past decade, art festivals have become a popular tool for spatial regeneration and cultural innovation. By transforming familiar spaces into new and unknown places, art festivals create a creative atmosphere and give new meaning to day-to-day life. In the pre-exposure stage of event design, promotional materials embody the organisers’ creativity and provide room …

Hegemonic Mimicry in South Korean Division Blockbusters: Sunshine Policy within Compressed Modernity
This paper explores how Korean Division Blockbusters, exemplified by the film Steel Rain, mirrors the shifting dynamics of ‘otherness’ on the Korean peninsula, showcasing the potential for peace between North and South Korea. It underscores the pivotal role of the Sunshine Policy in shaping an ambivalent yet humanized portrayal of North Korea in Korean Division …

Analysis of Language Use in the Discourse of Buying and Selling Interactions at Sungguminasa Traditional Market, South Sulawesi
This study delves into the intricate use of language variation in buying and selling interactions at Sungguminasa Traditional Market, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Through observations involving 5 sellers and 5 buyers conversing in Indonesian with Makassar dialect, Makassarese with Konjo dialect, English, and Arab, the research uncovers how different languages and dialects are employed to create …

What Journalists Ask When Channels Are Blocked: A Topic Modeling of Requests on Education via Brazil’s Freedom of Information Act Under Bolsonaro’s Administration
This research examines how the hostile policy of the extreme right-wing Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2023) towards the critical journalism has affected the access to public information by journalists in education. An exploratory data analysis was performed on the public database of requests of the Brazilian Freedom of Information Act (LAI). The years 2019 and …

Audiophilia in the Age of Streaming: Preserving Aesthetics, Ritual, and Identity
Before the new millennium, the word “audiophile” evoked imagery of shrine-like stacks of componentry, shelves of vinyl or compact discs, and ritualistic actions towards the summoning of sound. Listening to music was often a communal experience, centered around systems in a shared space. But is that conception slowly disappearing? “Legacy” audiophiles are aging, and younger …

Modern Japanese Youth’s Ideologies As Seen in Vocaloid Music – Focusing on the Period From 2007 to 2011
VOCALOID is a voice synthesizer developed by Yamaha Corp. Following the development of VOCALOID, a new genre of music called Vocaloid music was born, and has gained significant popularity among young Japanese audiences. Given the dominance of young listeners and creators within this genre, Vocaloid music is said to greatly influent young Japanese people. Therefore, …

The Discursive Turning Point: The Inverted Representation of President Joko Widodo on the Cover of Tempo Magazine
This study examines the representation of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (known as Jokowi) on the covers of Tempo magazine. The focus is on the discursive representation of the president in these covers. The main issue examined in this study is the ideological shift in the way Jokowi was represented in Tempo through its verbal and …

The Capitalocene and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
A debate rages over earth’s entry into the geologic epoch referred to as the Anthropocene which acknowledges the negative impact that humans have had on the evolution of the earth, especially its impact on air quality and life on the planet. Responses to the Anthropocene assume a collective global responsibility for the degraded state of …

Unmasking Hate: A Critical Analysis of Anti-LGBTQ+ Discourse in Malaysian Social Media
Discrimination against non-heteronormative individuals in Malaysia is a systemic issue extending across various societal levels. Mainstream media, in this regard, has been shown to play a significant role in framing public discourse, often reinforcing existing societal norms, thus further marginalizing non-heteronormative communities and supporting cis-heterosexism as the prevailing ideology. Particularly alarming is the discourse surrounding …

Implementation of Language Proficiency Assessments for the Training of Community Interpreters
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies is planning to conduct language proficiency measurement tests (aptitude tests) in the fields of medical and infectious diseases, school and education, administration (disaster), and administration (tax) to have students certified according to the ISO 13611:2024 Interpreting – Requirements and guidelines for community interpreters. The main objectives of this initiative are: …

PRIMM Model Towards Malaysian Matriculation Students’ Motivation in Learning Programming
As computer programming becomes one of the most sought-after skills, novice learners, especially Malaysian Matriculation students, struggle to grasp the ideas of computational thinking. The lack of time in the traditional classroom also inhibits constructive communication. These also cause high stress and low self-efficacy in learning programming languages. This research has been guided by constructivism …

Beyond the Classroom: Experiments in Teaching and Learning Languages in a Post-Pandemic World
In the age of AI, plagiarism, and post-pandemic stress, language instructors must find new ways to engage students using more flexible and inclusive teaching methods. As learning practices evolve, new technologies and pedagogies are critical to enable personalized and engaging learning experiences that bring students together in ways that traditional lectures, translations, and tests cannot. …

The Impact of Gamification on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Literature Review on the Affective, Cognitive and Psychomotor Domains
The implementation of gamification has become a new trend in education by integrating technological advancement with game elements to enhance students’ learning. Although a considerable number of literature reviews exist about gamification in educational contexts, few literature reviews have focused on analyzing the impacts of gamification on students’ learning and outcomes. However, there is no …

Perceived Skills Development Acquisition Needs of Agricultural Students in Public Colleges of Education in Kwara State, Nigeria
The concept of skills acquisition is a global concept that needs to be embraced at all levels of human endeavor given this, the study was set to investigate the perceived indices for skills development acquisition needed among NCE agricultural undergraduate students in public colleges of Education in Kwara state, Nigeria. The sample size comprises all …

Eavesdropping: Its Significance to Narrative in “Abhijñānaśākuntala”
Although eavesdropping normally is considered inappropriate, in classical literature like Sanskrit it is interestingly acceptable, which leads to the very objective of this article, i.e. to study the function of eavesdropping in Sanskrit literature, Abhijñānaśākuntala or Śakuntalā the well-known Sanskrit play as the case study and the narratology as research methodology. The research question is …

The Preservation of Culture and Indigenous Languages in a Multiculturalism Context
Culture as a way of life ought to be preserved accordingly in different indigenous communities that prides itself with their heritage. Language transfers knowledge and practices that instils indigenous life skills education to a particular ethnic group maintaining their culture for their own benefit. The issue behind the distortion of culture and indigenous languages is …

Breaking Boundaries: How Design Transforms Social Roles and Gender Stereotypes
Considering design as a discipline capable of initiating transformative processes in society unveils a scenario rich with potential evolutions. Social norms contribute to defining identities when investigated through perspectives encompassing gender, culture and ethnicity. The constant presence of design in people’s lives brings an unquestionable social mandate, and Maldonado (2019) expresses the necessity of contemplating …

Authenticity and Monetization Practices of Thai Influencers on Instagram and TikTok
The rise of social media culture has empowered internet-famous individuals, commonly referred to as influencers, to generate commercialized media content across various social media platforms. In particular, the emergence of social media culture is growing significantly, especially within the realm of online commerce. Using a social semiotic multimodal approach, this paper investigates the strategies employed …

“Warming Rock” of Japanese Cuisine
In contemporary Japanese, the word “kaiseki” is written with characters for “gathering” (KAI/AU) and “seat, occasion, place” (SEKI) and commonly refers to an exquisite Japanese banquet cuisine. Kaiseki is characterized by its delicious, refined, seasonal, local, and expensive nature. A kaiseki meal typically consists of a succession of about a dozen courses, masterfully prepared from …

ESL Students and Teachers’ Perceptions of Qualities of English Language Teachers
The qualities of a good English language teacher play a key role in the effective English language instruction. Most importantly, students are influenced by the good qualities of a language teacher. Hence, the present paper delves into the students’ perceptions of the essential attributes and characteristics that define good English language teachers. A structured questionnaire …

Development of Print Media for Learning Motivation Using Creative Designs in Printing, Decorating, and Book Making
The print media are currently focused on impressive design, creative graphic, and special production techniques to stand out among electronic media. The objective of this study was to create a motivated book sample to promote print media for learning enhancement by using creative design of printing, decorating, and book making. The graphic arts were designed …

From College-Professor to School-Teacher: A Small Step for Students, a Giant Leap for Teachers, or Vice Versa?
The transition from being a high school pupil to becoming a college (or university) student might place high requirements in terms of in the learning abilities and maturity. For most people the role of the college professor might seem quite similar to that of the high school teacher. However, as students differ from pupils, in …

Journalists and Machines: Applying the Technology Adaptation Model to Understand AI Use in TV Journalism
This study explores the incorporation and interpretation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in journalism through in-depth interviews with six journalists from three significant Indonesian news television channels: CNN Indonesia, Kompas TV, and TV One. This research seeks to gain insight into the manner in which journalists adjust to and perceive the integration of artificial intelligence …

Design of Project-Based Learning to Support Bioprocess Understanding in Kombucha Project: Integrating Design, Plan, Analysis and Present
Since the continuous development of Technology in the context of manufacturing, and education sector, the collaboration between manufacturing and education has rapidly adjusted school curriculum to create the new learning approaches. In this research, Kombucha fermentation process was utilized to design learning bioprocess comprehension for the 70 Bioengineering senior high school students (Grade 11th students). …

The Collaborative Mobile Ancient Route Learning for Supporting Geo-History Knowledge and 4C’s Skill Through Google Map Applications
Since the advancements in technology, it has led to a transformation in various learning approach. The convenience to access information from online-databased has rapidly prompted schools worldwide to start incorporating certain technologies into teaching and learning practices as deemed appropriate. In this research, the Google Maps application was utilized to design learning experiences for Grade …

Virtual Confessions: Understanding the Needs and Functions of Israeli Confession Pages on Facebook
This study investigated the attributes of confession pages on Facebook, their role within social networks, and their impact on society. It also explored the themes of posts uploaded to confession pages, their defining traits, the need for confession pages as a means for authors to evoke responses and support, and the effects of anonymity on …

Promoting Workplace Comprehension Through Situated Interactive Simulation of Recruitment Mobile Game
“Recruitment” is an important key and strategic tool for businesses to gain competitive capital and advantages. Businesses should disclose more accurate information about internal conditions and real job previews in recruitment activities to help job applicants understand the work environment and make the right decision to seek employment. This study used the thinglink digital platform …

Virtual Linguistic Landscape of Saudi Arabia’s Language Policy in Higher Educational Institutions’ Websites
This study aims at examining Saudi Arabia’s language policy through the virtual linguistic landscape (VLL) of the kingdom’s higher educational institutions’ websites. The study sought to reveal the languages evident in the university websites, their informational and symbolic functions, and the current language situation of the Kingdom. Results reveal that there are four available languages; …

Developing an Educational Program for Caregivers of Stroke Patients: Integrating Well-being and Basic Psychological Needs
The objective of this study was to develop an educational program tailored to the needs of adult informal caregivers of stroke patients, focusing on enhancing caregivers’ well-being through the integration of principles of psychological capital and basic psychological needs satisfaction. Drawing on quantitative data from 100 adult caregivers, the study investigated the correlation between psychological …

“Transfigured Reminiscence”: A Vintage Porcelain Figurine Reborn Through 3D Virtualization and Kintsugi Art
Pottery and porcelain are inherently delicate and easily damaged, particularly during transportation or through inadvertent handling. Such damage diminishes their value. While traditional restoration methods may not fully recover the original value of these objects, the co-creation of new artifacts that fuse two distinct cultural traditions produces a new object with unique value. Our current …

Self-Confidence in Theater Acting: The Role of Self-Concept in Campus Theater
Self-confidence is a crucial factor for theater actors to perform well on stage. This study aims to analyze the influence of self-concept on the self-confidence of actors. The study specifically focuses on actors from the Campus Theater Institute of the Faculty of Arts and Design, Makassar State University (Terkam FSD UNM) who have experience as …

Exploring Undergraduate Attitudes Toward Study Abroad: Insights From a Cross-Sectional Study
This cross-sectional study conducted in 2023 explores the attitudes of 94 undergraduate students in Vietnam toward studying abroad. The investigation focuses on the perceived importance of studying abroad, particularly in Japan, and the preferences guiding the selection of study abroad destinations. Utilizing a five-level Likert scale, the questionnaire measured participants’ attitudes, revealing that 6.4% had …

The Subjective Narrator in the Novel “Njai Warsih” by Thio Tjin Boen: A Narratological Analysis
Narrator is an important element in a story because he has the ability to deliver, take control of, show, or hide stories through the narration. In that important position, the narrator is able to have subjectivity in his narration. The subjectivity of the narrator can be found in the Njai Warsih novel by Thio Tjin …

Coparenting and Parental Satisfaction in Parents of Children with Disabilities
Coparenting describes how parents coordinate joint responsibility for raising their children, supporting or undermining each other’s parenting efforts. The presentation summarises my research exploring the relationship of coparenting in parents of children with disabilities with their parental satisfaction. Variables such as the age of the child with a disability and their functional status were also …

Science Education Initiatives in Tanzania: Review of the National Interventions From 1960’s to 2020’s
Investment in science education is crucial for the economic development of any country. This systematic review examines science education initiatives in Tanzania by focusing on the key areas of the interventions, challenges and strategies for improvement. A critical question is: What are the short, medium, and long-term strategies Tanzania could rethink for science education to …

Cultural Capital Development: A Case Study of Local Entrepreneurs on Textile Design and Production in Nan Province, Northern Thailand
Cultural capital exists in both tangible and intangible forms, encompassing lifestyle, beliefs, architecture, products, and objects that constitute integral parts of societal fabric. Especially concerning tangible cultural capital like traditional textiles, it conveys economic value. Cultural textiles in Thailand are crafted from silk, cotton, or hemp and are produced ethically, benefiting local communities. The diverse …

SDGs for Indigenous People: Exploring the Effectiveness of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh
This research aims to investigate the development projects in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) areas of Bangladesh and intends to determine the effectiveness and functioning of the FPIC properly before taking development projects. The indigenous community has the right to approve or reject any proposed initiatives that might have an impact on them. This study …

Maria Firmina dos Reis’s Ursula: Voices From a Black Brazilian Writer in the Nineteenth Century
In this study, I analyze how the novel Ursula, written in the 1850s, gives voice to the search for social justice in nineteenth-century Brazil before the abolition of slavery in 1888. Similarly to Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the U.S.A., the book provides the reader with a heartfelt testimony and plea for social justice. Through the …

Body as an Intrinsic Value of Communication
The Syrian Civil War has profoundly impacted many people, particularly those who have been displaced. Women, often rendered invisible, find that their voices are inadequately recognized as relevant in various contexts. However, women in the Middle East have transformed their bodies into intrinsic values to communicate with the external world. This paper analytically investigates why …

Language Retention and Identity Dynamics: Assessing First Language Attrition in Bilingual Adolescents
Building on foundational research in language attrition, this study investigated the impact of second language acquisition on first language retention among 250 high school students in Azerbaijan. Employing the Language Dominance Framework and Social Identity Theory, this qualitative research utilized thematic analysis of focus group interviews to develop a theory on the significant influence of …

Antonio Millán-Puelles: The Master Leads His Disciple to Reach the Age of Moral Majority
The primary objective of this paper is to theoretically explore the role of the educator as a guide for learners towards achieving moral autonomy, based on Antonio Millán-Puelles’ work “The Formation of the Human Personality.” First, it systematizes the contributions of the Spanish philosopher regarding the educator’s task as a guide. Secondly, it examines the …

The Educational Significance of Variety Shows on Young People’s Career Choices: The Case of the Chinese Variety Show ‘Let’s Farm’
“Let’s farm” is a reality show launched by the Chinese video platform iQIYI. The program invites ten young people lacking agricultural knowledge to undergo a six-month closed farming experience in the countryside of Hangzhou, China. It documents their arduous journey from zero to establishing their own agricultural company in a documentary style. After the show …

Pink Films at the 1983 Manila International Film Festival: Diplomacy Through Erotic Cinema Between the Philippines and Japan
The state-sponsored Manila International Film Festival (MIFF) of the 1980s was among the more controversial film festivals of its time. Boycotted by several guilds due to its connection with the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos Sr., the MIFF relied on the presence of renowned Asian filmmakers to legitimize itself. The 1983 iteration of the festival, however, …

When Disaster Creates Ruptures: Analyzing the Influence of Media Narratives in the Aftermath of the 1970 East Pakistan Cyclone
The impact of media on the cultural and political consequences of disasters is a significant focus within the field of disaster politics. This is particularly relevant in regions prone to conflicts, where media coverage can influence public perceptions and government responses. The current research aims to examine the influence of national, regional, and international media …

Women in Morris’s Life and His Literary Realm
William Morris (24 March 1834 –3 October 1896) was a British textile designer, poet, decorated artist, utopian writer, and socialist-political activist associated with the British Arts and Crafts Movement. Morris is one of the best-known and most prolific Victorian authors. He is a passionate social reformer, an early environmentalist, an educationalist, and a would-be feminist. …

The Visual Representation of Gender Roles in Primary School Textbooks in Indonesia
This article focuses on the extent to which visual representations of both males and females in widely used primary school textbooks reinforce gender stereotypes. The research applies a multimodal approach based on visual social semiotics (Kress & van Leeuwen 2006). The research aims to critically examine social semiotic sources, reveal ideas and values, and how …

From Analysis to Action: Empowering Teachers with Addie for Effective Material Design
Teachers play a crucial role in shaping student learning experiences, but they often face challenges in crafting high-quality learning materials that would respond to diverse learning preferences and needs, aligned with curriculum objectives (Guskey, 2000).Student achievement can be hindered by the lack of effective materials and lead to teachers feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. This study …

Tele-Presence: A Critical Study of Telematic-Art in the Context of Dromology and Spatio-Temporal Perception
This research takes the current background of “telecommunication-based digital performance” as its context, analyzing how digital performances transform the concept of “physical presence” into “mediated presence” through remote connections under driven of telecommunications by utilizing Paul Virilio’s theoretical concept of “Dromology.” Three Taiwanese famous government-funded pieces of digital performance titled “Lunatic Town” (2021), “Turn Left, …

Cultural Diplomacy: The Activities of the Bali Gamelan Tunas Mekar Community With I Made Lasmawan in Denver, United States
Balinese gamelan is one of the traditional Indonesian musical instruments that is growing rapidly in the United States, especially in Denver. Gamelan became famous and popular in America in the mid-1950s when the Institute of Ethnomusicology at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) began to introduce a series of Javanese gamelan, and this was …

Investigating the Impact of Technology on Adult Learners in a Distance-Education Mentoring Program for Women Leaders
In this qualitative study, the researchers examined the usefulness of certain technologies [e.g., Zoom, National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) webinars/workshops, Google Drive, and WhatsApp] utilized during a two-year distance-education based mentoring program for adult learners enrolled in graduate school in the southern United States called [Wo]Mentoring. The [Wo]Mentoring project is a competitive, …

Beyond Idealism: Fostering Ethical Practices Among Preservice Special Education Teachers
Many preservice teachers enter their training programs with preconceived ideals of the qualities of a “good” teacher. Although some qualities are admirable, these ideals are vague and can potentially lead to problematic and complicated interactions between students and teachers. Establishing professional boundaries with students and their families is necessary for healthy and ethical relationships between …

Career Construction Counseling: Exploring Intervention, Intensity, and Outcomes
Mark Savickas’s Career Construction counseling model aims to help individuals develop a narrative identity that gives meaning to their transitions, helps with emotional regulation, and allows them to project into the future, encouraging them to act. Supporting the reconstruction of narrative identity promotes the emergence of new career plans in a constantly changing and transitioning …

Rationale, Structure and Results of Distance Career Interventions: Systematic Literature Review
Due to global technological advances, psychology professionals have experienced constant changes in their daily routines. The field of career development and vocational psychology is no different. Amplified by the adjustments brought about by the circumstances of the pandemic, there has been an increased demand for and development of various distance intervention methodologies. This study presents …

Using Case Studies to Develop Policymaking Competencies in Continuing Education: Integrating Practice and Experience
This paper presents findings on the use of case studies in practitioner-based, continuing education public policy programmes. Unlike academic programmes that lead to a degree or certificate, continuing education programmes are normally shorter in duration and comprise stackable segments to cater to the needs of working adults. Adult learners of foundation-level public policy programmes want …

Deconstructing and Reconstructing Realities: Collage as a Feminist Tool of Empowerment, Protest, and Expression
This paper explores the multifaceted role of collage as a feminist strategy for empowerment, protest, and expression, highlighting its significance in the feminist art movement. Collage, characterized by its inherent process of cutting, rearranging, and juxtaposing various elements, is a metaphor for the feminist endeavor to dissect and reconfigure societal narratives about gender and power. …

Integrating Indonesian Cultural Values in Creating Visual Identity for International Forum: Indonesian Cultural Context in Graphic Design
The importance of designing a visual identity as a strategy to promote a positive image of a country is increasing in the context of globalization. Visual identity is a critical element in building and strengthening the nation’s image. As a country that participates in and hosts several international forums, Indonesia has involved professional practitioners in …

Teachers’ Work Motivation-Administrators’ Leadership Styles Nexus
This study focuses on the relationship between leadership styles and work motivation in five private and five public elementary schools in Marawi City, Lanao Del Sur. The research uses the Path-Goal Theory of Robert House to analyze the leaders’ leadership styles and the relationship between teachers’ work motivation and their leaders’ leadership styles. The study …

Lifestyle-Oriented Urban Collage, the Future of Hong Kong “Tong Lau”? A Case Study of Tai Hang District
Emerging in mid-19th century Hong Kong, Tong Lau represents a unique architectural heritage blending Chinese traditions with colonial influences, characterised by ground-floor shops and upper-floor residences. Despite their historical significance, many Tong Lau face demolition due to intensive urbanisation. This research examines how Tai Hang District, a historic neighbourhood in Hong Kong, demonstrates an alternative …

Investigating the Impact of Community-Based Learning (CBL) in Computer Science Education
Community-based learning (CBL) is lauded for fostering academic and personal development, but existing research primarily utilizes qualitative methods. This study addresses this gap by quantitatively assessing the impact of CBL on computer science students across various domains. Employing a survey with a 10-point Likert scale, we analyze student perceptions of CBL’s influence on academics, critical …

Benefits of Orff Music Intervention in Improving Auditory Response and Auditory Learning Ability for Preschool Children
Music training has been proven to promote auditory reaction and auditory learning ability, but this theory has not been explored in preschool children in Taiwan. Based on Orff Schulwer, this study developed a set of Orff music intervention suitable for the improvement of auditory reaction of preschool children in Taiwan, and developed a test of …

Characteristics of Ngremo Munali Fatah Dance Movements Using Biomechanical Analysis Through Motion Capture As Cultural Preservation
Ngremo Munali Fatah Dance is a traditional East Javanese dance that has cultural and aesthetic values. This study identifies the differences in motion characteristics in Ngremo Munali Fatah Dance for older generation and younger generation dancers, using Laban Movement Analysis (Shape) and biomechanics through motion capture as an effort to preserve culture. This research uses …

Comparative Analysis of Foucault’s “What is an Author?” and Jung Dae Yoon’s Korean Television Series “W: Two Worlds Apart”
This research conducts a comparative analysis between Michel Foucault’s essay “What is an Author?” and Jung’s K-Drama “W: Two Worlds Apart”, aiming to explore contemporary visual storytelling’s reflection of Foucault’s ideas on authorship and narrative agency. Foucault’s essay challenges traditional notions of authorship, advocating for a focus on the discursive formations surrounding writers and their …

Performance Measurements of Community-Friendly Schools in Hong Kong
This research evaluates the performance of community-friendly schools in Hong Kong, a new educational model introduced by CCC Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School since 2016. Community-friendly schools, though few in number, aim to balance resource utilization while fulfilling both educational and social needs. The study adopts a descriptive mixed research method, utilizing questionnaires …

Analysis of Tasks Presented in an EFL Textbook ‘Practise Your English Competence’ Through Coursebook Analysis Framework
Tasks presented in a textbook are one of the aspects which should be evaluated since the textbook should provide a variety of materials and assignments to help students in engaging with the language used in communication. This research delves into an analysis of the tasks in EFL textbook “Practise Your English Competence” for grade 8 …

Bridging Tradition and Innovation: Transforming Omani Hand Weaving Motifs Into Contemporary Fiber Art
A creative strategy for protecting and reviving cultural heritage is the investigation and conversion of traditional Omani hand weaving motifs into contemporary fiber art. This article explores the rich history of Omani hand weaving, looking at the customs, patterns, and motifs that are used. Artists are able to create visually striking and culturally significant works …

A Study on Biographies of the Garo Community in Terms of Colonial Cultural Invasion and Modernity in the Village of Hariakona, Sherpur, Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, the Garos is one of the most prominent matriarchal indigenous groups. They have lived in this country for generations, preserving their own tradition and lifestyle. The Garos has an extensive religious, social and cultural heritage as the matriarchal group. As a result of colonial cultural invasion, this rich history, tradition and the distinctive …

Building a Skilled Workforce: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in Palestine’s Vocational and Technical Education System
The main aim of the research was to evaluate the existing status of vocational and technical education in Palestine, with a specific focus on the challenges and obstacles identified by experts. The study sought to investigate these issues by taking into account various factors, such as educational background, gender, and years of experience. The research …

Syllabus Review as a Leitmotif to Achieving Educational Objectives: The Case of the Botswana Junior Certificate of Education Syllabus of French
As the world evolves, a lot of transformation equally happens in the teaching domain: educational theories, teaching methods, learning approaches as well as how human beings interact with the world. This forms the basis of reviews that are carried out in recognition of societal advancements as well as to satisfy the need to align to …

A Monograph for the Teaching of Geometry and Measurement in Initial Teacher Education in South Africa: Foundation and Intermediate Phases
When learning Geometry, students may tend to memorise properties, relationships, and formulae and may even attempt to solve problems mechanically. However, Geometry provides students with opportunities to engage with logic and reasoning beyond only symbols, but within spatial contexts as well. There is a tendency that Geometry, as it stands in the curriculum, is interpreted …

The Development of Science Activity Packages Learning on “The Impact of Particulate Matter 2.5 Micrometer (PM.2.5)” for Mathayomsuksa 1. Students
There were three Purposes of the study: 1) to development and identify educational quality of science activity packages learning on “The Impact of Particulate Matter 2.5 Micrometer (PM.2.5)”. 2) to study learning outcomes; knowledge and science process skills of Mathayomsuksa 1. (Grade 7) Students by science activity packages learning on “The Impact of PM.2.5” and …

Teaching Persuasive Writing for Arabic-Speaking Students
Studies reveal that English-speaking countries are facing problems in teaching the country’s language to emigrants coming from different cultural backgrounds. These problems get worse in non-English speaking countries for students are not exposed to this language in their daily life. This issue has become ubiquitous notably in the Arab world, turning into hate in some …

Glass Design in Portugal Nowadays
Glass has been an interesting material and a challenge to experiment within both art and design fields worldwide. In Portugal, we have a tradition in the glassmaking industry that dates back almost 300 years. After the earthquake of 1755, the Marquis of Pombal ordered the relocation of the glass industry from the south of the …

Fantasy’s Role in Approaching War: A Comparison of Lewis’ “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and Barrie’s “Peter Pan”
This study examines the versatility of fantasy. Fantasy can be stated to be serving as an escape from the ugliness of reality, as well as a medium to propagandize those ugly aspects, specifically regarding war. The study focuses on Peter Pan and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and provides an analysis on how …

Mathematical Interpretation of Perspective in a Combine Painting Composed of Multilayer Cuboids
Cuboids are one of the most common geometries, and the multilayer cuboid is often used in various sculpture and science. Combine painting is an art that incorporates 3D sculpture into 2D painting and produces various visual effects. A significant component of 2D painting is perspective, and the geometric variation of sculpture affects the visual effect …

“The House of Bernarda Alba” by F.G. Lorca: An Online Performance
The central theme of this presentation is the online performance of F. G. Lorca’s “The House of Bernarda Alba”, which was created in Greece by the theatre school of “Periplous Theatre” under the direction of Maria Kantife, during the 2021 quarantine. This performance, of a kind which is now known as digital theatre / performance, …

Should Arts Be Politically Committed? A Case Study on the Criticism of “People’s Justice” Artwork in Documenta Fifteen
Documenta Fifteen in Kassel, Germany, curated by Ruangrupa, immediately became the world’s attention after the boycott of an art installation accused of having anti-Semitic views. Schaap (2011) argues that strict social hierarchies continue to be practiced culturally to suppress and deny the intelligence of small groups who may not have the basic knowledge to understand …

Designing a Social Robot to Support Older Adult Homecare: Qualitative Study of Testing Results
Social robots may be a solution to the growing number of elderly and thus the demand in homecare. Previous work shows good acceptability for robotic tools in homecare. The Guardian project associates a social robot, used by the senior, with an application to be used by caregivers. The objective of this testing phase was to …

Factors Associated with Intended Utilization of Home-Based Long-Term Care Among Older Adults in China: The Moderating Effect of Community Support
Objectives: The older population’s rapid growth and a growing preference for aging in place have resulted in a global focus on using home-based long-term care (LTC) to meet the increased demand for older adults’ care. This study examines the factors associated with the intended utilization of home-based LTC among older adults. Methods: Using a sample …

Empowering University Students in Hong Kong to “Read as a Writer” Rather Than to Merely “Read as a Reader”
Many English-as-a-second-language (ESL) and English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) learners at the tertiary level face difficulties in academic writing and are eager to make improvements in this area, which is crucial to their academic survival in the university. Yet, in most cases, they tend to have overlooked or even neglected the intricate relationship between reading and writing in …

The Societal Impact of Universities: A Qualitative Evaluation of an Education Innovation
With the urgency to respond to the rapid changes undergoing in the world, it is becoming more pivotal than ever for universities to connect and actively engage with society to tackle our current global challenges. In the Netherlands, this shift towards contributing to a positive societal impact has permeated across higher education institutions. Numerous projects …

Students’ Visual Attention Distribution on Multilingual Educational Slides – An Eye-Tracking Study
Internationalization policies at higher educational institutions in non-English speaking countries have led to an increase in multilingual programs for (international) students. Teaching in such programs often requires the use of multiple languages on educational slides (e.g., PowerPoint), with the same information in English and the local language(s). However, having multiple languages on educational slides can …

Attitude Towards Language Maintenance: A Study of Language Practice Among Second Generation Bangladeshi Immigrants Living in London
This research is intended to determine the current status of language maintenance among second generation Bangladeshi immigrants living in London. This study explores Bangladeshi immigrants’ opinions on maintaining their native language “Bangla”. This research integrates qualitative and quantitative research methods and the data of this study was collected through a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews. …

An Education Platform for Observing the Group Swimming of Steelhead, a Migratory Salmonid Species Vulnerable to Climate Change
A migratory trout steelhead is an economically important cold water species whose habitat is shrinking due to environmental and climate changes. Recently, research on species conservation through aquaculture has sparked interest in group swimming in artificial environments. In this study, based on universally accessible two-dimensional image processing, we present a statistical framework of the effects …

An Arts-Based Integrative Teaching and Learning Model: Supporting Social and Emotional Learning in Secondary Schooling Years in Australia
This paper presents the conceptual ideas for designing an Arts-Based Integrative Teaching and Learning Model (AB ITLM) to support Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) as another avenue in secondary school contexts in Australia. It first provides a rationale for integrating three different components: Visual Arts, Expressive Therapies Continuum, and Australian Curriculum with General Capabilities (GC) …

Advancing Teacher Training in Taiwan: Harnessing Virtual Reality to Assess and Enhance Teaching Practical Skills
As a mentor teacher, I frequently receive feedback from intern students during their return-to-campus internships, expressing their perceived lack of professional or adequate teaching abilities. Despite feeling confident in their subject knowledge, they admit to feeling apprehensive about actual teaching. Currently, in Taiwan, the only validated method for assessing educational professional competence before intern students …

Does Financial Support Matter? Scholarships and Study Abroad Preferences for First Year University Students in Japan
This paper looks at differences in study abroad programme preferences collected from online questionnaires taken by two cohorts of first year Japanese university students (2023: n107 and 2024: n99). The rationale for the research was to determine whether students’ preferences i.e. languages, destinations, programme length and type would be affected by changes to funding amounts …

Shaping Epistemological Profiles: School Placement Communities’ Impact on Preservice Teachers’ Personal Discovery and Knowledge Evolution
In educational literature, collaborative contexts have been highlighted as effective teacher development promoters. Especially in initial teacher education (ITE), the role of communities of practice gains prominence during school placement. Given the relevance of preservice teachers’ (PSTs) beliefs in their professional growth, this work aimed to understand these communities’ value in developing epistemological systems. Eleven …

Making a Real Difference in Physical Education: The Contribution of Reflection in Initial Conceptions of the Teaching Profession
In Physical Education literature, reflective practice has been praised through its integration into curriculum programs. Especially in initial teacher education (ITE), the path to follow aims to overcome the barriers imposed by behavioral and technicist approaches, refraining from any critical thinking, questioning or autonomy to both teachers and students. Given the relevance of reflection to …

Beyond the Game: Enhancing Emotional and Physical Childhood Resilience With FlexiŠerming
FlexiŠerming is an innovative method aimed at cultivating resilience in children through playful engagement, grounded in the experiences of an educator and father of four. This approach utilizes a simple, adaptable game to develop resilience as a learnable and expandable skill, addressing contemporary challenges such as overprotection, ubiquitous technology, and increasing social and emotional detachment. …

Exploring Differentiation of Chinese Public English Education in Middle School
This study aims to find out how English teachers in Chinese public-school view and apply stratified teaching in their classroom. The study is part of a larger qualitative study. Four participants are from a middle (junior-high) school in China. This study adopts the combination of interpretivist paradigm and constructivism worldview. The methods used for the …

Interactive Digital Design Skill Set: Crafting Executive Education Curriculum for the 21st Century
Portugal’s education system offers a variety of non-degree programs essential for career advancement where Executive Education encompasses a critical role. Within this context, advancements have been made in recent years, both in the Executive Education field, as in the Interactive Digital Design education field. Nonetheless, ongoing challenges are still widely identified, from competition, technology advancements, …

The Influence of Mathematics Conjecturing-Centred Teaching on Fourth-Graders’ Conjecturing Thinking Process and Active Thinking Ability
The study aimed to implement conjecturing-centred teaching in a fourth- grade classroom to investigate the pupils’ conjecturing thinking process and active thinking ability. The research design was based on the action research method and conducted through two circles which lasted for three months. The research subjects were 24 fourth-graders divided into four groups. They carried …

Intercultural Competence in a Homogeneous and Monocultural Foreign Language Learning Group: Chances and Limits (A Case Study)
The growing cultural diversity among language learners has led to an increased recognition of the importance of developing intercultural competence for both foreign language teachers and learners. This is particularly important when introducing foreign language learners to a new culture without underrating or underestimating their original one. Intercultural competence is generally considered a useful and …

Inclusive Education in the Digital Era: Special Education Teachers’ Perspectives on Technology Integration and Inclusive Practices
As innovative technologies continue to permeate educational settings as useful tools to enhance the learning experience, understanding the perceptions of teachers is crucial. Assistive technologies show promise in supporting diverse learners, and special educational needs (SEN) teachers are pertinent in ensuring the meaningful, directional use of such technologies. Existing research emphasises the importance of users …

Running Against the Norms: Lived Experiences of Indian Women Runners
An in-depth study of the links between space, place, and gender is necessary to understand the dynamics of sporting spaces. Gender relations are spatially organized in Indian society, that is, dominant positions are occupied by men whereas subordinate positions by women, which also resonates within the sporting field. The ‘myth of female frailty’ became a …

Navigating Online Identities: Language Learners’ Narratives in Online Spaces
This research investigates the construction of Saudi university English language learners’ identities in online spaces, such as discussion boards and social media, analyzing how these digital environments influence their learning processes and identity formation. The primary objective is to understand the relationship between online interaction and language learning, focusing on the negotiation of identity through …

The Realization of EFL Students’ Cultural Interpretation About ‘Unboxing K-Life’ Program Towards Their Performance in Translation Class
Translation become the basis of language teaching for a very long time. These days, translation can be used as a teaching technique or even as the teaching media in the classroom. This research tried to observe about the contribution of EFL students’ cultural interpretation related to ‘Unboxing K-Life’ Program towards their performance in translation class. …